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Thai Finance Ministry To Exempt Thaksin's Children From Bt11 Billion In Taxes


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The decision was made some time ago. I believe that thet the Abhisit government was aware of the position and held off on making the decision public. Now Mr. Abhisit gasps in surprise. Now the Democrats can create an issue out of decision that was reached when they were in power.

gk even you know its insider trading,which ever way you look at it.but this is thailand not the west.

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Here is the starter for 10

Expect more of the same!

OK what is your money on ?

Full pardon for his conviction 8 -12 weeks

Our man in Dubai tucking into his Somtam Xmas lunch somewhere in Chang Mai.


In Thailand anything one thinks is impossible, could easily happen, TIT

..................................weary sigh!

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The fist dividend payment s on the shares bought in Thailand Ltd by Thaksin has just been made.

A handsome return on the investment made in a assortment of politicians, rabid political pressure groups and assorted ways and means of getting the masses to vote for your personal party.

The incoming government hasn't even been formed yet and the vampires are already bloodsucking on the financial body of Thailand and its people. Red shirts may well soon have red faces when they see how they've been used to bolster the Thaksin family fortunes.

Explain this one Yingluck

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I wonder why this was up to Jitmanee and not the head director of the Revenue dept, but rather one of the deputies. Makes me wonder if she felt intimidated into pleasing the corrupt family dynasty out of fear or reprisals, now that phuea khwai's oligarchial forces are the devils behind the scene.

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Makes me wonder if she felt intimidated into pleasing the corrupt family dynasty out of fear or reprisals, now that phuea khwai's oligarchial forces are the devils behind the scene.

Please....dont start making excuses for her she isnt naive....what did she do burst into tears....their making me do it ..!!!.....there is a master plan in place and they are all involved....step 1....money released, step full pardon, step 3 dear leader back in Thailand....and so it starts all over

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The decision was made some time ago. I believe that thet the Abhisit government was aware of the position and held off on making the decision public. Now Mr. Abhisit gasps in surprise. Now the Democrats can create an issue out of decision that was reached when they were in power.

Financial scorecard of the Yingluck government to date

* Shinawatra family: + 11 billion baht.

* The poor: Nothing. Promised minimum wage rise retracted.

When are you going to open the other eye. Actually I suppose I should ask, do you have one?

Edited by Crushdepth
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More money for the British economy :blink:

One of my students bumped into Khun Pin a couple of months ago while shopping in "arrods and they seem to be enjoying themselves so must have been on the cards even then.

What they actually chatted about of course I couldnt possibly imagine.....She said WOT?.........mia lai de ploy.....

$$$$.its a rich mans world..init :o

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Makes me wonder if she felt intimidated into pleasing the corrupt family dynasty out of fear or reprisals, now that phuea khwai's oligarchial forces are the devils behind the scene.

Please....dont start making excuses for her she isnt naive....what did she do burst into tears....their making me do it ..!!!.....there is a master plan in place and they are all involved....step 1....money released, step full pardon, step 3 dear leader back in Thailand....and so it starts all over

I think "Great Leader" has a nice ring to it. Better order some kneepads, they'll come in handy later on.

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Thing is 11b baht to "Tax-sin" is nothing, so why broadcast it? Its almost like they want people to know it was a farse

Civil servants suddenly have new political masters and do a quick 180 on all the controversial stuff compared to how they played it under the old political masters. The anti-Thaksinistas highlight it and go a bit mental. Everyone misses the bit at the bottom after all the courts decided stuff that says must go after the tax from Thaksin and Potjaman, which will be difficult considering the new political masters but open doors for those that dont like Thaksin to make a play or two. Politics. I still wonder about the statute of limitations. It gets mentioned

Edited to add: Lets not forget the past bunch didnt really bother with Alpine allowing it to time out too, and this one wasnt really pursued to heavily. Kinda makes me think of something Crispin wrote around February.

Actually, I agree with the decision. Did anyone actually think when Thaksin said the shares were owned by his children that they were really owned by his children? Anyone?

As you know, Crispin's comments were on a deal. I checked with one of the "old" generals and was told it is time to let the PTP have a shot at it. Whether there really was a deal or it is just time to see, it is now in Yingluck's hands.

For sure not,but first they fight in court to prove that the share deal went the way Thaksin described,but when they have to pay taxes on that deal they start another court case in which they actually confirm that they lied in the previous one.Thailand the laughing stock of the world and they're making their best efforts to keep that honor high these days.There are a few more topics in the news forum to prove that.

Edited by janverbeem
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The fist dividend payment s on the shares bought in Thailand Ltd by Thaksin has just been made.

A handsome return on the investment made in a assortment of politicians, rabid political pressure groups and assorted ways and means of getting the masses to vote for your personal party.

The incoming government hasn't even been formed yet and the vampires are already bloodsucking on the financial body of Thailand and its people. Red shirts may well soon have red faces when they see how they've been used to bolster the Thaksin family fortunes.

Explain this one Yingluck

Not this lifetime,as they are so stupid ( uneducated?) and naive that they just don't understand what is actually going on and will celebrate these happenings when they are thrown another bone to chew on.

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The Shinawatra Family is back in Politics and things start to happen, all to their advantage. It is time for people who voted for Yingluck to wake up and realize what they have done.

The majority of those who voted for PTP and Yingluck knew these sort of things would happen and Much More , They DONT CARE

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its not about the money, its about face

in this instance the poor thais have their face rubbed in it.

Hell it's 11 billion - the number of TVF members who are moving their money out and going elsewhere will be taking more than that out of the economy

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The other shoe dropped, as expected.

There will be a shoe store worth of shoes dropping this fall.

At a certain point it will become too much, reach critical mass, and we need start worrying yet again.

Yes, indeed. It's going to be a dance. Testing how far they can go, seeing the reactions, then again and again until the grand goals are met, IF they can get away with it.

As we have seen historically;

Too much is never enough,

when face and respect showed in public

is directly attached to aggregate value.

The prosecution for being proxies is about

Who controlled the VOTING POWER of the shares,

or controled their disposition.

But the person(s) who actual HELD and then sold the shares

should be liable for the taxes on what THEY sold,

not the people who TOLD them to sell and Where or When.

This is just classic:

escape the rational argument

and suck up to the new bosses.

Sadly - you are right.

So, we cannot collect the tax from the children because they did not 'really' own the shares. :lol:

I bet that the next step is "we cannot collect the tax from our man in Dubai because he never 'actually' owned the shares".:(

Ho hum - business as normal :unsure:

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Word it how you want, however, this is but one of many examples of how those who use the Red bandwagon to gain power through popular vote have absolutely no intention of paying anything but peanuts back to those that voted for them.

11 Billion could make a great difference in the education system, maybe some better quality tablets.....

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After the education at oxford he received and cant figure out why the revenue department has not persued the collection of monies owed....:blink: ...quite obviously the education standards at oxford are not as good as they protrayed to be...:lol:

Mr. Bean also went to Oxford. :lol:

Sums it up quite nicely me thinks....:lol:

Oxford is certainly an institution that you guys could never aspire to. ;)

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Cannot feel sorry for the Thais that voted for PTP they got the government they voted for but the rest will pay the price of not voteing or being on the losing side. The red supporters here are still supporting them what will it take for them to see what the PTP really stand for

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