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Wingman Needed


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So.. inhale that cupcake, boys.

What's a cup cake ?

The Op has simply been a tad naive - asking for wingman to go and pick up girls on an anonymous forum is asking for flak...

We all understand how going out in a group or pairs is better, and I'm sure we've all been in the situation where we'd like to go out but there are no friends around - We don't all ask on an anonymous forum though.

If I can offer advice to the Op: Go out and strike up some friendships, maybe some of these new friends would be interested in exploring the more Thai side of nightlife....

This worked for me years ago when I moved to Bangkok and knew no one.

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The Op has simply been a tad naive - asking for wingman to go and pick up girls on an anonymous forum is asking for flak...

It's not his fault that Thaivisa (or indeed the Internet) is anonymous. Also he makes no mention of picking up girls. Reading his post it certainly seems implied that there will be some merriment with the other half of the species, but that's only natural when going out; if you're just going to be talking to some dudes then you might as well stay home on the sofa, or looking at a computer screen.

We all understand how going out in a group or pairs is better, and I'm sure we've all been in the situation where we'd like to go out but there are no friends around -

Yes! It seemed a completely strange concept to plenty posters in this topic though! You'd think they're people who never get out of the house unless on a leash from the Mrs, or stick to sad sexpat dives like Cowboy..

We don't all ask on an anonymous forum though.

I saw a post recently on where to find an old Larry King style classic microphone. We don't all ask about those either. Maybe he should have ran it past the Thaivisa Community Bureau of Approved Topics? ;)

If I can offer advice to the Op: Go out and strike up some friendships, maybe some of these new friends would be interested in exploring the more Thai side of nightlife....

I agree with you there.. I would not just go with any dude from Thaivisa.. far too many weirdos here. But being a new member, he may not have realized that yet. (Any bets he's realized it by now?:lol:)

Edited by CheGuava
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<deleted> is a wingman?

This is a serious question, I live here and have never heard of the term.

Some people, including this person quoted above need to learn that on the "Internet" such information can be found in about 5 seconds. For all the grandpas out there, let me help, the next line will be in a different color and underlined, it will take you to something called a 'search engine', which will answer your question: http://www.google.co...what+is+wingman

When it comes to English colloquialisms and slang, there are two sites deserving an honorable mention: wikipedia.org and urbandictionary.com

Then, there was this gem:

So.... you want another heterosexual (white) male to be around you while you chat up the ostensibly interested Thai ladies, in a nightclub... why?

Some interesting theories that come to mind:

1. I need someone who is less attractive so I look better

2. I'm afraid the Thai men will beat me up if I'm alone

3. I'm afraid the Thai ladies will beat me up if I'm alone

4. I'm secretly gay but can't just come right out and

What an unnecessarily nasty post. Honestly, there is no requirement to reply if you don't like a post and are not going to answer it, but just want to see your own clever writing on a shiny screen. Really, just move on if you're not going to answer a post, it makes for a more pleasant reading experience.

There is *NOTHING* strange about this post, and makes perfect sense. The guy just wants to explore non-tourist, non-sexpat nightlife, and as a result he's flamed.

Very nice. Very very nice.

I could actually explain the concept in more detail, and why everyeone has a much better time going out when you do it not by yourself. It would get a little into Thai culture and social interactions, and why a person going out by himself (or even having dinner by himself) is automatically assumed to be a little strange. But I think that explanation would be wasted here, and I would just get flamed too. So.. inhale that cupcake, boys.

OK, what is it with trying to play the culture card, (inoperably) in posting or relying to topics. Is it an attempt to sound knowable and smart?

'CheGuava' You say "I could actually explain the concept in more detail, and why everyone has a much better time going out when you do it not by yourself. It would get a little into Thai culture and social interactions," <deleted> has Thai culture got to do with having more fun with your mate when out, then being a 'Billy no mates"………….

I find it funny that some people try and work the word racist into an argument to win,(shut everyone else up) and try and get the moral high ground. It appears from reading TV that the culture card is closing fast!

Can you explain just how Thai culture, over other cultures is deferent in affecting a night out on the pop……..With mates, as opposed to being a Billy no mates?

Please don't start prattling on about the dynamics social interactions….Just stick to theThai culture thing.

Edited by metisdead
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There is *NOTHING* strange about this post, and makes perfect sense.

Other than the racist/homophobic undertone to his post of course....:whistling:

Zzzzzzzzzzzz :coffee1: Let me remind you of what was actually in his post:

" where we are the only two white guys in the club. If you are not white that's most welcome too. "

White guys == Farang Guys == "Non-Thai individuals of unspecified gender and age". I hope that makes you very happy. ;)

Edited by CheGuava
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<deleted> is a wingman?

This is a serious question, I live here and have never heard of the term.

Some people, including this person quoted above need to learn that on the "Internet" such information can be found in about 5 seconds. For all the grandpas out there, let me help, the next line will be in a different color and underlined, it will take you to something called a 'search engine', which will answer your question: http://www.google.co...what+is+wingman

When it comes to English colloquialisms and slang, there are two sites deserving an honorable mention: wikipedia.org and urbandictionary.com

Then, there was this gem:

So.... you want another heterosexual (white) male to be around you while you chat up the ostensibly interested Thai ladies, in a nightclub... why?

Some interesting theories that come to mind:

1. I need someone who is less attractive so I look better

2. I'm afraid the Thai men will beat me up if I'm alone

3. I'm afraid the Thai ladies will beat me up if I'm alone

4. I'm secretly gay but can't just come right out and

What an unnecessarily nasty post. Honestly, there is no requirement to reply if you don't like a post and are not going to answer it, but just want to see your own clever writing on a shiny screen. Really, just move on if you're not going to answer a post, it makes for a more pleasant reading experience.

There is *NOTHING* strange about this post, and makes perfect sense. The guy just wants to explore non-tourist, non-sexpat nightlife, and as a result he's flamed.

Very nice. Very very nice.

I could actually explain the concept in more detail, and why everyeone has a much better time going out when you do it not by yourself. It would get a little into Thai culture and social interactions, and why a person going out by himself (or even having dinner by himself) is automatically assumed to be a little strange. But I think that explanation would be wasted here, and I would just get flamed too. So.. inhale that cupcake, boys.

You seem to interpret "wingman" as just some mate to go out drinking with, but the common usage is that someone wants to have casual sex with a yet unknown female, and needs an offsider to help "rope in" the unsuspecting mark.

Not a very chivalrous way to treat women, as it implies that they will be dumped, once used.

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When I go out to eat by myself the waitresses in the hiso Farang food place I eat assume my GF is out of town and ask me what time they should come over. I guess that is a Thai culture thing they don't want me to be alone.

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OK, what is it with trying to play the culture card, (inoperably) in posting or relying to topics. Is it an attempt to sound knowable and smart?

'CheGuava' You say "I could actually explain the concept in more detail, and why everyone has a much better time going out when you do it not by yourself. It would get a little into Thai culture and social interactions," <deleted> has Thai culture got to do with having more fun with your mate when out, then being a 'Billy no mates"………….

Can you explain just how Thai culture, over other cultures is deferent in affecting a night out on the pop……..With mates, as opposed to being a Billy no mates?

??? From past replies it seemed clear that some people genuinely couldn't fathom why a lone scary Farang at a table in a Bangkok club would look less approachable than two guys enjoying themselves. Either that or they were intentionally malicious in their replies,but I'm going with the former.

In a Thai context, you may have noticed that few Thai people would like to be found alone just about anywhere, often teaming up even to visit a washroom! The West is more individualistic, in Thailand you quickly look like there's something wrong if you're by yourself. It applies to going out to dinner, going outd drinking, even business meetings, where it's a rarity to have a single person from a company show up for a meeting and not at least two, or preferably a complete volleyball team.

Seriously, this can't be news to anyone reading this? Or is it just the word 'culture' that sets you off? It means "the behaviors and beliefs characteristic of a particular social, ethnic, or age group". Sorry, but that's what it means. Please go flame Merriam-Webster instead of yours truly.

Good discussion though. I already suspected I would be spelling it out when I wrote my first reply.

Edited by CheGuava
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So.... you want another heterosexual (white) male to be around you while you chat up the ostensibly interested Thai ladies, in a nightclub... why?

Some interesting theories that come to mind:

1. I need someone who is less attractive so I look better

2. I'm afraid the Thai men will beat me up if I'm alone

3. I'm afraid the Thai ladies will beat me up if I'm alone

4. I'm secretly gay but can't just come right out and

What an unnecessarily nasty post. Honestly, there is no requirement to reply if you don't like a post and are not going to answer it, but just want to see your own clever writing on a shiny screen. Really, just move on if you're not going to answer a post, it makes for a more pleasant reading experience.

There is *NOTHING* strange about this post, and makes perfect sense. The guy just wants to explore non-tourist, non-sexpat nightlife, and as a result he's flamed.

I fully agree.

There are just too many people here in this forum who have no knowledge on game, female psychology and so on. While this can be read up in the internet in a few hours, they prefer to make denigrating postings - especially against white hetero males.

A wing man makes perfect sense how the OP planned it.

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So.... you want another heterosexual (white) male to be around you while you chat up the ostensibly interested Thai ladies, in a nightclub... why?

Some interesting theories that come to mind:

1. I need someone who is less attractive so I look better

2. I'm afraid the Thai men will beat me up if I'm alone

3. I'm afraid the Thai ladies will beat me up if I'm alone

4. I'm secretly gay but can't just come right out and

What an unnecessarily nasty post. Honestly, there is no requirement to reply if you don't like a post and are not going to answer it, but just want to see your own clever writing on a shiny screen. Really, just move on if you're not going to answer a post, it makes for a more pleasant reading experience.

There is *NOTHING* strange about this post, and makes perfect sense. The guy just wants to explore non-tourist, non-sexpat nightlife, and as a result he's flamed.

I fully agree.

There are just too many people here in this forum who have no knowledge on game, female psychology and so on. While this can be read up in the internet in a few hours, they prefer to make denigrating postings - especially against white hetero males.

A wing man makes perfect sense how the OP planned it.

I don't think anyone is denigrating white hetero males, as most of us are that!

IMO what posters are getting at is someone that has basically said he needs someone to help him get laid ( in THAILAND!!!!!! ).

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When I go out to eat by myself the waitresses in the hiso Farang food place I eat assume my GF is out of town and ask me what time they should come over. I guess that is a Thai culture thing they don't want me to be alone.

Exactly. If by Thai club the O/P means one of those places, that play Thai/Issan music and dance around the table? All he needs to do is walk in plonk his bottle of whiskey on the table sit down and wait. In less than 5 minuets, he wont be alone. He will need to weed out the Boys from the ladyboys, to the girls though. :partytime2:


Edited by jimbeam1
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OK, what is it with trying to play the culture card, (inoperably) in posting or relying to topics. Is it an attempt to sound knowable and smart?

'CheGuava' You say "I could actually explain the concept in more detail, and why everyone has a much better time going out when you do it not by yourself. It would get a little into Thai culture and social interactions," <deleted> has Thai culture got to do with having more fun with your mate when out, then being a 'Billy no mates"………….

Can you explain just how Thai culture, over other cultures is deferent in affecting a night out on the pop……..With mates, as opposed to being a Billy no mates?

??? From past replies it seemed clear that some people genuinely couldn't fathom why a lone scary Farang at a table in a Bangkok club would look less approachable than two guys enjoying themselves. Either that or they were intentionally malicious in their replies,but I'm going with the former.

In a Thai context, you may have noticed that few Thai people would like to be found alone just about anywhere, often teaming up even to visit a washroom! The West is more individualistic, in Thailand you quickly look like there's something wrong if you're by yourself. It applies to going out to dinner, going outd drinking, even business meetings, where it's a rarity to have a single person from a company show up for a meeting and not at least two, or preferably a complete volleyball team.

Seriously, this can't be news to anyone reading this? Or is it just the word 'culture' that sets you off? It means "the behaviors and beliefs characteristic of a particular social, ethnic, or age group". Sorry, but that's what it means. Please go flame Merriam-Webster instead of yours truly.

Good discussion though. I already suspected I would be spelling it out when I wrote my first reply.

Fair reply 'CheGuava' you make some interesting points. However, why would a, (I'm thinking) European guy be all hung-up on Thai culture, the guy is going out looking to score. So he asked for a (I can't say it) 'mate' to go along, not for any reasons of culture, or do you really believe this is why he's asking for company, to fill the aspirations of Thai culture. Anyway in my experience Thais are a pretty friendly bunch in clubs, being on his own would not be a problem meeting new people, but his own shyness might be.

The OP's want of a…..'Mate' to go along with him, I can well understand, and I would bet 99% of male reading this would agree that a night out with someone who is a mate, someone to have a laugh with is preferable to being a 'Billy no mate' on a night out. I have to say, if I was going, B-N-M for a night out, then Thailand would rank in the top 5 places in the world to do it. I still think the issue of culture has nothing to do with this topic.

Edited by Tonto21
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<deleted> is a wingman?

This is a serious question, I live here and have never heard of the term.

Some people, including this person quoted above need to learn that on the "Internet" such information can be found in about 5 seconds. For all the grandpas out there, let me help, the next line will be in a different color and underlined, it will take you to something called a 'search engine', which will answer your question: http://www.google.co...what+is+wingman

When it comes to English colloquialisms and slang, there are two sites deserving an honorable mention: wikipedia.org and urbandictionary.com

Then, there was this gem:

So.... you want another heterosexual (white) male to be around you while you chat up the ostensibly interested Thai ladies, in a nightclub... why?

Some interesting theories that come to mind:

1. I need someone who is less attractive so I look better

2. I'm afraid the Thai men will beat me up if I'm alone

3. I'm afraid the Thai ladies will beat me up if I'm alone

4. I'm secretly gay but can't just come right out and

What an unnecessarily nasty post. Honestly, there is no requirement to reply if you don't like a post and are not going to answer it, but just want to see your own clever writing on a shiny screen. Really, just move on if you're not going to answer a post, it makes for a more pleasant reading experience.

There is *NOTHING* strange about this post, and makes perfect sense. The guy just wants to explore non-tourist, non-sexpat nightlife, and as a result he's flamed.

Very nice. Very very nice.

I could actually explain the concept in more detail, and why everyeone has a much better time going out when you do it not by yourself. It would get a little into Thai culture and social interactions, and why a person going out by himself (or even having dinner by himself) is automatically assumed to be a little strange. But I think that explanation would be wasted here, and I would just get flamed too. So.. inhale that cupcake, boys.

Well thanks for pointing that out to me, you are correct I could have done a google search.

Too be honest I spend more time studying Thai these days than trying to keep up with the latest street talk.

One of the reasons I have never heard this term is I dont hang around with a bunch of "Billy No Mates" losers.

Suggest wingman, Billy No Mates or whatever other name he goes by heads over to the Nana Plaza or Soi Cowboy, he wont need no wingman there.

Alternatively he could hang around outside the HSBC at lunch time and find out just how "hansum" he really is, dont think the office girls will be falling over themselves.

If he doesnt know where the HSBC is, head to the nearest Chinese pharmacy and try his luck with one of the young girls in there.

He could head over to Ratchada, Praram 9, or Srinakarin if his budget allows, dont bother showing up in flip flops and Chang wife beater shirt.

If he is interested in a girl, dont embarrass her by diving in like a bull in a china shop, talk to one of her friends first to get the background.

Being clean shaven, well groomed and not stinking of Chang and cigarettes also helps, something the muppets riding the skytrain back to On Nut fail to appreciate as they try to hit on office workers on their way home, all they do is embarrass the girl and make fools of themselves.

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...or stick to sad sexpat dives like Cowboy..

You cheeky monkey!

I go to all sorts of places.

It is nice go to somewhere with lots of naked girls dancing, and you don't need to fight for attention from the waiting staff, though, from time to time.


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<deleted> is a wingman?

This is a serious question, I live here and have never heard of the term.

Hi 'rgs2001uk' relax man, I'm actually fearful for your heart valves! maybe do a bit of Buddhist meditation with the Thai language learning. I haven't really looked, but has no one told you about a 'wingman', simply put, have you ever seen the film, 'Top Gun' with Tom Cruise…..late 80's. 'Wingman' is a military aeronautical term of a flying buddy, second mission support plane. After the film people started calling their best mate 'wingman' a term even at the very start of its use was considered cheesy to say the least. How's that?

Edited by Tonto21
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You seem to interpret "wingman" as just some mate to go out drinking with, but the common usage is that someone wants to have casual sex with a yet unknown female, and needs an offsider to help "rope in" the unsuspecting mark.

Not a very chivalrous way to treat women, as it implies that they will be dumped, once used.

Ridiculous BS post.

Most - no, bar that - almost ALL Thai women I know to go to clubs have had a rather colorful sexual past, and I am including 20 year olds.

And why would such a girl go to a thai pickup joint in the first place?

Because that's what clubs are for Thai men. if they ever leave such a place without a girl, it is because they fell over drunk.

Chivalrous... Dumped... hahaha.

Do you think the girls are so stupid that they don't guess this will very likely be a one night stand?

and... how do you know these girls would not want a one night stand?

a number of female thai friends told me they went with their first farang "just to try".

A wingman is very welcome for an escapade to places where you would otherwise be the only farang.

Edited by manarak
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<deleted> is a wingman?

This is a serious question, I live here and have never heard of the term.

This term is used by so called 'pick up artists' using what they call 'game' to pull the women. It's a well known and semi organised passtime in some parts of the world.

Do a google search for this 'wingman game pua' If you haven't heard of it before it makes for interesting reading.

This is what you're talking about isn't it OP ?

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<deleted> is a wingman?

This is a serious question, I live here and have never heard of the term.

This term is used by so called 'pick up artists' using what they call 'game' to pull the women. It's a well known and semi organised passtime in some parts of the world.

Do a google search for this 'wingman game pua' If you haven't heard of it before it makes for interesting reading.

This is what you're talking about isn't it OP ?

That's pushing it a bit too far, but the concept is the same, it is about not standing there alone like an idiot, especially in a place where you are the only westerner.

And why do people go to clubs if not to pickup girls (or a man, for girls)?

Going to a club is not like asking a wingman for help while hunting at the gates of a university when the first year students come out...

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It's a term right out of an American Pie or Porky's movie. I don't think many people over the age of 18 would use it.

An American would, it's a common term. Am surprised there is confusion over it

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It's a term right out of an American Pie or Porky's movie. I don't think many people over the age of 18 would use it.

An American would, it's a common term. Am surprised there is confusion over it

I'm an American, and I'm not confused. It's just not a term that a mature adult would likely find himself using, IMHO.

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It's a term right out of an American Pie or Porky's movie. I don't think many people over the age of 18 would use it.

An American would, it's a common term. Am surprised there is confusion over it

I'm an American, and I'm not confused. It's just not a term that a mature adult would likely find himself using, IMHO.

One is sometimes quite taken aback by the measures and terms we might use, when troubles are upon us. No-one in their right minds would say "Zoiks!" unless confronted by a fearsome spectre of Hanna-Barbaric proportions.

"Wingman" is a term I've heard used often by grown men, though only in wenching tales


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I'm an American, and I'm not confused. It's just not a term that a mature adult would likely find himself using, IMHO.

Well, maybe not by mature adults. But it's a fairly common word used when talking about going out in my experience

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It's a term right out of an American Pie or Porky's movie. I don't think many people over the age of 18 would use it.

An American would, it's a common term. Am surprised there is confusion over it

I'm an American, and I'm not confused. It's just not a term that a mature adult would likely find himself using, IMHO.

One is sometimes quite taken aback by the measures and terms we might use, when troubles are upon us. No-one in their right minds would say "Zoiks!" unless confronted by a fearsome spectre of Hanna-Barbaric proportions.



So, instead of a wingman, he needs to prowl dressed in a diving suit coated with luminous green paint to get noticed.... or would that be treading on Glitterman's toes.

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why not try a few more terms like "sidekick", "brother in arms", "boy friday", or "beer drinkers and hell raisers"...may give you a somewhat bigger selection pool depending on what you llke

Edited by metisdead
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I sympathize with the OP and had trouble finding friends to go to Thai clubs with me at first too. A foreigner going alone to a Thai club where he is the only white person, just standing at a table all alone with a bottle of whiskey, looks a bit of a loser and somewhat creepy. You stand out and it can be uncomfortable for some people. Everyone else there is in a group with friends and you're just there all alone. Going with a friend makes everything much easier and more fun.

Noooooooooooo, if you've got balls (excuse the pun) you can do anything. Just go for it. :)

He's not wanting to go with a friend; he wants to go with a stranger off the internet. A wing man.

'Bandits at 9 o'clock. Wilco, Roger. More ginger?'

and so forth.

You'll worry less about how you look when you're stood there on your own with half a bottle of whiskey...


I probably am going to be sorry I asked but what is more ginger?

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why not try a few more terms like "sidekick", "brother in arms", "boy friday", or "beer drinkers and hell raisers"...may give you a somewhat bigger selection pool depending on what you llke

When I was a teen I lived in a third world country (British possession) and paid a local young lad to follow me at an appropriate distance with a beer cooler. When finished with a beer I would throw the empty over my shoulder in a high arc and the kid would catch it and replace it with a cool one. A boy Friday. Everyone called him Friday. He also sang, "This is my island in the sun" and "Never make a pretty woman your wife."

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why not try a few more terms like "sidekick", "brother in arms", "boy friday", or "beer drinkers and hell raisers"...may give you a somewhat bigger selection pool depending on what you llke

When I was a teen I lived in a third world country (British possession) and paid a local young lad to follow me at an appropriate distance with a beer cooler. When finished with a beer I would throw the empty over my shoulder in a high arc and the kid would catch it and replace it with a cool one. A boy Friday. Everyone called him Friday. He also sang, "This is my island in the sun" and "Never make a pretty woman your wife."

Love it! It's *SO* wrong and yet I can't help think that I was born too late.

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So, instead of a wingman, he needs to prowl dressed in a diving suit coated with luminous green paint to get noticed...

And he would have got away with it if it wasn't for those meddling kids....

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