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Running On 512Kbps...Provider Said I Can'T Upgrade?

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I live in Bangkok, near Siam.

I'm currently using TOT Telephone line and CS Loxinfo ADSL internet, at 512kbps...i tried to upgrade my internet package to something faster than 512kbps, but CS Loxinfo told me it's not possible because my building is too old...512kpbs is maximum.

What other options do I have in order to have a faster internet speed?

If I subscribe to True Internet, will it be faster?

Or the speed is dependent on the wires in the building? Since the building is very old, the wires are too old fashioned to accommodate any higher speed?


If your using a ToT line anyway then go into ToT office with your address and number and ask them for adsl service or options. Your already a ToT customer right? and what about wireless in your area a usb for cdma or 3g etc. true? CAT? I can't see anyway of being stuck with 512 anywhere in bangkok.


i heard TOT's internet service is slow and connection is not so good...but i'm not sure how true that is.

But i wonder why CS Loxinfo told me that they can't upgrade my speed, saying that my building is too old and the wiring is old...?


If what they are saying is true then the issue is with the phone lines in your building and nothing but running a new line will help in terms of going with DSL.


i heard TOT's internet service is slow and connection is not so good...but i'm not sure how true that is.

But i wonder why CS Loxinfo told me that they can't upgrade my speed, saying that my building is too old and the wiring is old...?

Don't go by their word only - asking is free and check into wireless - you may have up to 7mb right outside your window already that uses no wires at all.


I am in a new house out of town (Samut Prakan) and waiting for a phone line so I can get my DSL connection. In the meantime I have had my computers connected to True 3G using my iPhone as a hotsot. Works surprisingly well, I have been streaming sports to my big TV upstairs all weekend and it hardly ever buffered. Last week when we moved out here I bought an AIS aircard and unfortunately the coverage here is rubbish but I had a much better solution all along!

So, as the other poster says there are many wireless options these days. In Siam you may be able to pay 100b a month for True Wifi?


Some modem/routers allow you to check the "line statistics", essentially providing a snap-shot of the quality of your line. Typically you'll have to "find" your device by using a browser, and an IP address like then log in to the router with a username (admin) and password (admin) , then poke around for ADSL, Line, WAN, Statistics, Maintenance, etc.

Mine looks like this:

Downstream Upstream

SNR Margin (dB): 22.6 9.2

Attenuation (dB): 7.0 2.2

Output Power (dBm): 10.6 13.7

Attainable Rate (Kbps): 25504 1223

Rate (Kbps): 10597 1154

If you're having trouble just give us the modem/router make/model and we may be able to get you to the right screen(s)?

With a better understanding of your line stats we can then make subsequent recommendations. In general it is always advisable to pull a new line, but this may not be possible, or perhaps too expensive. Your current line is probably been bridged/tapped/cut & fixed/damaged or mis-handled in the CO. I've had many issues on some CSLoxInfo over TOT installs.


If you signed up with CS Loxinfo ADSL initially because you thought it was your only Internet Service Provide (ISP) choice you might want to consider changing. Sometimes ISP providers such as CS Loxinfo, JINET, etc., are just concessionaire providers under a contract with TOT, True, 3BB, etc., and many times their contracts limit the speeds they can offer. Maybe it's to limit the competition with the TOT's, True's, 3BB's, etc. And usually the concessionaire internet packages are more pricey. You might want to check into switching to a TOT internet plan, which will probably be cheaper and hopefully faster.

You might want to check into switching to a TOT internet plan, which will probably be cheaper and hopefully faster.

Been there, done that. Wasted another 3 months. Eventually pulled new True lines.

CSLoxInfo has plans up to 8 Mbps.

In many cases the cable run cannot support data rates higher than 512 Kbps. CSLoxinfo can test the line, if they could offer higher bandwidth and make more revenue one suspects they would.

In addition to looking at the line stats I'd talk to neighbors to see what's available in the immediate area.

Also a lot more detail might help. How long have they had this service? Has it always worked well? How is the telephone service? Any noise on the line? Are there multiple phone jacks in the house/apt.? More detail helps eliminate potential issues and focus on a few to resolve the issue.


I just had TOT WiFi 5MB service installed, replacing the 3BB-5MB that absolutely sucked. The new TOT WiFi is delivering a steady 5+MB/s with no hassles. 30 min install, 599 baht/month. Highly recommended. Go to TOT and talk to them, then they send techs out to check signal strength and install.


I just had TOT WiFi 5MB service installed, replacing the 3BB-5MB that absolutely sucked. The new TOT WiFi is delivering a steady 5+MB/s with no hassles. 30 min install, 599 baht/month. Highly recommended. Go to TOT and talk to them, then they send techs out to check signal strength and install.

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