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This Is The Second Time This Has Happened To Me....

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So I am at my Pc, around 10 this morning, the offspring isin bed and the lovely Mere bahn is cleaning the house. She comes into the office and looks in pain,pointing upstairs. Damdn, I think,she's broken something so I rush up with her, she points at the flyscreen in the bathroom, I open it, in fly 3 hornets/wasps, who duly sting my face. I kill them and wait.

A year ago I had anafalactic shock as a result of wasp stings here and by the time I go to the hospital I was out of it. I knew what to expect that time ( seen with the ex wife) and knew 1st hand this time.

I put some vinigar on the Mere-bahns bite and she had no shock, just the usual

Scratching itches in my hair, armpits, arms, legs and worse dragged the kid out of bed and we raced to Pattaya BKK Hospital. 11 minutes flat from the village to the carpark, by now the muscle spams are getting worse and I know where we are going.

Reception.. daughter pre-programmed to give them my insurancecard and D Licence... I ask.. which one of you speaks the best English thenexp-lain I don't want to sit, wait or anything, must see doctor now..

Straight into A&E, team of lovely nurses , a paramedicand a doctor. The doctor of course looks about 12 years old.. I manage to explain the problem, by now I am sweating and freezing at the same time and the whole of my torso resembles a dead man, puple and red. I itch like crazy and the chest pains aredire. I am now on Oxygen and they areplugging lines into my arms and an ecg test to various interesting parts. I cant breath and I want to vomit, I amdizzy and want to sleep. I have preprogrammed "me" not to sleep as I was previously driving but know that if I do I will "sleep a long long time"

The drugs kick in slowly, they put more in and the itchinggoes. The temp goes up but the sats, BPand HB settle to normal.

4 Hours later, they want to keep me in for the night but I am ready to roll home.

PLEASE READ THIS.. IF YOU GET THESE SYMPTOMS.. GET TO A REAL HOSPITAL NOT A CLINIC ASAP. I never had any type of reaction my life before Thailand. I carry a pen thing but lost it and neverreplaced it. By now,I am almost fineagain, pain in my leg from a 6 inch needle and all hot and sweaty but otherwisefine.. erm.. that's it

Tommy Dee on Pattaya 103 FM ( yes 3.. I am famous for going backwards) ...is an international Radio Leg-End smile.png



Where do you get them from....where do you store them and for how long do they last ?

I am guessing a fridge and not the glove box of the car.

I used to be allergic to bee stings as a young fellow, with each sting I got the swelling increased in size until after a few a whole leg would be swollen from a sting on the foot.

Recently I gave myself bee stings to experiment curing tennis elbow......never swelled in the slightest.

But still would like it around for the kids....both have now been stung by wasps with no reaction luckily.


Get yourself one in case you are not so lucky next time :

An epinephrine autoinjector is a medical device used to deliver a measured dose (or doses) of epinephrine (also known as adrenaline) using autoinjector technology, most frequently for the treatment of acute allergic reactions to avoid or treat the onset of anaphylactic shock

thank you so much, i was trying to remember the name and the hospital dont stock them. I had one, carried it with me everywhere, then lost it. will get another tomorrow.

yes you do carry them with you.. annoying but thats when u need it. no good inthe house if you get bitten at the market. time is of the essence. just been asleep for a few hours, woken itchy but got meds for the week so just injested them.

the gardener is in for a kicking me thinks, i have asked and told him. blighter :)

Tommy Dee on Pattaya 103 FM ( yes 3.. I am famous for going backwards) ...is an international Radio Leg-End smile.png



A nonsensical nit picking post has been removed.

was it asking what the hell is a mere bahn? ;)

house keeper ( i think) well thats what we call her. :)

Tommy Dee on Pattaya 103 FM ( yes 3.. I am famous for going backwards) ...is an international Radio Leg-End smile.png



A nonsensical nit picking post has been removed.

was it asking what the hell is a mere bahn? ;)

house keeper ( i think) well thats what we call her. :)

I have one also my thai friends say it means house mother,which translate to maid, but also means wife in some instances when a man is talking about his spouse.


Yes, good call by the OP and quick work by the staff at BPH.

However, the contingency plan MUST allow for traffic cock-ups and rain. Imagine trying to drive the '11 minutes' to the hospital at 5pm.... in the rain.

Can you get these epinephrine jabbers at Fascino on Pattaya Nua?


Get yourself one in case you are not so lucky next time :

An epinephrine autoinjector is a medical device used to deliver a measured dose (or doses) of epinephrine (also known as adrenaline) using autoinjector technology, most frequently for the treatment of acute allergic reactions to avoid or treat the onset of anaphylactic shock

Epinephrine injections are only necessary in cases of extreme allergic reactions. For those who are allergic, but not in arrest, taking benedryl will usually provide relief.


Agree -- I keep some liquid benadryl around. No need to worry about one of those "pens".

Interestingly, I'm not allergic to bee/hornet stings, but to fire ant bites. It's the formic acid in ant bites. Even the bite from a kitchen ant will cause my hand to swell. With something as minor as a kitchen ant, the best treatment is a simple benadryl capsule, but I always resist because I know I'll spend the next 12 hrs in bed, senseless. Usually, the kitchen ant bites happen when I'm trying to cook something and want to finish and eat dinner.

Interestingly, I don't mind bee, yellow jacket or wasp stings. Sure, they hurt like heck, but I know the next day the arthritis in my knees and hip will disappear and I'll feel great.


When I told my landlord there was a bee's nest in the house I was living in, he told me it was good luck.

They specifically told me not try and use a flame and hairspray to remove them.

The bees never bothered me. I guess it was lucky indeed.


she points at the flyscreen in the bathroom, I open it, in fly 3 hornets/wasps, who duly sting my face. I kill them and wait.

Makes me wonder why you opened the flyscreen in the first place.


she points at the flyscreen in the bathroom, I open it, in fly 3 hornets/wasps, who duly sting my face. I kill them and wait.

Makes me wonder why you opened the flyscreen in the first place.

Some people are like that, you know.

Making life more complex than it needs to be.


she points at the flyscreen in the bathroom, I open it, in fly 3 hornets/wasps, who duly sting my face. I kill them and wait.

Makes me wonder why you opened the flyscreen in the first place.

Some people are like that, you know.

Making life more complex than it needs to be.

I owned a stable once, and always kep the door closed. that was after the horse had disappeared of course ;)

Tommy Dee on Pattaya 103 FM ( yes 3.. I am famous for going backwards) ...is an international Radio Leg-End smile.png



house keeper ( i think) well thats what we call her. :)

I have one also my thai friends say it means house mother,which translate to maid, but also means wife in some instances when a man is talking about his spouse.

sure, it means housekeeper. mae baan (mother house). there is no "r" in mae.


They specifically told me not try and use a flame and hairspray to remove them.

Sounds like they were speaking from humble experience.......oops


Agree -- I keep some liquid benadryl around. No need to worry about one of those "pens".

Interestingly, I'm not allergic to bee/hornet stings, but to fire ant bites. It's the formic acid in ant bites. Even the bite from a kitchen ant will cause my hand to swell. With something as minor as a kitchen ant, the best treatment is a simple benadryl capsule, but I always resist because I know I'll spend the next 12 hrs in bed, senseless. Usually, the kitchen ant bites happen when I'm trying to cook something and want to finish and eat dinner.

Interestingly, I don't mind bee, yellow jacket or wasp stings. Sure, they hurt like heck, but I know the next day the arthritis in my knees and hip will disappear and I'll feel great.

By 'fire ants' do you mean those little brown meat ants that are everywhere in Thailand? I always have a reaction to those including a hospital trip when I was stung by half a dozen of those and broke out in welts from head to toe.


Verey good post had this so know, at the time was not aware I was alergic to hornets as a kid stung many times with no problem.


Perhaps a little off topic ..... but.

I am lucky I have not been bitten by a wasp but they are scary little blighters. I give them lots of personal space whenever I spot one.

I used to have problems with wasps building nests just outside my front and back doors when I lived in Oz..

I normally wouldn't spot them until one flew inside the house. Easy enough then to investigate and find the nest.

I would wait until night time. It seems wasps return to their nest at night and are all tucked up nicely in bed and asleep by about 10pm.

I would go outside with a torch; turning the lights on seemed to wake them up. Perhaps there is a wasp left on guard duty.

I would then give the nest a good spray of wasp insecticide and make a speedy exit back inside.

Baygon was preferable - use a nozzle. I would give the nest a good spraying on the outside. I wouldn't put the nozzle into the holes, just spray from about six inches away and cover the nest and the wall around it.

Next morning I would find the occupants expired on the floor and wish them a happy afterlife as I swept them up.

It was then an easy matter to scrape the nest from the wall.

A simple procedure that has not failed for me yet. Please note I have not tried this on a 'large' nest. Normally they only had a dozen or two occupants max by the time I spotted the nest.

I am not sure about Thai wasps but I am assuming they all come home to the nest to sleep at night, same as the Aussie wasps.

Hope this is of help to all those who suffer from wasp stings.


Where do you get them from....where do you store them and for how long do they last ?

I am guessing a fridge and not the glove box of the car.

I used to be allergic to bee stings as a young fellow, with each sting I got the swelling increased in size until after a few a whole leg would be swollen from a sting on the foot.

Recently I gave myself bee stings to experiment curing tennis elbow......never swelled in the slightest.

But still would like it around for the kids....both have now been stung by wasps with no reaction luckily.

Next time try to experiment with the bees stinging your a$$


A nonsensical nit picking post has been removed.

This is a good example of a very sensible and helpful topic with a truly awful title!

Could you and the OP pleas re-word this to actually give it a SUBJECT?

Otherwise, much helpful input is very likely to pass it by..........!


Agree -- I keep some liquid benadryl around. No need to worry about one of those "pens".

Interestingly, I'm not allergic to bee/hornet stings, but to fire ant bites. It's the formic acid in ant bites. Even the bite from a kitchen ant will cause my hand to swell. With something as minor as a kitchen ant, the best treatment is a simple benadryl capsule, but I always resist because I know I'll spend the next 12 hrs in bed, senseless. Usually, the kitchen ant bites happen when I'm trying to cook something and want to finish and eat dinner.

Interestingly, I don't mind bee, yellow jacket or wasp stings. Sure, they hurt like heck, but I know the next day the arthritis in my knees and hip will disappear and I'll feel great.

By 'fire ants' do you mean those little brown meat ants that are everywhere in Thailand? I always have a reaction to those including a hospital trip when I was stung by half a dozen of those and broke out in welts from head to toe.

Fire ants migrated into the U.S. from South America. They are dark red and very aggressive. If you "disturb" their nest they swarm all over you, instead of acting like normal ants and retreating. That's what happened when Hubby and I were newlyweds, having a "doing-it-ourselves" sod-laying session at our newly built home. Now I understand why people pay landscape contractors to do this job. When the sod was delivered, the driver warned us to be careful for fire ants, but after nearly 2 days of laying sod, and hurrying to get it done before the weekend was over, I started to hold the heavy pieces of sod closer to my body.

I've found that other ants can cause the same reaction. They all have formic acid in their bites. It's just a question of how many ants, how big and how aggressive.

In the case of the fire ants, I was in full shock, barely breathing with low BP when Hubby pulled up to the local emergency room with me in the passenger seat. He got a good lecture from the ER people about how I wasn't "faking it to get out of work" and told to believe me in the future if I said I really needed the medi-vac helicopter. Now he shoves a benadryl capsule at me the moment I receive one ant bite. Ant bites can be serious.


Agree -- I keep some liquid benadryl around. No need to worry about one of those "pens".

Interestingly, I'm not allergic to bee/hornet stings, but to fire ant bites. It's the formic acid in ant bites. Even the bite from a kitchen ant will cause my hand to swell. With something as minor as a kitchen ant, the best treatment is a simple benadryl capsule, but I always resist because I know I'll spend the next 12 hrs in bed, senseless. Usually, the kitchen ant bites happen when I'm trying to cook something and want to finish and eat dinner.

Interestingly, I don't mind bee, yellow jacket or wasp stings. Sure, they hurt like heck, but I know the next day the arthritis in my knees and hip will disappear and I'll feel great.

By 'fire ants' do you mean those little brown meat ants that are everywhere in Thailand? I always have a reaction to those including a hospital trip when I was stung by half a dozen of those and broke out in welts from head to toe.

Fire ants migrated into the U.S. from South America. They are dark red and very aggressive. If you "disturb" their nest they swarm all over you, instead of acting like normal ants and retreating. That's what happened when Hubby and I were newlyweds, having a "doing-it-ourselves" sod-laying session at our newly built home. Now I understand why people pay landscape contractors to do this job. When the sod was delivered, the driver warned us to be careful for fire ants, but after nearly 2 days of laying sod, and hurrying to get it done before the weekend was over, I started to hold the heavy pieces of sod closer to my body.

I've found that other ants can cause the same reaction. They all have formic acid in their bites. It's just a question of how many ants, how big and how aggressive.

In the case of the fire ants, I was in full shock, barely breathing with low BP when Hubby pulled up to the local emergency room with me in the passenger seat. He got a good lecture from the ER people about how I wasn't "faking it to get out of work" and told to believe me in the future if I said I really needed the medi-vac helicopter. Now he shoves a benadryl capsule at me the moment I receive one ant bite. Ant bites can be serious.

it hink in a lot of cases it is down to our "ignorance", coming from countries where an ant is annoying but not dangerous thing and yer mum put vinigar on a wasp bite and sent you out to play. i am not much into insects but my guess is these ants and wasps are not even distant cousins to the ones "we" know from home.

the "barely breathign" thing is the most scarey of all I agree. glad he got u in on time.

Tommy Dee on Pattaya 103 FM ( yes 3.. I am famous for going backwards) ...is an international Radio Leg-End smile.png


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