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More Thais Getting Overweight

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And there is a government controlled maximum price for sugar, which periodically causes shortages because the producers would rather export.

How about a government subsidy for cigarettes anyone? The logic of subsidising sugar, thus making sweets, biscuits and coke (we won't ask who owns that in Thailand) is so misplaced as to be insane. If the price went up, people would probably consume less of it wouldn't they?

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What is the situation going to be like in about 5 months time ?

All Thais will be rich ( as promised by a certain gentlemen recently ) There are plainly going to be big problems then with obesity.


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In the the past 6 years I have seen a consistant increase in the width and girth of Thais around me. And before I am flamed for picking on them, I went to Australia last year and it seems this great sporting nation has also a massive population of "Pie Eating Champions".

My perception of increasing numbers of overweight people mirrors exactly what you wrote. Over the same time period (6 years) I have really noticed an increase in Thais with weight problems. My reading of the past 50 years is that increased consumption of carbonated drinks most closely mirrors increases in average weight. What was once a family size coke is now single serve in some instances. Other issues are the increased prevalence of corn-syrup and trans fat. Yet these issues have developed over several decades so why now do we seem to be seeing such a mushroom effect?

I think technology which encourages sedentary behavior might well have been the tipping point; we have internet speeds, smart phones and computers now which were just sci-fi 6 years ago. It's hard to think back, but at the dawn of 2005 there was no youtube, average internet speeds in Bangkok were 512k, and going online on a phone was an expensive novelty. Research indicate that looking at a UV screen like LED actually makes it harder to sleep, most people read or play with their phones even in bed, and lack of sleep alters the bodies hormonal balance which promotes fat storage. Quite clearly the problem is multi-faceted.

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Interesting to see Westerners complain and ridicule Thai society for being overweight.

Don't think we complaining about Thais being over-weight, just the premise that it is the multi-national corps here to blame. Do Thais not have any self control?

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Well at least the department of health has some idea about diplomacy....."expressed its concerns that multi-national food producers had been publicizing unhealthy food to Thais".....They never came right out and said it was the farangs fault.....:rolleyes:

Absolutely correct comments.

Within two years I had seen Thai Ladies sizes on increase in Bangkok after CocaCola products were allowed in Thailand if I remember well 1990..................and all the junk food fashion followed up.......pity only to have to suppress sugar in Thai food to have the healthiest food available at home....

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The Department expressed its concerns that multi-national food producers had been publicizing unhealthy food to Thais.

I take it he's referring to CP company. :D

OMG you are so right... the CP stores creep me out. The kind of non-food they sell there is insane.

Thai food is naturally healthy and keeps the Thais slim. The problem though is that there are no standards, and they make heavy use of chemicals with no regulations. Food production is getting industrialized with little or no oversight. Eventually that will backfire.

The other issues is that all the rich kids are fat because they gorge themselves on KFC / McD / whatever, as well as their own home grown garbage chocolate bars and other snack foods - just watch morning TV and you pretty much see all the reasons the better off get fat right there in the ads.

Blaming it on mutilnationals is classic Thai but won't solve anything.

'Real' Thai food is fairly healthy, with lots of fish, BBQ, vegetables and fuits.

It's the Chinese food that people eat these days that is making them fat. Noodles, Kao Man Gai, Rat Na, Pad Thai (probably of Chinese origin, considering the noodle aspect) etc. I've lived in China as well as Thailand and the food there is also full of oil and chemicals.

Maybe Thais should eat more traditionally.

Another problem with the food is the cuts of meat they eat. I think it's good they use all of the animal (unlike picky westerners that can only eat lean cuts and wouldn't go near intestines), but some parts are very fatty. I don't really like all the pork skin / chicken skin in the food.

And of course, a lack of exercise. Exercise is unnatural. The farmers and builders are certainly not too fat, but many others think a life where they don't ever sweat is the goal. Lazy F's

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In my village its the ladies who overeat - some massively. If there is an event feast (there is most weeks) it's the women who are still sat there cackling over the food after 30 minutes and hoovering it up. The guys pick at stuff then withdraw to the edges after 10 minutes and smoke/drink lao khao - they are mostly wiry.

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What about the almost total lack of Diet - Lo-Cal / Lo-Fat food choices in the supermarkets and Convenience stores.

Not just the Thai Brands, but even the Imported Brands that have complete catalogs of Diet food back home, sell none of it here.

It's not just the lack of motivation of the People, but also the Business community and Government that has no interest in promoting a Healthier life style.


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"Thailand will be a future hub" of diabetes.

Nothing like putting a positive spin on things!! It's certainly attainable!

As for sugar: I've seen Thais ladle sugar into their noodle soup...along with (un) healthy doses of that red sauce. I've often wondered whether soup vendors pay more for the noodles or more for the condiments that they serve with the noodles.

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So too much school and homework is IMO another cause of increasing obesity...

I assume then that you are wafer thin. :D

Few will doubt that the kids don't get enough exercise. Do Thai schools provide physical training? Do they have inter-school athletics and ball games? Or do they just pick murderous fights with each other?

Well actually I've read about 3 or 4 months ago that the OBEC planned to reduce the Physical education hours, so in other words let the students sit on their asses and "study more"... You can google that up, I bet... Do you know how it feels like to sit for hours in class, man???

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What about the almost total lack of Diet - Lo-Cal / Lo-Fat food choices in the supermarkets and Convenience stores.

Not just the Thai Brands, but even the Imported Brands that have complete catalogs of Diet food back home, sell none of it here.

It's not just the lack of motivation of the People, but also the Business community and Government that has no interest in promoting a Healthier life style.


It's very sad how the Thai generally eat.

7-11, unarguably the biggest chain in Thailand and it's more than a challenge to buy healthy food there. Almost EVERYTHING has large amounts of sugar in it or is unhealthy to begin with. There are no diet or healthy alternatives even made available... No aspartame, or low sugar options. It's disgusting.

The meat at standard Thai restaurants is full of fat.

Movie theaters don't offer low-fat snacks or aspartame drinks...

The sad part is that I actually think it would sell well if they offered some alternatives.

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And before I am flamed for picking on them, I went to Australia last year and it seems this great sporting nation has also a massive population of "Pie Eating Champions".

The U.K and the States are on record as having grossly overweight citizens and I think Germany is catching up fast. Singapore is another Asian country with huge tubby kids.

Is there a western country without obesity problems, and the associated illnesses, diabetes etc?

Both Oz and NZ - maybe 'once great' sporting nations have major problems

August 15, 2011

one in four Victorian primary school students are overweight or obese, Mr Davis said he was determined to overhaul preventative health measures to combat growing waistlines."Almost half of Victorian adults are overweight or obese, and if that trend continues, over half of the adult population in Victoria will be overweight or obese in two years' time,"


and two years old, but doubt they've go any thinner

Kiwis third fattest in new obesity report

Jul 14, 2009

The obesity rate among adults in New Zealand in 2007 was 26.5 per cent. This compared with figures reported the previous year by the United States at 34.3 per cent and Mexico at 30 per cent.

The figure compares with a reported 25 per cent obesity rate in New Zealand in 2003 and 18 per cent in 1997.

it is 'epidemic' and to me, unstoppable.

Having sponsorship and a 'restaurant' at (NZ) Auckland's Starship Children's Hospital was a great start - yes, they have Ronald McDonald House!


as for schools - won't generalise as from the rural schools I've seen there has been plenty of organised exercise/sport, but this will depend on the headmaster and teachers, the one near where we lived in Sa Kaeo had volleyball and a form of netball, also football/soccer, from 7am till school start, and till 5pm also, to keep kids occupied till working parents could collect them. But any children chose to do the extra hours, neighbours' kids would leave on cycles 6.45 for a 7am start, loved it.

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The sad part is that I actually think it would sell well if they offered some alternatives.

Nobody can buy it, if they don't sell it.

If they don't care to sell it, then they don't buy it!


I'm with ya bud. Most of the issue is with business owners and government for not putting the product and message out there.

Though I must admit there is a bit of disgust with parents getting there kids addicted to being fat and eating unhealthily before they even hit adolescence. I do think the parents instinctively know better, but ... mai pen rai. Easier to feed them white rice, noodles, fatty meat, huge slushies and lots and lots of kanom.

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parents getting there kids addicted to being fat

Them there kids or their kids ?

Seems to me the Thais must dip everything in salt or sugar. I remember the gals at work slicing up a mango which I thought would be a nice treat, but then they ruined it by putting fish sauce & sugar in the bowl & mixing it up. It was disgusting IMHO.

They simply cannot just eat the mango slices w/o anything to dip it in. I've seen the same of oranges that they dip in sugar. <deleted> !?!

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parents getting there kids addicted to being fat

Them there kids or their kids ?

Seems to me the Thais must dip everything in salt or sugar. I remember the gals at work slicing up a mango which I thought would be a nice treat, but then they ruined it by putting fish sauce & sugar in the bowl & mixing it up. It was disgusting IMHO.

They simply cannot just eat the mango slices w/o anything to dip it in. I've seen the same of oranges that they dip in sugar. <deleted> !?!

Isn't it obvious? I meant "them there kids." sorry. Thanks grammar police.

With you on the rest though.

Edited by happysanook
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When people stop preparing their meals at home from fresh food and depend on processed/prepared food then they will get fat and less healthy...period. I didn't get these jowls from eating broccoli.

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I am quite pleasantly surprised by the amount of fresh produce consumed by my family but they are out in the countryside. Always gives me a little satisfaction when I see them eating salad and fruit. Satisfaction that we do not live close to any fast food outlets.

Although exercise is important, do not dismiss the relevance of having a very high fibre content in the diet, exercise maybe good for the heart, lungs and muscular elements, fibre contibutes to the well being of the digestive tracts and associated areas. Too much processed food is just not good for anybody.

So no matter who is deemed responsible for the current eating habits of the Thai, Good that the government is making people aware.

Same here, my wife's family eat very healthy and so do I when I stay with them. I think it is mostly the Bangkokians that eat the crap.

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When people stop preparing their meals at home from fresh food and depend on processed/prepared food then they will get fat and less healthy...period. I didn't get these jowls from eating broccoli.

You handsome devil you. I hear the Thais do waxing real cheap.

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Well actually, what people might not have even thought about is following:

Kids not only get fatter because they play too much computer,... because they are sitting on their asses all day in School or university, Both institutes ending up at 3 to 4 pm or later, that's a lot of time to be wasted sitting around... and in addition to that Kids get too much homework which aren't relevant to their lives...

So too much school and homework is IMO another cause of increasing obesity...

BS. Healthy eating will keep you well until the 50's. Then you have to work at it.

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Well at least the department of health has some idea about diplomacy....."expressed its concerns that multi-national food producers had been publicizing unhealthy food to Thais".....They never came right out and said it was the farangs fault.....:rolleyes:

Well they can't blame "Farangs" that is generalising. Pizza Hut, KFC, McDonalds, Burger King, Krispy Creme, Coca Cola, Sizzler and Mister Donut just to name a few are "AMERICAN" Thais are consuming to much American food. Our son is forbiden from consuming American food as it is well known world wide that it is extreemly fattening and totaly unhealthy.

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Well at least the department of health has some idea about diplomacy....."expressed its concerns that multi-national food producers had been publicizing unhealthy food to Thais".....They never came right out and said it was the farangs fault.....:rolleyes:

Well they can't blame "Farangs" that is generalising. Pizza Hut, KFC, McDonalds, Burger King, Krispy Creme, Coca Cola, Sizzler and Mister Donut just to name a few are "AMERICAN" Thais are consuming to much American food. Our son is forbiden from consuming American food as it is well known world wide that it is extreemly fattening and totaly unhealthy.

There is a man and his daughter that set up a Thai dessert table every night with a choice of 30 different Thai desserts. I love the egg custards and the coconut custards. They resemble a crème brulee for 7 baht each wrapped in banana leaves. Everything on the guys table is made fresh, looks great and is fattening. How can you walk by and not get at least one, gosh it is only 7 baht. Rice and sugar and oil, hardly American although America does have a lot of salad bars hardly fattening.

Hope you tell the kid that you are just anti American and there is a lot of healthy American food available.

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Well at least the department of health has some idea about diplomacy....."expressed its concerns that multi-national food producers had been publicizing unhealthy food to Thais".....They never came right out and said it was the farangs fault.....:rolleyes:

Well they can't blame "Farangs" that is generalising. Pizza Hut, KFC, McDonalds, Burger King, Krispy Creme, Coca Cola, Sizzler and Mister Donut just to name a few are "AMERICAN" Thais are consuming to much American food. Our son is forbiden from consuming American food as it is well known world wide that it is extreemly fattening and totaly unhealthy.

There is a man and his daughter that set up a Thai dessert table every night with a choice of 30 different Thai desserts. I love the egg custards and the coconut custards. They resemble a crème brulee for 7 baht each wrapped in banana leaves. Everything on the guys table is made fresh, looks great and is fattening. How can you walk by and not get at least one, gosh it is only 7 baht. Rice and sugar and oil, hardly American although America does have a lot of salad bars hardly fattening.

Hope you tell the kid that you are just anti American and there is a lot of healthy American food available.

Not anti American at all in fact the opposite. Australia was attacked in the WWII and if the yanks had not have assisted us who knows what may have happened. Just do not like the American food they are promoting around the world ie, Macca's KFC etc as I stated. 99% of the multi national fast food companies they refer to would have to American. I can't think of a chain like McDonalds and the like operating in Thailand from another country. Thailand has a couple of chicken franchises modeled on American but again that is the American influence on foods.

P.S he is not "The Kid" (baby goat) he is the son or child.

Edited by chooka
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Well at least the department of health has some idea about diplomacy....."expressed its concerns that multi-national food producers had been publicizing unhealthy food to Thais".....They never came right out and said it was the farangs fault.....:rolleyes:

Well they can't blame "Farangs" that is generalising. Pizza Hut, KFC, McDonalds, Burger King, Krispy Creme, Coca Cola, Sizzler and Mister Donut just to name a few are "AMERICAN" Thais are consuming to much American food. Our son is forbiden from consuming American food as it is well known world wide that it is extreemly fattening and totaly unhealthy.

There is a man and his daughter that set up a Thai dessert table every night with a choice of 30 different Thai desserts. I love the egg custards and the coconut custards. They resemble a crème brulee for 7 baht each wrapped in banana leaves. Everything on the guys table is made fresh, looks great and is fattening. How can you walk by and not get at least one, gosh it is only 7 baht. Rice and sugar and oil, hardly American although America does have a lot of salad bars hardly fattening.

Hope you tell the kid that you are just anti American and there is a lot of healthy American food available.

Not anti American at all in fact the opposite. Australia was attacked in the WWII and if the yanks had not have assisted us who knows what may have happened. Just do not like the American food they are promoting around the world ie, Macca's KFC etc as I stated. 99% of the multi national fast food companies they refer to would have to American. I can't think of a chain like McDonalds and the like operating in Thailand from another country. Thailand has a couple of chicken franchises modeled on American but again that is the American influence on foods.

P.S he is not "The Kid" (baby goat) he is the son or child.

For really fat food you might want to check out YAMAZAKI BAKING Co., Ltd and the other successful fast food chains run in Thailand by the Japanese and add Japanese fast food chains to the list of foods your children are forbidden. I can think of 5 fat food Japanese fast food chains. Even worse they promote gluttony by being all you can eat.

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What do you expect with brands like McDomalds, Pizza Hoot, Burger Ding, Dungking Donuts, Krispy Dream, Kentucky Fried Poultry.

I still think Somtam Poo or Soup Nho Mai is still tastier. Make that with Pla raah. Yum!

Don't need international chains to make people fat. In the village I live in, which is as far away from the city as one could probably get, not an international in sight, yet quite a few fatties. Shops full of junk food and sugar snacks/ drinks.

More worrying is that the locals feed their children a lot of junk food. Always see them with potato crisp type snacks.

After school, the kids seem more interested in playing computer games than in playing outside

In the local after school English class I sometimes help out at, there are 2 pre teen children that are obese, not just fat. One 12 y o weighs 75 kg!

Without a Meechai type education programme, there is only trouble in store for the coming generation, and not just obesity, but diabetes as well.

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