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The Opposite To That Other Thread About Endearing Service N Such...

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So, the other thread got closed because of 2 scallywags with questionable thought patterns....

So, seeing as they did not believe that, guess they will applaud the following as usual everyday occurrence..

Yesterday I took 3 kids to mini golf at a place nearby that is usually deserted, in fact you have to go and chase up the owners to send over one of the maids or security guys to open up and let us in.

At the end of the game, the kids ran up to grab a couple of drinks and I went to pay. Total for the mega outing was 210baht.

I only had 1x100, 1x20 and 1x500 baht notes on me. I offered him the 500 note expecting him to have to go and get change....he just took the 120b and said never mind.

Then when in town later, we stopped outside a rice shop that we sometimes buy brown rice from...not same same but different to yellow snow...and in a corner of this shop they have a small gem and rock shop. My son showed interest in a fossil in the corner...not the owner...and she showed it to him, chatted to him and gave him a small meteorite rock for free and then gave another 2 rocks to the 2 girls. All she wanted was a nice wai from them for thanks and thats it.

I prefer the other kinda service....more comedic value....


Careful Dags. You say anything remotely positive about Thais and Thailand and the Thai-hating brigade may just launch their standard tirade of namecalling, i.e., "Thai apologist," "wearer of rose-colored glasses," "newbie know-nothing," etc., etc. Or they'll just ignore this thread. The majority of TV members aren't particularly interested in reading anything that puts Thais in a positive light. You start bashing Thais about anything and, man, they come up out of the rocks in droves!

I only had 1x100, 1x20 and 1x500 baht notes on me. I offered him the 500 note expecting him to have to go and get change....he just took the 120b and said never mind.

What did you do after this? Did you stand there and tell yourself, "mai bpen rai, mai dtong toon gaw dai." or did you ask the guy what he meant by "never mind"? I suppose you kept mum and walked away.

As for the second scenario, the lady is so sweet. Judging by her behaviour, t seems that she loves kids. This could be the reason why she is so nice.


Careful Dags. You say anything remotely positive about Thais and Thailand and the Thai-hating brigade may just launch their standard tirade of namecalling,

Some people hate Thais, some people hate TV-members.


Careful Dags. You say anything remotely positive about Thais and Thailand and the Thai-hating brigade may just launch their standard tirade of namecalling, i.e., "Thai apologist," "wearer of rose-colored glasses," "newbie know-nothing," etc., etc. Or they'll just ignore this thread. The majority of TV members aren't particularly interested in reading anything that puts Thais in a positive light. You start bashing Thais about anything and, man, they come up out of the rocks in droves!

Truer words.


I got a haircut the other days and the girl insisted on refusing payment because the last time I was there I gave her two bills stuck together without realizing it. There are plenty of honest people in Thailand. :thumbsup:

I only had 1x100, 1x20 and 1x500 baht notes on me. I offered him the 500 note expecting him to have to go and get change....he just took the 120b and said never mind.

What did you do after this? Did you stand there and tell yourself, "mai bpen rai, mai dtong toon gaw dai." or did you ask the guy what he meant by "never mind"? I suppose you kept mum and walked away.

I think you need to re-read scenario one..,


When I first went to my wife's hometown years ago, I did'nt know Thai coins and could care less. To small to think about.

Next door to my wife's mothers home was a Ma & Pa store that sold a little bit of everything. I would walk over and buy a

beer from a very nice lady who always had a big smile on her face. When I got back my wife would always want to see the

change I got from my 100bt note. She would always smile and say ok. Sometimes I would just hold out my hand with a bunch

of coins in my hand and she would pick out a few coins when I wanted a beer.

One day I went there and she was not out front, but a guy I took to be her husband was. He had a bad look on his face.

I took a beer chang and gave him 100bt and he gave me my change, I did'nt look at the the change.

All of a sudden his wife ran from the back room and looked at me and made me open my hand to look at the change.

She started yelling at him in a way I can not not beileve. She then ripped the 100bt note from his hand and gave it back to

me. She wayed me and told me to go home. I went home with the change,the 100bt and the beer.

My wifes family heard all the yelling, I told my wife what happened and then she told the family. The laughing was priceless.

They were crying from laughing so long. He stole 20bt from me according too my wife after looking at my change.

Long story short.....I go out of my way to spend my money with that smiling Thai lady. Over the years 10,000's of baht.


When I first went to my wife's hometown years ago, I did'nt know Thai coins and could care less. To small to think about.

Next door to my wife's mothers home was a Ma & Pa store that sold a little bit of everything. I would walk over and buy a

beer from a very nice lady who always had a big smile on her face. When I got back my wife would always want to see the

change I got from my 100bt note. She would always smile and say ok. Sometimes I would just hold out my hand with a bunch

of coins in my hand and she would pick out a few coins when I wanted a beer.

One day I went there and she was not out front, but a guy I took to be her husband was. He had a bad look on his face.

I took a beer chang and gave him 100bt and he gave me my change, I did'nt look at the the change.

All of a sudden his wife ran from the back room and looked at me and made me open my hand to look at the change.

She started yelling at him in a way I can not not beileve. She then ripped the 100bt note from his hand and gave it back to

me. She wayed me and told me to go home. I went home with the change,the 100bt and the beer.

My wifes family heard all the yelling, I told my wife what happened and then she told the family. The laughing was priceless.

They were crying from laughing so long. He stole 20bt from me according too my wife after looking at my change.

Long story short.....I go out of my way to spend my money with that smiling Thai lady. Over the years 10,000's of baht.

Over the years this has been my experience with Thais.


When I first went to my wife's hometown years ago, I did'nt know Thai coins and could care less. To small to think about.

Next door to my wife's mothers home was a Ma & Pa store that sold a little bit of everything. I would walk over and buy a

beer from a very nice lady who always had a big smile on her face. When I got back my wife would always want to see the

change I got from my 100bt note. She would always smile and say ok. Sometimes I would just hold out my hand with a bunch

of coins in my hand and she would pick out a few coins when I wanted a beer.

One day I went there and she was not out front, but a guy I took to be her husband was. He had a bad look on his face.

I took a beer chang and gave him 100bt and he gave me my change, I did'nt look at the the change.

All of a sudden his wife ran from the back room and looked at me and made me open my hand to look at the change.

She started yelling at him in a way I can not not beileve. She then ripped the 100bt note from his hand and gave it back to

me. She wayed me and told me to go home. I went home with the change,the 100bt and the beer.

My wifes family heard all the yelling, I told my wife what happened and then she told the family. The laughing was priceless.

They were crying from laughing so long. He stole 20bt from me according too my wife after looking at my change.

Long story short.....I go out of my way to spend my money with that smiling Thai lady. Over the years 10,000's of baht.

Over the years this has been my experience with Thais.

Same here. One thing I have seen over the years is the strange look you get when you inform the shopkeeper that they have undercharged you.


Years ago when I rode a motorcycle I got a puncture late one evening. Pushed it to a local shack that repaired tyres even though I knew it would be closed. Feeling guilty I knocked on the door and woke the guy up. He fixed my tyre and despite my protestations wouldn't accept any money and even shared his bottle of whiskey with me. Noticing he had a couple of little kids I went back the next day with a bagful of sweets and snacks from the 7-11. My conscience wouldn't let me just go with a " Thanks mate" as judging by his accommodation he was unlikely to be appearing on "Lifestyles of the rich and famous" anytime soon.


The shop I got my computer fixed at last week noticed the cd player was not working...they swapped it for one that is working and no charge.

My wife let me have sex again today.


The shop I got my computer fixed at last week noticed the cd player was not working...they swapped it for one that is working and no charge.

My wife let me have sex again today.

some days are diamonds


I got a haircut the other days and the girl insisted on refusing payment because the last time I was there I gave her two bills stuck together without realizing it. There are plenty of honest people in Thailand. :thumbsup:

I'll raise you and really inflame the membership: I've met plenty of honest, nice people in--PATTAYA! :shock1:


I got a haircut the other days and the girl insisted on refusing payment because the last time I was there I gave her two bills stuck together without realizing it. There are plenty of honest people in Thailand. :thumbsup:

Recently money was stolen from me by a Thai. I still blame myself for allowing it to happen. I don't blame the Thais for it. Could have happened anywhere.

In general i don't think all Thais are cheaters and liars. The ones i meet are quite honest and nice. Except that one then but i learned from it.


I think we need to differentiate between different areas, out of tourist areas people are less hardened to scams and tend to treat people fairly, even more so if they know your 'thai family'. I did go to the local mon and pop shop once though near my house for a packet of 'oreo' biscuits, and she came back with leo beer haha. I guess it sounds the same.

It would also be wrong to say every person in tourist areas is a scammer, it is just that chance of being scammed goes up in these areas as you can be mistaken for a naive tourist.

I have to say in 6 years here I have not knowingly been scammed, sure I may have paid slightly more for some things over the time, but always got the correct change, and I always believe that if I am happy to pay a price even though Thais without my knowledge pay less, then I have not been scammed as such as i agreed to pay it. I always have the option to refuse to buy or use the service and many times I have as it is obvious to me what is going on as the price becomes extortionate, also a few thai words lets the other person know you are not a tourist so are less likely to overpay for an item as you are more likely to know the true price.

on another note and slightly off topic but could be useful to some, at HCMC airport a couple of weeks ago i wanted to change some money before flying back to thailand, I had already cleared immigration etc, the exchange had no prices up, I said I wanted and asked the price, the rate she gave was awful so I walked away, I then went back to check a rate for USD, she saw me coming back and looked worried and straight away said sorry as she had given me the wrong rate first time for Baht. I wonder if this was a genuine mistake or an attempt to give a poorer rate than the real rate.


Everyday life where i live Thai kindness is apparent. The bakery I go to will bake on request whatever a foreigner would like. Last week some germans ordered a special dark bread. After baking it the bakery wasnot happy with how it turned out so when the germans came to pick up their order that day , the baker informed them they would bake another batch that day and come tommorrow and pick it up for free. The bakery baked the bread but the germans never came back to get it. The bakery froze it for them so when they return they can give it to them.

The coffee shop I frequent loses money on me everyday. I go have a cappuccino and they always give me things. The things they give me are more expensive than my coffee. Treats brought back from Japan,Korea or just Chiang Mai and Bangkok. I also get a large pot of tea. The manager even runs out to purchase special things for me some times, when I come in. They just love to share.

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