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This Is Very Serious ! I Need Genuine Answers Only


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(1) we are in uk at minute

(2) everything was bought after we married

(3) i am in possession of all documents for car + house in pattaya ( not house in isaan, i dont nessesarilly want house in isaan but i could use it as an extra bargaining tool although she is cute enough to know i cannot own this as its on her fathers land )

(4) she is willing to write me any letter that i require for sale of car and house plus i will get copy of her I.D card and passport for this purpose.

willthere be any problems ? can any one recommend a decent ( honest ) lawyer ? costs etc. basically shed some light on this to enable me to get the situation sorted asap. i cannot see an end to this nightmare marriage and ive had enough, its gone too far now.

fool in paradise eh rolleyes.gif

Assuming you need an English speaking lawyer try Isaan Lawyers. It appears your wife comes from Isaan too so that could be beneficial.

I've used them for my Thai Will and Usufruct.

If they're too busy or do not want to/cannot take on your case then you'll get a straight answer.

Keep calm as that's the only way to deal with difficult situations and write everything down. Otherwise a lawyer will forget some of the things you tell him.

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The land department has forms that she can sign then have notarized that will give you the right to act as the transfer agent for the house. Of course it wont stop her from selling it at anytime she wants. But it will give you the right to act at the land department to sell the house to somebody you trust, you will pay transfer tax but you will get the cash or the house in a friend or company name without her needing to be there. However as I have experienced these papers usually have a short time limit in thailand so best to have everything arranged for a transfer and then ask her to sign.

wish you the best.

If you hold the chanote it will slow her by a bit.

i do not want the car i want the money for house and car i dont want anything only the money i have lost over the last while, if need be i will get her to sign some kind of document to enable me to live in the house in pattaya if i cannot own it r sell it. she is not getting 50-50 as it was all my money that bought everything.

ive lost too much !!!

As others have said you will have to hope that your wife fully co-operates with the sale of the house in Pattaya, that's assuming you can find a buyer, and agree to let you have any funds that she might get from the sale. To enable you to live in it, I think you will probably have to lease it from her, in any case she has the upper hand so best not to alienate her at this stage.

The car can be transferred into your name, I'm sure you don't need telling that you might have been better doing that in the first place, but what's done is done.

If an when you divorce you go to the Amphur and at at that stage you agree the division of property, she is entitled to 50% of anything that was purchased after you married, whoever paid for it, if you can get her to agree that have the house in Pattaya then I would snatch her hands off, I suspect that is worth more than half of your/her total property assets, you certainly will not get it all back. You know already that you will not be able to have the land in your name and that it's a buyers market at the moment.

I have been through this, and it's still going on after nearly four years, I got an agreement via the court that the house I purchased is sold and I get 50%, it's been on the market for 20 months, it's now empty, and there is not a sniff of a buyer, I don't even know where she is.

You really need to get yourself over here and get yourself a good lawyer to advise you, but it's gonna cost you and there's a danger that you might find yourself throwing good money after bad. The lawyer I picked, because they are sponsors of this forum, are as much help as a chocolate fireguard, I won't name them because I suspect they would go after me for defamation.

Good luck, it's not going to be easy.

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"......a fool takes all his money to the grave and dies a lonely old C***t as far as i am concerned."

Only a fool takes all his money to the grave, and everybody's alone when they die.

I woke up feeling miserable this morning.

By the early afternoon, I felt depressed.

Now I’m feeling suicidal after reading your post.

So what is the meaning of life? Is everyone out to get us?

I think that us Thai visa members should meet up, eat, drink and be merry.


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"......a fool takes all his money to the grave and dies a lonely old C***t as far as i am concerned."

Only a fool takes all his money to the grave, and everybody's alone when they die.

"I woke up feeling miserable this morning.

By the early afternoon, I felt depressed.

Now I'm feeling suicidal after reading your post.

So what is the meaning of life? Is everyone out to get us?

I think that us Thai visa members should meet up, eat, drink and be merry."

Beetlejuice, the last thing I want to do is to make you feel miserable, depressed, or suicidal. I'm not even sure why my post would make you feel that way.

Meaning of life? You answered it yourself. Eat, drink, and be merry, and, along the way, at least, forgive thy neighbor. Respect your neighbor. Help them, if possible.

In a way, some people are looking to take advantage of you. That's their problem. Yes, you have to be careful, but that doesn';t mean that you have to be paranoid. Just avoid those situations that don't feel right. Even a 5 year old knows when someone is full of shit.

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scorpio, at least you are not a fool, as you have spent your money already.

a fool takes all his money to the grave and dies a lonely old C***t as far as i am concerned wink.gif

Not quite sure about that. Only a fool places all of his eggs in one basket, they puts the basket on the handlebars of a motorbike riden by a Thai woman through Bangkok traffic. Anytime you place your financial life in the hands of someone else, you are a fool. Most especially in matters of the heart. A little too late now to close the gate on the barn as the horses have already bolted.

For the OP, if you make it through this little episode with your sanity and health, you should be happy.

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"she will sign papers for me to give me the pattaya house and my car back."

You can get the cars, but the land is not available for you to own legally, unless you form a Thai company to own it, which to me is just asking for troubles later on.

If you don't have a home in LOS you might as well sell the vehicles, because you'll have nowhere to park them.

i do not want the car i want the money for house and car i dont want anything only the money i have lost over the last while, if need be i will get her to sign some kind of document to enable me to live in the house in pattaya if i cannot own it r sell it. she is not getting 50-50 as it was all my money that bought everything.

ive lost too much !!!


Right now your in the driving seat and she will say anything, once you get to Thailand things will switch and she will be the one in the driving seat. She cannot legally sign anything over to you where land is concerned If I were you I would put the house and stuff up for sale while in the UK and have the papers signed by her via courier and do it from there.

If you return to Thailand on her word she will do it all while here you are up S$#%T creek without a Paddle and while you are still entitled to 50% it will be a long slug getting it.

The one positive thing is you are in the UK that is your only saving grace.


P.S the car should be easy she just has to sign the book and a few papers from the transport place to anyone you know or trust or even to you although that might cause more problems if she acuses you when here or forcing her to sign it.

Can someone please spell out how being in the UK put's the OP in a better position, it's all in her name and whether the OP is in Thailand or the UK that fact doesn't change, the only slight advantage I can see is that if sorting things out while in the UK it would mean that any UK obligations can continue to be managed easily while still in the UK - apart from that I can't see the advantage of being in the UK, if anything I would of thought being close to the assets and the relevant parties in Thailand would be better, of course the fact that everything is in her name really places OP balls in the palm of her hand, she's got the power and it will be "up to her" whether she goes in ruthlessly or kindly - like most women who divorce wherever they come from.

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".... everybody's alone when they die."

I can see why that seems depressing. Only for you, Beetlejuice, will I expound on it.

I once worked with someone that I had some respect for. One day he said to me: "You'll be all alone when you die." I responded by saying: "Who cares, I'm dying." What I meant was that even with a room full of people that (for the sake of argument) care about me, and comfort me, when the time comes I'm alone. Anyone who feels that their soul-mate (James Ellroy referred to prostitutes as instant soul-mates) "completes" or "fulfills" them, is watching too many movies. That's called Hollywood horse-shit. It's certainly great to have a "partner" to "share" your life with. However,there's only one place where you can find contentment, fullfillment, completeness, and be prepared for what's to come. I could be under some railroad bridge, in a heavy rainstorm, without another human being in sight (hopefully), dying, and I'm not necessarily alone.

I hope that makes you fell better.

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Well, if the items you mentioned are acquired after the marriage, you are entitled to 50% of the assets. If they are acquired before the marriage they belongs to you.

Just noticed that everything is in your wifes name. So If you bought the houses and the car before you got married.......bad "luck". :(

wrong,, even if they are not legaly married he is inilteld to half of everything no matter whos name it is in, but you can only claim back 50% of what you brought in the last 5 years(i think its 5 years)

including any cash you gave her,,if you have bank statements for proof,,

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if you want the name of a good English speaking thai layer based in phuket thai let me know I will post you her details,,I've been dealing with her for some time and she is no nonsense she will tell you straight ,this is her field,

there is a way to get your car house and even your cash back,,i know for a fact,no matter whos name it is in,there is a law in thai civil partner act,,where you can legally claim back 50% of cash and goods,married or not,,

up to you if you want her details or any one else dose be happy to pass them on,,i will email her to get her permision first before passing on her details,to any one,,

i cant open post her details has she will not take phone calls unless from a known contact, and will not see cold callers at her office,

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Under UK divorce law I believe OP should be responsible for paying a monthly alimony to his wife after they divorce. Under UK divorce law, if one spouse did not earn any income and was provided for then it is expected that they will continue to receive this treatment after marriage. I hope OP is not going to try and stiff her.

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