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No Sign Of Any Leadership Quality From Yingluck


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With media revolution that came with the TV and the teleprompters in the white house politicians in the west turned to become show masters.

Actually not an essential skill to be a good politician but useful when you want to fool the masses.

Communicating with the public is not an essential skill of being a public leader? OK. Fair enough.

In the same way i guess as being able to speak English it seems is not an essential skill of being foreign minister.

Some might say, less skills the better. cheesy.gif

If you are an English foreign minister you should be able to speak English. But lot of his foreign non-English colleagues are terrible in it.

Agree, would be good if foreign ministers were polyglots, but then how many of them actually can speak more then at least three languages?

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So, I reckon the plan is that there will be stronger and stronger pressure to bring back Thaksin, to fill a power vacuum. A leader who isn't really there. A power vacuum is damaging for any country, and it will be easier to push Thaksin coming supported by that new political reality.

He's very clever, isn't he?

Another, more democratic scenario would be for Ms. Yingluck to step down and the parliament electing a new PM. PM Yingluck might even call for new elections :lol:

Maybe the plan is to keep her until they get her big brother of the hook. Then he comes back, she steps down and the party elect him as the new leader. :blink:

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If you are an English foreign minister you should be able to speak English. But lot of his foreign non-English colleagues are terrible in it.

Agree, would be good if foreign ministers were polyglots, but then how many of them actually can speak more then at least three languages?

If the position was an equivalent position, but in a private company, you wouldn't be considered for even a second if you didn't have basic decent English skills. For politicians, the bar is clearly set much lower. Carry on your defence.

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So, I reckon the plan is that there will be stronger and stronger pressure to bring back Thaksin, to fill a power vacuum. A leader who isn't really there. A power vacuum is damaging for any country, and it will be easier to push Thaksin coming supported by that new political reality.

He's very clever, isn't he?

Another, more democratic scenario would be for Ms. Yingluck to step down and the parliament electing a new PM. PM Yingluck might even call for new elections :lol:

Maybe the plan is to keep her until they get her big brother of the hook. Then he comes back, she steps down and the party elect him as the new leader. :blink:

Possible, bit unlikely, but possible. Mind you, k. Thaksin would have to be MP before the other MPs can elect him PM. That would require a new election and a certain outcome.

BTW with 'Thaksin thinks, Pheu Thai acts' the 'election to party leader' should be a shoo-in, if k. Thaksin is back and amnestied ;)

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If you are an English foreign minister you should be able to speak English. But lot of his foreign non-English colleagues are terrible in it.

Agree, would be good if foreign ministers were polyglots, but then how many of them actually can speak more then at least three languages?

If the position was an equivalent position, but in a private company, you wouldn't be considered for even a second if you didn't have basic decent English skills. For politicians, the bar is clearly set much lower. Carry on your defence.

Run a government like a private company, the PM as a CEO??? :o Heaven forbid!

That is Thaksinceonomacxsy. The most evil thing on earth. Almost like capitalism. It's bad, dude. Don't you know?


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The quote is from Harold Wilson, one of the longest serving and most politically astute British Prime Ministers

Harold Wilson also had some very questionable links and indeed he was linked to Philby, Maclean. Blunt all part of that delightful red cell, Wilsons loyalty to the U.K was and indeed still is a matter of some speculation.

Much like the Thaksin family, the only loyalty Yingluck can have is to her brother who placed her in her current position. From a position gained by nepotism then thrust into a position of great power with nary an inkling of the workings of international politics let alone national politics..

The powder store I hope is secure, the fuse has already been lit as of last year, now that fuse is burning and it could yet ignite Thailand


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This week's parliamentary debate on the government's policy statement will be a complete disappointment to most of the country's electorate

It will come as a disappointment to 10% of the electorate.

The other 38% of the electorate that voted for PTP will make up excuses about her performance.

The 52% (most of the country's electorate) that didn't vote for PTP won't be disappointed at all. That's probably what they expected.

Time will tell what the people think.

Exactly. Most people dont spend much time thinking or discussing politics or watching it on the TV. They have more important things to do. By the next election they should be able to judge government and opposition performance.

They are not much interested in political programs, their only concern is to ensure that the Bangkok elite is no longer running the country, but this only applies politically of course, since the Bangkok elite will carry on controlling the country commercially and economically, and that de-facto controls the country in many aspects.

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Political instability has been here for years, decades even. How many people died during the 70's riots. There was a coup in the 80's and I personally have seen 3 different coups/attempts at Government since then. Rice farmers in suits to native businesspeople have no interest at heart except their own.

Just another short episode in the never ending novel of Thai political life.

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Oh my, oh my, what and who is governing Thailand? It seems Dr. Thaksin has thrown so many people 'under the bus' that competent people are scared to join with him or he can't trust them. The pool of talent he can draw on has gotten shallow indeed. How sad for the populace. This government is unraveling faster than I could have imagined, I partially excused the Democrats' incompetence as due the their having to form alliances with many unsavory types to cling to power. Some of the rest of their failure comes from constant harrasment from the red shirt movement distractions of protest and rioting. I thought this current government, seeing as they have a majority without outside help, would keep things steady while slowly pulling the strings necessary to bring back the 'Paymaster'.

I had hoped they, since they are the only power around with clout, would do something positive for the people to latch onto as they need to buy time to accomplish their one true goal. I sincerely hope the excuses quoted in the news article for Ms. Yingluck are not the best available. Mr. Chalerm is yesterday's fish in today's paper. The House Speaker has failed miserably. The Red Delegation MPs have missed the plot. The education minister is taking away school uniforms to pay for tablets for a few. The finance minister doesn't have a plan and the BOT disagrees with him. Bids will be taken on train lines at the end of the year for lines that have not had any planning on (maybe someone has property along the 'new' lines). The agriculture ministry is bring back a failed method of paddy mortgage. the transport ministry has cancelled the new proposed high-speed train lines. Serious back pedalling on 300 Bt./ Bt. 15k pay promises. And this is just some of the things I read about the new government. I can only imagine the schemes being cooked up by other ministrys.

The last government was corrupt and ineffective. The new government is inept and ineffective. I haven't seen the corruption yet with the new government but considering why and who they exist for, I'm sure that's coming. Good thing Thai people are Buddhist and have 'acceptance' ingrained from birth. Mai Pben Rai.

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And our verdict says that the public deserves much more from our politicians.

Rather harsh judgement after how many weeks (?) in office, by the esteemed offices of The Nation. I recall all the pap pieces they flooged about PM Abhisit, culiminating with the "ageing like fine wine" PR rubbish ... they eventually admitted PM Abhisit was a failure.

Gee you think this is PR piece too :D

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The quote is from Harold Wilson, one of the longest serving and most politically astute British Prime Ministers

Harold Wilson also had some very questionable links and indeed he was linked to Philby, Maclean. Blunt all part of that delightful red cell, Wilsons loyalty to the U.K was and indeed still is a matter of some speculation.

Much like the Thaksin family, the only loyalty Yingluck can have is to her brother who placed her in her current position. From a position gained by nepotism then thrust into a position of great power with nary an inkling of the workings of international politics let alone national politics..

The powder store I hope is secure, the fuse has already been lit as of last year, now that fuse is burning and it could yet ignite Thailand


Wilson suffered from acute Paranoia about there being a Coup against him and his Commie Government plus his "shady"relationships,maybe one day the real truth will come out as to why he so mysteriously resigned almost overnight,But the Clown who replaced him Sunny Jim (crisis what crisis?)Callaghan was no better either. Edited by Colin Yai
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If you are an English foreign minister you should be able to speak English. But lot of his foreign non-English colleagues are terrible in it.

Agree, would be good if foreign ministers were polyglots, but then how many of them actually can speak more then at least three languages?

If the position was an equivalent position, but in a private company, you wouldn't be considered for even a second if you didn't have basic decent English skills. For politicians, the bar is clearly set much lower. Carry on your defence.

Run a government like a private company, the PM as a CEO??? :o Heaven forbid!

That is Thaksinceonomacxsy. The most evil thing on earth. Almost like capitalism. It's bad, dude. Don't you know?


Didn't say anything about the government being run like a private company. Just made the suggestion that it would be good if government positions, such as in this case, foreign minister, required candidates to be qualified to a similar level as they generally would be in the "outside world". Clearly you disagree, but i accept that your reasoning that other foreign ministers from other countries are also poorly qualified, so why should Thailand be any different, is incredibly sound and hard to argue against.

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If you are an English foreign minister you should be able to speak English. But lot of his foreign non-English colleagues are terrible in it.

Agree, would be good if foreign ministers were polyglots, but then how many of them actually can speak more then at least three languages?

If the position was an equivalent position, but in a private company, you wouldn't be considered for even a second if you didn't have basic decent English skills. For politicians, the bar is clearly set much lower. Carry on your defence.

Run a government like a private company, the PM as a CEO??? :o Heaven forbid!

That is Thaksinceonomacxsy. The most evil thing on earth. Almost like capitalism. It's bad, dude. Don't you know?


Didn't say anything about the government being run like a private company. Just made the suggestion that it would be good if government positions, such as in this case, foreign minister, required candidates to be qualified to a similar level as they generally would be in the "outside world". Clearly you disagree, but i accept that your reasoning that other foreign ministers from other countries are also poorly qualified, so why should Thailand be any different, is incredibly sound and hard to argue against.

Something else to think of.If it were the same level appointment / postion in the private sector. The wages for that position would be 10 or 20 times that of a government position.

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Something else to think of.If it were the same level appointment / postion in the private sector. The wages for that position would be 10 or 20 times that of a government position.

You're thinking like a farang.

Government positions pay very handsomely ... under the table.

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Something else to think of.If it were the same level appointment / postion in the private sector. The wages for that position would be 10 or 20 times that of a government position.

You're thinking like a farang.

Government positions pay very handsomely ... under the table.

I was just thinking to myself that I could have added a sentence on the end of that post.

I forgot where I was. LOL :jap:

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Something else to think of.If it were the same level appointment / postion in the private sector. The wages for that position would be 10 or 20 times that of a government position.

You're thinking like a farang.

Government positions pay very handsomely ... under the table.

Yes coma, don't you be worrying about how those poor Thai politicians manage to scrap a living on their meagre earnings of under 100,000 baht. There are many "fringe benefits" that more than make up for their terrible loss.

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Something else to think of.If it were the same level appointment / postion in the private sector. The wages for that position would be 10 or 20 times that of a government position.

You're thinking like a farang.

Government positions pay very handsomely ... under the table.

Yes coma, don't you be worrying about how those poor Thai politicians manage to scrap a living on their meagre earnings of under 100,000 baht. There are many "fringe benefits" that more than make up for their terrible loss.

I hear ya rixalex. ;)

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lol yingluck's so dumb, lol

Now that's an insult. No one can accuse Ms. Yingluck of being dumb. She might not be as bright as k. Abhisit, but she's not dumb. Unless you're referring to the advise of her brother to profess interest in serving the country and please put me on the Pheu Thai party list for the elections. Now for that you'll probably find more people who'd call that action dumb ;)

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If the PTP had a brain between the lot they would immediately pass the 300 baht min. wage. Forget about the economy, they need to do something big to keep there supporters in the fold. and show they are for the little guy. heheeeh good luck on anything big happening except Thaksin coming home.

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If the PTP had a brain between the lot they would immediately pass the 300 baht min. wage. Forget about the economy, they need to do something big to keep there supporters in the fold. and show they are for the little guy. heheeeh good luck on anything big happening except Thaksin coming home.

I don't think they can actually do that in a credible way. Remember Thaksin & Company and his monied cronies are the "elite" too.

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If the PTP had a brain between the lot they would immediately pass the 300 baht min. wage. Forget about the economy, they need to do something big to keep there supporters in the fold. and show they are for the little guy. heheeeh good luck on anything big happening except Thaksin coming home.

Hi Moe ,yeah the 300baht min wage idea is going to prove to be there Achilles's heel without a doubt ,problem is the genie is out of the bottle ain't it, watch for further embarrassing moments over the coming weeks,the 300 baht MW being just one of them.
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If the PTP had a brain between the lot they would immediately pass the 300 baht min. wage. Forget about the economy, they need to do something big to keep there supporters in the fold. and show they are for the little guy. heheeeh good luck on anything big happening except Thaksin coming home.

I don't think they can actually do that in a credible way. Remember Thaksin & Company and his monied cronies are the "elite" too.

Yeah Jinthing ,Thaksin and his mega rich cronies are far from the "working class hero's" that they would try and hoodwink these up here in Issan into believing .
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If the PTP had a brain between the lot they would immediately pass the 300 baht min. wage. Forget about the economy, they need to do something big to keep there supporters in the fold. and show they are for the little guy. heheeeh good luck on anything big happening except Thaksin coming home.

I don't think they can actually do that in a credible way. Remember Thaksin & Company and his monied cronies are the "elite" too.

Yeah Jinthing ,Thaksin and his mega rich cronies are far from the "working class hero's" that they would try and hoodwink these up here in Issan into believing .

true, and what's sad is they are still more in touch with the working class people than the democrats

what credible choices do the working class have?

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If the PTP had a brain between the lot they would immediately pass the 300 baht min. wage. Forget about the economy, they need to do something big to keep there supporters in the fold. and show they are for the little guy. heheeeh good luck on anything big happening except Thaksin coming home.

I don't think they can actually do that in a credible way. Remember Thaksin & Company and his monied cronies are the "elite" too.

Yeah Jinthing ,Thaksin and his mega rich cronies are far from the "working class hero's" that they would try and hoodwink these up here in Issan into believing .

true, and what's sad is they are still more in touch with the working class people than the democrats

what credible choices do the working class have?

As one member quite rightly wrote not not ago Thaksin threw a few scraps to the dogs(masses) to stop them from biting,I will go a bit further, whilst keeping the "lions share" for himself!.
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If the PTP had a brain between the lot they would immediately pass the 300 baht min. wage. Forget about the economy, they need to do something big to keep there supporters in the fold. and show they are for the little guy. heheeeh good luck on anything big happening except Thaksin coming home.

Hi Moe ,yeah the 300baht min wage idea is going to prove to be there Achilles's heel without a doubt ,problem is the genie is out of the bottle ain't it, watch for further embarrassing moments over the coming weeks,the 300 baht MW being just one of them.

The time is coming maybe a couple of months yet when Yingluck will not be able to answer any questions because no matter which direction she tries to give some answers she will step into another minefield.

Thanks big brother for love love and concern.

Edited by scorecard
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"No sign of any leadership quality from Yingluck"

Because she's not a leader, she never was a leader and when the dust has settled will be replaced, That was the plan of PT/Thaksin the day they selected her as the face of her party during the election . Some people are so naive.

People are not naive, everyone knows full well she was used to win the election with her femininity and good looks, but people are taking her words about governing from Bangkok at face value.

If she openly said ,'I haven't a clue, I'm just a puppet', she would have to resign.

So she continues the farce, but it's going to be a while, at least until the 111 are free to resume politics in May or after a new constitution which is at least a year away.

As mentioned, a week is a long time in politics!

Maybe not TV posters but a chunk of the uneducated, blindy loyal faithful in Siam are a bit naive,

Exactly, at that is what Thaksin banked on. Apisit overestimated the political savviness of the population, he thought they would use common sense and realise the Democrat policies were more realistic.

Part of that is the lack of realization by the dems that so many people would make their decision, which party to vote for, because of promises about pork prices etc.

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If the PTP had a brain between the lot they would immediately pass the 300 baht min. wage. Forget about the economy, they need to do something big to keep there supporters in the fold. and show they are for the little guy. heheeeh good luck on anything big happening except Thaksin coming home.

I don't think they can actually do that in a credible way. Remember Thaksin & Company and his monied cronies are the "elite" too.

Yeah Jinthing ,Thaksin and his mega rich cronies are far from the "working class hero's" that they would try and hoodwink these up here in Issan into believing .

true, and what's sad is they are still more in touch with the working class people than the democrats

what credible choices do the working class have?

They have the choice to not vote the lowest dredges of society into government. Due diligence as a citizen in short; as far as I know people are not forced to cast their ballots at gunpoint... then again my father in law had to go into hiding after the last election because he, as pooyai of the village, didn't manage to swing the vote towards a particular party and rumor had it a gunman was after him. :blink:

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