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Whats Up With You So Called "Riders"...?


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My bike is still not back on the road after I wrecked it in January. Waiting for petrol (not gas) tank. No idea how they managed to replace the frame, but not get me a petrol tank yet. Off to Kazakhstan tomorrow for a trip offshore and hopefully it will be back on the road by time I get back, then I will be out doing regular runs from BKK (not iron butt though, I like about 600km max for a day trip).

What kind of bike do you ride?

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OP, your talking <deleted>.

My 7 ltr Pontiac came out when l felt like it. Same for '' Special '' big bikes. LOS is NOT the place to use mega power on a daily basis, whether bike or car. Don't knock other owners, their decision. :rolleyes:

Didn't know they made a 7 liter pontiac, hear of the 6.6 and a 7.5 though

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OP, your talking <deleted>.

My 7 ltr Pontiac came out when l felt like it. Same for '' Special '' big bikes. LOS is NOT the place to use mega power on a daily basis, whether bike or car. Don't knock other owners, their decision. :rolleyes:

Didn't know they made a 7 liter pontiac, hear of the 6.6 and a 7.5 though

You've never heard of the 428 Pontiac? Wasn't offered long as the 455 replaced it...

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During my working years I did know a REAL rider. This is a true story. His name was Leroy and he rode a 750 Honda. Keep in mind that this was in Ohio. He rode that rusty beat up old Honda every day year round. Rain, sleet, ice and snow. He made it to work when other guys said that they were snowed in.

Leroy was a nice guy but he did things his way. One day the industrial engineer studied Leroy's job and his work habits. Part of Leroy's job was filling hoppers on top of a large stand with a mix to feed the machines below the stand. Leroy worked for me and did a great job. The hoppers weighed 350 pounds and there was a hoist to replace empty hoppers with full ones. Leroy told the IE that using the hoist was too slow so he lifted them onto the hopper holder by hand. The IE told him that he had to use the hoist because he would hurt himself using his back. Leroy told the IE that he was busy and to get off his stand or he would throw him off. The IE was pale when he came to me to complain. I calmed down the IE and told him that it would be best to leave Leroy alone.

I mentioned Leroy's job and why no one made fun of him riding that ragged old Honda.

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OP, your talking <deleted>.

My 7 ltr Pontiac came out when l felt like it. Same for '' Special '' big bikes. LOS is NOT the place to use mega power on a daily basis, whether bike or car. Don't knock other owners, their decision. :rolleyes:

Didn't know they made a 7 liter pontiac, hear of the 6.6 and a 7.5 though

Yes they did, 428 ci, 7ltr

Mine was a 60 th over (400ci) 6.6,made it 6.8 (413 ci) but l always call a 7 lt.

Pontiac did have a 7 lt engine, 428 ci which progressed to 455 in l think 1971. :)

All the engines were identical to look at and the same dimensions but the 400 had 3 inch mains and the 427/455 had 31/4.

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OP, your talking <deleted>.

My 7 ltr Pontiac came out when l felt like it. Same for '' Special '' big bikes. LOS is NOT the place to use mega power on a daily basis, whether bike or car. Don't knock other owners, their decision. :rolleyes:

Didn't know they made a 7 liter pontiac, hear of the 6.6 and a 7.5 though

Yes they did, 428 ci, 7ltr

Mine was a 60 th over (400ci) 6.6,made it 6.8 (413 ci) but l always call a 7 lt.

Pontiac did have a 7 lt engine, 428 ci which progressed to 455 in l think 1971. :)

All the engines were identical to look at and the same dimensions but the 400 had 3 inch mains and the 427/455 had 31/4.

Okay thats all nice and cool, but what about the topic: " whats up with y so called riders":D

OK going for a ride on the Fino, no leathers but jeans & shirt.B)

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This is what got me going crazy today:

So i went to a supermarket, i rode there on my moped, saw a few ducatis and late model cbr's and R1's parked near by, lookd around for the riders, saw them sitting down having some coffee and drinks at a table,the first thing i noticed was that they were in FULL GEAR, im talking about some had leathers, others had protectors that made them look like a robot, nice thing on. I chatted them up for a while, hoping that maybe we can ride together, they seemed nice, so i asked if they were busy next weekend,most said no, so i asked "how about a ride to........" and i got the most stupid excuses....too long to type here....the i though "wait wait wait, what???" why are u guys dressed up like you about to go to participate on motoGP? then i asked, "are you guys riding anywhere today?" some said no, maybe just down the street...then i asked the question i been dying to ask, "where do you guys live?" the answer mostly was "oh,just right around the block".....:cheesy:

and sadly, this is most of you......

Atleast they don't trailer the bikes to Phuket and beyond and ride around the corner, American style.:cheesy::cheesy::cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:

American Style???? When I was still living in the states there were more riders doing 2-3 day trips or 300 mile day trips than anything I have seen out here. Hell most guys i knew crossed state lines (while riding, not trailered) at least once a month. Not sure where you got that American style perception from but that is definitely not the case. I mean as much as I hate Harleys those guys even ride more in the US than most "bikers" out here.

It got so bad in the states the real bikers started buying trailers for the bikes shaped like cars as a rub. Not all but a lot. there even a website that had a gizmo that you hooked to the bike and put miles on it while it was on the trailer. We think that was a fake site tho.

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This is a funny thread.

In my opinion a rider is someone that owns and rides a bike, but just like any skilled activity there are degrees of expertise.

I'm sure Jorge Lorenzo would consider everyone in SouthEast Asia a poseur.

If someone wants to pose with a big bike, that's their choice, at least they were cool enough to like and own a bike.

Their money helps keep the industry going.

Bikes are fashion statements that just happen to be able to bring you places.

Of course if you wear the riding gear and don't have a bike, you are a 100% poseur.

For many, a big bike is an aspiration of ownership just as a car is.

I'm guessing most of the Lambos and Ferraris I see in BKK never hit their max speed ever in their life.

Their drivers aren't poseurs, they're sane and wealthy.

I'm glad to know the coffee shop riders were smart enough to wear protective gear even for short rides.

Stereotypes; sure many Americans are obese (that is a statistical fact) but to say Americans don't ride much is ignorance.

Whoever said that should look up the Iron Butt Association and ask if their inferior native country has such an association that's rides further than the IBA?

FYI, I have ridden my Nouvo Elegance around BRC but since I wasn't wearing any race gear, it was pretty slow.

I don't think it would be much fun or safe to race that thing anyway, although if you pick up a copy of the Thai published "Race Bikes" you might think different.

I hear the Secret Soi guys are "riders", but they may consider the OP a poseur.

Edited by ttakata
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Ok, I guess I am a poser now that I have had my ninja for a 4 days and have only mananged to get 280km on it... I have just not had enough time to do any longer trips...

Most accidents happen on roads you know, so for the posers wearing full gear for a short trip, clever, and wifes might be more happy... Who does not want to keep their other half happy?

I think the OP was just taking the piss or he has less friends than I have (2)...

I don't have many people I ride with due to the fact that they like to stop and smoke at every PPT station with a 7eleven on the side.

I think that he should let people do what they like and not bother us with his own inner demons!

ride when you want and where you want...

PS, is the pizza delivery guy a real biker? He is out in all weather on his bike...

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The pizza boy is never late, he gets here on time every time, flood or not, rain or not, sun or not.. He puts more km on his bike than most other people...

what about the motorcy taxis?? They must be real bikers!!!

but their gear is not cool enough so it doesn't count them in!

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The pizza boy is never late, he gets here on time every time, flood or not, rain or not, sun or not.. He puts more km on his bike than most other people...

what about the motorcy taxis?? They must be real bikers!!!

Yes they are real bikers for sure, uses the bike as a tool for earning money, pretty cool.

Many big bikers are extremely arrogant and are looking down on something smaller/cheaper than their own ride.

I know this first hand when driving a Harley, many of the HD riders was as above (not all) which got me angry on several occasions. When any biker waved I always waved back.

One time on a trip to SiSaket, my wife and myself on the HD, we meet a large group of young Thais on Honda Cups clearly out touring, weekend trip, very light packed, they waved and honk the horns and I off course did the same. They are going places cheaply, very very cool and real bikers, my hat off for them.

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This is what got me going crazy today:

So i went to a supermarket, i rode there on my moped, saw a few ducatis and late model cbr's and R1's parked near by, lookd around for the riders, saw them sitting down having some coffee and drinks at a table,the first thing i noticed was that they were in FULL GEAR, im talking about some had leathers, others had protectors that made them look like a robot, nice thing on. I chatted them up for a while, hoping that maybe we can ride together, they seemed nice, so i asked if they were busy next weekend,most said no, so i asked "how about a ride to........" and i got the most stupid excuses....too long to type here....the i though "wait wait wait, what???" why are u guys dressed up like you about to go to participate on motoGP? then i asked, "are you guys riding anywhere today?" some said no, maybe just down the street...then i asked the question i been dying to ask, "where do you guys live?" the answer mostly was "oh,just right around the block".....:cheesy:

and sadly, this is most of you......

Sounds like you've been wasting your time talking to the "sidewalk commando's" and not true RIDERS!:bah:

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in my car park there is a 2 bikes that stand head and shoulders above the rest

both just a few weeks old

one is a yamaha r1

the other is a harley davidson 1200 sport

both hardly ever leave he carpark esp the harley

are they posers or do they just have too much cash lying around ? :whistling:

on the subject of riding gear ,im sitting on the fence

its hard to get fully kitted up with boots and gloves and leathers to go buy snacks in a 7-11 500 meters from ur house although i do ALWAYS wear a helmet

no mater how short is the journey or how hot and sunny the weather is

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So, peoples love for bikes is reflecting on how much they ride? I don't agree... If I had to choose what to ride/drive everyday I would probably choose the bike, but many Thais does not like the sun so an airconditioned car is better...

If I went on a trip with the non-existing GF, I would probably take the car as I would like to talk to her!

Meeting up with a few friends at the local coffee shop, what is wrong with riding down there when it is 500m away? There might be a trip on afterwards, maybe not together but riding alone is fun too...

I have on several occations gone for the 80km roundtrip just to fill petrol on my bike... direct route home 2km, other routes hours to complete...

In all it does not matter what you ride or how often you ride. some people who buys a new R1 might still have a job to do, maybe they just like riding from home to work, maybe they just don't have time to ride their new bikes...

I think that true riders aknowledge all bikers as bikers, regardless of their bike or safety gear..

OP, how many km's did you put in last sunday? or Monday, or Today?

would like to know what qualifies being a true rider in your book!

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I moved to Thailand to ride. An I find the same thing over and over again.Back where I came from you had 2 good months of biking weather a year, unless you like to ride in the snow or ice. I did, but did not like it much. I moved up north in the heart of wonderful riding country.

For me it is not what you ride but the ride itself. Seeing the country, enjoying oneself, or friends if they come alone. I have big bikes and small. I like to ride 500 - 600 km a day but can do 1000+ if needed on the right bike in the right location. 1300 km is my brest here in Thailand in 1 day (13 hours) and 1000 miles in the states (that was a longer day)

I get people asking me to go ride but want to do 100 - 200 km and only for a day or so. Or the group that goes from one bar to the next 50 km away then drinks for 2 hours before going on to the next bar.

The group rides are fun. Wanna be bikers bring their 1m Bt and 2m. Bt bikes out, I go on my PCX and pass them by. They don't have the skills to use their bikes or are too afraid to have and accident.

Every bike big or small is fun in it's own way, and I am up for any kind of bike BIg or small.

I wanted to do a loop of Thailand this December or January. 14 days. 500 km a day. I will be seeing Thailand on the back of a Wave or PCX, But if anyone thinks they are up for it, lets go Any bike welcome.

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The pizza boy is never late, he gets here on time every time, flood or not, rain or not, sun or not.. He puts more km on his bike than most other people...

what about the motorcy taxis?? They must be real bikers!!!

Yes they are real bikers for sure, uses the bike as a tool for earning money, pretty cool.

Many big bikers are extremely arrogant and are looking down on something smaller/cheaper than their own ride.

I know this first hand when driving a Harley, many of the HD riders was as above (not all) which got me angry on several occasions. When any biker waved I always waved back.

One time on a trip to SiSaket, my wife and myself on the HD, we meet a large group of young Thais on Honda Cups clearly out touring, weekend trip, very light packed, they waved and honk the horns and I off course did the same. They are going places cheaply, very very cool and real bikers, my hat off for them.

I often see these groups of Thais riding around Khao Yai. Big Honda cub groups, KSR groups, Vespa groups, monkey bike groups etc. Whenever I've been stopped somewhere the same time as them they've been super friendly, offering me a ride on their bike, talking about my bike etc.

I always give them a beep and a wave when I see them :) and always get one in return, as I do from the Thai sports bike guys.

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I wanted to do a loop of Thailand this December or January. 14 days. 500 km a day. I will be seeing Thailand on the back of a Wave or PCX, But if anyone thinks they are up for it, lets go Any bike welcome.

Good god, that's a 20,000 baht trip minimum ! :(

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I wanted to do a loop of Thailand this December or January. 14 days. 500 km a day. I will be seeing Thailand on the back of a Wave or PCX, But if anyone thinks they are up for it, lets go Any bike welcome.

Good god, that's a 20,000 baht trip minimum ! :(

count it again plz ;)

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I wanted to do a loop of Thailand this December or January. 14 days. 500 km a day. I will be seeing Thailand on the back of a Wave or PCX, But if anyone thinks they are up for it, lets go Any bike welcome.

I am interested, work permitting. How about a new thread for this?!

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I wanted to do a loop of Thailand this December or January. 14 days. 500 km a day. I will be seeing Thailand on the back of a Wave or PCX, But if anyone thinks they are up for it, lets go Any bike welcome.

Good god, that's a 20,000 baht trip minimum ! :(

count it again plz ,do u mean accomodation or gas prices ?

the new wave does 57 km per litre ,i would go if if i didnt have to work online most days and ocvcasionaly present myself in bkk

500 a day wud be nice round Figure to aim for,but god dam_n doing it on a wave 110cc wud take balls 14 days in a row

i did 350-400km on last saturday saturday on a elegance and my ass was feeling every bump for the last 100km and its got a bigger seat than a wave :rolleyes:

i think a 250cc+ bike would be best for a trip like this :)

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I wanted to do a loop of Thailand this December or January. 14 days. 500 km a day. I will be seeing Thailand on the back of a Wave or PCX, But if anyone thinks they are up for it, lets go Any bike welcome.

Good god, that's a 20,000 baht trip minimum ! :(

count it again plz ;)

500km per day =700 baht fuel per day (based on my trip from CNX to Ayuddyha / 750 kilometers/1000 baht in fuel one way)

Hotel = 600 baht per night

Food & drinks = 200 baht

1500 x 14 = 21000 baht

In this case i may not be considered a real biker. :(

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I wanted to do a loop of Thailand this December or January. 14 days. 500 km a day. I will be seeing Thailand on the back of a Wave or PCX, But if anyone thinks they are up for it, lets go Any bike welcome.

Good god, that's a 20,000 baht trip minimum ! :(

count it again plz ;)

500km per day =700 baht fuel per day (based on my trip from CNX to Ayuddyha / 750 kilometers/1000 baht in fuel one way)

Hotel = 600 baht per night

Food & drinks = 200 baht

1500 x 14 = 21000 baht

In this case i may not be considered a real biker. :(

Your fuel is a little high.

I figure 500 Bt. hotels

Food seems about right

Add a massage a day

Maybe entry to a sight along the way

Tires ???

Seems like your close to spot on in my figures

live only once, can't take it with me

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LOL....real massage or soapy massage?

Fuel calculation is for a CBR 150. Waves i hear sip much less fuel :)

Well its a discussing between real bikers, albeit cheap Charlie ones :D:lol: .

Sorry not meant to be arrogant or something like that but are you guys on a small pension or maybe teachers?

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LOL....real massage or soapy massage?

Fuel calculation is for a CBR 150. Waves i hear sip much less fuel :)

Well its a discussing between real bikers, albeit cheap Charlie ones :D:lol: .

Sorry not meant to be arrogant or something like that but are you guys on a small pension or maybe teachers?

Im accepting donations if you would like to contribute.

Put your money where my wallet is. $$$$$ :w00t:

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