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What Types Of Experiences Have You Had While Flying With American Carriers


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I”m just curious to get everyone’s comments on this issue and I ask because I had a experience not the worst in the world when flying but made me realize who knew air travel could be this bad. What happened I flew american airlines ( don’t laugh I know ) but back then I didn’t know better I was flying from dallas / ft worth to Japan. well on the flight from dallas to tokyo ( flying time 13 hours ) during the entire flight one bad experience after another

1. Recline function on the seat didn’t work ( minor issue no problem )

2. Overhead light didn’t work ( minor issue again no problem )

3. For the entire flight the TV didn’t work ( so much for any entertainment )

4. Food was so bad that even mcdonalds food taste better ( I should have eaten a real meal before I boarded this plane but to late)

5. Service - Even service at budget hotels is better and at least I get a smile ( honestly I think I would have just prefer my own self service for everything or at least put a paying machine to buy my own food and drinks

6. A few Toilets on the plane didn’t work ( seriously how can this happen )

the only things that saved me during that long flight was my music and sleeping pills.

after that I realize i understand what its mean perfectly when they say vote with your wallet after that I never fly american carriers

look forward to all your comments on this

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Once flew to Miami.

In spite of window seat,I was used as a climbing frame by an overenthusiastic 8 year old,

I should have paid more attention to the book her mother was reading.

As we took off & ascended,the mother bent over the youngster in the middle seat and

said "Isn't it re-assuring to know that when you fly you are in hands of someone who cares !"

Naively,I replied "Yes ,these pilots go through an intensive training programme before they are allowed to control the flight"

The lady replied ,"No sir,I mean the Hands of God !"

I quickly discovered that she was a Jehovah Witness,and endured a very long 8 hour flight.

True Story

Wiley Coyote

PS The Mum was reading the bible

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The majority of Americans did vote with their wallets. They voted long ago by telling the airlines that they wanted the very cheapest flights possible by buying tickets on flights on which they had to pay extra to check their baggage, pay for their food in economy class and put up with indifferent and sometimes even nasty flight attendants. The airlines have adopted this cattle car mentality in order to achieve this goal and regardless of what BS they advertise, their main goal is just to get you from point A to point B in the cheapest way possible while making a profit. Airlines in the US are generally very poorly managed at the top which is reflected in the fact that even though they have drastically cut back on standards of service, most employees (but not top management), have taken large pay cuts as a result of 9-11 which has subsequently left a bitter taste in some of their mouths and is reflected in lack of motivation on the job which is more noticeable in the customer service area. Even with all these cutbacks, US airlines are still finding it very difficult to make a profit which is glaring testimony to their mismanagement.

Some foreign airlines are doing a much better job in the areas of customer service and maintenance so I totally agree with you that the best way is to vote with your wallets and fly those carriers. It will probably not have any effect on the way US carriers operate as they seem to be convinced that regardless of how poor their service, customers will continue to fly them if the price is right.

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I have yet to have a decent experience flying American Airlines or Delta for that matter. They both suck. The planes are old, have ugly interiors and are technologically out-dated when it comes to entertaining you for long overseas flights. I once hopped the Atlantic from Brussels to NYC on AA and the main TV screen went kaput. We sat on the tarmac for 2 hours without so much as a complimentary cup of water, either. Then mid-flight the speakers on the flight didn't work, too.

It was several years ago I had a cellophane wrapped sandwich thrown at me from an air-stewardess on AA. Plump and ugly, she was too lazy to hand them out in the gentle, appropriate way food should be delivered in any setting (save prison) to clients. I'd lived in Asia for 3 years; had gotten used to how good service was on Korean, Singapore and Thai Air, and had forgotten how crappy American flights were. Nothing has changed.

Anyway, for what it's worth, I answered the OP's question.

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United, many times, thumbs up , always.

Was I just being lucky? No, do not think so.

Great service all the way through. I''m a big dude and if there's an emergency row seat,

they hand it over to me. Or ailse seat. What else? The food and service is thumbs up as well.

As soon as I get aboard, I'll ask for a small bottle of wine and am knocked out for the entire flight.

I go to the back and they produced a meal for me on the spot.

Hey, would any of us care to work as a flight attendant? When I witness a Untied Crew, they are hustling.

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If heading to North America I will pick Air Canada hands down, clear USA customs and immigration in Canada no long queues. AC has better food, free alcohol and the flight attendants are not as old nor as grumpy. They seem to be consistent with International and domestic unlike United or Delta.

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I've flown on AA, Delta, Northwestern, United, Continental domestically and internationally.

I have never been impressed on any flight.

Seriously I get better service from Air Asia.

For international flights they do not compare in price or service to Korean, Japan, or even Thai or EVA.

Domestically I would prefer Southwestern.

I don't want to be sexist but,

AA flight attendants have an average age of 50. They are also more overweight and somewhat uninterested in service. Not entirely rude but they seem to be flight attendants because its their job, not like they want to.

Compared to Emirates or other Asian carriers where the FAs are young and attractive and service you with a smile. Its their job to smile!

The main reason though is the price. They just cost more per ticket.

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United, many times, thumbs up , always.

Was I just being lucky? No, do not think so.

Great service all the way through. I''m a big dude and if there's an emergency row seat,

they hand it over to me. Or ailse seat. What else? The food and service is thumbs up as well.

As soon as I get aboard, I'll ask for a small bottle of wine and am knocked out for the entire flight.

I go to the back and they produced a meal for me on the spot.

Hey, would any of us care to work as a flight attendant? When I witness a Untied Crew, they are hustling.

Different United crew from the tired looking old biddies that were chastising little Asian lady passengers struggling to get their bags in the overhead. "If you can't lift it up there yourself, you should have thought of that and packed less." That was the repeat admonition from the old battleaxe that didn't seem to do much else but block the aisle and berate the fare paying public.

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Delta is the very, very worst--avoid!!!!

I purchased a business class ticket to Tokyo with United. When I checked in they bumped me to first class which was ok, i cannot complain much in this instance. The service on United was good! Again, cannot complain but i was in first class, and the times I took United business class to Tokyo enroute to Chicago was adequate, but not stellar! I have had better experience in First and Business class with Thai Airways and Air Canada. You pay a lot of money, so I would recommend United and/or Thai to USA!'

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United, many times, thumbs up , always.

Was I just being lucky? No, do not think so.

Great service all the way through. I''m a big dude and if there's an emergency row seat,

they hand it over to me. Or ailse seat. What else? The food and service is thumbs up as well.

As soon as I get aboard, I'll ask for a small bottle of wine and am knocked out for the entire flight.

I go to the back and they produced a meal for me on the spot.

Hey, would any of us care to work as a flight attendant? When I witness a Untied Crew, they are hustling.

Seriously? I've flown United and American many many times and have never gotten as lucky as you. The international routes are in some ways the worst for service as the flight attendants are the most senior (and I do mean senior) and are usually rude and lazy. The food is awful; my wife brings cup o noodles and adds hot water IF the flight attendant will bring it to her. Asian carriers are in a different league and I fly them when I can, but often the US carriers are significantly cheaper or coincide with mileage plans I have.

I haven't had any mechanical issues on the planes that I remember, just service problems. Also its noteworthy that the crews working the Asian legs on American & United routes are usually Asian and much better.

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If heading to North America I will pick Air Canada hands down, clear USA customs and immigration in Canada no long queues. AC has better food, free alcohol and the flight attendants are not as old nor as grumpy. They seem to be consistent with International and domestic unlike United or Delta.

Seems I spent 30++ years sitting on planes in NA and Australia and I would say that US airlines are, on the whole, not that bad..I think Northwest introduced restaurant chain catered food at one point, which was excellent..not sure if they still do it? The seats on NW were so thin though ..had to sit my boney arse on a pillow most times.

Seemed the "puddle jumper" airlines were the best...except maybe the 8 seater that nearly bounced off the dirt runway with stall buzzer screaming as it landed in BVI from Miami. Ah! those were the days..

Most US carriers, as one poster pointed out, have now cut back on the finer points and as he says they are mostly cattle cars...even bus' class is rather jaded now.

Re Air Canada, I noticed last year that they seem to have "lost" some of the arrogance which was their trade mark after CP Air and PWA went out of business...pity they do still have geriatric cabin crews though...found domestic flights still had the same old attitude.

Tried to buy a ticket once in Vancouver to get to the island ( I had just arrived from LOS)and just as I got to the the counter after a three person line up the woman said .."sorry I am going home now.. you will have to fly tomorrow" (there was one flight that night in two hours time)...my hissy fit eventually got me a ticket!

Once flew in a ( can't remember the airline) DC3 in Newfoundland with wires hanging out of the overhead and everything rattling....scary but fun...sort of..nothing a few Molsons and a pack of cigarettes didn't fix though..

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I've only flown American once internationally and while it was not the best I guess I'm fortunate that I didn't have the same experiences as the OP. I definitely was not a fan of their domestic flights. The food was certainly not great but I wasn't exactly expecting five star cuisine either. My only main gripe would be that the in-flight entertainment SUCKED. I am on the tall side and have problems sleeping on flights so I need something to keep me occupied. The selection of entertainment was passable but it wasn't on-demand. You have to wait for a program to start only to have it interrupted constantly by the flight crew for announcements. Does it resume where it was interrupted? No. Can you rewind? No. So that was a major disappointment for me. On the less frustrating but also disappointing side is that most American air-carriers have adopted the politically correct approach to staffing the planes. Gone are the days of cute stewardesses. Now you've got a mix of men and women most of which are far from easy on the eye.

On my last flight in I was sharing a smokers lounge in Narita with a bunch of other passers-through that had just hopped off of a Delta flight from the states. They were nonplussed as well.

I haven't had the pleasure of flying too many different Asian airlines. But so far Korean Air has been my favorite. It had by far the best in flight entertainment I've seen and the planes were well staffed. Plus all of the air hostesses were immaculate and very attentive even if their English was very limited. That's not to say they were all super attractive but the uniforms, hair, makeup...you could tell they understood they were the face of their airline. Plus they were all smiles which is a departure from service I've come to know from US airlines. The last time I flew back home some stewardess was chatting with the people behind me telling them all about the arguments she'd had with other customers and then paused to storm up the aisle and rip some guy a new one for still having his phone on when they were prepping for takeoff. There I was after over 24 hours of airports and flights ready for my last short jump until home and the last thing I wanted to hear was some stewardess moaning about how much her job sucks and how stupid customers are. I mean, really?

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I will never fly an American carrier international again, unless no other option. I fly Southwest to LAX and EVA to Bangkok. Southwest not as good as in the past, changed there frequent flyer to be like other airlines. But the flight is non stop from my home to LAX.

Fly EVA to Bangkok they have been good to me over the years, no complaints

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