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Thappraya And Thepprasit Road Intersection Built To Last...


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Well the road is finally paved and painted after about 6 months and millions of Baht worth of 'construction.' Any bets on how long it'll last before it turns back into a pockmarked moonscape again? 15 days? 1 month? first heavy rain?


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I vote for the first heavy rain. They have only redone it twice. Nothing is finished unless they redo it 4 times... I have a condo with a view to the second road and it was COMICAL to see them build everything - then tear it apart - then do it again - then tear it apart and redo it. TIT...

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They are doing their best to help it along. Yesterday afternoon one lane was closed as they had decided to lay some small blue plastic pipe in the tarmac. So they were busy marking out the route and cutting a small trench in the newly paid surface, which no doubt in the course of time will become a larger trench, and then a ditch. When the first Baht Bus disappears into it they will probably come back with the obligatory truckload of sand and gravel to fill it in until the next rain washes it all away again.

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I heard that the problem was the underlying bedrock being too soft. Hence the potholes.

Any civil engineers here care to comment?!

A Civil engineer form the UK, who had been watching them build it, told me they forgot to put in the heavy rock foundation.

Basically, he said that heavy trucks, will wreck it in no time.

The solution here seems to be resurface once, then twice, repair, resurface again etc etc. Eventually the combined thicknesses of resurfacing should equal the foundation, which was left out.

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I vote for the first heavy rain. They have only redone it twice. Nothing is finished unless they redo it 4 times... I have a condo with a view to the second road and it was COMICAL to see them build everything - then tear it apart - then do it again - then tear it apart and redo it. TIT...

I vote the same. Where I live, they used to repave the road every 4 months. Now they have given up on repaving. They are slowly replacing the pavement with a cement road. I figure in about 15 years at the rate they are going, they will have the cement road completed if it lasts that long. ;)

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Underlying rock condition has nothing to do with it. You can lay a solid road over almost any kind of ground. At Thappraya Rd. they laid one thick course of bitmac over rolled fine gravel (blinding) over rolled clay. Certainly none of the heavier stone that would be referred to as sub base. A very cheap and cheerful way of making a road - and doomed to break up in no time.


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I vote for the first heavy rain. They have only redone it twice. Nothing is finished unless they redo it 4 times... I have a condo with a view to the second road and it was COMICAL to see them build everything - then tear it apart - then do it again - then tear it apart and redo it. TIT...

I will 2nd, 3rd, and 4th that excellent observation!

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The road surface is a joke...a sick joke...it will never stand the test of time or heavy rain...Why is it that they cannot even connect sections with straight level lines, any where there is a join its a jagged lumpy motorbike tipping scar.

Why is there a 30 mtr section of the road near the Rimhad Condo that has never been tarred over...that is now getting 1/2 mtr pot holes appearing in it.

Who were the pink clad army ? (Probabaly the ARMY !!!) that turned up a couple of times to make a half arsed attempt at cutting back the jungle between Soi 8 and 9 then left without finishing the job....!!!

Why at Soi Chayapruek does the road not arrive level with ...Soi Chayapruek and falls 20 mtrs short....

Who has "right of way" at Soi Watboon....near the Winchester Club...its a Mexican stand off everytime unless you arrive when some homicidal maniacs drive through at 100 Km without so much as a sideways glance....

These are all rhetorical questions no one has the real answers to all this ignorant, crass stupidity...

Its all madness that goes with the territory and has done so for at least 4 years.....nuff said.... :blink:

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<br />The road surface is a joke...a sick joke...it will never stand the test of time or heavy rain...Why is it that they cannot even connect sections with straight level lines, any where there is a join its a jagged lumpy motorbike tipping scar.<br /><br />Why is there a 30 mtr section of the road near the Rimhad Condo that has never been tarred over...that is now getting 1/2 mtr pot holes appearing in it.<br /><br />Who were the pink clad army ? (Probabaly the ARMY !!!) that turned up a couple of times to make a half arsed attempt at cutting back the jungle between Soi 8 and 9 then left without finishing the job....!!!<br /><br />Why at Soi Chayapruek does the road not arrive level with ...Soi Chayapruek and falls 20 mtrs short....<br /><br />Who has "right of way" at Soi Watboon....near the Winchester Club...its a Mexican stand off everytime unless you arrive when some homicidal maniacs drive through at 100 Km without so much as a sideways glance....<br /><br />These are all rhetorical questions no one has the real answers to all this ignorant, crass stupidity...<br /><br />Its all madness that goes with the territory and has done so for at least 4 years.....nuff said....<img src='http://static.thaivisa.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/blink.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':blink:' /><br />
<br /><br /><br />

Why at Soi Chayapruek does the road not arrive level with ...Soi Chayapruek and falls 20 mtrs short....? To discourage people from using it until they are ready to complete and open it.

Who has "right of way" at Soi Watboon....near the Winchester Club? its a Mexican stand off everytime unless you arrive when some homicidal maniacs drive through at 100 Km without so much as a sideways glance - I do so keep out of my way.

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Why always saying bullsxit like this ?

Have you seen the first part of THAP PRAYA road from Pattaya? Is it already ruined by rain or anything else ? No, it is perfectly OK !

People always thinking negatively should stay in their homecountry !

Ahhh ...a glass half full person....a fraction of a highway is completed to a "mediocre standard" so hey whats the problem....???

I'll stay where I like and as long as its legal I'll say what I like.....and if I see something wrong, stupid or dangerous I'll make people aware.....and also stay out of Pattaya Parents way when he is driving around...:P

Sadly I know several Thais who have had accidents on motorbikes because of the state of this road over the past few years. 2 off them young women scarred for life.

Edited by lonewolf99
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Why always saying bullsxit like this ?

Have you seen the first part of THAP PRAYA road from Pattaya? Is it already ruined by rain or anything else ? No, it is perfectly OK !

People always thinking negatively should stay in their homecountry !

The first part going up the hill from the overpass is OK, on the other side going down toards Jomtien it has been patched numerous times already. The intersection in question has also been redone several times. We shouldn't stay in our home country, the road engineering people should send some of these "engineers" to western countries to find out how to do it right the first time! (and not take 5 years to do it) I suppose you support the 2nd road resurfacing issue around Soi 5 also??? It still floods and will wash away the underbed as it did the first time. You do sound angry - sorry I should be more postive.;)

The Soi Watboon - 2nd road intersection issue is a joke which is made worse by the fact the Watboon road is at a slight angle not a 90 degree intersection. The section of unpaved road near Jomtien beach condos was 2 contractors who didn't know where their area finished and where the new contract started - just consider it a 20 plus metre speed bump to test your suspension at 100 KPH! The Chaiyapruek 2nd Rd I can't even suggest what was going thru their minds other than to say drugs must have been involved!!! :whistling:

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^The works are obviously not completed yet.

The Soi Watboon intersection will have traffic lights when the required number of accidents and deaths have been reached that trigger the authorities to take action to install lights, not that anyone will take any notice of them anyway, and the accidents and deaths will continue.

Beyond there to the Soi Chaiypruek intersection there is nothing to access so there is no need to complete the Chaiypruek intersection as it will only encourage people to use the road. The road also continues to the other side of Chaiypruek if you have noticed and runs to the road that La Royale is on. Access to that is also blocked at both ends.

Nevertheless someone keeps filling in the potholes at the Chaiypruek junction but with it being rainy season it is a pointless exercise as the fill gets washed away. Similarly in the dry season the dry soil will get blown away.

The road between the Jomtien Beach Condos used to belong to Jomtien Beach Condos, it may still do, or there may be a disagreement as to ownership and upkeep responsibility which is preventing the potholes from being repaired.

The worse parts of the road are the gaps in the central median which allow cars to stop in the fast lane to make a turn rather than go to the dedicated filtered U-turn locations where they would not hold up traffic.

Also the illegal parking at the central median side of the road at the Jomtien market which narrow the 3 lane road down to only 1 lane. And said illegally parked vehicles block the view of the motocy that dart across the road from the market down Soi 5 without stopping to look if there's a vehicle coming. You won't be so lucky every night and I'll get 1 of you yet.

And don't get me started on the idiots that drive down the wrong side of the road 'cos they can't be bothered to go to the U-turn 100m up the road.

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All this is about money not who should go home etc. The more money there is in a project the longer it will take because everyone wants their cut. The poor contractors probably end up with the least of money pot to do the job. I cannot believe they do not know how to do a good job only they do not have the budget to do it properly. Beside as someone once said to me repairs come from a different budget than the capital expenditure. Hence many repairs. I believe that in the UK there was a similar problem with road building, though maybe to a lesser extent, and then the government said any faults in the next X years is down to you and you must return at your expense to fix the faults in the road. Funnily enough the faults dropped dramatically. It would be a nice idea to do that here but it would never work!

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LIke I said more than a year ago on one of these forums was that the names of all the "construction" companies that contributed to this 8 year project should be listed. The top heads (who raked in all the baht and turned around to hire "kids/amateurs" to do the work) would be embarrassed to have their names published. In the West, the construction companies working on the roads all list their names and have a due date to complete the bidded project. I find it strange that the city would just turn their heads and allow this shabby work to be done...but it was probably a relative or friend that reaped the profits.

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About 10 years ago Soi Chaiypruek 1 was relayed, it took about a year and caused a lot of disruption and off course accidents! I was living on the road at this time, luckily I had a 4 wheel drive else I would have been doing a lot of walking!

Huge man hole covers for the drains were installed, sadly! no drains were put in, 2 years or so later the whole road was dug up again and drains laid, someone made a lot of money!

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I heard that the problem was the underlying bedrock being too soft. Hence the potholes.

Any civil engineers here care to comment?!

I'm not an engineer, but one thing I do know is that the preparation of the underlying surface is where most of the money goes when good roads are built. The lack of drainage plus poorly prepared foundations keeps them busy.

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Why always saying bullsxit like this ?

Have you seen the first part of THAP PRAYA road from Pattaya? Is it already ruined by rain or anything else ? No, it is perfectly OK !

People always thinking negatively should stay in their homecountry !

The first part going up the hill from the overpass is OK, on the other side going down toards Jomtien it has been patched numerous times already. The intersection in question has also been redone several times. We shouldn't stay in our home country, the road engineering people should send some of these "engineers" to western countries to find out how to do it right the first time! (and not take 5 years to do it) I suppose you support the 2nd road resurfacing issue around Soi 5 also??? It still floods and will wash away the underbed as it did the first time. You do sound angry - sorry I should be more postive.;)

The Soi Watboon - 2nd road intersection issue is a joke which is made worse by the fact the Watboon road is at a slight angle not a 90 degree intersection. The section of unpaved road near Jomtien beach condos was 2 contractors who didn't know where their area finished and where the new contract started - just consider it a 20 plus metre speed bump to test your suspension at 100 KPH! The Chaiyapruek 2nd Rd I can't even suggest what was going thru their minds other than to say drugs must have been involved!!! :whistling:

Second road Jomtien photo near Soi 5 - an engineering marvel after being resurfaced a second time :rolleyes: It doesn't matter how big your truck is a jet boat would be more appropriate!


Edited by gerry53
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"The worse parts of the road are the gaps in the central median which allow cars to stop in the fast lane to make a turn rather than go to the dedicated filtered U-turn locations where they would not hold up traffic."

Trouble is, many vehicles, including mine can't u-turn in one go without swinging out into the fast lane first, as the road isn't wide enough. Even worse if anyone parks opposite the turning point.

Great pic Jerry, jeez soi 5 must have been 5 feet deep?

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Second road Jomtien photo near Soi 5 - an engineering marvel after being resurfaced a second time :rolleyes: It doesn't matter how big your truck is a jet boat would be more appropriate!


What I love (NOT) about that part of the road are the cars/scooters who go south on the wrong side of the road for 50M to get to the other side because there's no turn around if you go north until the junction at the circle! Really bad design. :angry:

Corruption really hurts this country.

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whoever had first rains in the pool has a winner.

The road has collapsed just before the Hanuman roundabout.

There's still a flood at the market but not as bad as the photo, and beyond Soi Watboon one side of the road has been closed as they're pumping out the moobahn there and beyond that both sides are under water.

Bad design rather than poor construction I would say though as they're all drainage problems.

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