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Swede With Heart Disease Thrown In Thai Prison: Overstay In Paradise


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I am very confident that 90% of this story is BS.

But people looking to lose weight should certainly look into spending some days at a Pattaya jail since it appears you can lose 16 Kilos in this time.

The writing / translation of this article should make any question its truth. It is tabloid journalism. Surprised they don't talk about the injuries he received when 'thrown" into a car and brought to the airport. Good thing it must have been a friendly airline to allow him on a flight too covered in sh@t and p@ss.

These stories told well after the fact by people who want to 'warn' other people are always questionable and rarely ever is their one ounce of proof to support their claims ... also find it interesting this guy says he was no novice and had previously lived in Thailand 10-years ... but chose to go the police station to show them his expired visa?!?!?

The part of the dead person being in the cell for days was a nice touch.

Logic tells me this is another tourist with some mental issues.

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My mate works for the ambulance service and is often called to police stations to pick out sick people and take them to the police hospital. He said the conditions are shocking. Some cells you cant sit down because a layer of dirty water from the toilet covers the floor. it would therefore be impossible to sleep. I always wondered do they not have Human Rights laws or some kind of law that protects even the guilty!? Also stories of beatings. A mentally handicapped farang was beaten by 4 policemen inside the cell because they could not understand him. Welts covered his body and later an X-Ray reviled a broken rib. He was then moved to a Psychiatric ward once it was discovered he was crazy. Another African guy begged my mate to let him go because he had been beaten and tortured all night trying to make him confess to a crime he allegedly did not commit. Stories are endless!.... just be aware. Walk the right path and avoid problems if you can. Not much mercy is shown here, not even to foreigners.

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I've been in Thailand less than six months and I already know a lawyer I could call if I ever get in trouble. An immigration lawyer with connections to the imm office/department. I would NEVER walk into the police station and try to fix this on my own! Call the lawyer, let her take care of it. You'd think people would be smart enough to do that.

Good advice! Actually the guy should not have been arrested "IF" he had a letter from the hospital!? But again, he should have gone to immigration, NOT the police. There is almost NO reason you ever need to go to the police in Thailand. Keep as far from them as possible!

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What do you suppose would happen in all of your home countries if you walked into a police station and announced that you were an illegal alien?

Not sure about YOUR country but in mine, if you had just come out of hospital with documents to prove it, you would be told to go and clear it up at immigration!

Long term deliberate overstay is a different story! "IF" the story is accurate there should have been NO imprisonment! Simple as that!

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not to self: if I discover I have a expired Visa, do not visa anyone officals. Get in a minivan for Suvarnabhumi airport and Air Asia ticket to Singapore in hand. Pay the overstay fine as I exit.

This is excellent advice!

Don't go to the police station, especially in Pattaya of all places in Thailand!

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Sounds nasty.... But for some reason, I can't help but think some pieces were left out of this story, perhaps a history of overstays, or something else... Either way, I am sure Mr Kent is happy to be back home again!

I think I have to agree , what do we not know ? on thye other hand I read a case of a German guy sailed his boat into Thailand was jailed for a supposed infraction of the law (because he was very wealthy ) they kept him for months just asking for more money all the time. It is sad that we have to pit up with this shit but nobody cares , only money talks here.

In 2009 I did a visa run to Lao, on the same mini bus was a Danish guy that was two years overstayed, he was fined 20,000 Bath, he had the money on him because he knew this would be the fine, his passport was stamped and he got a new visa the next day in Vientiane, he was working as a teacher somewhere in Bangkok, why would anyone go to the Thai police about overstay ??? must be more to this for sure.

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There are so many stories about the police in Pattaya. Do you think that the police in Pattaya count as the most EVIL policemen in Thailand?

It always sounds like they have sunk so low that if there were a real Hell in the ground with Satan guarding the entrance, he might even reject them for being simply too evil. They would show him up.

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Unless the government decides to make changes from the top all this crap will continue it is very clear that the mafia control the police and the government , no one will take a stand because the moment they do they will probably be shot.

The Hub of Corruption will continue for a long time yet.

I don't know what you mean by mafia; but if you "civilian gangsters" - I doubt it. It's just a part of polices "social security" system and impossible to eradicate there, in schools, hospitals etc. as long as there are not are means of securing yourself and you family. Like higher wages, pension schemes etc. It's easy for a farang on a pension or in a well-paid job here to critisize, but to no avail. Simply because it works. Until Thailand has a much higher percentage of middle class incomes - it will continue like this.

Don't see why they have to be so brutal about collecting their tea-money though, TAT has a job to do here: How to smile, pat your victims shoulder gently with one hand while the other hand is in his pockets..

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I've been in Thailand less than six months and I already know a lawyer I could call if I ever get in trouble. An immigration lawyer with connections to the imm office/department. I would NEVER walk into the police station and try to fix this on my own! Call the lawyer, let her take care of it. You'd think people would be smart enough to do that.

If you really have found a good lawyer then congratulations for finding the needle in the haystack, in Pattaya you will find that most of them are every bit as corrupt as most of the police, at the end of the day it is always what you pay that determines your fate here in Thailand and nothing to do with what is right or fair,

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Well the angry Norwegian last week that emptied his suitcase on the floor in Pattaya police station didn't got arrested, he-he.

I also think there are more to this case than we know about. Sent on an air liner in his prison outfit, bullshit talking, I don't believe all this.

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everything is about how much money you can pay ...nothing else ! corrupted police .... nothing else . The miracle in this ,would be that he is still alive .

It's very easy: Follow the law and you won't be in trouble.

I am sure that the story misses out some points.

- The hospital would automatically have checked his passport and given him the letter. If he had been in Thailand for 10 years, he would have known to bring this letter along, and also to go immigration the next day, not a week later. (The hospital would have told him what to do with the letter.)

- He was released and then arrested again? What was the reason?

- He lost 16 kg, so that must have been many days or even weeks. Yet, he did not have his heart pills.

- The Thai police have to report every arrested foreigner to the embassy. The embassy is not even mentioned.

- How did he pass immigration on his way out, having illegally been freed through bribes, without an extension of stay? Surely he must have gotten the extension from immigration or otherwise held up at the airport again? Does the chief of police in Pattaya have the power to change the records in the immigration computer, and affix the extension stamp?

- I also wonder why this samaritarian lawyer did not bring a set of fresh clothes. He would also have the possibility of freshening up at the airport's washrooms.

I don't doubt that the guy was in prison and had a horrible time, but I think the story does not tell us why. I have heard similar stories about the conditions in Thai prisons before, so I suggest to stay out of them.

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What do you suppose would happen in all of your home countries if you walked into a police station and announced that you were an illegal alien?

Well in our country at least you would get a bed and 3 squares a day. Plus play a little pool watch some TV, hang out in the gym and then the nice benefits people will be along to help you fill in the forms etc.

In most civilized countries being an illegal alien doesn't quite equate to a mass murderer, and we treat folk in custody humanely.

A. Treehugger


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Amazing Thailand!

Or whatever crap they're saying now.

With all do respect to the person's health and bad experience,

how someone can DISCOVER that the visa has expired ??? You are in a FOREIGN country and its your sole OBLIGATION to keep track of that,

and then - a WEEK !!!! after a release from the hospital ???

Really sorry for your terrible experience though ... I guess its fully your fault,

the cops don't look for a reasons or excuses - expired visa - just another case, same procedure ....

Amazing Thailand -

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Amazing Thailand!

Or whatever crap they're saying now.

With all do respect to the person's health and bad experience,

how someone can DISCOVER that the visa has expired ??? You are in a FOREIGN country and its your sole OBLIGATION to keep track of that,

and then - a WEEK !!!! after a release from the hospital ???

Really sorry for your terrible experience though ... I guess its fully your fault,

the cops don't look for a reasons or excuses - expired visa - just another case, same procedure ....

Amazing Thailand -

Give the guy a break. He says he was not a novice and had spent 10-years here previously ... he didn't say he was an expert or that he stayed here 20-years in which case he would know police have nothing to do with visas.

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According to the gossip in Swedish he's a "manager" connected to some really bad guys in Sweden.

There's something else in this story.

If this is the case, why would he go to Thai police over an immigration issue. Or for ANY issue? Agree with most - hit immigration any way possible with crossed fingers and pay the overstay fine (if you're lucky enough to have it offered) and bail out. There's got to be more to this story than meets the print or screen in this case.

Edited by MaxYakov
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There are so many stories about the police in Pattaya. Do you think that the police in Pattaya count as the most EVIL policemen in Thailand?

Or could it say something about the class of tourists there?

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Too many questions unanswered to make any judgment and the translation of the article is very questionable.

1. He was re-arrested after paying his fine. On what charge?

2. He had a lawyer. Did the lawyer seek bail?

3. He paid a bribe of ฿30,000 through his lawyer. How did he get this money to his lawyer? Also, he could not bribe the police to let him go to the house he rented to get clothes and a shower?

4. He had a lawyer. Why didn't the lawyer notify the Swedish Embassy?

5. The points brought up by posters about the Bangkok Pattaya Hospital's visa policy are correct, or at least they were in 2005.

6. On the other hand, if the victim had been involved in some illegal activity, why would he have gone to the police under any circumstances?

The improbabilities associated with this situation constrain me from pointing fingers anywhere. Those that I have pointed out barely scratch the surface; and, from the comments made by the spokesperson for the Swedish F.O. it does not appear that much will change.

She said there are several similar cases. This leads me to the following conclusion: The victim reacted angrily to his first arrest and may have said some unkind words about the monarchy and/or the police. The police can hold anyone for investigation for 18 days without filing a charge. Lese majeste aside, it is not illegal in most countries to overload your mouth with criticisms of the police when one is arrested, but it is inadvisable in any country, including the so-called democracies of the Anglo-American Empire.

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Was flown home in the same clothes the same day, July 29, he was thrown into a car, was taken to Bangkok airport and put on a plane to Sweden. In the same clothes as he was jailed in July 16 - a pair of shorts, sandals and a tank top.

- I stank of urine, faeces and sweat, and would sit on a plane among the common people.

That is very poor that the police would not let him clean himself up before leaving Pattaya , it is also hard to believe the airlines would allow him on like that ,

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Is this the same guy that was the manager of the washed up singer Leila K that had the drug problem?

Is there a link to the notorious Uppsala mafia and would that have something to do with his treatment?

It's time for some of TVFs legion of svensks to spill the beans. :whistling:

One wouldn't want a fine upstanding citizen of Sweden to be treated like this.

Edited by geriatrickid
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What do you suppose would happen in all of your home countries if you walked into a police station and announced that you were an illegal alien?

If a Thai walked in to Police station in my country with his passport and told the Police he had overstayed his Schengen visa because of hospitalization he will be issued an emergency visa.

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The usual knee-jerk reactions without knowing the full story.

Don't you love it, any story true or not always brings out the I hate Thailand brigade. But I still live here and will not move but I hate this place and will bad mouth it every chance I get bunch.

Anybody want to bet when/if the 'Rest of the Story' comes out, he will not be seen in such a 'Angelic Light'. I wish the IHT Brigade would ALL get on the bus to the airport! Don't put all wrongdoers in authority into the Third World Category - remember Guantanamo, and Abu Grave (spelling?)

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I call BS 110%.

This guy better be careful because it seems that he thinks he is safe telling this story now that he is back home however the Thai Police are Government workers who in fact work for his majesty. He is therefore taking a big risk if he is telling lies as this could come back and bite him in the arse.

I would like to know what Police station he went to here? If it was the one on beach rd at soi 9 then he should be careful that they might prove him wrong as there is CCTV cameras all over that place including on the cells. Also there are foreign help working there too.

I also agree with many posters here that if it was the Bangkok Pattaya Hospital (as much as I hate them) then the first thing they do even before treating you is look at your passport. If they see your visa is coming to an end trust me they take precautions as they feel they might not get paid and that you will be gone in 1 or 2 days SO they will prepare all the necessary papers for your trip to Immigration and if it's a "heart" issue like the story tells then they would contact Immigration themselves.

The part about the dead guy beside him for 2 days is also BS. He says there were 67 people in the cell and changing always, well if that were true you would have 65 Thai's screaming out about ghosts and the guards would get the body out within minutes (not because of ghosts lol).

I know that airlines do keep extra seats for these and many other reasons however they would not allow a person on the plane dressed in rags smelling like urine and crap as they say NO WAY !!!!!

Also the fact that after 10 years like many other people here said he goes to the police for his overstay help and not to the Immigration with the hospital letter?

This story to me seems like a guy who was here for a couple of weeks, rented a motorbike and got a 400 baht fine for not wearing a helmut and now is pissed at the Police. The story shows a picture of some guy sitting down showing his passport? What does this prove?

I would LOVE to see all of the video footage from the police station from when he walked in asking for help and how they just swept him away into a cell in chains and shackles. You never know, we just might.

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If the guy was legit all the way around, he really needed friends (Thai or otherwise) to do the footwork for his expired visa while in the hospital. I don't know about others, but the date of my visa (or extension) expiration is indelibly imprinted on my mind, and it is TOP priority over everything else as the date approaches. I see very little excuse for having an expired visa and not being able to remedy the problem through approved methods (a.k.a. Police order 777/2551).

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What do you suppose would happen in all of your home countries if you walked into a police station and announced that you were an illegal alien?

If a Thai walked in to Police station in my country with his passport and told the Police he had overstayed his Schengen visa because of hospitalization he will be issued an emergency visa.

In the US they would do absolutely nothing unless you committed another crime as police don't enforce immigration laws ... it is handled by the Feds.

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This story is upside down. how about

The 'bad guy' from Sweden is tracked down, arrested and thrown in a cell ( I went to the police station).

I had to pay... ( to buy better food )

There he is detained until the Swedish authorities are informed and a request is made that he be repatriated ( after 12 days an official from the embassy comes)

He is taken filthy to the airport and flung on a plane

In this scenario the international criminal justifies an arrest, holding centre extradition. Of course the published story is an innocent caught up in a hostile environment. What did he expect: the embassy to put him up in the Intercointinental and provide money for a trip to designer men clothiers.

I may be wrong of course...

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Was flown home in the same clothes the same day, July 29, he was thrown into a car, was taken to Bangkok airport and put on a plane to Sweden. In the same clothes as he was jailed in July 16 - a pair of shorts, sandals and a tank top.

- I stank of urine, faeces and sweat, and would sit on a plane among the common people.

That is very poor that the police would not let him clean himself up before leaving Pattaya , it is also hard to believe the airlines would allow him on like that ,

Well, Kent Melmblom known as the former manager of the world known swedish artist Leila K.

If he has spent 10 years in Thailand, Leila K has spent about the same time as a homless on the streets of Stockholm.

Maybe the thai police just wanted him to get a feel of the same life the artist that "fed him" have had to go through.

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