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Am I Looseing My Marbles


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yesterday i went to the supermarket to get some cans of pop,i normally have them delivered about 10cases x 24,only wanted to top up 5cases,i have noticed this priceing before but thought it must be a mistake,but yesterday confirmed it was not.this is what i found 1pack of 6cans,64bht,x4packs =24cans=256bht, 1case of 24cans 257bht,can any body explain the logic of this,allways when i buy eg.4cans beer=92bht per pack,6packs=24cans 552bht,buy a case of 24cans 480bht.time to see the doc.

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I see this all the time here. In the US, buying in bulk is pretty much always cheaper per item sans a sale on a smaller configuration, but here in Thailand, it very often costs more to buy in bulk.

I use Campbell's tomato soup for a base for my gazpacho. I can buy an 11.5 oz. can for anywhere from 33 to 38 baht. Or I can buy a 24 oz. bottle for 126 baht. Needless to say, I buy by the can.

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I see this all the time here. In the US, buying in bulk is pretty much always cheaper per item sans a sale on a smaller configuration, but here in Thailand, it very often costs more to buy in bulk.

I use Campbell's tomato soup for a base for my gazpacho. I can buy a 11.5 oz. can for anywhere from 33 to 38 baht. Or I can buy a 24 oz. bottle for 126 baht. Needless to say, I buy by the can.

Many times it pays to have a sharp mind and do the calculations before buying.

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<br />I really truly believe that they believe you are getting added convenience in buying bulk/larger containers, and should pay more for the convenience.<br />

I never thought of it, but you could be correct. At least that is an explanation where I could come up with none on my own.

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People usually assume buyinng in bulk is cheaper, but often in Thaiiland it is not. Obviously canny supermarkets making those few extra baht.

I have also noticed often the refill packs of detergent etc. work out more expensive than the original.

However in these cases (pun intended) it usually requires a calculator to spot the con,as you find the original is something like 421gm and the refill is 398gm!

This again I believe is deliberate policy (this time by the manufacturer) to give you the illusion the refill is cheaper when it is not.

Caveat Emptor - - Buyer beware.

Edited by thaimite
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I can't get my mind around it so I flipped the coin over-kinda like paying for chain by the weight, or eggs for that matter.

Yesterday I had a look at oreos and compared the weight of 5x5 baht package and one 29baht package: you already know the answer.

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You're "loosing" your marbles if you open the bag you are carrying them in and let them roll around on the floor. But, if you let some kid pick them up and take off with them then you definitely will be "losing" your marbles.

I've never understood why stores in Thailand often charge more for larger quantities, but they do. I guess they think people are stupid and can't add, multiply or divide. I'm always aware of the cost of items, but it becomes more difficult now that they try to fool you by making smaller containers and charging the same. At one time the containers were in set amounts: one pint, one quart, one kilogram, one pound, etc. Now they use fractions of the same amounts... ie 907 grams instead of one kilogram.

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People usually assume buyinng in bulk is cheaper, but often in Thaiiland it is not. Obviously canny supermarkets making those few extra baht.

I have also noticed often the refill packs of detergent etc. work out more expensive than the original.

However in these cases (pun intended) it usually requires a calculator to spot the con,as you find the original is something like 421gm and the refill is 398gm!

This again I believe is deliberate policy (this time by the manufacturer) to give you the illusion the refill is cheaper when it is not.

Caveat Emptor - - Buyer beware.

Exactly, it is just marketing. I have also seen it in the UK.


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I used to buy the 'normal' size boxes of Special K breakfast cereal at Carrefour. One day I asked my wife to get some for me and she came back with loads of those small individual portions boxes because they were cheaper. I had to eat humble pie after laughing at her and being proved wrong.

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Maybe it's due to the extra handling a larger item requires, or maybe they sit on the shelf for longer, taking up extra space? The cynic in me suspects, though, that they catch a lot of people who assume it's cheaper to buy bulk and so end up spending more by not doing the calculation. It's not just Thailand either. Some time ago, legislation was introduced in the EU to make shops display the price per kg / unit beside all items to combat this. Other countries seem to be following suit as I noticed many supermarkets in Australia and NZ doing the same on a recent visit. Closer to home, I was once quoted a price of 30,000 VND, or 3 for 100,000 by a street vendor for T-shirts in Vietnam.

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You have more money to spend so you can pay more! - What do you mean you cant see the logic?


The simpler logic is: Let's rip off the innumerate buyers.


Easy enough. Have to figure in the general numb condition of the mindless consumer.

Marketing comes fast when you haven't much to deal with.

Edited by zzaa09
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You're "loosing" your marbles if you open the bag you are carrying them in and let them roll around on the floor. But, if you let some kid pick them up and take off with them then you definitely will be "losing" your marbles.

I've never understood why stores in Thailand often charge more for larger quantities, but they do. I guess they think people are stupid and can't add, multiply or divide. I'm always aware of the cost of items, but it becomes more difficult now that they try to fool you by making smaller containers and charging the same. At one time the containers were in set amounts: one pint, one quart, one kilogram, one pound, etc. Now they use fractions of the same amounts... ie 907 grams instead of one kilogram.

Yup, he's 'bang on the money'.

Only LOSING his spelling.

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americans seem to prefer to buy in huge boxes and jugs; thais seem to prefer smaller boxes and smaller amounts at a time; therefore, the stock must move diferently.. large amounts of items sit around more on shelf so they must make up for lack of sales in higher price. small boxes move out a lot and so can be marked up cheaper since more get sold. people who dont have large amounts of money prefer to buy smaller amounts of things since that is the cash they have to pay with.

here, i walk around with a calculator and ive found that its not always cheaper to buy the two/for one or the 'extra percentage in the shampoo container' or the 'economy size' bag of laundry soap, mostly for the same reasons: people her edont have much ready cash so buy smaller quantities , more often, usually righ after the 10 of the month (pay day). for a country that lives on white (cream) cheese and cottage cheese, chocolate spread, and other things, u would think we would have cheaper tub sized containers. but we dont. they just dont sell.



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americans seem to prefer to buy in huge boxes and jugs; thais seem to prefer smaller boxes and smaller amounts at a time; therefore, the stock must move diferently.. large amounts of items sit around more on shelf so they must make up for lack of sales in higher price. small boxes move out a lot and so can be marked up cheaper since more get sold. people who dont have large amounts of money prefer to buy smaller amounts of things since that is the cash they have to pay with.

here, i walk around with a calculator and ive found that its not always cheaper to buy the two/for one or the 'extra percentage in the shampoo container' or the 'economy size' bag of laundry soap, mostly for the same reasons: people her edont have much ready cash so buy smaller quantities , more often, usually righ after the 10 of the month (pay day). for a country that lives on white (cream) cheese and cottage cheese, chocolate spread, and other things, u would think we would have cheaper tub sized containers. but we dont. they just dont sell.



went to buy rice the other week and our usual lady suggested we buy the 50kilo? bag instead of our usual 15kilos...the wifey did the mental arithmetic and used my phone calculator...it was cheaper! 2+ baht a kilo...would have cost me a hernia and a bottle of pain killing scotch so stuck with the 15kilo..

Why 15 kilo ?...well it just fits into the "bulk more expensive" soap powder buckets under the sink...lol

gotta say that "smaller quantity less expensive" happens everywhere in the west too ...combination of devious marketing or stock turnover I assume

..just like the "end of aisle" "sale" items..go to the stock location and ....

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Its the Thai mentality. Just the same as when business is bad, sellers and service providers of all sorts put their prices up when they are getting fewer customers to compensate, rather than reducing to attract new customers. Always been the same in LOS.laugh.gif

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Of course there ARE some advantages... I can get three 40 kilogram Thai women for the price of one average 80 kilogram American woman. :lol:

Ian, you are slipping mate....thought you would have negociated...buy 2 and get the 3rd one free :cheesy:

but i see where your coming from..and they don't have the same baggage as the western product either ;)

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So let's see, what did I learn today from Thai Visa

1/ Thai are stupid and they " cant add up divide subtract etc etc"

2/ There is a new verb : to loose / looseing

3/ American women are fat and Thai ladies are slim "... three 40 kilogram Thai women for the price of one average 80 kilogram American woman. :) " and this is apparently hilarious.

Thank you Thai Visa !

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So let's see, what did I learn today from Thai Visa

1/ Thai are stupid and they " cant add up divide subtract etc etc"

2/ There is a new verb : to loose / looseing

3/ American women are fat and Thai ladies are slim "... three 40 kilogram Thai women for the price of one average 80 kilogram American woman. :) " and this is apparently hilarious.

Thank you Thai Visa !

Yep well done hahahah :lol:

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So let's see, what did I learn today from Thai Visa

1/ Thai are stupid and they " cant add up divide subtract etc etc"

2/ There is a new verb : to loose / looseing

3/ American women are fat and Thai ladies are slim "... three 40 kilogram Thai women for the price of one average 80 kilogram American woman. :) " and this is apparently hilarious.

Thank you Thai Visa !

To be honest often i encounter many Thai's who cant subtract divide ect. I am not sure how it is currently in my country with the younger generation. I do know that older people in general were better skilled in calculations without a calculator as the younger generation.

Its true that the average European / American is heavier then the average Thai.

We also learned in this thread that the French have no sense of humor :D

Anyway if i know you a bit im sure you do all the calculations to see if you can save a bit. I do them too because i hate paying too much when its not necessary.

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i think its an insult to peoples intelligence,4packs,=extra packaging,plus carrier bags and checkout staff has to scan each item,1case,less packaging no carrier bags and one scan,also faster.cost more.its the same with signs displaying 50%-70%off these signs dont change from 1year to the next,this is nothing but a con,if you dont know the ins and outs of sale items you have no chance of understanding the meaning of a sale item.if you go back in this forum you will see i posted i wanted a mosquito killer,many tv members recomended the BLACK HOLE priced at around 1800bht-2000bht.the wife went into a popular store and saw it with a sign on it saying half price,was 3800bht now 1900bht.can anybody confirm that they were 3800bht.i know there is the junior and the frog which are cheaper.

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Of course there ARE some advantages... I can get three 40 kilogram Thai women for the price of one average 80 kilogram American woman. :lol:

Ian, you are slipping mate....thought you would have negociated...buy 2 and get the 3rd one free :cheesy:

but i see where your coming from..and they don't have the same baggage as the western product either ;)

It's actually a pretty good deal for all of us. I pay 50% more than I pay for one and I get three, and they just share. We all go home happy. And yes, rentals don't come with baggage. That is why I never could understand the sin sod. I just settle for the sin. Others can have the sod.

I wasn't kidding about the price for one average, 80 kilogram American woman. Have you ever priced out a good night on the town in an American city? And, there is no guarantees about what happens later, either. I won't even go into the ridiculous cost of getting married... for love or otherwise.

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So let's see, what did I learn today from Thai Visa

1/ Thai are stupid and they " cant add up divide subtract etc etc"

2/ There is a new verb : to loose / looseing

3/ American women are fat and Thai ladies are slim "... three 40 kilogram Thai women for the price of one average 80 kilogram American woman. :) " and this is apparently hilarious.

Thank you Thai Visa !

To be honest often i encounter many Thai's who cant subtract divide ect. I am not sure how it is currently in my country with the younger generation. I do know that older people in general were better skilled in calculations without a calculator as the younger generation.

Its true that the average European / American is heavier then the average Thai.

We also learned in this thread that the French have no sense of humor :D

Anyway if i know you a bit im sure you do all the calculations to see if you can save a bit. I do them too because i hate paying too much when its not necessary.

Rob, it's actually not too hard to add up the cost of groceries in your head. I do it all the time without a calculator. I just round everything off to the nearest fraction of 10. I'm always within a few dollars of a grocery bill that totals up to $100.

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