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Or you could try to interpret, from my postings on TV.


Yes, but then surely, he'd come up with a Twunt, or even a pretentious Twunt, if I may be so bold to suggest. smile.gif

We're all entitled to our own opinions, and even if we are not, we will hold them anyway.

I sm lucky that I have a skin which I hope is thick enough to withstand the slings and arrows that I desrve, and I apologise for the innumerable errors in my previous posts in this thread, which are as numerous as they are inconsistent and baffling.


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I also accept that most young women don't find old men physically attractive either. But, there are "rentals" that will take their place. And, surprisingly enough, some of those "rentals" enjoy their time with their regular customers. I know mine do.

Are you an old man paying young Asian women for sex ?

Answer yes and I can guarantee you that they may enjoy a meal with you or you spending money on them or you giving them money, but, if you think they enjoy having sex with a man older than their Father or even Grandfather ( In the case of many old men who come to SE Asian countries to take advantage of poor people) you have to be joking.

If she had money she wouldn't look twice at you, just the same as young women in your own country won't look twice at you, unless you pay them, no difference, it's just that old men flock to SE Asia to take advantage of cheap prices.

I don't see many young girls putting posters on their bedroom walls of grey haired old men, do you ?

You can believe what you want and make general statements that are obviously true, but give me a little credit for knowing what is real. If a woman has an orgasm I would suggest that she enjoyed sex... with whomever she had it with... young, old, male, female or just by herself. As far as the payment thing is concerned then everyone pays for it one way or another, even if it is not with cold, hard cash. If most people, male or female, had enough money and good looks they wouldn't be with the person they finally had to settle for. Of course young people don't put up posters of old people, and neither do old people. Following popular opinion of younger people here it's like anyone over the age of 50 should go somewhere and sit on a park bench, or take up lawn bowling.

There are many things about S E Asia that attract old men besides the women. I posted a topic (now in the photo section) about what I love about Thailand. It's about 10 pages long.

The advertisements for Viagra and Cialis are a bit of a joke as well. They correctly portray middle age married guys as men who can't get it up because they've been married to the same woman for years, and need an artificial stimulant to get them aroused. That says something about marriage and people's interests. I have no illusions about "true love" and all that romance BS. There is an old, but true story that if you put a coin in a jar for every time you have sex for the first 3 years of marriage, and then take out a coin for every time you have sex for the remainder of the marriage, then you'll never get your money back.

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The only circles I travel in are the ones I make myself. It actually wouldn't surprise me if there were a lot of ex-Navy SEALS and military types in Thailand left over from the Vietnam war. That war exposed men to places and things they had never seen before, and the war did not prepare them well for returning to their home lands. War tends to do that to people.

Does that mean in the future there's going to be a lot of expats in Iraq and Afghan. :D

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Have you compared Iraq and Afghan women to Thai women? :blink:

Oh, wait, you can't even SEE Iraq women. You get to see a big, black tent thrown over something that may or may not be human. :o

Sorry, are you saying that Iraqi women may not be human?

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The only circles I travel in are the ones I make myself. It actually wouldn't surprise me if there were a lot of ex-Navy SEALS and military types in Thailand left over from the Vietnam war. That war exposed men to places and things they had never seen before, and the war did not prepare them well for returning to their home lands. War tends to do that to people.

Does that mean in the future there's going to be a lot of expats in Iraq and Afghan. :D

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Have you compared Iraq and Afghan women to Thai women? :blink:

Oh, wait, you can't even SEE Iraq women. You get to see a big, black tent thrown over something that may or may not be human. :o

Sorry, are you saying that Iraqi women may not be human?

Well spotted Sir . smile.gif

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:lol: :lol: :lol:

Have you compared Iraq and Afghan women to Thai women? :blink:

Oh, wait, you can't even SEE Iraq women. You get to see a big, black tent thrown over something that may or may not be human. :o

Sorry, are you saying that Iraqi women may not be human?

No, there obviously has to be SOME women in Iraq, otherwise there there wouldn't be so many people. But, what I AM saying is I have no idea what is under that black tent. It could be some guy with a machine gun. Or it could be a donkey trying to stay out of the sun. :blink::lol:

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I have no illusions about "true love" and all that romance BS.

I only hope I never grow to be as jaded as you as I grow old. My grandparents were the most loving couple I know. When my grandfather passed away my grandmother died within the week. They were married at 18, truly in love their entire lives, and died knowing the person next to them was their best friend and the person who helped them build a family.

You can have all the young girls you want. Have 10 at a time if that is what turns you on. Doesn't interest me in the slightest though. Might have in university, but not any more. Now I want what my grandparents had.

This post is about circles, and I can only maintain that I will do everything in my power to keep my wife within my circle for as long as both of us inhabit this planet. I neither disparage nor envy those of you with mistresses. I do believe however that you are missing out on one of the great joys in life by not maintaining a committed, monogamous relationship to your death. It is a pleasure that I for one don't intend to forsake.

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Helicopter pilot circles. There are a lot of Farang chopper pilots in Thailand especially from Canada.

Oil and gas executive circles. There a lot of

Farang oil and gas executives here.

Automotive circles. There are a lot of Farang auto executives from here.

Consultant engineer circles. There are a lot of Farang engineers here that inspect things because they have certain certifications.

From what I see about 80% have hookers for wives and GF's; albeit absolutely strikingly beautiful ladies. Because the above guys make big bucks.

Military circles. A number of Americans live here who were based here during the war. Very few of them were Rambo types. Most being involved in construction, although they have Thai ties going back 40 years (interesting stories). There are some real hero's here though such as the guys who pulled the Thais out of Laos when the sh** hit the fan. And guys who flew the last prop fighters, and guys who flew all kinds of odd missions in strange aircraft, the variety of aircraft used is mind boggling.

If you didn't know it the mission decisions were made in Washington and then relayed to the air bases in Thailand. This meant that the data was usually old and dangerous. The pilots stationed here had brass balls. I saw B-52's go on the same mission three days in a row using the same flight path. On the third day you knew they weren't coming back (Even the North Vietnamese AA gets the range after three tries). All because some clerk at the pentagon was too lazy to plan a new mission.

The dog handlers are interesting too and a couple are still here. These guys worked with incredibly large German Shepherds in guarding air bases, U-Tapao for example. The VC attacked U-Tapao on a couple of occasions trying to get at the B-52's.

Off shore mercenaries. Most of them are truck drivers from Iraq, they make $120,000 a year.

I don't really travel in any circles in Pattaya. Kind of stay by myself with few friends. However, as long as the subject came up, my first visit to the Pattaya area was in 1968 when I flew my F4 into the newly revamped U-Tapio air base. I remember as it were yesterday. I feared very little in life then, unlike today, 40 years later. The only bars around were a few on the street they call Walking Street now. Times and people were different then. The Thai's attitude towards Farangs was also much different. Perhaps one could say it was better and some would say it was worse depending on how you view things in life.

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I have no illusions about "true love" and all that romance BS.

I only hope I never grow to be as jaded as you as I grow old. My grandparents were the most loving couple I know. When my grandfather passed away my grandmother died within the week. They were married at 18, truly in love their entire lives, and died knowing the person next to them was their best friend and the person who helped them build a family.

You can have all the young girls you want. Have 10 at a time if that is what turns you on. Doesn't interest me in the slightest though. Might have in university, but not any more. Now I want what my grandparents had.

This post is about circles, and I can only maintain that I will do everything in my power to keep my wife within my circle for as long as both of us inhabit this planet. I neither disparage nor envy those of you with mistresses. I do believe however that you are missing out on one of the great joys in life by not maintaining a committed, monogamous relationship to your death. It is a pleasure that I for one don't intend to forsake.

You beat me to it. I was going to say ...

I have no illusions about "true love" and all that romance BS.

How very, very sad. I feel for your pain. I am shedding a tear for your loss. Really.

However, young Ian does seem to have lived a very, very sheltered life and appears to be somewhat jaded and angry ... I could add to your story of your grandparents with stories of my own grandparents ... and parents ... and hopefully my wife.

I was also going to call him (again?) on the ''Oooooh there's so many SEALs in Thailand'' thing (yes, I know it's sad). The last SEAL platoon left in 71. How long was the training? They're all VERY OLD or DEAD. The ones who aren't don't say ''I was a SEAL in that Nam ...''

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I thank you.

It seems some posters are allowed to call Iraqi women ''not human'' and get away with it.

Oh if only I could say that about Welsh people and get away with it!

There are flocks that would thank me.

Nice one Mark, even though I just spat my beer all over the keyboard, I appreciated that.


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I have no illusions about "true love" and all that romance BS.

I only hope I never grow to be as jaded as you as I grow old. My grandparents were the most loving couple I know. When my grandfather passed away my grandmother died within the week. They were married at 18, truly in love their entire lives, and died knowing the person next to them was their best friend and the person who helped them build a family.

You can have all the young girls you want. Have 10 at a time if that is what turns you on. Doesn't interest me in the slightest though. Might have in university, but not any more. Now I want what my grandparents had.

This post is about circles, and I can only maintain that I will do everything in my power to keep my wife within my circle for as long as both of us inhabit this planet. I neither disparage nor envy those of you with mistresses. I do believe however that you are missing out on one of the great joys in life by not maintaining a committed, monogamous relationship to your death. It is a pleasure that I for one don't intend to forsake.

No problem with that, greg. That is what I had hoped for when I got married both times. I wish you the best, but sometimes things are taken out of your control. I'm still a romantic at heart, but I know the odds and don't bet against them. And, I enoy sex too much to give it up. Yes, the topic IS about circles and most of us are in some sort of circle. We have a group of friends that we enjoy spending time with. I lead two parallel lives that have some similarities, but most of which are very different. I spend half my time in North America and half my time in Thailand. I like to travel and experience new things, but travel in North America is much different than travel in Thailand. When my kids were growing up I enjoyed the family life, but now they are grown with their own children I'm free to do the things I enjoyed before I was married. In your grandparents time it was much more common for couples to stay together for 60 years or more. My own parents were, but that doesn't mean they were always happy. Today it is more common for people to have had two or more marriages.

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:lol: :lol: :lol:

Have you compared Iraq and Afghan women to Thai women? :blink:

Oh, wait, you can't even SEE Iraq women. You get to see a big, black tent thrown over something that may or may not be human. :o

Sorry, are you saying that Iraqi women may not be human?

No, there obviously has to be SOME women in Iraq, otherwise there there wouldn't be so many people. But, what I AM saying is I have no idea what is under that black tent. It could be some guy with a machine gun. Or it could be a donkey trying to stay out of the sun. :blink::lol:

If it's a guy with a machine gun I'll be OK then. He'll probably go for the bigot (that's you by the way).

(D'oh! They always need telling, don't they?)

Oh, sorry for the aside, Ian. If it's a donkey, you'll probably be busy ... considering you've already said Iraqi women aren't human ...

PS Your smileys make your casual racism seem so much funnier :D :D :D

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I thank you.

It seems some posters are allowed to call Iraqi women ''not human'' and get away with it.

Oh if only I could say that about Welsh people and get away with it!

There are flocks that would thank me.

Nice one Mark, even though I just spat my beer all over the keyboard, I appreciated that.


And to think I was going to bed 30 mins ago ...

Please don't waste any more beer over me :rolleyes: save it a buy me a pint in the Bull's Hea ... Royal Oak :jap:

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If it's a guy with a machine gun I'll be OK then. He'll probably go for the bigot (that's you by the way).

(D'oh! They always need telling, don't they?)

Oh, sorry for the aside, Ian. If it's a donkey, you'll probably be busy ... considering you've already said Iraqi women aren't human ...

PS Your smileys make your casual racism seem so much funnier :D :D :D

Actually, I don't have a racist bone in my body, unless telling the truth is considered racist. If a country treats its women like possessions, with no rights and little or no medical treatment, then they are backward. Obviously that doesn't include all Islamic countries, but the ones forcing women to wear burqas are. I can as a simple question... woud YOU choose a woman for a wife if you never got to see what she looked like? And, the practise of female circumcision to keep women subservient is abhorrent... whether or not you think it's okay.

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If it's a guy with a machine gun I'll be OK then. He'll probably go for the bigot (that's you by the way).

(D'oh! They always need telling, don't they?)

Oh, sorry for the aside, Ian. If it's a donkey, you'll probably be busy ... considering you've already said Iraqi women aren't human ...

PS Your smileys make your casual racism seem so much funnier :D :D :D

Actually, I don't have a racist bone in my body, unless telling the truth is considered racist. If a country treats its women like possessions, with no rights and little or no medical treatment, then they are backward. Obviously that doesn't include all Islamic countries, but the ones forcing women to wear burqas are. I can as a simple question... woud YOU choose a woman for a wife if you never got to see what she looked like? And, the practise of female circumcision to keep women subservient is abhorrent... whether or not you think it's okay.

I had a really smartarse reply but I couldn't be bothered wasting it on you. You are simply not worth it.

You are a casual racist. Your version of the truth (''Iraqi women may not be human'') proves it.

Please, if you ever meet me, do not say to me ''the practise of female circumcision to keep women subservient is abhorrent... whether or not you think it's okay''.

It would be very bad.


MarkBKK :D :D :D

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I had a really smartarse reply but I couldn't be bothered wasting it on you. You are simply not worth it.

You are a casual racist. Your version of the truth (''Iraqi women may not be human'') proves it.

Please, if you ever meet me, do not say to me ''the practise of female circumcision to keep women subservient is abhorrent... whether or not you think it's okay''.

It would be very bad.


MarkBKK :D :D :D

And your personal problems tells me volumes about you. Don't worry, I wouldn't waste my time with anyone like you.

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My significant other is my equal

She's a pensioner too ? ohmy.gif

Why don't you admit it. You are a young man and you pay a Thai woman for whatever reason. Nothing wrong with that. When you get older, learn to speak Thai and live in Thailand other opportunities will present themselves and you may expand your circle of friends to include self supporting women who don't need to ask you for money.

There are trade offs in everything in life. As you get older your potential circle of women will be expanded. The lower range stays at 18 and the upper range is always expanding. Women are not the same as men. Men are visual in most things women take a longer view that encompasses more variables.

I know you are convinced that young men have a lock on the hearts of age appropriate women. Your view will change as you get older and realize the reality of the situation. Thai women have an endearing quality of youth and playfulness that seems to span years beyond their Western sisters. Certainly there is also a negative side to the virtue and sometimes leads one to say, “grow up woman” but that is the nature of the culture.

My temporary circle of Thai female friends ranges from 22 to 65 and one 80 year old Thai language teacher. We could all eat lunch together and find something to talk about. The generations here mix with much less conflict than the West. My significant other is in her 30's and her protective radar range is from M-3 to geriatric. She is clued in but then again she is Thai.

Try looking at Thailand with an open mind and leave your Western prejudices about age and gender at home. The youth culture which raised you and set your early opinions has not overcome Thailand yet. It will in time I imagine but it is not here yet. I play a bit on the INTERNET and will never reply to women who write from Bangkok, Pattaya, Phuket, Chonburi, Chiang Mai or Chiang Rai. I find women from those locations are a waste of INTERNET time and energy and not indicative of Thai women in general. Too Western for me. :jap:

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Let's stop all the attacks on each other. IanForbes did not say Iraqi women are not human, as he pointed out in a subsequent post. I understood his meaning even if others did not. Regardless, this is not the place to levy attacks on each other. If any poster believes that a post in inappropriate for any reason, well, that is why we have the report function.

This thread seems to be winding down anyway, but further attacking back and forth will result in the thread being closed.

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:lol: :lol: :lol:

Have you compared Iraq and Afghan women to Thai women? :blink:

Oh, wait, you can't even SEE Iraq women. You get to see a big, black tent thrown over something that may or may not be human. :o

Sorry, are you saying that Iraqi women may not be human?

No, there obviously has to be SOME women in Iraq, otherwise there there wouldn't be so many people. But, what I AM saying is I have no idea what is under that black tent. It could be some guy with a machine gun. Or it could be a donkey trying to stay out of the sun. :blink::lol:

If it's a guy with a machine gun I'll be OK then. He'll probably go for the bigot (that's you by the way).

(D'oh! They always need telling, don't they?)

Oh, sorry for the aside, Ian. If it's a donkey, you'll probably be busy ... considering you've already said Iraqi women aren't human ...

PS Your smileys make your casual racism seem so much funnier :D :D :D

The only Iraqi lady I know is a stunner.



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If it's a guy with a machine gun I'll be OK then. He'll probably go for the bigot (that's you by the way).

(D'oh! They always need telling, don't they?)

Oh, sorry for the aside, Ian. If it's a donkey, you'll probably be busy ... considering you've already said Iraqi women aren't human ...

PS Your smileys make your casual racism seem so much funnier :D :D :D

Actually, I don't have a racist bone in my body, unless telling the truth is considered racist. If a country treats its women like possessions, with no rights and little or no medical treatment, then they are backward. Obviously that doesn't include all Islamic countries, but the ones forcing women to wear burqas are. I can as a simple question... woud YOU choose a woman for a wife if you never got to see what she looked like? And, the practise of female circumcision to keep women subservient is abhorrent... whether or not you think it's okay.

They only wear the bin bag in public, not in the home. Even in arranged marriages nowadays they normally have time to decide whether they like each other or not.

Female circumcision only happens within certain countries and certain tribes at that, it is not widespread anymore.

Even the Islamic world is moving with the times.


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They only wear the bin bag in public, not in the home. Even in arranged marriages nowadays they normally have time to decide whether they like each other or not.

Female circumcision only happens within certain countries and certain tribes at that, it is not widespread anymore.

Even the Islamic world is moving with the times.


I know that, and my original post was made in fun. But, I just replied to a "baited" reply. I have an American friend whose buddy in Afghanistan was shot by a male terrorist (freedom fighter ?) hiding under a burqua. In the war zones of Iraq and Afghanistan the "freedom fighters" often used women and children as shields.

I also have a sister in London, England, who has spent the past 20 years helping female refugees from the Middle East. Her stories are blood chilling and do NOT paint a very good picture of how women are treated in that area.

As far as female beauty is concerned in the Middle East I'm quite certain there are many who are stunning. The famous National Geographic picture of the young woman with the startling eyes is a good example.

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They only wear the bin bag in public, not in the home. Even in arranged marriages nowadays they normally have time to decide whether they like each other or not.

Female circumcision only happens within certain countries and certain tribes at that, it is not widespread anymore.

Even the Islamic world is moving with the times.


I know that, and my original post was made in fun. But, I just replied to a "baited" reply. I have an American friend whose buddy in Afghanistan was shot by a male terrorist (freedom fighter ?) hiding under a burqua. In the war zones of Iraq and Afghanistan the "freedom fighters" often used women and children as shields.

I also have a sister in London, England, who has spent the past 20 years helping female refugees from the Middle East. Her stories are blood chilling and do NOT paint a very good picture of how women are treated in that area.

As far as female beauty is concerned in the Middle East I'm quite certain there are many who are stunning. The famous National Geographic picture of the young woman with the startling eyes is a good example.

But i think we forget about a lot of muslims who lead very normally family lives which is a shame as they are the majority. I have spent some time in the ME, some of the better places, Dubai / Qatar / Oman and also a few of the not so nice places, Iraq / Yemen. The later 2 and others have been sheltered from the infidels in the west and therefore still have a fair amount of, what a lot of westerners would consider medieval customs.

Jordan was another place i have spent time, they have some of the most stunningly beautiful women you will ever see, Lebanon also.


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But i think we forget about a lot of muslims who lead very normally family lives which is a shame as they are the majority. I have spent some time in the ME, some of the better places, Dubai / Qatar / Oman and also a few of the not so nice places, Iraq / Yemen. The later 2 and others have been sheltered from the infidels in the west and therefore still have a fair amount of, what a lot of westerners would consider medieval customs.

Jordan was another place i have spent time, they have some of the most stunningly beautiful women you will ever see, Lebanon also.


Good point, There are a lot of very nice Muslim people in Thailand. I have met many and enjoy their company... despite differences in beliefs. It is like the few here that have only met Thai hookers and they try to attribute them to represent all Thais. Same is true for the people of most nations who go abroad. We forget that we represent our country to others. When I was in my 20s and 30s I had a low opinion of Australian males. That is because I was only exposed to the back packers who came to Canada with nothing more than a wish and a prayer. They used and abused our system because they had no money. By contrast, American tourists HAD lots of money and thought they could "buy the Joint". It was contrast in styles but no less irritating. Then, I did extensive traveling in Australia and the USA and learned an entirely different aspect of their society and came to realize there are good and bad everywhere.

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But i think we forget about a lot of muslims who lead very normally family lives which is a shame as they are the majority. I have spent some time in the ME, some of the better places, Dubai / Qatar / Oman and also a few of the not so nice places, Iraq / Yemen. The later 2 and others have been sheltered from the infidels in the west and therefore still have a fair amount of, what a lot of westerners would consider medieval customs.

Jordan was another place i have spent time, they have some of the most stunningly beautiful women you will ever see, Lebanon also.


Good point, There are a lot of very nice Muslim people in Thailand. I have met many and enjoy their company... despite differences in beliefs. It is like the few here that have only met Thai hookers and they try to attribute them to represent all Thais. Same is true for the people of most nations who go abroad. We forget that we represent our country to others. When I was in my 20s and 30s I had a low opinion of Australian males. That is because I was only exposed to the back packers who came to Canada with nothing more than a wish and a prayer. They used and abused our system because they had no money. By contrast, American tourists HAD lots of money and thought they could "buy the Joint". It was contrast in styles but no less irritating. Then, I did extensive traveling in Australia and the USA and learned an entirely different aspect of their society and came to realize there are good and bad everywhere.

I don't think its the same at all; you formed your prejudices regarding Australians based on your own experience, similar to the hypothetical prejudices based on meeting bar girls. Very few people who are prejudiced against muslims actually have that much experience of interacting with them.


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Helicopter pilot circles. There are a lot of Farang chopper pilots in Thailand especially from Canada.

Oil and gas executive circles. There a lot of

Farang oil and gas executives here.

Automotive circles. There are a lot of Farang auto executives from here.

Consultant engineer circles. There are a lot of Farang engineers here that inspect things because they have certain certifications.

From what I see about 80% have hookers for wives and GF's; albeit absolutely strikingly beautiful ladies. Because the above guys make big bucks.

Military circles. A number of Americans live here who were based here during the war. Very few of them were Rambo types. Most being involved in construction, although they have Thai ties going back 40 years (interesting stories). There are some real hero's here though such as the guys who pulled the Thais out of Laos when the sh** hit the fan. And guys who flew the last prop fighters, and guys who flew all kinds of odd missions in strange aircraft, the variety of aircraft used is mind boggling.

If you didn't know it the mission decisions were made in Washington and then relayed to the air bases in Thailand. This meant that the data was usually old and dangerous. The pilots stationed here had brass balls. I saw B-52's go on the same mission three days in a row using the same flight path. On the third day you knew they weren't coming back (Even the North Vietnamese AA gets the range after three tries). All because some clerk at the pentagon was too lazy to plan a new mission.

The dog handlers are interesting too and a couple are still here. These guys worked with incredibly large German Shepherds in guarding air bases, U-Tapao for example. The VC attacked U-Tapao on a couple of occasions trying to get at the B-52's.

Off shore mercenaries. Most of them are truck drivers from Iraq, they make $120,000 a year.

The military circles suffer the same tendency towards exaggeration as all stories told as years go by. For the entire Vietnam war there were only about 30 B-52s lost due to hostile/North Vietnam/Viet Cong actions and less than 20 of those were via combat.

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