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Are Thais Taught Anything About The World Outside Of Thailand

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I once showed a Thai girl a map of the world and asked if she knew where Thailand US or UK was, she gave me bewildered look, so that was a no!

The girl was not a bar girl from Issan either and she was 26 yrs old.

I'm sorry but I find that completely strange, what has this girl been taught in her life??

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Not just Thailand of course..

An American tourist once asked ' what time do the northern lights get switched on' whilst on holiday in northern Scotland!

Stupidity beyond belief


The Battle of Britain.

on a need to know basis ,

thai,s dont need to know.





I once showed a Thai girl a map of the world and asked if she knew where Thailand US or UK was, she gave me bewildered look, so that was a no!

The girl was not a bar girl from Issan either and she was 26 yrs old.

I'm sorry but I find that completely strange, what has this girl been taught in her life??

Not a lot , but that is the political control of the Thai education system .I By whom may I be permitted to ask?


I once showed a Thai girl a map of the world and asked if she knew where Thailand US or UK was, she gave me bewildered look, so that was a no!

The girl was not a bar girl from Issan either and she was 26 yrs old.

I'm sorry but I find that completely strange, what has this girl been taught in her life??

Not a lot , but that is the political control of the Thai education system .I By whom may I be permitted to ask?

Aren't Thai's curious to the outside world.... you don't have to be taught everything by state education.


There was a totally hilarious television show (might even be on youtube) that asked average Americans in the street a variety of questions that you would think most people would and should know. The answers were crazy. Now I am sure the producers edited out a lot of the people who replied with correct answers, but it was amazing how little the average person knew. The questions were almost like... "What colour was George Washington's white horse?" and people couldn't answer correctly.

So , no, it doesn't amaze me that Thais might not know about the world outside of Thailand. If you are struggling to earn enough to put some simple food on the table then learning what happened in Europe 30 years ago is not going to be a priority.


I've often experienced this with my Thai friends (MS and PHD students). None of them knew why the Victory Monument was erected, that Malay was written in Latin script, who Mao was, etc... I'm a recent college graduate from the USA, and the average American seems to know little about the world-but nothing like here in Thailand. I've studied Southeast Asian history because I had a keen interest in it-so perhaps that's why I can tell them about a few things. However, I truly believe the lack of knowledge of history, geography, ways of the outside world, etc. among educated Thais is far below that of educated Americans. Why is it this way? I asked them. Their response: "Nobody here will gain anything from knowing these things." "We study things like engineering so we can make money...you can't do anything here with history, literature, art, etc." "If I wanted to spend my time studying that, the only thing I could do later in life is teach, and I don't want to do that." I almost never see people reading anything other than comics and textbooks. Literature, art, music, the fine arts...my Thai friends consider them something to look into later in life when they've already made money.


Those of you who don't understand why kids out in the boonies don't know anything about Hitler ought to get hold of a book called 'In Grandmother's House' by Sorasing Kaowai and Peter Robinson. It gives some idea of the life in a typical Thai village that Sorasing and his Granny lived in. They didn't get electricity until 1983. Why would they be learning about Hitler?

So they could follow some TVF members well thought out posts and compare him to Thaksin. :D


On a positive note, some Thai's may not know much about the outside world but they are extremely friendly and hospitable to the people from countries they know nothing about jap.gif


There was a totally hilarious television show (might even be on youtube) that asked average Americans in the street a variety of questions that you would think most people would and should know. The answers were crazy. Now I am sure the producers edited out a lot of the people who replied with correct answers, but it was amazing how little the average person knew. The questions were almost like... "What colour was George Washington's white horse?" and people couldn't answer correctly.

So , no, it doesn't amaze me that Thais might not know about the world outside of Thailand. If you are struggling to earn enough to put some simple food on the table then learning what happened in Europe 30 years ago is not going to be a priority.

1) If the producers edited out a lot of the people who replied with correct answers, how do you figure the show illustrated how little the average person knew?

2) Not being able to answer a question like "What colour was George Washington's white horse?" has NOTHING to do with education or knowledge. it's about not thinking clearly and being fooeld by a (relatively simple) trick question. You'd be surprised how many bright educated people will do that.*

(Neither #1 or #2 are meant to dispute there are plenty of ignorant and/or thick people in the US (as there are everywhere). For one thing it's a big place with a lot of people)

3) The "struggling to earn enough to put some simple food on the table" is a bit of a simplistic stereotype, isn't it? Tens of millions of Thais don't fall into that category -- many of them far from it. And of those that don't, you'll find (for some of the reasons mentioned in the thread, eg poor educational standards and methods, perceived importance/relevance or lack thereof, a dearth of intellectual curiosity, lack of critical/analytic thinking, very limited reading) that many do not have the wide range of knowledge one might otherwise expect. Or even close to it.

And the ignorance goes well beyond Europe 30 years ago (by the way, the Battle of Britain was more like 70 years ago). Try SEA 30 years ago.

* Ask some otherwise reasonably smart ad knowledgeable people this, and tell them it's a kid's riddle: Jason's mother had 3 children. The first was named Monday, the second was Tuesday; what was the thirds one's name?

You might find quite a few will get it wrong at first.


There was a totally hilarious television show (might even be on youtube) that asked average Americans in the street a variety of questions that you would think most people would and should know. The answers were crazy. Now I am sure the producers edited out a lot of the people who replied with correct answers, but it was amazing how little the average person knew. The questions were almost like... "What colour was George Washington's white horse?" and people couldn't answer correctly.

So , no, it doesn't amaze me that Thais might not know about the world outside of Thailand. If you are struggling to earn enough to put some simple food on the table then learning what happened in Europe 30 years ago is not going to be a priority.

Right on the money, Ian. This topic seems to pop up from time-to-time and I'm constantly bemused by the ethnocentric attitudes of many farangs in Thailand. Surely farangs are aware that westerners knowledge of Asian history, much less Thailand, is woefully weak. Ian's example is just one, but I know Americans who think the Chinese bombed Pearl Harbor, that Thais are from Taiwan, etc., etc. But criticizing the Thais for not knowing what you think they should know about the west is silly. It seems the old folgies on this site love to show-off their generally useless knowledge, but it really serves no practical purpose. And just because the Thais that you associate with are less educated than the average Thai (i.e., peasant farm girls) doesn't mean that all Thais are like that.

As for the OP, I'd wage that I'm more educated than you. And guess what, as an American, I know nothing about the Battle of Britain. I can easily go Google it right now, but frankly, I couldn't give a flying <deleted>. Why should the Thais?


Occasionally, I come across some Americans who still think Taiwan and Thailand are the same country. I suppose that it is not only Thai people who don't know much about the outside world.

Totally correct

30 years ago, on a student exchange program, my host family asked me if in Belgium -which they thought was in Africa- we have cars... And they were living in Boston!


Those of you who don't understand why kids out in the boonies don't know anything about Hitler ought to get hold of a book called 'In Grandmother's House' by Sorasing Kaowai and Peter Robinson. It gives some idea of the life in a typical Thai village that Sorasing and his Granny lived in. They didn't get electricity until 1983. Why would they be learning about Hitler?

So they could follow some TVF members well thought out posts and compare him to Thaksin. :D

No comparison, as Hitler wasn't a self-made billionaire ! :lol:

Getting back to the thread, I do recall having to find the section on Kanchanaburi & the Jeath-Railway, in the Lonely Planet Guide, as my wife wasn't aware how many S.E.Asians had died on it, also hadn't been taught much about the WW2-invasion by Japan. :(


Occasionally, I come across some Americans who still think Taiwan and Thailand are the same country. I suppose that it is not only Thai people who don't know much about the outside world.

don't pick on Americans mate.. Australia is still somewhere near Germany right?...lol...how many of us could have pointed to the river Kwai or Siam on a globe ( I always thought it was in Burma wherever that was) or even Portsmouth,Poland,Singapore, River Plate, Malaya, Timor blah blah.....think about it.. be honest! ...I sailed here and needed a GPS..still have to google places in the news.....think most countries tend to concentrate first on local geography


Well thanks for your views. Gave me some food for thought and a reminder that values are different here, the world is smaller and priorites different. I was out on the bike today and a woman stepped out in front of me, I guesed she was going to do that so was prepared. I mention that because of the word aware. I find most thais are not aware of what is going on around them so why would they be aware of what goes on outside of Thailand? Is it important to know where their exports go or just that they get the money? Is it important to know where they get that stuff from the garage that makes their transport go ( Rayong I think)?

Today I met a student who was going to school to take an exam. What is the exam you are taking today? Confused look. Is it writing, reading, history, Thailand perhaps? The answer my friends....................You would not understand! No but I am trying to.


Here's a choice example ... this is a tourist information sign provided by DTAC and installed at Doi Mae Salong.


Now remind me again, what country is it to the north of Mae Sai?


When I was young

All bread came from 'Mothers Pride', or 'Jacksons'

All pop came from 'Villa' or 'Jones' (Jones paid 3d for a returned empty, we scoured the countryside and could spot them at 200 yards!!)

All crisps were made by Tudor

Until I started travelling outside my region I thought all the world was eating exactly the same products, from the same suppliers


The OP WAS asking if something was missing from the Thai educations system to explain why some Thais SEEM backward. I can't answer that because I'm not part of the Thai education system. How many here are? I can only speak for the education system in western Canada. And, it's been a LONG time since I was in school. That said however, it did strike me as odd that many Thais I've met have no concept of maps. They can take a bus ride for 16 hours across the country and get to anywhere they want to go, but they can't point out on a map where they live... even if it is written in Thai. I've been asked many times where something is and when I try to draw them a map they look at me in wonderment. That goes for Thai taxi drivers and tuk tuk drivers. When I show them a map of where I want to go they look at me like i have three heads. I've had some pretty funny experiences due to this situation.

Conversely, I know a few Thai mechanics who can strip any motorbike down to pieces and put it back together so it runs like a clock... BUT THEY CAN'T READ AN OWNER'S MANUAL. But that's okay, I have a fancy new camera with an operating book that is 2 cm thick and I can hardly understand a thing... even though I've been playing with cameras for years. And, don't ask me to take my motorbike apart and put it back together. :blink: That is why I hire Thais. ;)


In some countries it is instilled into you if you do not have an 'education' you will not work and will not eat, your brain is crammed with knowledge you will never utilise, to gain 'qualifications' to assist in your slavery.....

In others if you cannot trap, hunt, and grow your own food you will not eat

Different education required...........educational needs change as countries evolve into corporate slavery.....


The OP WAS asking if something was missing from the Thai educations system to explain why some Thais SEEM backward. I can't answer that because I'm not part of the Thai education system. How many here are? I can only speak for the education system in western Canada. And, it's been a LONG time since I was in school. That said however, it did strike me as odd that many Thais I've met have no concept of maps. They can take a bus ride for 16 hours across the country and get to anywhere they want to go, but they can't point out on a map where they live... even if it is written in Thai. I've been asked many times where something is and when I try to draw them a map they look at me in wonderment. That goes for Thai taxi drivers and tuk tuk drivers. When I show them a map of where I want to go they look at me like i have three heads. I've had some pretty funny experiences due to this situation.

Conversely, I know a few Thai mechanics who can strip any motorbike down to pieces and put it back together so it runs like a clock... BUT THEY CAN'T READ AN OWNER'S MANUAL. But that's okay, I have a fancy new camera with an operating book that is 2 cm thick and I can hardly understand a thing... even though I've been playing with cameras for years. And, don't ask me to take my motorbike apart and put it back together. :blink: That is why I hire Thais. ;)

Ian, I have had the same experience as you with maps and showing it to locals as to where I want to go. I am not suggesting that Thais are backward and I am sure you are not too, some things they clearly excel in and others which you might expect more from it does not happen. They are very good with their hands and some alternative solutions, neccesaty is the mother of invention. I suspect that the Thai education system will always be source of amazment to me, I can only try and compare to what I know, I dont expect it to be the same, similar in some ways certainly, but that does not seem to happen to often.

I also share your camera manual thoughts, I only want to take pictures not build the thing!

Something new to learn everyday, for all of us.


yes, I asked once a Thai which is the biggest country in the world, they said ''Amelika.''

and you asked this in your 100% fluent Thai of course?

What would your own answer have been?


"Thailand Best"

That is all you need to know, now get back to cutting that rice, and remember to keep your head lower than anyone superior to you, please assume that anyone not stood with you in the paddy field is superior to you.

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