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Australia To Thailand With Bike?


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Was thinking of coming over to Thailand to stay for a while, i wonder how you would go bringing a bike with you??? ie Perth to Darwin (ride) put on a ship to Singapore then ride to L.O.S ??? how long could you keep in thai for ???? not wanting to sell bike but just take it and myself for a long holiday so to speak???? you thoughts would be much of much help......cheers

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Nathan - the postman - went from Australia to England on a small motorbike in 2009. I was following his blog on advrider.

A total <deleted>...ng amazing route.

You can read his adventure here

I am sure you could get some info from his page.

His route from Australia to Thailand looks like this:




Edited by yannic
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Thanx for that fellas, my questions are????? road tax/insurance (Singapore/Malaysia and Thailand) Ive heard that importing bikes to Thai cost too many $$$$$........so i thought why not get the bike through to Singapore then ride to Thailand, was thinking of staying for a few months so to speak.......over here in Aus i have a Buell XB12R and a 1979 Suzuki SP370 (8500ks) trail bike which i reckon would be good for a hack around,make some racks up etc and of ya go........obviously leave the Buell back in Aus.......these little 370s are bulletproof had one years ago in the UK.........what are your thoughts on even if i left the 370 in Thai and flew back to Aus......sayonara 370....................cheers ;)

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yes bring the trail bike, it is perfect for the trip.

Read more about temporary import of a motorbike into Thailand at Nathan's blog here

otherwise read the info at the following link:


and here:


Temporary Import of Personal Vehicles

The temporary import of personal vehicles (e.g. car, motorcycle, yacht, sports boat, or fishing vessel) into Thailand by residents of another country is typically allowed for a maximum of six months, with the vehicle remaining registered in its country of origin. Travelers may bring their personal vehicles into Thailand without payment of taxes and duties provided that their visit to Thailand is short and the vehicle is removed from the country at the conclusion of the visit.

To facilitate the tax and duty free entry of personal vehicles, the travelers are required to place a cash deposit or bank guarantee covering the full amount of liable taxes and duties with Customs. The deposit will be refunded when the vehicle, and all fittings and accessories imported along with the personal vehicle, leaves the country at the end of the trip.

Prior to importing a vehicle, importers are required to closely follow Customs' regulations and conditions on temporary imports of personal vehicles as described below:


The documents required for temporary vehicle import include:

  1. A Temporary Import Declaration Form along with 5 duplicates;
  2. A Vehicle Registration Certificate;
  3. An Identification card and passport of the owner of the vehicle;
  4. A Letter of Attorney, in cases where the operator of the vehicle does not own the vehicle;
  5. An application form for the temporary import of the vehicle;
  6. A proforma invoice or invoice;
  7. A Certificate of Legal Entity;
  8. A Re-Export Contract; and
  9. Other relevant documents (if any).

It is also required that all fittings and accessories imported along with the personal vehicle leave the country at the end of the trip along with the vehicle. If this is not done, the importer may be subject to a fine and the vehicle and its contents could be seized.

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Pretty sure you can bring the bike in temporarily for 6 months or so.

After that you have to take it out of the country and bring it back in to renew the "visa".

Look at GT Rider for details, also there's a forum member here (LivinLOS I think?) who knows people who have done it - I'm guessing you'll need to prepare yourself for plenty of hassle from the cops riding a bike with a foreign plate even if it's 100% legit (they won't know the rules but will smell a bribe at 100 paces), but it can be done.

Sounds like a fun trip! Good luck.

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with the trip to perth from darwin, i've done that on many occasions now, many different ways.

the 2 simplest routes are either up the coast or up the guts to port hedland.

my preferred route is perth-meekatharra-porthedland-broome-kununurra-darwin. that is up the guts.

or you can go perth-carnarvon-porthedland... up the coast, but then you miss the Hamersley range and Karijini, the most beautiful part of WA... unless you go perth-carnarvon-munjina-porthedland, that cuts straight through the range via the Nanutarra-munjina road (formerly the Nanutarra-Wittenoom road), but the road is dirt and goes through Wittenoom. very good condition though as it is maintained by BHP/RIO-TINTO/FORESCUE etc.

just be aware, if you go through the major mining/port centres, don't expect any accommodation on tuesday nights (FIFO crew change day), and every other night it will be funkin expensive. don't expect anything less than AU$200 a night for donga type accommodation. that is about Karratha, Derby, Port Hedland, Newman. it's hard to avoid, but my recommendation is munjina roadhouse if you can plan it. don't do capricorn or kumerina (they are cockroach infested toilets)... though i've heard capricorn has built some new dongas.

broome rocks. go to matsos for a beer and a feed.

avoid stopping in fitzroy crossing and halls creek (hells crack) for anything more than fuel unless you can get booked into the kimberly hotel at halls creek.

the drive between kununurra and katherine is picturesque. do katherine gorge if you have time.

do litchfield after that via batchelor to darwin.

and then darwin, Australias best city.

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