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Thai Student Nazi Dress-Up Day Causes Outrage

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If you can't see a rather worrying connection here, then the dots are obviously a little too far apart. Considering that Ratzinger was part of the Hitler youth, you would think every Catholic school the world over would be running as far away from any controversy like this at all. Maybe the next story will be that the school was celebrating the Pope's upbringing.

I frankly don't think The Popes "membership" of The Hitler Youth is relevant. He was conscripted as a teenager whilst the Third Reich was collapsing, as were most German boys. He was lucky,put onto his local Anti Aircraft Gun Site, and captured by the US Army, who sent him home. Could have ended up facing the Russians!

This was a bunch of kids displaying their ignorance of western history, not the hand of the Vatican! Non story really.

I agree about the current Pope. However, given the church's centuries long history of fueling anti-semitism (don't forget the Spanish Inquisition either), not to mention definite links of the Vatican to the Axis powers during the war, a Catholic school hosting a Nazi parade is simply not cool.

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Yeah but the Thai's didn't have any involvement in Europe during WW2 and sided with Japan so why should they care what happened. The only people who care are the one's who have been affected, clearly displayed by this British parents comments:

A British parent added: 'It could have been worse. They could have been marching to the 'Horst Wessel Song or Bomb Oh Bombs on England."

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2042097/Student-Nazi-dress-day-causes-outrage-Thailand.html#ixzz1Z8irN4I2

The last world war ended 66 years ago, most of the comments seem to be from people who not only had no part nor had a close family member who had a part in the war?

Even worse making light of such an atrocity.. I dare sat that nearly EVERYONE had someone in their family history that had some involvement in the war regardless..

No involvement in WWII and sided with Japan?? Hmmmmmmm thought provoking <_< .......


Please I want to know the difference between the being Anti-semitic and being a racist?

Race and religion. Unless you start with the big nose crap.

Semites are a race NOT a religion. This family includes the ancient and modern forms of Akkadian, Amharic, Arabic, Aramaic, Ge'ez, Hebrew, Maltese, Phoenician, Tigre and Tigrinya among others

Too often the media equates being anti-semitic with being anti-Jewish.

You are VERY confused! Anti-semitism is SPECIFICALLY about hatred of JEWS. Jews only. This isn't a controversial topic -- it is a FACT. Cheers.

Jews are a people. Judaism is a religion. Not all Jews practice Judaism.

You may SHOUT all you wish -- you are still wrong.

semite -- A member of any of the peoples who speak or spoke a Semitic language, including in particular the Jews and AraB

I agree with your last point


You may SHOUT all you wish -- you are still wrong.

semite -- A member of any of the peoples who speak or spoke a Semitic language, including in particular the Jews and AraB

I agree with your last point

No, I am not wrong. I never said only Jews are semites. I stated the fact, and it is a fact, that antisemitism (the word) refers ONLY to Jews. Words have specific meanings and if you actually believe antisemitism refers to any people other than Jews, you simply don't know the meaning of that word.


Please I want to know the difference between the being Anti-semitic and being a racist?

Race and religion. Unless you start with the big nose crap.

Semites are a race NOT a religion. This family includes the ancient and modern forms of Akkadian, Amharic, Arabic, Aramaic, Ge'ez, Hebrew, Maltese, Phoenician, Tigre and Tigrinya among others

Too often the media equates being anti-semitic with being anti-Jewish.

And don't forget that Arabs comprise the largest subcomponent of the Semitic race.


And don't forget that Arabs comprise the largest subcomponent of the Semitic race.

See my last point. This is getting silly. Antisemitism refers ONLY to Jews. That is a fact. Look at any dictionary.


OH MY GOD!blink.gif I posted on this not being in the curriculum 6 months ago. No one new what a swastika was when i queried people who had received multiple masters degrees from upstanding Thai universities. The swastika looks like a Chinese good luck emblem was what i got. When i explained the holocaust to them they had never heard of such a thing.

They also never heard of Mao or Gandhi. Want them really to look ignorant, asked where H.M. the King of Thailand is born.


I see that every day. Swastikas on their t-shirts, Third Reich helmets and even swastikas tattooed on their arms or hands. When I ask them whether they know what it represents, they answer "fashion!"

They are not aware, not the children nor the parents. How can they be made aware? Very difficult IMO. It does need to be included in their curriculums, at school, but so do many other things.

Unfortunately, history education focusses, by-and-large, on the limitations of Thai history - and that is, purportedly, not always accurate. The education ministry should be promoting a much wider history curriculum, but TiT . . .


And don't forget that Arabs comprise the largest subcomponent of the Semitic race.

See my last point. This is getting silly. Antisemitism refers ONLY to Jews. That is a fact. Look at any dictionary.

"Is this the 5 minute argument or the full half hour?"


you also missed the point that a few thai you may have encountered do not know history of WWII in the west, it doesn't mean "all" thais has no idea on the issue. If you're running in those circles then that's the impression you'll get . see?

So if this ignorance is so rare..

Why was there not a single person in authority at this school who was not ignorant to the offence this would cause.


And don't forget that Arabs comprise the largest subcomponent of the Semitic race.

See my last point. This is getting silly. Antisemitism refers ONLY to Jews. That is a fact. Look at any dictionary.

"Is this the 5 minute argument or the full half hour?"

I'm too dense to get your joke. Some points aren't debatable as there is no credible opposing argument. Suggesting the meaning of antisemitism refers to all semites is such a specious assertion. It's like arguing that water isn't a liquid.


And don't forget that Arabs comprise the largest subcomponent of the Semitic race.

See my last point. This is getting silly. Antisemitism refers ONLY to Jews. That is a fact. Look at any dictionary.

"Is this the 5 minute argument or the full half hour?"

I'm too dense to get your joke. Some points aren't debatable as there is no credible opposing argument. Suggesting the meaning of antisemitism refers to all semites is such a specious assertion. It's like arguing that water isn't a liquid.

It's not when it's frozen or heated to steam..... I know, I know, I'll get me hat.......


Unfortunately, history education focusses, by-and-large, on the limitations of Thai history - and that is, purportedly, not always accurate.

well, it is thaialnd. no surprise for me seeing their history education focuses (and saturated) heavily only to the history of thailand. i can not complan about it after living in japan seeing tokyo version of japanese history book. :P

The education ministry should be promoting a much wider history curriculum, but TiT . . .

it is not going to happen anytime soon. not even in anyone dream!


And don't forget that Arabs comprise the largest subcomponent of the Semitic race.

See my last point. This is getting silly. Antisemitism refers ONLY to Jews. That is a fact. Look at any dictionary.

"Is this the 5 minute argument or the full half hour?"

I'm too dense to get your joke. Some points aren't debatable as there is no credible opposing argument. Suggesting the meaning of antisemitism refers to all semites is such a specious assertion. It's like arguing that water isn't a liquid.

Not dense just totally lacking a sense of humor. Check this link out see if we can discover your lighter side!


I see that every day. Swastikas on their t-shirts, Third Reich helmets and even swastikas tattooed on their arms or hands. When I ask them whether they know what it represents, they answer "fashion!"

They are not aware, not the children nor the parents. How can they be made aware? Very difficult IMO. It does need to be included in their curriculums, at school, but so do many other things.

Unfortunately, history education focusses, by-and-large, on the limitations of Thai history - and that is, purportedly, not always accurate. The education ministry should be promoting a much wider history curriculum, but TiT . . .

It may be time for some Nazi swastika humor. Humor and satire is not the same thing as a Nazi glorification parade --



i'm sick of reading this, i'm a 1960 generation, now we have 2011.

get over it.

I total agree! It's almost 70 years ago.

And shouldn't we be also shocked to when somebody is displaying a communist symbol? Stalin and Mao Zedong caused the same amount of victims if not even more.

Theres a big difference between causing death through miss allocation of bad economic principals.. And building gas chambers and camps to torture and murder millions.


Not dense just totally lacking a sense of humor. Check this link out see if we can discover your lighter side!

So I didn't get your in joke based on some comedy video not shown before, so I have no sense of humor. Okie dokie.


The majority of posters here are doing exactly what they wanted, giving them coverage so they can "Gain Face".

Lets face it most Thai kids are thick as two short planks and that probably goes for their teachers as well, be they Farang or otherwise.

Ignore them and they will go away.

Ostrich ....sand...........

ring any bells??

So what would you like to do, shoot them?


Don't forget it wasn't only the jews that were send to the camps. Many other groups were also undesired and murdered, like gypsies and the mentaly handicapped.


Obviously Thai people in general know nothing of the history of WW2 and probably nothing of what happened in their own country during the war. What about the atrocities on the Thai Burma railway and at Hellfire Pass. Many Thai people helped the prisoners but a huge number died as slaves workers as we all know. Is any of this taught in school or is it only a sad memory in the hearts of the very old people.

We will never forget.


Don't forget it wasn't only the jews that were send to the camps. Many other groups were also undesired and murdered, like gypsies and the mentaly handicapped.

Of course. Also homosexuals and political leftists.


Not dense just totally lacking a sense of humor. Check this link out see if we can discover your lighter side!

So I didn't get your in joke based on some comedy video not shown before, so I have no sense of humor. Okie dokie.

Monty Python not shown before! What planet have you been living on? Anyway, we're getting off topic here. Apologies I didn't mean to offend; but check out the Dead Parrot sketch:


Get over 50 million people butchered by raving lunatics who ruled most of Europe? That's not something to "get over".

I think its already been said..What about the Vikings, the Romans and god forbid the British as they rampaged through the world forming 'The Empire' or is that ok to be conveniently forgotten.

The WW ended over 60yrs ago and yes "Lest We Forget" but these were kids getting into fancy dress for a carnival jeez theres hardly enough hate there to get all worked up at!!

It was hardly the rebirth of the Hitler Youth.


Obviously Thai people in general know nothing of the history of WW2 and probably nothing of what happened in their own country during the war. What about the atrocities on the Thai Burma railway and at Hellfire Pass. Many Thai people helped the prisoners but a huge number died as slaves workers as we all know. Is any of this taught in school or is it only a sad memory in the hearts of the very old people.

We will never forget.

from what i know(almost 10 years ago), they taught all of that in school. concentrate on what happen in asia, and why thailand help the japanese. less of what had happened in the west and very few(if any) about nazi's concentration camps.

i don't know about now.

i seem to agree with many asking why the thai should pay much attention on the education about nazi's mass killing when it have almost nothing to do with siam at the time. however "more education on that would be nice."

the British as they rampaged through the world forming 'The Empire' or is that ok to be conveniently forgotten.

totally agree!


Why blaming the kids ?

A few weeks ago I posted about a Thai right wing group that called itself "SS" in obvious reference to the infamous nazi organisation. I asked posters that have in the past made clear their support for affiliated organisations to state their position regarding this "SS" group, I never got any answer.

Don't blame the kids or the Thais. It's our primary duty for us European to keep the memory alive so history won't repeat itself. If we chose to remain silent, we have only ourselves to blame.

The Nation

Published on August 10, 2011

In a sign of increasing online witch-hunting against its political opponents, ASTV-Manager daily newspaper, the mouthpiece of the yellow-shirt People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD), on Monday produced the picture and name of the latest man charged under lese majeste laws.

The newspaper quoted an ultra-royalist social-sanction group (known as the SS) as declaring victoriously: "Another one is down."

The same SS posted much information about the man, a new graduate from Kasetsart University, on its website. The name, photo and details are there to assist, or even encourage, ultra-royalists to send threatening e-mail or make hate phone calls to the man and his family.


Still on education but not this story. Saw on the 'morning focus' tv that an arrest warrant had been put out for a thai teacher for coercing sex from underage students for educational favours. Worst of it being he gave them a serious sexually transmitted disease. if you add the excessive violent caning from last week (79 stokes of the cane on

some young students 4rse) there seems little to redeem this out of control system. Last week saw some young thai teacher caned a group of kids,,,, for not wearing the correct uniform for that day, and 3 of the group were girls. They seriously need outside help to correct this shambles called education


I lost a lot of family member in WW !! and I think that after reading all of the above lets never for get or like one person said get over it make me sick all the BS in the world and as far as the school system and teachers here LOL

I said it .......and I like you lost relatives during the war that wont be many who didnt, but why are we harping on about it, I have 3 German neighbours shall I ignore them because of what they relatives did. Come on move on leaqve History where it belongs in the past!!


I lost a lot of family member in WW !! and I think that after reading all of the above lets never for get or like one person said get over it make me sick all the BS in the world and as far as the school system and teachers here LOL

I said it .......and I like you lost relatives during the war that wont be many who didnt, but why are we harping on about it, I have 3 German neighbours shall I ignore them because of what they relatives did. Come on move on leaqve History where it belongs in the past!!

Germans are highly invested in disassociating their great country from the horrible legacy of Hitler's Third Reich. Of course, modern Germans aren't culpable, except for a few real old ones, and I am confident the vast majority of modern Germans are just as disgusted at Nazi glorification parades as Jews are.


I think that the students were trying to make a valid point. There is little or no difference between Hitlers Nazis and todays UN and Euro- American imperialist atrocities. When the final death tolls of our atrocities in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and other nations are tallied, future generations will consider Hitlers atrocities nominal compared to ours.

I really feel sorry for poor individuals like you, that have no concept of why you are walking around free in this world today, my father gave up 5 years in the prime of his life so that you could do that, luckily he survived, millions did not.

Shame on you

Second that

But bottom line is, most Thais are ignorant of it's meaning and that it offends some people and this is a 95% Buddhist country so if they piss off a few Jews or people who are overly politically correct, tough shit.

This is another one of those double standards; is it ok to say "Norway is a mostly white country so if they encourage their students to dress up like the Ku Klux clan and it pisses off a few blacks then tough shit".

Are you saying that it would be ok for Norway (random example) to do that?


I lost a lot of family member in WW !! and I think that after reading all of the above lets never for get or like one person said get over it make me sick all the BS in the world and as far as the school system and teachers here LOL

I said it .......and I like you lost relatives during the war that wont be many who didnt, but why are we harping on about it, I have 3 German neighbours shall I ignore them because of what they relatives did. Come on move on leaqve History where it belongs in the past!!

Germans are highly invested in disassociating their great country from the horrible legacy of Hitler's Third Reich. Of course, modern Germans aren't culpable, except for a few real old ones, and I am confident the vast majority of modern Germans are just as disgusted at Nazi glorification parades as Jews are.

Yes..they have moved on why cant we?

.... I think its already been said..What about the Vikings, the Romans and god forbid the British as they rampaged through the world forming 'The Empire' or is that ok to be conveniently forgotten.


I lost a lot of family member in WW !! and I think that after reading all of the above lets never for get or like one person said get over it make me sick all the BS in the world and as far as the school system and teachers here LOL

I said it .......and I like you lost relatives during the war that wont be many who didnt, but why are we harping on about it, I have 3 German neighbours shall I ignore them because of what they relatives did. Come on move on leaqve History where it belongs in the past!!

Germans are highly invested in disassociating their great country from the horrible legacy of Hitler's Third Reich. Of course, modern Germans aren't culpable, except for a few real old ones, and I am confident the vast majority of modern Germans are just as disgusted at Nazi glorification parades as Jews are.

Yes..they have moved on why cant we?

.... I think its already been said..What about the Vikings, the Romans and god forbid the British as they rampaged through the world forming 'The Empire' or is that ok to be conveniently forgotten.

You missed my point entirely. The facts of the Nazi regime should be taught, but no parades please. Even more so, no parades from CATHOLIC schools.
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