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A few days ag I had a can of beer in the afternoon, I usually have 3 or 4 at night but that evening didn't really feel like drinking anymore. woke up the next day feeling a bit unwell, got to the small room and to put it mildly I was very productive with stomach cramps etc, didnt eat for the rest of the day coz it was no sooner in than it was out.

Later that day I was rinsing the can prior to it going into the collection bag for re-cycling etc when I noticed the can I had a bulge in the base and a fill date for february this year, that makes 8 months. Obvious question coming up, or questions, do you check every can you buy, how long can you store beer in this climate etc etc. I have never seen an expiry date on canned beer so I have no idea of shelf life.

Any answers out there in forum land ?


what brand was it? , also did it not taste funny?

Had come back in from the garden, a bit sweaty etc, cracked it and drank it. No it didn't strike me as tasting funny.

Green and silver can from Amsterdam !!

Would still like to know 'estimated shelf life out here'


If you have spent any amount of time either traveling or living in Thailand you should know to check the SBD,ive been in literally hundreds of shops out in the sticks before brought a beer drunk it and seen its been past the sell by date,has it ever done me any harm no,it didnt taste so great but it did the job,moral of tne story,if you want beer in date go to Tesco Lotus


If you have spent any amount of time either traveling or living in Thailand you should know to check the SBD,ive been in literally hundreds of shops out in the sticks before brought a beer drunk it and seen its been past the sell by date,has it ever done me any harm no,it didnt taste so great but it did the job,moral of tne story,if you want beer in date go to Tesco Lotus

Couldn't agree more, always do it with food, this was hopefuly a one time time slip. I would still like an idea of canned beer shelf life out here though !


If you have spent any amount of time either traveling or living in Thailand you should know to check the SBD,ive been in literally hundreds of shops out in the sticks before brought a beer drunk it and seen its been past the sell by date,has it ever done me any harm no,it didnt taste so great but it did the job,moral of tne story,if you want beer in date go to Tesco Lotus

Couldn't agree more, always do it with food, this was hopefuly a one time time slip. I would still like an idea of canned beer shelf life out here though !

google is your friend - http://answers.google.com/answers/threadview?id=252659

anything from 90 days - 12 months


Also it helps to know the name of said beer,unless the OP is taking the rise green and silver can from Amsterdam can only be Tubourg


That is brewed under license here so even if out of date don't think it's your bum problem. :)

I will gladly test it for you. :lol:


If you have spent any amount of time either traveling or living in Thailand you should know to check the SBD,ive been in literally hundreds of shops out in the sticks before brought a beer drunk it and seen its been past the sell by date,has it ever done me any harm no,it didnt taste so great but it did the job,moral of tne story,if you want beer in date go to Tesco Lotus

Couldn't agree more, always do it with food, this was hopefuly a one time time slip. I would still like an idea of canned beer shelf life out here though !

google is your friend - http://answers.googl...dview?id=252659

anything from 90 days - 12 months

Thanks, I am taking it that the times quoted are for beer in cans stored in optimum condtion, ie cool, don't think bright light can do anything to canned beer, probably came from a load of cans stored in a yard at 25 to 35 degrees before sale. local corner shop purchase by the way.


If you have spent any amount of time either traveling or living in Thailand you should know to check the SBD,ive been in literally hundreds of shops out in the sticks before brought a beer drunk it and seen its been past the sell by date,has it ever done me any harm no,it didnt taste so great but it did the job,moral of tne story,if you want beer in date go to Tesco Lotus

Couldn't agree more, always do it with food, this was hopefuly a one time time slip. I would still like an idea of canned beer shelf life out here though !

google is your friend - http://answers.googl...dview?id=252659

anything from 90 days - 12 months

Thanks, I am taking it that the times quoted are for beer in cans stored in optimum condtion, ie cool, don't think bright light can do anything to canned beer, probably came from a load of cans stored in a yard at 25 to 35 degrees before sale. local corner shop purchase by the way.

Be aware that some beers here contain chemicals to elongate shelf life :huh:. Try Chang Draught. Noooooooo probs. :D


More likely you forgot to remove the rat piss or cockroach turd on the top of the can.

clap2.gifThat's my quote of the day! Hilarious, and yet so true. If you want to drink out of a can you bought from a local Thai shop, you've got to wash it first!


More likely you forgot to remove the rat piss or cockroach turd on the top of the can.

clap2.gifThat's my quote of the day! Hilarious, and yet so true. If you want to drink out of a can you bought from a local Thai shop, you've got to wash it first!

Same as all the guys who carefully wash the neck of the bottle when drinking in the bars in Pattaya . I do wash the cans by the way


google is your friend - http://answers.google.com/answers/threadview?id=252659anything from 90 days - 12 months

The site just described the BEST dates for taste of different beers and containers. I have never heard of beer going bad, only changing taste. I suppose it is possible, since it is organic, but I have never heard of anyone getting sick from the beer (e.g., ecoli developing, or some other harmful bacteria).

I use to brew beer at a Brew on Premise store, 6 cases of 22 oz bottles at a time. I remember one batch specifically that I kept some in the cellar for close to 2 years. It was still good, but it was an entirely different beer during year 2 than when I bottled it. I liked it, but you would never have expected that flavor from the recipe I used.


More likely you forgot to remove the rat piss or cockroach turd on the top of the can.

clap2.gifThat's my quote of the day! Hilarious, and yet so true. If you want to drink out of a can you bought from a local Thai shop, you've got to wash it first!

Very true, that's also the reason why, when you order a Beer in Cambodia, the waiters always wipe the top of the can with a Tissue before they open it.


If you wish to drink directly from the can, wash it first! Who knows what the storage conditions were like before it got to the display fridge. Beer is a foodstuff, therefore it has a Sell By date, however, as an ex publican, I feel that many of these dates are at best on the early side, but the dates are added in accordance with health and safety guidelines and should not be ignored.

I think the main point to come from the OP was that he stated the bottom of the can has a bulge on it, i.e. the can was "Blown". This is an indication of poor storage conditions or some form of contamination INSIDE the can, in short, dont drink out of cans unless you properly wash it first and NEVER drink from a "Blown" can, and of course check the use by date.




Also it helps to know the name of said beer,unless the OP is taking the rise green and silver can from Amsterdam can only be Tubourg


Heineken..any one who drinks that Piss water deserves a bad stomach


oh shit i just checked,i have 4 cases of archa beer in stock with a date on the bottom of the can 03-09-11 is that the fill date? if not better start to clear gulp-gulp-gulp p-ssed.


google is your friend - http://answers.googl...dview?id=252659anything from 90 days - 12 months

The site just described the BEST dates for taste of different beers and containers. I have never heard of beer going bad, only changing taste. I suppose it is possible, since it is organic, but I have never heard of anyone getting sick from the beer (e.g., ecoli developing, or some other harmful bacteria).

I use to brew beer at a Brew on Premise store, 6 cases of 22 oz bottles at a time. I remember one batch specifically that I kept some in the cellar for close to 2 years. It was still good, but it was an entirely different beer during year 2 than when I bottled it. I liked it, but you would never have expected that flavor from the recipe I used.

Hasn't happened for years now but when I first came to live in Thailand (1994) for a couple of years you would always get bad beers, the bottom of the bottle was full of sludge which is why I always insist on the beer being poured into a glass.

I drank Kloster and Singha Gold back in those days.

Edit: now I remember a period about 3 years ago when cases of Chang tasted of chlorine and they were not past the sell by date.

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