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U.S. immigrant population reaches 40 million


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U.S. immigrant population reaches 40 million

2011-10-08 04:45:00 GMT+7 (ICT)

WASHINGTON, D.C. (BNO NEWS) -- The population of immigrants in the United States has grown to more than 40 million people, according to a study released by the New Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) on Friday.

The center's analysis of Census Bureau data considered the nation's both legal and illegal immigrant population, which is sometimes referred to as the foreign-born.

The 40 million immigrant population was calculated for the year 2010, which marks the highest number in U.S. history. During the last ten years, from 2000 to 2010, nearly 14 million new immigrants - legal and illegal - settled in the country. Three-fourths of immigrants in the country are legal.

The high numbers of immigrants has continued to increase throughout the years despite a net decline of jobs during the decade. Latin Americans accounted for 58 percent of the growth in the immigrant population during those ten years, with Mexico (29 percent) being the country with the most.

According to the analysis, the nation's immigrant population has doubled since 1990, nearly tripled since 1980, and quadrupled since 1970 when it stood at 9.7 million. However, the center noted that new arrivals are offset by out-migration and deaths. As a result, the net increase in the immigrant population was more than 8.8 million over the last decade, from 31.1 million in 2000.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2011-10-08

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The U.S economy must be doing great to attract so many newcomers. :rolleyes:

Sure beats Guatemala, etc.

A few of us are true native Americans!! :jap:

Go back a bit further and you are a Native Asian.

Even further back and I think we were all sitting on some riverbank in Africa???? Or is it now Israel???

I visited the site where "Lucy" was found. Middle of nowhere.

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The U.S economy must be doing great to attract so many newcomers. :rolleyes:

Sure beats Guatemala, etc.

A few of us are true native Americans!! :jap:

Go back a bit further and you are a Native Asian.

Even further back and I think we were all sitting on some riverbank in Africa???? Or is it now Israel???

I visited the site where "Lucy" was found. Middle of nowhere.

Did you ever make it to Eve's tomb in Jeddah?

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A few of us are true native Americans!! :jap:


Yes, I suppose that is possible.

However in my case my mother's family first came to what is now the U.S. around 1670 from England and my father's family stopped in Canada on their journey from France until 1867 when they finally crossed the Canadian border into the U.S.

So I guess I'm an immigrant too.

Most Americans are.

But I don't think that's what the article meant, did it.


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The more immigration the better, particularly of younger people. The US population is aging and this new blood will be the best hope of competing globally.

I think maybe you need a lower unemployment rate before getting more migrants in! 9% unemployed in the states right now, the near future doesn't look good either!

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The reason that Lucy died was because she was in the middle of nowhere.

:lol: Made my day. Thanks!!!!

The more immigration the better, particularly of younger people. The US population is aging and this new blood will be the best hope of competing globally.

I think maybe you need a lower unemployment rate before getting more migrants in! 9% unemployed in the states right now, the near future doesn't look good either!

Future looks fine. Research the newest forecast for unemployment. It won't go down quickly, but is forecast to be reduced gradually over the next few years. Europe's the big question mark for us now....

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The more immigration the better, particularly of younger people. The US population is aging and this new blood will be the best hope of competing globally.

I think maybe you need a lower unemployment rate before getting more migrants in! 9% unemployed in the states right now, the near future doesn't look good either!

Yes and no. Crops are now rotting in the fields of Georgia and Alabama because of new draconian state anti-Mexican laws. Americans don't want that work, and no, the farmers aren't willing to pay American level wages either and Americans aren't willing to pay higher prices for the food.

Also, the US should loosen up the HIGH SKILL foreigner visas. Often these people create American jobs. American taxpayers help educate foreign students and then we boot them out (the ones that still want to stay these days).

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The more immigration the better, particularly of younger people. The US population is aging and this new blood will be the best hope of competing globally.

I think maybe you need a lower unemployment rate before getting more migrants in! 9% unemployed in the states right now, the near future doesn't look good either!

Yes and no. Crops are now rotting in the fields of Georgia and Alabama because of new draconian state anti-Mexican laws. Americans don't want that work, and no, the farmers aren't willing to pay American level wages either and Americans aren't willing to pay higher prices for the food.

Also, the US should loosen up the HIGH SKILL foreigner visas. Often these people create American jobs. American taxpayers help educate foreign students and then we boot them out (the ones that still want to stay these days).

A revised guest worker program is needed for sure. The laws are not anti-Mexican (many of the workers are from countries other than Mexico), they are anti-illegal alien laws. A big mess for sure.

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The reason that Lucy died was because she was in the middle of nowhere.

:lol: Made my day. Thanks!!!!

The more immigration the better, particularly of younger people. The US population is aging and this new blood will be the best hope of competing globally.

I think maybe you need a lower unemployment rate before getting more migrants in! 9% unemployed in the states right now, the near future doesn't look good either!

Future looks fine. Research the newest forecast for unemployment. It won't go down quickly, but is forecast to be reduced gradually over the next few years. Europe's the big question mark for us now....

The only reason that unemployment is even steady now is because so many people have fallen off the unemployment rolls. It will continue to be steady or even reduced in a statistical sense for the next several years. Meanwhile, people without jobs will continue to rise. If you're a fan of research, maybe you ought to take a minute and search the country's demographics.

Edited by serenitynow
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Also, the US should loosen up the HIGH SKILL foreigner visas. Often these people create American jobs. American taxpayers help educate foreign students and then we boot them out (the ones that still want to stay these days).

Now that's a topic worth exploring and one in which I imagine we will find significant common ground .

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The more immigration the better, particularly of younger people. The US population is aging and this new blood will be the best hope of competing globally.

I think maybe you need a lower unemployment rate before getting more migrants in! 9% unemployed in the states right now, the near future doesn't look good either!

Yes and no. Crops are now rotting in the fields of Georgia and Alabama because of new draconian state anti-Mexican laws. Americans don't want that work, and no, the farmers aren't willing to pay American level wages either and Americans aren't willing to pay higher prices for the food.

Also, the US should loosen up the HIGH SKILL foreigner visas. Often these people create American jobs. American taxpayers help educate foreign students and then we boot them out (the ones that still want to stay these days).

The US should just follow the UK model (let everybody in) sure all the high skill jobs will get filled and also near enough every other job vacancy (at the expense of the local job hunters of course) :-)

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The only reason that unemployment is even steady now is because so many people have fallen off the unemployment rolls. It will continue to be steady or even reduced in a statistical sense for the next several years. Meanwhile, people without jobs will continue to rise. If you're a fan of research, maybe you ought to take a minute and search the country's demographics.

I agree with that the unemployment statistics don't reflect the massive pain out there. I think when you add up all the people not working, discouraged, off the rolls, working part time crap, it's more like 20 to 25 percent. It's depression like. Very serious.

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I'm no expert on US employment but has anyone an idea on how many US manufacturing jobs have been lost in the past few decades due to cheap imports from China?

A strong manufacturing base is important to any country, us Brits do quite well considering our size/population, although saying that it was much higher many years ago! Now the UK relies to much on the financial sector.

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The only reason that unemployment is even steady now is because so many people have fallen off the unemployment rolls. It will continue to be steady or even reduced in a statistical sense for the next several years. Meanwhile, people without jobs will continue to rise. If you're a fan of research, maybe you ought to take a minute and search the country's demographics.

I agree with that the unemployment statistics don't reflect the massive pain out there. I think when you add up all the people not working, discouraged, off the rolls, working part time crap, it's more like 20 to 25 percent. It's depression like. Very serious.

Funny you mention that Jingthing, I watched a bit of BBC news 24 earlier today and they were talking about how the official figures for inflation/unemployment etc are way off and are indeed much worse than people think.

Also Mervyn King mentioned earlier this week about things could be as bad as the 1930's here or even ' the great depression'

One thing is for sure, we are not being told exactly how bad things are or are going to get

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Also, the US should loosen up the HIGH SKILL foreigner visas. Often these people create American jobs. American taxpayers help educate foreign students and then we boot them out (the ones that still want to stay these days).

Now that's a topic worth exploring and one in which I imagine we will find significant common ground .

It seems the Republicans are already exploring the need to open up the skilled workers visas. Now if State will get on board, it might work.


Cantor Tells CEOs ‘Alarming’ Skilled-Worker Exodus Needs Action

By Kristin Jensen and Alison Fitzgerald

October 05, 2011 2:56 PM EDT

House Republican Leader Eric Cantor told a gathering of chief executive officers and university leaders that the U.S. must grant visas to skilled workers from overseas more quickly to halt an “exodus” from the country.


However, some Democrats seem to have other priorities:


Democrats Introduce Bill to Seal Up Obama’s Presidential Records

According to Judicial Watch, Rep. Edolphous Towns (D-NY) has introduced the Presidential Records Act Amendments of 2011. That bill would do with Obama’s presidential records what Obama has already done to his personal and collegiate records: Seal them up.



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The way Manufacturing has been moved off shore for decades & the resulting loss of jobs....

One has to wonder if the US needs to import workers for jobs that do not exist.

If & when unemployment drops to below the 18-22% range then maybe?

(Yes I know they claim 9% UE)

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The more immigration the better, particularly of younger people. The US population is aging and this new blood will be the best hope of competing globally.

I think maybe you need a lower unemployment rate before getting more migrants in! 9% unemployed in the states right now, the near future doesn't look good either!

Yes and no. Crops are now rotting in the fields of Georgia and Alabama because of new draconian state anti-Mexican laws. Americans don't want that work, and no, the farmers aren't willing to pay American level wages either and Americans aren't willing to pay higher prices for the food.

Also, the US should loosen up the HIGH SKILL foreigner visas. Often these people create American jobs. American taxpayers help educate foreign students and then we boot them out (the ones that still want to stay these days).

There you have it in a nutshell, American workers don't want that work because they know they can turn it down and not starve. The fact food is rotting whilst tens of millions are on food stamps is obscene - Does it take a genius to conclude the unemployed should be put to work harvesting in exchange for the guarantee they won't starve?

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Does it take a genius to conclude the unemployed should be put to work harvesting in exchange for the guarantee they won't starve?

Yes & add the welfare recipients to that work force too

Ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country - John F Kennedy.

Indeed, but all liberal democracies it would seem have a death wish and would rather destroy themselves through a collapsing Ponzi scheme than remind themselves of how they got to the position of being able to afford a welfare state.

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