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I have a Thai lady who I am friends with, and I must stress just friends. She has evidently developed feelings for me and with this has come massive relationship expectations, possessiveness and jealousy.

She is a great single mother who I respect deeply for working an honest but low-paying job. But I have to be honest and say that I am not attracted to her.

What is going on here? Is this trait of massive relationship expectations, possessiveness and jealousy a cultural trait of Thai women when they develop an attraction for a man?

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Jealousy is a trait which is not confined to a particular cultural group. European, Oceanic, American or Thai; it makes no difference........Of course, the European, Oceanic, American and most asian women, unlike Thai women will not, when disaffected, sneak into your bedroom at night and lop off your willy....But that's a different story.

(Keep your doors and windows locked, and your legs crossed)


Jealousy is a trait which is not confined to a particular cultural group. European, Oceanic, American or Thai; it makes no difference........Of course, the European, Oceanic, American and most asian women, unlike Thai women will not, when disaffected, sneak into your bedroom at night and lop off your willy....But that's a different story.

(Keep your doors and windows locked, and your legs crossed)

I agree with Dave. There are no borders when it comes to jealousy. The same goes for males and females.


Jealousy is a trait which is not confined to a particular cultural group. European, Oceanic, American or Thai; it makes no difference........Of course, the European, Oceanic, American and most asian women, unlike Thai women will not, when disaffected, sneak into your bedroom at night and lop off your willy....But that's a different story.

(Keep your doors and windows locked, and your legs crossed)

I agree with Dave. There are no borders when it comes to jealousy. The same goes for males and females.

Keep in mind that a majority will use a couple of experiences for a broad cultural reflection.

Nay. Thai lasses show no more [or less] jealousy character than others.


Am not so sure... from personal experience, I think Thai women are more jealous than European women... whether you call it life experience or culture (bad treatment / "cultural" behaviour of Thai men) or otherwise, it does not matter.

But I think when a Thai woman sees / finds a man who is so different from Thai men, then she will of course tend to try all to get this man into her life - at the end, it is about security for her life, about the way Farang tend to treat their wifes, about love and one-to-one relationships...

Maybe in the special case of fritter1970, this woman (single mother... where is the Thai father????) sees a Farang, not too old (assuming 1970 is his birthyear), doing well (definitely more than 8'000 Baht a month), is treated with respect by this man... and has developped feelings / hopes for future... and now tries her best to convince him into a relationship... and already develops jealousy without any reason (at least that is how we see it...)

Nay. Thai lasses show no more [or less] jealousy character than others.

Maestro -- unfortunately you are wrong. Thai women are very jealous.

Someone once suggested that Thai women may have a different gene that causes them to be extra jealous. But I know nothing about biology or genetics, so I can't comment on this.


I don't suspect that Thai women are any more or less prone to jealousy than a female from any other nationality, from men either....

I do suspect that lack of education and social training in many of the Thai women that many Western men meet and the fact that many of these Western men provide opportunities that many of the ladies in question may not otherwise be presented with places these women in a competitive environment to which they feel they must respond. The jealousy observed in Thailand by Western men is perhaps the materialisation of many factors... including protecting ones future, frustration, anger, desperation.....

These alternative response are more likely to rear their ugly head under the guise of jealousy mainly due to what may primarily be considered socio-economic factors....


Of course, the European, Oceanic, American and most asian women, unlike Thai women will not, when disaffected, sneak into your bedroom at night and lop off your willy....But that's a different story.

Really? US woman cuts it off and puts it in garbage disposal.. Lots more out there non-Thai. ;)

It's been reported that Thailand has the highest incidence of 'sewing it back on'... If I remember correctly a news article from a few years ago... There are 4 member reattachment procedures carried out in Thailand each year, and Thailand is considered at the forefront of this procedure....


Jealousy may not be a specific Thai gene but the average Thai soap opera (the daily brain feeding breast of so many here) is just heavily loaded with the poor basic mixture: treason/lies, jealousy, violent relationship..

so who came first, the viewer or the script? Everyone's guess. But that couple is a strong one.


I don't suspect that Thai women are any more or less prone to jealousy than a female from any other nationality, from men either....

The jealousy observed in Thailand by Western men is perhaps the materialisation of many factors... including protecting ones future, frustration, anger, desperation.....

Well observed.

We are second choices. And in many cases, we are second choices because of a cheating ex-husband or a gambling ex-husband or an alcoholic ex-husband.

Their frustration and anger is sometimes directed at us, but this is only because they are no longer able to direct it at the ex-husband.

Some of these girls get very badly hurt.

With the good girls, it's no sex before marriage.

They have romantic ideals. They dream about the perfect relationship and the perfect future.

And then they wake up one day and realize that they are married to a piece of scum.


I don't suspect that Thai women are any more or less prone to jealousy than a female from any other nationality, from men either....

The jealousy observed in Thailand by Western men is perhaps the materialisation of many factors... including protecting ones future, frustration, anger, desperation.....

Well observed.

We are second choices. And in many cases, we are second choices because of a cheating ex-husband or a gambling ex-husband or an alcoholic ex-husband.

Their frustration and anger is sometimes directed at us, but this is only because they are no longer able to direct it at the ex-husband.

Some of these girls get very badly hurt.

With the good girls, it's no sex before marriage.

They have romantic ideals. They dream about the perfect relationship and the perfect future.

And then they wake up one day and realize that they are married to a piece of scum.

I like the old adage - If it's good enough for the goose it's good enough for the gander .


I don't suspect that Thai women are any more or less prone to jealousy than a female from any other nationality, from men either....

The jealousy observed in Thailand by Western men is perhaps the materialisation of many factors... including protecting ones future, frustration, anger, desperation.....

Well observed.

We are second choices. And in many cases, we are second choices because of a cheating ex-husband or a gambling ex-husband or an alcoholic ex-husband.

Their frustration and anger is sometimes directed at us, but this is only because they are no longer able to direct it at the ex-husband.

Some of these girls get very badly hurt.

With the good girls, it's no sex before marriage.

They have romantic ideals. They dream about the perfect relationship and the perfect future.

And then they wake up one day and realize that they are married to a piece of scum.

I like the old adage - If it's good enough for the goose it's good enough for the gander .

But most times the goose doesn't know in advance what the gander is like.

It could be argued that the goose (with her possessiveness and jealousy) causes the gander to "stray", but I'm not sure if this really is the case.


I feel its down to cultural differences more than anything else. Although things are changing among the younger set in Bangkok there is still an inability for many Thai women to comprehend men having platonic relationships with people of the opposite sex. Perhaps the stereotype of Thai men being adulterous liars has something to do with it. Years ago I introduced my now wife to an ex flatmate who I lived with in the UK for several years. My wife just could not compute that two people of the opposite sex lived together without bonking. She just wouldnt believe me. Now its easy to put that down to plain old jealousy, but it was more of a difference in social and cultural norms than anything else.


It's been reported that Thailand has the highest incidence of 'sewing it back on'...

I remember reading that also. Perhaps they are just copying the western ideas like they often do. Penis removal piracy. :D


I don't suspect that Thai women are any more or less prone to jealousy than a female from any other nationality, from men either....

The jealousy observed in Thailand by Western men is perhaps the materialisation of many factors... including protecting ones future, frustration, anger, desperation.....

Well observed.

We are second choices. And in many cases, we are second choices because of a cheating ex-husband or a gambling ex-husband or an alcoholic ex-husband.

Their frustration and anger is sometimes directed at us, but this is only because they are no longer able to direct it at the ex-husband.

Some of these girls get very badly hurt.

With the good girls, it's no sex before marriage.

They have romantic ideals. They dream about the perfect relationship and the perfect future.

And then they wake up one day and realize that they are married to a piece of scum.

I like the old adage - If it's good enough for the goose it's good enough for the gander .

But most times the goose doesn't know in advance what the gander is like.

It could be argued that the goose (with her possessiveness and jealousy) causes the gander to "stray", but I'm not sure if this really is the case.

Sorry Fella , but I find your copycat behaviour atrociuos(like me sperling) . Please go back to trying to be yourself , or don't if that is really not the case


The simple answer is Just don't give them anything to be jealous about. Or, just don't care what they think about anything. Nobody is forcing you to stay with anyone who doesn't suit your needs. My first wife didn't have a jealous bone in her body and my second wife was jealous of everyone even though I was nuts about her and never wanted to stray. Neither woman was Thai. I had a jealous Thai girlfriend who still thought that SHE could flirt with other men, but Lord help me if I even talked with other women. Obviously, that relationship didn't last but we are still casual acquaintances.


Generalizations are seldom accurate. I spent 15 VERY miserable years married to a US woman. I could tell you stories that you wouldn't believe relating to her insane jealousy.

In contrast, my Thai wife doesn't have a jealous bone in her body. We live upcountry and I drive down to Jomtien every couple of months to see my old friends and to check on my condo. I invite my wife to go with me but she is a farm girl and has many chores to do every day, including feeding my dog. She never asks me how long I am going to stay and when I get back home she never asks me what I did. I get a kick out of her when her friends ask her how long I will be gone. She tells them that I know where home is and that I'll come home when I'm ready.

I witnessed her saying that when she got a call from Jomtien telling her that I was fooling around with other women. She never told the caller that I was home and listening to the call. When I asked her about the call, she said it was from a friend of hers who was jealous and just wanted to cause problems.

I should add that my wife is NOT stupid.


Generalizations are seldom accurate. I spent 15 VERY miserable years married to a US woman. I could tell you stories that you wouldn't believe relating to her insane jealousy.

In contrast, my Thai wife doesn't have a jealous bone in her body. We live upcountry and I drive down to Jomtien every couple of months to see my old friends and to check on my condo. I invite my wife to go with me but she is a farm girl and has many chores to do every day, including feeding my dog. She never asks me how long I am going to stay and when I get back home she never asks me what I did. I get a kick out of her when her friends ask her how long I will be gone. She tells them that I know where home is and that I'll come home when I'm ready.

I witnessed her saying that when she got a call from Jomtien telling her that I was fooling around with other women. She never told the caller that I was home and listening to the call. When I asked her about the call, she said it was from a friend of hers who was jealous and just wanted to cause problems.

I should add that my wife is NOT stupid.

Great story, Gary A. I believe it. I've heard similar tales from other sources and we all laugh at it... and them.


Yep, Gary A, I believe it.

I was married to an insanely jealous Ozzie girl (born in Oz but of European parents). Some of the crazy stuff I endured included:

  • After coming back from the hospital after her having our child, her seeing dogprints in the yard and being convinced they were the prints of my supposed girlfriend's dog. Note - never had an affair, one crazy woman was enough...
  • If something went missing in the house (a small trinket which I would have paid for), I had to have taken it to give to the imaginary girlfriend - invariably found a few days later but no apology after all the accusations
  • If I was interstate at work and took the initiative to call her, being accussed of having someone in the shower in my hotel room based on hearing imaginary water running

I could go on and on, but wont. After experiencing that, I think could cope with anything a Thai girl could dish up.


It's been reported that Thailand has the highest incidence of 'sewing it back on'...

I remember reading that also. Perhaps they are just copying the western ideas like they often do. Penis removal piracy. :D

Yes I concur, I also read that the most common house hold accident in Thailand is a sleeping guy having boiling water accidently poured over their head.


Unsubstatiated jealousy = insecurity. Insecurity = a lack of emotional maturity. Trying to live with someone possessing this trait is akin to trying to live with someone with mental development of a 16 year old high school girl. Ongoing unsubtantiated and unwarranted jealously = mental instability. This has the potential to make ones life a misery. Why any sane, balanced, normal guy would put up with this kind of nonsense is beyond me. Perhaps they are masochists and enjoy the mind games and stress associated with being with a woman like this. In Thailand there's simply no need to put up with this kind of childishness. Get rid of them and get one that doesn't think, and behave, like a 16 year old high school girl.


Unsubstatiated jealousy = insecurity. Insecurity = a lack of emotional maturity. Trying to live with someone possessing this trait is akin to trying to live with someone with mental development of a 16 year old high school girl. Ongoing unsubtantiated and unwarranted jealously = mental instability. This has the potential to make ones life a misery. Why any sane, balanced, normal guy would put up with this kind of nonsense is beyond me. Perhaps they are masochists and enjoy the mind games and stress associated with being with a woman like this. In Thailand there's simply no need to put up with this kind of childishness. Get rid of them and get one that doesn't think, and behave, like a 16 year old high school girl.

Ah, but tha's just the point... These guys wives ARE 16 year old school girls. Where else but Thailand can a 50 year old guy have a 16 year old wife? :lol:

Just Joking, of course, but thees topics are always a source of amusement.


Unsubstatiated jealousy = insecurity. Insecurity = a lack of emotional maturity. Trying to live with someone possessing this trait is akin to trying to live with someone with mental development of a 16 year old high school girl. Ongoing unsubtantiated and unwarranted jealously = mental instability. This has the potential to make ones life a misery. Why any sane, balanced, normal guy would put up with this kind of nonsense is beyond me. Perhaps they are masochists and enjoy the mind games and stress associated with being with a woman like this. In Thailand there's simply no need to put up with this kind of childishness. Get rid of them and get one that doesn't think, and behave, like a 16 year old high school girl.

Ah, but tha's just the point... These guys wives ARE 16 year old school girls. Where else but Thailand can a 50 year old guy have a 16 year old wife? :lol:

Just Joking, of course, but thees topics are always a source of amusement.



I feel its down to cultural differences more than anything else. Although things are changing among the younger set in Bangkok there is still an inability for many Thai women to comprehend men having platonic relationships with people of the opposite sex. Perhaps the stereotype of Thai men being adulterous liars has something to do with it. Years ago I introduced my now wife to an ex flatmate who I lived with in the UK for several years. My wife just could not compute that two people of the opposite sex lived together without bonking. She just wouldnt believe me. Now its easy to put that down to plain old jealousy, but it was more of a difference in social and cultural norms than anything else.

More likely she couldn't believe the flat mate behaved in such an unnatural manner.

(I.e. living with a man without mating)

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