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PM Yingluck Declines To Declare SOE For Fear Of Affecting Foreign Investors Confidence


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Yingluck declines to declare state of emergency for fear of affecting confidence

The Nation

Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra said Friday that she declined to declare the state of emergency for fear that it would affect confidence of foreign investors.

She said all government agencies could still coordinate efforts to tackle the flood crisis without the need to enforce the emergency decree.

She said the government also received full cooperation from the armed forces to handle the flooding.

"I am not certain whether the declaration of state of emergency would improve the situation," Yingluck said.


-- The Nation 2011-10-21

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It is also reported elsewhere (including English language unmentionable one) that the military do not want an SOE as they are worried they will take the blame if or when it all falls apart as they dont see any way anyone can fight such a force of nature. So the government dont and military dont, so no story bar poltical games by others. It would be good to stop such games at a time of crisis but unlikley to happen

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Since when has the opinions of those outside of Thailand been taken into account?

Dont you think foreign confidence is damaged enough with the mis-management of this disaster?

With Thailand being in the international news about the flooding and being hammered by the UN etc, issuing a SOE is the right thing to do, let the Military be fully deployed where they are needed to help with evacuation, distributing relief supplies and repairing flood defenses. Yingluck needs to put aside her partisan politics and let the army help, instead of making a mess of things

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It is also reported elsewhere (including English language unmentionable one) that the military do not want an SOE as they are worried they will take the blame if or when it all falls apart as they dont see any way anyone can fight such a force of nature. So the government dont and military dont, so no story bar poltical games by others. It would be good to stop such games at a time of crisis but unlikley to happen

you spin a story.

The government declares SOE or does not declare it.

Not the military. The military pushed some weeks ago for SOE and it got declined. Now they are not pushing for it anymore.

And I understand it. Giving them SOE just 2-3 days before BKK submerge is exactly the right thing for blaming them later.

Already now the Reds are ranting, that all is the democrats fault, they yellow Bangkok did that to them. Even blaming Sondhi and Chamlong.

They even blame other people I don't want to mention.

So I understand the military, but still it is up to the government. She goes on TV and declares SOE and we have it.

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Is this woman in the real world ? Investor confidence was and is being flushed away as the floodwater rose and is still rising and spreading around the country..

The problems facing this country as a result of the floods and the inept handling and political wrangling by assorted political factions and self interest family groups will indeed be, nay are the death knell of a economic and a socially caring society advancement in Thailand for more that a year or two.

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foreign confident and foreign investment ALREDAY in meters of water, can they hide anything more ?

BUT, there are millions ( if not 12 millions ) of people in the capital city and they are waiting for the big flood and no help !! what is the priority ?

WELL, WELL, even with SOE but not proper planned actions, so what ?

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Since when has the opinions of those outside of Thailand been taken into account?

Dont you think foreign confidence is damaged enough with the mis-management of this disaster?

With Thailand being in the international news about the flooding and being hammered by the UN etc, issuing a SOE is the right thing to do, let the Military be fully deployed where they are needed to help with evacuation, distributing relief supplies and repairing flood defenses. Yingluck needs to put aside her partisan politics and let the army help, instead of making a mess of things

The military has deployed all the personnel that it can deploy. They cannot send out more people because they do not have the logistical support to do so. The army has lots of tanks, but they aren't much good as trucks.

Every engineering and logistics supply unit is in service. The military cannot just dump thousands of conscripts in any given area. they need to be housed, fed and equipped.

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does not rely matter anymore think there is little confidence left after all what happened , belief Honda already announced if the last facility floods they will leave Thailand

for another country to set up camp ...

Not a concern. Honda will stick around if it gets tax breaks and subsidies. It also benefits from being located in one of the largest markets in SE Asia. Auto manufacturers have successfully played the game in North America threatening to close plants unless they get handouts. A company called GM is the champion at the game.

BTW, do you think Honda wants to forgo the sales opportunities in Thailand once the flooding is over? Look at all the vehicles lost. They will have to be replaced. Leaving Thailand means having to worry about import duties that would make their vehicles uncompetitive. Besides, Honda shouldn't be pointing fingers at anyone, not after its very poor response following the earthquake.

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Since when has the opinions of those outside of Thailand been taken into account?

Dont you think foreign confidence is damaged enough with the mis-management of this disaster?

With Thailand being in the international news about the flooding and being hammered by the UN etc, issuing a SOE is the right thing to do, let the Military be fully deployed where they are needed to help with evacuation, distributing relief supplies and repairing flood defenses. Yingluck needs to put aside her partisan politics and let the army help, instead of making a mess of things

The military has deployed all the personnel that it can deploy. They cannot send out more people because they do not have the logistical support to do so. The army has lots of tanks, but they aren't much good as trucks.

Every engineering and logistics supply unit is in service. The military cannot just dump thousands of conscripts in any given area. they need to be housed, fed and equipped.

Do they have their submarines yet. They will come in handy for locating the few gold shops left in Atlantis Bangkok before the massive dive industry from the new capital Pattaya get to them.

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Oh, she's "not certain," is she? Profiles in Courage, second edition, need not look anywhere in Yingluck's direction.

Maybe she is too worried she looks to incompetent and also may be she will be overthrownby Army

Also hell with the Thai people, lets worry about everythingelse

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does not rely matter anymore think there is little confidence left after all what happened , belief Honda already announced if the last facility floods they will leave Thailand

for another country to set up camp ...

You are so right, it's a bit late to worry about foreign investor confidence, when The Japanese are talking of moving factories abroad. I feel sorry for yingluck , she is not capable, is certainly not a politically minded person. has no real management skills even in business. But Thais only have themselves to blame. In the end you get the politicians you deserve. Just Like in The UK or any other country for that matter.

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The military has deployed all the personnel that it can deploy. They cannot send out more people because they do not have the logistical support to do so. The army has lots of tanks, but they aren't much good as trucks.

Every engineering and logistics supply unit is in service. The military cannot just dump thousands of conscripts in any given area. they need to be housed, fed and equipped.

The military are in deep sh!t if there is a war, if they have already exhausted their logistical support with their efforts so far.

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From another thread on this forum:

PM utilizes Article 31 of Disaster Prevention n Mitigation Bill, ordering all gov't agencies to answer to FROC/TAN_Network

I'm not familiar with this Bill. Does this mean the army is answerable to FROC?

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Foreign investment lost all confidence in Thailand when Yingluck - the inexperienced Sister of a convicted felon and fugitive - was voted into power on a raft of improbably populist policies that will never happen.

The way she has handled the flood just confirmed their thinking.

Raising a SOA would probably gain some confidence in the eyes of the world.


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PM utilizes Article 31 of Disaster Prevention n Mitigation Bill, ordering all gov't agencies to answer to FROC /TAN_Network

wow . . . I think it WAS already an installed authority when FROC starts. if not, is it TOO LATE ?

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PM: Govt, BMA to Jointly Fight Flood Crisis

The prime minister insisted that declaring a State of Emergency will not solve the flood problem and calls on the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration to do all it can to cope with flooding in the capital.

Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra asked the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration or BMA to prepare to help Bangkok residents in the event of floods.

She said the government's Flood Relief Operations Center will provide support if the situation gets out of control.

She said this is not the time for political discrimination, and no one should ever link the flood crisis with politics.

Yingluck refused to respond to a question about whether the BMA governor is narrow-minded, for fear that it might cause misunderstanding.

She believes the BMA is doing all it can to cope with the flood problems.

The PM said she has invited concerned parties to discuss the difficulties of flood relief work in order to streamline the process.

There will also be discussions on the allocation of emergency parking areas and the establishment of additional evacuation centers.

She insisted there is no need for a State of Emergency to be declared at the moment because it could affect investor confidence.

Yingluck is not concerned about the flood situation in Don Muang because the district is located at a high area, but she advised residents to be alert and move their possessions to higher ground.

She also ordered officials to step up surveillance at the Royal Palace and Suvarnabhumi Airport.


-- Tan Network 2011-10-21


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Foreign investment lost all confidence in Thailand when Yingluck - the inexperienced Sister of a convicted felon and fugitive - was voted into power on a raft of improbably populist policies that will never happen.

The way she has handled the flood just confirmed their thinking.

Raising a SOA would probably gain some confidence in the eyes of the world.


It would be unlikely she is making any decisions without consulting big brother

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Since when has the opinions of those outside of Thailand been taken into account?

Dont you think foreign confidence is damaged enough with the mis-management of this disaster?

With Thailand being in the international news about the flooding and being hammered by the UN etc, issuing a SOE is the right thing to do, let the Military be fully deployed where they are needed to help with evacuation, distributing relief supplies and repairing flood defenses. Yingluck needs to put aside her partisan politics and let the army help, instead of making a mess of things

The military has deployed all the personnel that it can deploy. They cannot send out more people because they do not have the logistical support to do so. The army has lots of tanks, but they aren't much good as trucks.

Every engineering and logistics supply unit is in service. The military cannot just dump thousands of conscripts in any given area. they need to be housed, fed and equipped.

That's very interesting. How do you know they don't have the logistical support to do so? Is that an opinion or something based on fact?

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So she is trying to cover up (or hide) the fact that the country is having a crisis (but is obviously not successful). Is it acceptable to have a Prime Minister who covers things up?

From the Live News thread:

Thai Industrial Confidence Index hits 26-month low in Sept, falling to 90.7 from 102.5 in Aug, as floods severely affect industrial, agricultural sectors /MCOT

What more damage could a declaration of emergency do from here, compared to the potential benefits?

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maybe Yingluck can send her brother to attend : INTERNATIONAL WATER WEEK : This six-day event will be a platform for the entire water industry and includes the internationally renowned Aquatech Amsterdam trade exhibition, the Aquaterra conference on water and coasts, plus an extensive conference and workshop programme. The IWW will take place in Amsterdam and throughout the Netherlands from 29 October to 4 November 2011

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With three quarters of the country's industrial estates already being underwater, I don't see how foreign investor confidence could be eroded any further.

Instead, a SOE already should have been declared WEEKS AGO. But all we got was uncoordinated contingency efforts, stupid "mitigation plans" by certain ministers (1,000 boats in the Chao Phraya to 'push' water out to sea...) and the creation too late of FROC, a body in which the left hand obviously doesn't know what the right hand is doing. Now, if all of that hasn't shaken foreign investor confidence, what actually is?

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It is also reported elsewhere (including English language unmentionable one) that the military do not want an SOE as they are worried they will take the blame if or when it all falls apart as they dont see any way anyone can fight such a force of nature. So the government dont and military dont, so no story bar poltical games by others. It would be good to stop such games at a time of crisis but unlikley to happen

It's entirely Yingluck's decision to make whether or not to declare a state of emergency.

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Seems as if some more foreign advisers have joined FROC to assist in dealing with foreign investors confidence. These entitiesmermaids-and-mermen-the-world-guide-to-gnomes-fairies-elves-and-other-little-people-t-keightley.jpg it is claimed have in depth experience of water based problems in both the fresh water and saline water environments.

Edited by siampolee
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SOE is used to enable the Military to take part in domestic disaster management and rescue operations. Example Katrina in the USA, they had to declare SOE otherwise the military would be constitutionally unable to involve in domestic operation in peace time.

Now in Thailand on the other hand, where the military apparently can operate domestically without any sort of SOE in force, a declaration of SOE will hardly have any effect on the situation.

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