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Flood-Hit Thailand Declines Offer Of Help: US Navy


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More in your usual apologetic for the current regime style, Geriatric...

The helicopters onboard the carrier are specifically suited for search and rescue missions, as well as for ferrying supplies... I, for one, never said anything about heavy equipment.

And what about all the hospital patient evacuations going on, sending people out from BKK to hospitals in other provinces... Most of those patients are those considered in critical condition, yet they're being ground transported... If it was a member of your family, which would you prefer, an hours long ride in an ambulance or more likely a truck, or an hour or less smooth ride in a helicopter to the other hospital? Likewise, the Navy choppers would be perfectly suited to that task.

Further, once you get a Navy carrier task force involved, if they needed other kinds of airborne resources, the carrier tf commander certainly could request those from other locations and then use the carrier as their staging and support base. That's what aircraft carriers do.

And what of Thailand's helicopters... Why aren't they being used for any of those purposes? Could it be that they've had a bit too much of a problem with them crashing lately?

The Navy tf certainly isn't going to provide food and water for all of Thailand's flood refugees or even a large part of them. But they absolutely do have the capacity to support a far more effective supplies staging and delivery operation than anything the Thai govt. is doing by itself.

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TL is flatly wrong above...

There's some kind of weird political word game being played here in the Thai media...

Over the past 24 hours, all the Thai reporters keep asking the U.S. Ambassador the same kind of question... "Is is really true the U.S. is withdrawing all flood relief aid or just flood relief aid, period, because of the Thai government?" To which she can correctly and truthfully answer, no, the U.S. is not.

But the weird part is, no one ever said or claimed the U.S. was withdrawing flood relief aid...

The ONLY thing that got reported, correctly, was that the USS George Washington aircraft carrier task force and all its air resources, which the U.S. had begun deploying toward Thailand, was released and sent onward to Japan after the Thai government chose not to request its assistance.

The question Thai reporters should have been asking their own government was: why would the Thai government turn down all the air resources of a U.S. Navy aircraft carrier task force that could have significantly improved the country's disaster response capability, whether for rescue ops or ferrying supplies and logistics?

The silliest but sad response came from the Thai Foreign Ministry spokesman via the BKK Post when he claimed U.S. policy only allowed air resources to be used for humanitarian aid when lives are endangered... Maybe someone forgot to remind the Foreign Ministry that close to 400 Thais have already died...and the show hasn't even begun in Bangkok as yet.

Correct that, TL himself did not make any claims, so that would make the US Ambassador wrong ?

All you guys need to do is watch the interview, and listen to the answers.

The clear message from the US ambassador in the interview is that the US is helping and it is at the level that is appropriate and in accordance with the assessment by the Thai and the US experts.

Your statement

The ONLY thing that got reported, correctly, was that the USS George Washington aircraft carrier task force and all its air resources, which the U.S. had begun deploying toward Thailand, was released and sent onward to Japan after the Thai government chose not to request its assistance.

is clearly not what the US ambassador recounted in the interview.

The ambassador gave a lot of information in a short time. She stated what happened and what is happening. You can chose to believe her or not. As she is on the ground and involved personally in the relief efforts, I feel that she is well informed, and I trust what she said. Certainly everything that she said in the interview could be checked and verified easily, another reason to put stock in it.

She did say :

1) the Thai gov't requested assistance a week ago, and the US gov't sent experts immediately

2) the US experts (military and civilian) and Thai experts did an assessment to see how the US resources could help

3) the immediate needs were identified and that has already been fulfilled

4) she points out that there is one US ship, marines, and civilian disaster relief teams in Thailand now because "that is what the experts determined was needed" right now (see above, this refers to Thai and US experts)

5) she gave everyone ideas of how to help.

Enough said.

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I am sure that there would be some assistance that carrier group could give though how significant it would be I remain unsure about.

To use their helicopters to ferry patients to hospitals in the provinces is one use but they would probably have problems avoiding all the politicians on sightseeing tours and news helicopters flying over BKK at the moment (begs the question why these weren't being used to ferry patients as well!).

As for using it a staging post and support base - surely they would be better using somewhere like U-Tapoe to handle incoming relief flights where there is massively more capacity as well as the ability to move supplies in by road where possible.

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The US Govt (or any Govt) is not like some NGO or private business that comes to Thailand to ask permission to help.

Govt's have to be "invited" by the counterpart Govt.

Simply look at this thread and all the mud slinging and name calling. Even people on this thread (and maybe the Red Shirts) would call it a US invasion.

The US (and every other Govt) tells the Thai Govt they have xxxx resources available to help IF REQUESTED. But it's a Govt to Govt arrangement and agreement. If the Thai Govt sits on their hands or otherwise doesn't want to make the request .... fine ... no offer has been declined and indeed no offer has even been made.

It's like a neighbor saying .... I've got this food and water here. If you need it, just ask. And then the neighbor doesn't ask. The needy neighbor hasn't refused to receive. He simply hasn't asked.

It's not like one neighbor is saying ... "take this food and water" and the other neighbor saying ..." No I don't want it".

Yes a small group of marines or whatever have been here working with the Thai military under existing formal military agreements.

So the Thai Govt did not decline US assistance. They simply did not ask for it when it was available for whatever reason.

When the Thai Govt did not request the assistance that was available .... nothing happened.

Many AID agencies and Un work the same way. The Thai Govt (or some local agency or orphanage or whatever is informed what's available and it's up to them to request it if they want it.

So the ambassador is correct. The Thai Govt did not decline or refuse. They simply did not request. have not requested help that they were told is available if they want it.

Your last statement is not what the ambassador herself said.

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The US Govt (or any Govt) is not like some NGO or private business that comes to Thailand to ask permission to help.

Govt's have to be "invited" by the counterpart Govt.

Simply look at this thread and all the mud slinging and name calling. Even people on this thread (and maybe the Red Shirts) would call it a US invasion.

The US (and every other Govt) tells the Thai Govt they have xxxx resources available to help IF REQUESTED. But it's a Govt to Govt arrangement and agreement. If the Thai Govt sits on their hands or otherwise doesn't want to make the request .... fine ... no offer has been declined and indeed no offer has even been made.

It's like a neighbor saying .... I've got this food and water here. If you need it, just ask. And then the neighbor doesn't ask. The needy neighbor hasn't refused to receive. He simply hasn't asked.

It's not like one neighbor is saying ... "take this food and water" and the other neighbor saying ..." No I don't want it".

Yes a small group of marines or whatever have been here working with the Thai military under existing formal military agreements.

So the Thai Govt did not decline US assistance. They simply did not ask for it when it was available for whatever reason.

When the Thai Govt did not request the assistance that was available .... nothing happened.

Many AID agencies and Un work the same way. The Thai Govt (or some local agency or orphanage or whatever is informed what's available and it's up to them to request it if they want it.

So the ambassador is correct. The Thai Govt did not decline or refuse. They simply did not request. have not requested help that they were told is available if they want it.

Your last statement is not what the ambassador herself said.

So what? I wasn't quoting the ambassador. :fight:

Edited by rogerdee123
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TL, you can play semantic games with words if you like...

The U.S. offered an aircraft carrier task force. It's not doing any flood relief work here at present...

Whether that's because the Thai govt refused, or simply didn't ask for it in the first place, really doesn't matter.

What matters is, those considerable U.S. Navy resources, far more than one destroyer, could be here helping with the flood efforts. And they're not, simply because of the Thai government.

The Ambassador was doing what she's expected and paid to do...and that's keep good relations with a U.S. ally... And in this instance, put the best possible face on a bad decision by the Thai govt., and keep open that prospect that they could reconsider that move in the future if things get even worse.

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Why is reference made to the USN vessels carrying "all that food and water"? They were not. These are warships, not an aid convoy. The food and water available for the needs of refugees is minimal. An aircraft carrier has a minimum number of helicopters and they are specialized aircraft, i.e. search and rescue for downed aircrew, mine clearing etc. An aircraft carrier carries aircraft for offensive (or defensive) purposes. It is not a refugee or disaster response vessel. There are vessels that are more appropriate, such as supply tenders and hospital ships. Those specialized vessels have not left Japan.

The reference to the use of the carrier to land heavy equipment is spurious. At this time, no one is quite sure where the safe staging points in Thailand are, because the flood exposure is so great. That is why the USN has an assessment team deployed. Once the assessment is completed, there will be an appropriate response. To be blunt, having more personnel milling about in the danger zone will not help. It is too late to build dams and dykes. If an when foreign resources are needed, it will be after Bangkok is flooded.

Too sensible mate.

You are perfectly correct and logical but that won't stop the rabids.......who are fretting about 80cms of water ,buying out 7/11 and wondering how to keep the honda click dry.

Whilst points north are totally screwed.

This a a terrible flood that will carry a very high price for the whole country, however, similar has happened before and guess what ??

The Thai people will get through it with their customary aplomb and bravery.

Looks to me that the only folks in panic are Thai Visa Farangs................

The rest of the country is dealing with the shitty cards they have been dealt and trying to get on with their lives.

We should respect and support them for that, instead of telling them what fools they are for choosing the government they did.

It will be hilarious here on TV if she wins the next election, which I think is a good possibility even though 3.5 years away.

I put $50 on that now if any takers ???

Good night.

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TL, you can play semantic games with words if you like...

The U.S. offered an aircraft carrier task force. It's not doing any flood relief work here at present...

Whether that's because the Thai govt refused, or simply didn't ask for it in the first place, really doesn't matter.

What matters is, those considerable U.S. Navy resources, far more than one destroyer, could be here helping with the flood efforts. And they're not, simply because of the Thai government.

The Ambassador was doing what she's expected and paid to do...and that's keep good relations with a U.S. ally... And in this instance, put the best possible face on a bad decision by the Thai govt., and keep open that prospect that they could reconsider that move in the future if things get even worse.

Well, now, that IS exactly the point. I am not playing semantic games with words.

According to the WORDS of the Ambassador, the Thai government asked for and received help from the US.

The aircraft carrier is not part of that assistance because its capabilities are not what is needed right now.

The ambassador was really really crystal clear about this in the interview. By continuing to say that this is a bad decision on the part of the Thai government is to discount 100% of what the ambassador actually said.

If you want to just say that you don't believe the ambassador, then just say that. I have no problem if you want to say that she it lying. (stating that she is "doing what she's expected and paid to do...and that's keep good relations with a U.S. ally (sic)" is playing a semantic game with words when in the interview the ambassador said things like "the Thai government asked us for help, and we immediately sent a team..." )

So chose to not believe her, but please don't tell me that this is a semantic game. The interview was exceptionally clear and to the point.

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The US Govt (or any Govt) is not like some NGO or private business that comes to Thailand to ask permission to help.

Govt's have to be "invited" by the counterpart Govt.

Simply look at this thread and all the mud slinging and name calling. Even people on this thread (and maybe the Red Shirts) would call it a US invasion.

The US (and every other Govt) tells the Thai Govt they have xxxx resources available to help IF REQUESTED. But it's a Govt to Govt arrangement and agreement. If the Thai Govt sits on their hands or otherwise doesn't want to make the request .... fine ... no offer has been declined and indeed no offer has even been made.

It's like a neighbor saying .... I've got this food and water here. If you need it, just ask. And then the neighbor doesn't ask. The needy neighbor hasn't refused to receive. He simply hasn't asked.

It's not like one neighbor is saying ... "take this food and water" and the other neighbor saying ..." No I don't want it".

Yes a small group of marines or whatever have been here working with the Thai military under existing formal military agreements.

So the Thai Govt did not decline US assistance. They simply did not ask for it when it was available for whatever reason.

When the Thai Govt did not request the assistance that was available .... nothing happened.

Many AID agencies and Un work the same way. The Thai Govt (or some local agency or orphanage or whatever is informed what's available and it's up to them to request it if they want it.

So the ambassador is correct. The Thai Govt did not decline or refuse. They simply did not request. have not requested help that they were told is available if they want it.

Your last statement is not what the ambassador herself said.

So what? I wasn't quoting the ambassador. :fight:

ahem, I'll try to be more clear...

So the ambassador is correct. The Thai Govt did not decline or refuse. They simply did not request. have not requested help that they were told is available if they want it.

Your statement about the ambassador is the exact opposite of that which the ambassador herself said. She stated clearly that the Thai government did request and did receive assistance.

But so what ...

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TL, you can play semantic games with words if you like...

The U.S. offered an aircraft carrier task force. It's not doing any flood relief work here at present...

Whether that's because the Thai govt refused, or simply didn't ask for it in the first place, really doesn't matter.

What matters is, those considerable U.S. Navy resources, far more than one destroyer, could be here helping with the flood efforts. And they're not, simply because of the Thai government.

The Ambassador was doing what she's expected and paid to do...and that's keep good relations with a U.S. ally... And in this instance, put the best possible face on a bad decision by the Thai govt., and keep open that prospect that they could reconsider that move in the future if things get even worse.

Well, now, that IS exactly the point. I am not playing semantic games with words.

According to the WORDS of the Ambassador, the Thai government asked for and received help from the US.

The aircraft carrier is not part of that assistance because its capabilities are not what is needed right now.

The ambassador was really really crystal clear about this in the interview. By continuing to say that this is a bad decision on the part of the Thai government is to discount 100% of what the ambassador actually said.

If you want to just say that you don't believe the ambassador, then just say that. I have no problem if you want to say that she it lying. (stating that she is "doing what she's expected and paid to do...and that's keep good relations with a U.S. ally (sic)" is playing a semantic game with words when in the interview the ambassador said things like "the Thai government asked us for help, and we immediately sent a team..." )

So chose to not believe her, but please don't tell me that this is a semantic game. The interview was exceptionally clear and to the point.

who gives a flying <snip> what the US Ambassador said ?

Chill out man! Have a beer and move on to something else.


Edited by metisdead
Expletive removed.
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I really don't care what the Ambassador is saying on the subject...any more than I believe the Thai govt. falsely saying the U.S. can't deploy humanitarian aid from the carrier because the situation isn't serious enough (with nearly 400 dead already).

The aircraft carrier has plenty of resources that are needed right now... But it was the Thai govt., not the U.S., that decided they weren't needed/wanted.

The U.S. didn't forward deploy/rush the task force out of Singapore toward Thailand just on a whim... They've done similar relief ops many times in many places before, and perfectly well know what they're capable of doing. The Navy doesn't send an aircraft carrier and 4 or 5 accompanying ships that aren't capable of performing relief operations.

If you want to make the argument that the Thai government is running relief ops better without them, then you're a lost cause and there's no point in wasting any more time on you.

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I really don't care what the Ambassador is saying on the subject...any more than I believe the Thai govt. falsely saying the U.S. can't deploy humanitarian aid from the carrier because the situation isn't serious enough (with nearly 400 dead already).

The aircraft carrier has plenty of resources that are needed right now... But it was the Thai govt., not the U.S., that decided they weren't needed/wanted.

The U.S. didn't forward deploy/rush the task force out of Singapore toward Thailand just on a whim... They've done similar relief ops many times in many places before, and perfectly well know what they're capable of doing. The Navy doesn't send an aircraft carrier and 4 or 5 accompanying ships that aren't capable of performing relief operations.

If you want to make the argument that the Thai government is running relief ops better without them, then you're a lost cause and there's no point in wasting any more time on you.

OK, it seems that you 1) did not listen to the interview or 2) that you believe the ambassador is lying, or 3) don't want the facts to get in the way of your opinions.

If it is #1, then I suggest you listen to the interview, the ambassador addresses all of the issues you mentioned.

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I really don't care what the Ambassador is saying on the subject...any more than I believe the Thai govt. falsely saying the U.S. can't deploy humanitarian aid from the carrier because the situation isn't serious enough (with nearly 400 dead already).

The aircraft carrier has plenty of resources that are needed right now... But it was the Thai govt., not the U.S., that decided they weren't needed/wanted.

The U.S. didn't forward deploy/rush the task force out of Singapore toward Thailand just on a whim... They've done similar relief ops many times in many places before, and perfectly well know what they're capable of doing. The Navy doesn't send an aircraft carrier and 4 or 5 accompanying ships that aren't capable of performing relief operations.

If you want to make the argument that the Thai government is running relief ops better without them, then you're a lost cause and there's no point in wasting any more time on you.

OK, it seems that you 1) did not listen to the interview or 2) that you believe the ambassador is lying, or 3) don't want the facts to get in the way of your opinions.

If it is #1, then I suggest you listen to the interview, the ambassador addresses all of the issues you mentioned.

Do you honestly believe anything said or written in LOS is gospel ? I don't. ;)

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said 7th Fleet spokesman Lt. Anthony Falvo in an email to Stars and Stripes. “The response efforts of the highly capable and competent Thai government and military have been sufficient in alleviating immediate concern.”

Any comment from me apart from this is a total crock would be superfluous. This guy belongs in Hollywood or Washington.

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How much clearer could the message be? The US has offered unconditional help, and said they would be willing to recall the fleet should any request come from the Thai government. My God, the America bashers should just crawl back in their self-hating holes....



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<br />
<font face="arial"><font size="2">I have said it before and I'll happily say it again. What Thailand needs is a Singapore style government. There, I said it again.</font></font>

And a Singapore type police force?

Why not?

... some cultures are unprepared for self-determination, and are consequently a danger to themselves with a modern tool as democracy in their hands ... can you imagine democracy in the hands of any nation in Sub-Saharan Africa? ... or, oh gosh ... say, here?

... the results are surprisingly little different than the tribal orders to which the natives of those cultures are accustomed.

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You know, I can't read through this entire thread as I have water rising fast outside my house and have to get back t preparations but if this has been said already take it easy on me please..

IMO if the Thai government didn't see any need for the US Navy to assist the Thai people that's fine but it would have been nice if the US embassy had at least offered any US citizens who required it if they wished to evacuate to the carrier.

There would have been plenty of space and supplies there to accommodate the citizens below deck considering the numbers, that may actually have the need instead of stranding those who may need it in light of the overwhelming magnitude of this disaster.. I'm a bit peeved that option was not offered, as we certainly can't take of the locals limited resources this is just too massive....

Miss Ambassador or one of your aids I hope you'r reading!!

Edited by WarpSpeed
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I really don't care what the Ambassador is saying on the subject...any more than I believe the Thai govt. falsely saying the U.S. can't deploy humanitarian aid from the carrier because the situation isn't serious enough (with nearly 400 dead already).

The aircraft carrier has plenty of resources that are needed right now... But it was the Thai govt., not the U.S., that decided they weren't needed/wanted.

The U.S. didn't forward deploy/rush the task force out of Singapore toward Thailand just on a whim... They've done similar relief ops many times in many places before, and perfectly well know what they're capable of doing. The Navy doesn't send an aircraft carrier and 4 or 5 accompanying ships that aren't capable of performing relief operations.

If you want to make the argument that the Thai government is running relief ops better without them, then you're a lost cause and there's no point in wasting any more time on you.

OK, it seems that you 1) did not listen to the interview or 2) that you believe the ambassador is lying, or 3) don't want the facts to get in the way of your opinions.

If it is #1, then I suggest you listen to the interview, the ambassador addresses all of the issues you mentioned.

Yeah basically it's called diplomacy not lying but sometimes just as insidious to those who don't understand the need..

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You know, I can't read through this entire thread as I have water rising fast outside my house and have to get back t preparations but if this has been said already take it easy on me please..

IMO if the Thai government didn't see any need for the US Navy to assist the Thai people that's fine but it would have been nice if the US embassy had at least offered any US citizens who required it if they wished to evacuate to the carrier.

There would have been plenty of space and supplies there to accommodate the citizens below deck considering the numbers, that may actually have the need instead of stranding those who may need it in light of the overwhelming magnitude of this disaster.. I'm a bit peeved that option was not offered, as we certainly can't take of the locals limited resources this is just too massive....

Miss Ambassador or one of your aids I hope you'r reading!!

I guess you made your own decision to live here and it's not that the entire country is flooded is it.Never saw a hotel sign on those aircraft carriers.:)

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You know, I can't read through this entire thread as I have water rising fast outside my house and have to get back t preparations but if this has been said already take it easy on me please..

IMO if the Thai government didn't see any need for the US Navy to assist the Thai people that's fine but it would have been nice if the US embassy had at least offered any US citizens who required it if they wished to evacuate to the carrier.

There would have been plenty of space and supplies there to accommodate the citizens below deck considering the numbers, that may actually have the need instead of stranding those who may need it in light of the overwhelming magnitude of this disaster.. I'm a bit peeved that option was not offered, as we certainly can't take of the locals limited resources this is just too massive....

Miss Ambassador or one of your aids I hope you'r reading!!

With all due respect, I just don't see the logic or the precedent in having a US carrier house US citizens under these conditions. The commercial airlines are still running, there is still some dry land in Thailand to go to temporarily. The USN would have to see much worse conditions in Thailand, I would think, before it would convert its ships into short-stay hotels. If it's a matter of finances, then neither is the USN running indigent homeless centers, in case you haven't noticed.

Appeals made directly to the Citizens Services at the US Embassy, Bangkok (while it is still dry) would be much more effective than this thread for such appeals to the (Miss?) Ambassador.

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.... but it would have been nice if the US embassy had at least offered any US citizens who required it if they wished to evacuate to the carrier.

&lt;deleted&gt;? The main airport is still open. The ports are still open. The borders are still open. There's many ways to leave LOS still open to use.

Why on earth do you want to evacuate via choppers and navy ships unless you seek drama in your life.

PS. Take time to read the entire thread; if you are only making flood preparations now, you have already left it too late.

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I always thought they perhaps refused assistance because then the world will get a close up look at distribution of supplies, etc. and it would make it more difficult to pilfer and resell supplies?

A couple of days ago, I read that the U.S. had donated $15 M - (450 Million Baht in "Flood-Aid.") I have spoken to many Thais and, so far, not one was aware of it. We can only hope that some of that 450 million baht will get to those that need it.

*** CORRECTION!!!**** 15 million baht - (not dollars!) Sorry :jap:

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Hat Tai Rat/Ek Burapa schoolJust got an email from a friend at the above location, I think he's soi 26, almost opposite the school. He tells me the school is flooded and the lower roads starting to flood. Didnt give any depths but his soi into the moobarn is not yet flooded so obviously not deep as yet. He has been told to expect the floods by 2 to 3 pm.take care everybody.
That is next to a khlong, right?Here? http://g.co/maps/evf8y

I wonder if this thread would have reached 23 pages if the headline had read "Flood-Hit Thailand Declines Offer Of Help: Anyone else apart from US Navy"?

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Everyone knows they need assistance.

This is absurd.

Are we really going to watch people suffer and die?

Refusing help on the verge of a humanitarian disaster is beyond belief.

Doesn't anyone in FROC have any common sense?

Should we really expect any different by now?

Anyone that works with the thai and with thai managers can fully understand that the thinking process of what we are seeing demonstrated by the thai government is quite consistent with average thais. Trying to overlay western ethics and morals on this culture just doesn't work. The thais certainly don't want your verbal input so..... chill out, have your favorite beverage, and stay dry. :jap:

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I wonder if this thread would have reached 23 pages if the headline had read "Flood-Hit Thailand Declines Offer Of Help: Anyone else apart from US Navy"?

There aren't a whole long list of other countries other than the U.S. capable of deploying an aircraft carrier task force locally to Thailand on short notice...

But just for argument's sake, assuming it had been a British carrier task force similarly rejected by the Thai government, or a Chinese one or whomever, I for one would have been equally dismayed and angered...

The point isn't what country is making the offer. The point is many Thai people are suffering because their own government is refusing to accept significant, meaningful aid that's being offered...

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.... but it would have been nice if the US embassy had at least offered any US citizens who required it if they wished to evacuate to the carrier.

&lt;deleted&gt;? The main airport is still open. The ports are still open. The borders are still open. There's many ways to leave LOS still open to use.

Why on earth do you want to evacuate via choppers and navy ships unless you seek drama in your life.

PS. Take time to read the entire thread; if you are only making flood preparations now, you have already left it too late.

Thank you for your generalizations but not everyone is capable of those suggestions for whatever reasons and as an American citizen that's what MY government is supposed to provide for it's tax paying citizens safety. You don't have to avail yourself of any aid but then again not EVERYONE is in your position so for those who aren't it might be nice to have some options. Therefore it would be nice to have some of those military tax dollars I've paid, to be used for some other humanitarian purpose besides killing other people and actually used to PROTECT American citizens that's why.. They offered the aid to Thai citizens shouldn't AMERICAN citizens get some consideration?

We haven't had to worry about too much flood planning so it wasn't attended to until it was needed for reasons that are no one's business and the cryptic and contorted information from the available sources prevented us from being able to make a reasoned decision about what to do and when.. But good luck for you it's nice if you are in a position financially and employment wise to uproot yourself and your family on a moments notice and be able to take action at YOUR convenience, we have unique considerations to anyone else's and that's where I'll leave it..

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