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WHERE IS ..........."CHALERM" this guy has gone from being extremmely loud to ..........nothingI must say this is very strange.................was he the government minister that ordered the dams to stay shut a few months ago so he is in hiding or has he been sacked or has he the ability to desert his post at a time of great needhis silence is very loud


hopefully to a place of no return.

This guy is still in Thai politics???? Crikey, going backwards still then Thailand. Left Thailand three years ago after 11 years there and that man and his family were berated everywhere (in Bangkok). Like bad news, he seems to crop up again and again.


He was dealing with the diplomatic incident with China earlier in the week..


As for the government minister responsible for ordering the dams shut, I would be surprised if it were Chalerm since this problem started before this government was formed and some places had already being inundated. A more likely target might be Theera Wongsamut who was Minister of Agriculture under both this administration and the previous one and the minister directly responsible for the Royal Irrigation Department.

The below graph of water levels in the Bhumibol Dam, though not up to date, gives a good indication of what was going on and when though it does need to be said that the June 2010 figure was a record low for the dam:


WHERE IS ..........."CHALERM"

It's a puzzle. :rolleyes:

Hi - if you or anyone else could offer some perspective on why Chalerm/Thaksins daughter are still well in the game, I'd love to read about it. certainly I can be called naive as haven't been following Thai politics for a while now but my curiosity has recently been peaked as I may return next year to live and work. Specificslly, (and apologies if this seems boring to regualar contributors):

Why did the Thais elect the reds - surely it was known that noone and nothing could alter the economical situation being a global phenomonon. In fact, my ignorance really showing here, as I said, I really haven't followed Thai politic and precious little is shown here in the U.K. on anything Thai, except floods, or negative documentaries.

Is the country bereft of new politicians. Or is it that it is nigh on immpossible for new/young politicians to get respect with so many backs being scratched from the old guard both in politics nationally and locally.

A lot (of rot?) to take in I know, but any (patient) response would be much appreciated.


WHERE IS ..........."CHALERM"

It's a puzzle. :rolleyes:

Hi - if you or anyone else could offer some perspective on why Chalerm/Thaksins daughter are still well in the game, I'd love to read about it. certainly I can be called naive as haven't been following Thai politics for a while now but my curiosity has recently been peaked as I may return next year to live and work. Specificslly, (and apologies if this seems boring to regualar contributors):

Why did the Thais elect the reds - surely it was known that noone and nothing could alter the economical situation being a global phenomonon. In fact, my ignorance really showing here, as I said, I really haven't followed Thai politic and precious little is shown here in the U.K. on anything Thai, except floods, or negative documentaries.

Is the country bereft of new politicians. Or is it that it is nigh on immpossible for new/young politicians to get respect with so many backs being scratched from the old guard both in politics nationally and locally.

A lot (of rot?) to take in I know, but any (patient) response would be much appreciated.


Well not so easy to answer but here's a couple of points:

- Most Thai political parties are not much more than 'get rich quick pyramid schemes' and they therefore attract mostly unethical people with few morals and little to zero capability. In some cases people have to pay a 'deposit' to get into the gang and get access to the feeding trough and you can imagine where the 'deposit' flows to - typical pyramid scheme. Plus these gangs have no hesitation to buy votes (a hundred ways you can do this) to ensure they have the power to generate budgets and to get access to the feeding trough. In the main they have no long-term policies, and they take advantage of the fact that a very large percentage of Thais (especially the rural poor) make decisions about who to vote for* by promises to keep pork prices down etc. (*Unless their vote has already been bought.)

- There are many very highly capable, honest, and sincere Thais who could make a big impact on taking this country forward through insightful big picture policies and actions, but these folks avoid politics like the plague - they don't want to be associated with the gangs of scaly cronies which we currently called parties & politicians.


He was on the front page of the English Language Paper that we dare not name today, stating that the attack on the Chinese Cargo Ship along the Mekong River earlier this month " was personal "


His personal involvement should be quite a show. Chinese are on site doing their investigation, Thai police are investigating, and the suspects are Thai army personal. Even a Burmese general is reported to be involved. This is one crime that I hope is followed up on and info shared with the public.

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