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Swift Transfer How Long ?

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Provided you have issued the instruction to your Bank in the UK within the working hours it should take minimum 24 hours, potentially 48 hours if the your UK bank does not have a direct relationship with your Thailand bank. If not to hand by tomorrow I would suggest contacting your UK bank seeking an explanation.

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sms747, with which bank did you do the transfer and how did you do it ?

It is usually next day (Halifax seem to take longer now - they must have done something to their online system)

You should check if has left your UK bank and ask for a tracer to be put on the transfer.

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I did a SWFT transfer last Wednesday too (yes, Halifax have done something to their online system, they told me that they've changed over to the Lloyds TSB system because it's 'better', all my payee information was lost and had to be re-entered with more address details) they assured me that there would be no difference in the service.

However, transfers used to take less than 24 hours (one even arrived in one hour!) and now they take around 48 hours.

Anyway, the one I did on Wednesday took about 48 hours and arrived on Friday.

If the OP's transfer didn't make it by Friday, then it's more than likely caught up in some kind of queue caused by the weekend transactions, should arrive by the close of play today. If not, contact the UK bank with the transaction number.

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If it still hasnt arrived, get in touch with the bank this end, some of these banks here have a tendancy on occasion to put your cash in a head office holding account and then not transfer it to your account, and they are getting interest on your money, this happened to me a few years....had THB 500,000 disappear for 28 days after a SWIFT transfer from Singapore, the money left the account within a few hours of giving the instruction from the Singapore end.

I went back to work, came home a month later and the money still hadn't got into the account....The Thai bank of course blamed the Singapore bank, who had kindly started trying to track the transaction....My Singapore banks comment/question once all this was resolved...Are all Thai banks so incompetent, that they cant effect a simple SWIFT transfer correctly....:whistling:

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If it still hasnt arrived, get in touch with the bank this end, some of these banks here have a tendancy on occasion to put your cash in a head office holding account and then not transfer it to your account, and they are getting interest on your money, this happened to me a few years....had THB 500,000 disappear for 28 days after a SWIFT transfer from Singapore, the money left the account within a few hours of giving the instruction from the Singapore end.

I went back to work, came home a month later and the money still hadn't got into the account....The Thai bank of course blamed the Singapore bank, who had kindly started trying to track the transaction....My Singapore banks comment/question once all this was resolved...Are all Thai banks so incompetent, that they cant effect a simple SWIFT transfer correctly....:whistling:

I appreciate your incident was a few years back. However I have had occassion to investigate a number of the transfers that have been claimed to have been held back for the sake of a few bahts interest for the benefit of the bank. On each occassion it has generally been the result of incomplete information being provided and and the funds could not be applied to the correct person with absolute certainty. There are thousands of transactions done daily in any banking system. The vast majority are completed in excellent timing as attested to by some posters on this thread. Occasionally an error will be made and this is frustrating.

If the orignal poster has his money being directed to Bangkok Bank I will happily investigate it from this end if he cares to PM me.

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If it still hasnt arrived, get in touch with the bank this end, some of these banks here have a tendancy on occasion to put your cash in a head office holding account and then not transfer it to your account, and they are getting interest on your money, this happened to me a few years....had THB 500,000 disappear for 28 days after a SWIFT transfer from Singapore, the money left the account within a few hours of giving the instruction from the Singapore end.

I went back to work, came home a month later and the money still hadn't got into the account....The Thai bank of course blamed the Singapore bank, who had kindly started trying to track the transaction....My Singapore banks comment/question once all this was resolved...Are all Thai banks so incompetent, that they cant effect a simple SWIFT transfer correctly....:whistling:

I appreciate your incident was a few years back. However I have had occassion to investigate a number of the transfers that have been claimed to have been held back for the sake of a few bahts interest for the benefit of the bank. On each occassion it has generally been the result of incomplete information being provided and and the funds could not be applied to the correct person with absolute certainty. There are thousands of transactions done daily in any banking system. The vast majority are completed in excellent timing as attested to by some posters on this thread. Occasionally an error will be made and this is frustrating.

If the orignal poster has his money being directed to Bangkok Bank I will happily investigate it from this end if he cares to PM me.

In my case, the transfer information provided was correct and it turned out the money was being held in a "holding account" in the Bangkok head office of the particular bank, in the first instance the Thai bank concerned completely denied they had ever received the transfer and were very quick to blame the Singapore end, hence the reason I got my Singapore bank involved.

As regards the interest on the money, I really believe banks in general will take the pennys off a dead mans eyes if they can.... :lol: ....so would they hold the cash for the sake of a few baht ?....call my cynical if you wish...but think they would.

Granted mistakes occur but the frustration with my case was that after 28 days of the cash sitting in the holding account, did it not occur to someone at the Thai bank to question this transaction, after all I have paid for a service ?

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Near on all the transfers from Australia to my account in Udon Thani via Bangkok completed overnight. A system was introduced last year where for any transfer over $10K (USD) I have to go to the branch and sign a form before it is released although it appeared on my balance statement. KasikornBank.

I should imagine transfers out of most western countries would be the same so the OP may have a problem.

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It depends on various things. I am doing regular SWIFT transfers to SCB and Kasikornbank and it normally takes 48 hours to be pre-booked and 72 hours to be available... I even experienced that the money arrived at different days even though send at the same second...

My bank does not have any relationship into Thailand, therefore they must use full SWIFT system. Other banks might have partner banks in BKK and can surround SWIFT with inter-bank systems.

Then it depends whether the receiving account is in the head office in BKK or in a subsidiary in Pattaya (as in my cases). SCB as well as Kasikornbank take another day (and 120 Baht fee....) for the booking into the Pattaya account...

That's my personal experience over the last months

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Did a tx yesterday afternoon (Thai time) Nationwide to Kasikorn arrived 9.30 this morning.

Likewise a couple of weeks ago, on-line request to Nationwide International one day, in my Kasikorn account first thing the following morning.

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Then it depends whether the receiving account is in the head office in BKK or in a subsidiary in Pattaya (as in my cases). SCB as well as Kasikornbank take another day (and 120 Baht fee....) for the booking into the Pattaya account...

I think you may find in the case of Thailand all international transfer are routed through the BKK head office....sure our friend from BKK bank can confirm...

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Then it depends whether the receiving account is in the head office in BKK or in a subsidiary in Pattaya (as in my cases). SCB as well as Kasikornbank take another day (and 120 Baht fee....) for the booking into the Pattaya account...

I think you may find in the case of Thailand all international transfer are routed through the BKK head office....sure our friend from BKK bank can confirm...

Confirmed, but I am not sure all banks charge an additional fee to send it out to the branches.

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[quote name='Daveroc'

If the orignal poster has his money being directed to Bangkok Bank I will happily investigate it from this end if he cares to PM me.

Thanks, Nationwide say no more than five working days, which I guess is today. However Thanachart say today 1. maybe not sent then 2. maybe due to floods (their office is miles away from floods) I am pretty sure the deatails are correct so wil try again tomorrow. It did take them nearly two hours to open a deposit account for me last week, (not the one the transfer is to) and next day had to go in with marriage certificate, so they are not exactly 'swift' with anything.

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Thanks, Nationwide say no more than five working days, which I guess is today. However Thanachart say today 1. maybe not sent then 2. maybe due to floods (their office is miles away from floods) I am pretty sure the deatails are correct so wil try again tomorrow. It did take them nearly two hours to open a deposit account for me last week, (not the one the transfer is to) and next day had to go in with marriage certificate, so they are not exactly 'swift' with anything.

Are you saying you are with Nationwide? If so I would check now. I did mine yesterday (online) and it arrived this morning.

Albeit they say it takes 5 days but that usually allows for weekends and Bank Holidays, in my experience it has never taken 5 days, 48hrs tops except when it covers a w/e or holiday period and then it arrives the day immediately afterwards.

It has been almost a week for you now...Check Today!!

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one week down the line and the bank here still insists they have no record of the transfer from NW, but I can see the debit online on the 26th. We got them to call head office to check and they ask for a 'document' which of course I do not have as it was done online, so now have to wait for NW to get back to me yet again. Do I trust NW or a Bank here? not difficult to choose where the fault lies, checked the details and could not find anything wrong.

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one week down the line and the bank here still insists they have no record of the transfer from NW, but I can see the debit online on the 26th. We got them to call head office to check and they ask for a 'document' which of course I do not have as it was done online, so now have to wait for NW to get back to me yet again. Do I trust NW or a Bank here? not difficult to choose where the fault lies, checked the details and could not find anything wrong.

If you can confirm that the money departed the UK account, (you should have some form of reference number, even with an on-line transfer) certain then the problem lies with the bank here then.....pretty sure it will be in a holding account at the BKK branch of your Thai bank, this sounds all rather similar to what happened to me. Dont know what sort of realtionship you have with MW, but wouldnt they chase the transaction for you ?....

Frustrating I know....I was pulling my hair out when it happened to me, My Singapore bank were trying to figure out what had happened, but the Thai end didnt have a clue and just kept saying... No have...No have, and when it turned out they did have the money, "typical silly little grin"....suffice to say my Singapore bank were not impressed with "professionalism" shown at the Thai end...

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one week down the line and the bank here still insists they have no record of the transfer from NW, but I can see the debit online on the 26th. We got them to call head office to check and they ask for a 'document' which of course I do not have as it was done online, so now have to wait for NW to get back to me yet again. Do I trust NW or a Bank here? not difficult to choose where the fault lies, checked the details and could not find anything wrong.

You should have received a 'Unique Tracking Number' check your message box on NW.

This message shows the details of your instruction as well as the tracking number.

Edited by Tafia
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one week down the line and the bank here still insists they have no record of the transfer from NW, but I can see the debit online on the 26th. We got them to call head office to check and they ask for a 'document' which of course I do not have as it was done online, so now have to wait for NW to get back to me yet again. Do I trust NW or a Bank here? not difficult to choose where the fault lies, checked the details and could not find anything wrong.

The 'fault' can lie in at least one of 5 places.

1. You - your instruction was incorrect.

2. N/Wide - they cocked up.

3. N/Wide's agent cocked up

4. Thai bank cocked up in Bangkok

5. Thai bank cocked up in the onward transmission to your bank account.

I would still go 60/40 for it being at the Thai end - although you should be concerned that they have confirmed non-receipt.

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Bank here claim they could not put the money in my account (they have it) as NW missed out a number of the account and that they will get in touch with NW to correct it. They did but told NW the number is wrong and now NW are saying that I need to give them the right number or extra charges will be made. But the number is correct as I took in all the documentation to the Bank here and they agreed I had sent the right number. Very frustrating as the bank here blame NW and now NW are saying It's my fault, still no money!!

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Thanachart were correct it was NW that cocked it up as they missed off a number, well done Thanachart but disappointing from Nationwide, they really should not make this sort of error and I should not have thought it must be the Thai banks fault.

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I usually get my Swift transfer's within 30 minutes if they are done first thing in the UK morning.

The UK bank is Barclays and the Thai bank is Kasikorn, but the sender has to specify 'express service' to stop the UK banks holding onto it for a few days.

You may investigate if your banks have direct relationships or whether they use a 3rd party "Correspondence Bank"

Good Luck, but even the banks in Thailand will usually tell you it can take 5 days, although the general consensus is that 24-48 hours should be considered normal.

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Thanachart were correct it was NW that cocked it up as they missed off a number, well done Thanachart but disappointing from Nationwide, they really should not make this sort of error and I should not have thought it must be the Thai banks fault.

As they made a mistake, maybe the NW will refund the transmission fee to compensate you for the inconvieience and the cost of the phone calls.

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