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Truevisions Asn Network - All Us Sports Fans Please Help!

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If you are from the US and a subscriber to TrueVisions, you have probably noticed that they have removed the ASN (American Sports Network).....this channel showed NFL, NHL, MLB, and other sports. While TrueVisions certainly pays it's respects to European sports (mostly soccer - there seems to be at least 3 games on at all times!!!), the ASN was the only channel where us "yanks" could catch a good game and feel like home.

If you agree, PLEASE take 3 minutes and send an email to....

[email protected]

....and let them know that you are unhappy with their decision and that you are considering canceling your subscription. Maybe if they get enough emails, they'll put ASN back on the air.

Thanks, and if you send in a note, please just leave a post hear letting us know.....I hope you agree it's worth 3 minutes :)

Thanks again.

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Good intention, but I afraid TrueVisions doesn't pay heed to it.

BTW, not only Americans like NFL, NHL, MLB, and other US sports.


It might be worth to contact ASN for clarifications.


I sent an three emails when it first happen back in October, and called also. I also changed my service and when back to the Gold service and am now saying 600 baht a month. I can't believe those idiots at True Vision would think that the program they used to replaced ASN even came close.


Many e-mails sent, but they don't "care" that is. Now avaiable on 1-SKY but they don'y care either since thet won't answer e-mails. True also mucked up English football sicne they onlly seem to broadcast Spanish football live, no longer EPL.


You should contact satthai or jsat they offer Skynindo

on C band ,no weather problems,lots of good channels

6 HD , including ASN in HD, with subscription of only

6K per annum,box extra, at least 6ft dish needed.

Regards Worgeordie


Sent several e mails when this first happened and got a canned reply back each time. Phoned the main office in BKK and complained they said they were sorry and offerred me a reduced rate for 3 months to compensate. Great customer service


i cancelled soon as i found out a month ago, it was by far the best chanel they had nfl , nhl ufc ,it sucks without asn not worth what you have to pay without it!!:annoyed:


BTW, not only Americans like NFL, NHL, MLB, and other US sports.


It might be worth to contact ASN for clarifications.

Yes, that's why the forum topic heading says "ALL US SPORTS FANS"

I'm going to track down ASN and find out what's up....although I am sure they will tell me some BS canned response, but it's worth a shot....


You might try http://atdhenet.tv/ as they stream all NFL games.( live only).No fees.


Lefty, Thanks. Is there any site where you can watch them the next morning, since I've got to work and can't really stay up from 1AM - 4AM watching a live game?



At this point, the only reason to contact TrueVisions is to downgrade or cancel your service. I downgraded from Platinum to Gold without any problem from TrueVisions. GMM Grammy/One Sky outbid TrueVisions for ASN in Thailand. You can call One Sky at 02 841 8888 to get service. You will need to buy a 5.5' dish and a One Sky receiver box. That costs 3500-4500 baht depending on where you live and whether you want after sales service on the equipment. The ASN subscription is free until Janaury. No pricing finalized yet for 2012. I am in Phuket and had my One Sky system up and running within 2 days after calling One Sk.y ASN also carries US college football. I just finished watching Alabama-LSU on ASN. One Sky plans to expand the channel lineup in 2012. Now you get all of the free channels on the Thaicom 5 sattelite but they are mostly in Thai.


Further to my post above, if it is not feasible for you to have a big dish. you can buy an NFL Game Pass subscription from the NFL at https://gamepass.nfl.com/nflgp/secure/packages?campaign=ext_SEM_google_GP&002=2310022&004=1969754214&005=1265551655&006=7744901574&007=Search&008= The subscription costs US$140 for the balance of the season. You can watch any game. You just need a good internet connection. The games are steamed in HD and the quality is very good.


Thanks to all.....does anyone know of a site that archives the games so I could watch them on Monday AM when I wake up instead of staying up all night on Sundsay?



Thanks to all.....does anyone know of a site that archives the games so I could watch them on Monday AM when I wake up instead of staying up all night on Sundsay?


NFL Game Pass will let you do this, you can watch a replay of any game at any time.


If you have a 5 ft c band dish and are using Thaicom. GMM GRAMMY is currently running a TEST RUN and broadcasting ASN free over the Thaicom2/5 sattelite. It's easy to modify the existing parameters of one of the cannnels that you do not use to: Transponder Frequency TP: 03480, Symbol Rate: 30000, Polorization: H, VID PID; 206, AUD PID: 306-Thai, 406- English. I've done it and the picture is good, but the audio is only available in Thai with setting 206. You can hear the English broadcaster, but if you turn the volume up to hear it, the Thai announcer comes on and blasts you out of the room. There is no audio if you select 406 for English. I've tried to contact 1-SKY here and its as if they don't exist. Don't answer e-mails and hang up when I call them. Good luck got to get back to the Ravens Steelers game.


Here is the canned response I got from True today via email:

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ TrueVisionsCable Public Company Limited would like to inform that the company haveterminated the broadcasting of ASN (All Sports Network) on 30 September 2011.TrueVisions would like to apologize for this inconvenience and would like tooffer other World’s leading sports channels such as the following:


TrueSport 1

TrueSport 2

TrueSport 3

TrueSport 4

TrueSport 6




GolfChannel Thailand


<br style="mso-special-character: line-break;" clear="all">

Pleasebe informed that according that ASN was secured the right to broadcast by othercompany in Thailand so we are afraid of not being able to broadcast NFLaccording to the above reason.

TrueVisionshope to continuously improve our service in order to bring you the best viewingexperience. Any inconvenience caused by this action, please do accept oursincere apology.

Should you have any further inquiry, suggestion, or comment,please do not hesitate to contact us at 02-7252525 between 8:00 am - 22:00 pmor [email protected]between 9:00 am -18:00 pm

Thank you for your kindness and continued support.

Yours sincerely,

Ms. Atiluk Veespen

Support & Non-Voice Management

Tel+66(0) 2725-2525

Fax+66(0) 2725-2500

Email:[email protected]

เปิดชีวิตมุมมองใหม่ เปิด ทรูวิชั่นส์

True Visions Public Company Limited

118/1 Tipco Tower, Rama VI Road,

Samsen Nai, Phayathai, Bangkok 10400



Who is the other broadcasting company she is referring to?

I missed the Giants awesome game yesterday (sorry Pat fans!!!!!) and I can't be without my NFL any longer!!!!!



I didn't miss it and yes it was an awesome game. No matter how much we complain to True, they and ASN made a business decision that isn;t going to be reversed until ASN's contract with GMM expires, GMM is broadcasting a trail run of ASN that is free. If you have access to a Thaicom c-band setup you can reset the parameters of one of the unused, or used, stations with LNB frequency of 05050 MHZ to the parameters in my post above. I somehow fixed the English problem but I'm not sure how. I now can get the broadcasts on two different channels, one in Thai and one in English, with the same settings both AUD PIDs set to 306 which should be Thai, 406 still has no audio. The only difference the I see is the name of the channel that of the one that is in Thai is preceeced with an S and I can not delete it when I rename the channel to ASN and the channel that is in English doesn't have the S. GMM can encrypt or cancel the transmission at any time so there's no guarantees. Other options as stated 1- SWKY or NFL.com.

Here is the canned response I got from True today via email:

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ TrueVisionsCable Public Company Limited would like to inform that the company haveterminated the broadcasting of ASN (All Sports Network) on 30 September 2011.TrueVisions would like to apologize for this inconvenience and would like tooffer other World's leading sports channels such as the following:


TrueSport 1

TrueSport 2

TrueSport 3

TrueSport 4

TrueSport 6




GolfChannel Thailand


<br style="mso-special-character: line-break;" clear="all">

Pleasebe informed that according that ASN was secured the right to broadcast by othercompany in Thailand so we are afraid of not being able to broadcast NFLaccording to the above reason.

TrueVisionshope to continuously improve our service in order to bring you the best viewingexperience. Any inconvenience caused by this action, please do accept oursincere apology.

Should you have any further inquiry, suggestion, or comment,please do not hesitate to contact us at 02-7252525 between 8:00 am - 22:00 pmor [email protected]between 9:00 am -18:00 pm

Thank you for your kindness and continued support.

Yours sincerely,

Ms. Atiluk Veespen

Support & Non-Voice Management

Tel+66(0) 2725-2525

Fax+66(0) 2725-2500

Email:[email protected]

เปิดชีวิตมุมมองใหม่ เปิด ทรูวิชั่นส์

True Visions Public Company Limited

118/1 Tipco Tower, Rama VI Road,

Samsen Nai, Phayathai, Bangkok 10400



Who is the other broadcasting company she is referring to?

I missed the Giants awesome game yesterday (sorry Pat fans!!!!!) and I can't be without my NFL any longer!!!!!



If you send an e-mail to gmmsport, I doubt that you will ever get an answer. I've sent 6 with no reply.

With the help of many others here and on the "5ft dish post I've managed to program my Thaicom c-band receiver to receive ASN with a good picture and audio in either English or Thai. I guess the first question that I would ask, is it functional and can you receive the Thai cannels?

My set-top box is manufactured by S Star, model S-3, if you have one I can run you throught it step by step if not, you'll have to muck around and figure out how to reconfigure the parameters of one of the channels.

The first step is to find a channel with a LNB frequency of 5150 MHZ You can look for " Thai Chai Yo", "Good Channel" or "ABC" or ytou can search through the channels to find one

The settings that you need to enter once you find one are: Tp Freq. TP: 03480, Symbol Rate: 30000, Polarity H, 22k off, DISEqc LNB1, Vid PID 206, Aud PID 306

In order to input these settings you have to enter the maintenance mode. On my remote you enter this mode by depressing the menu button, on any channel, a box appears wanting an input. Input "1234" a menu should appear. If the menu is in Thai scroll to the sixth line down, on my remote it is in thai and english and says language. select that by pressing ok and the menu appears where you can select English. After that every thing is in English. Go back to the main menu and select "TV Channel LIst" and try to find one of the channels above. If you find it select it , go back to the menu and select info. It should give you the parameters for the channel, insure that it its LNB frequency is 5150 MHZ. If you can't find it you'll have to go channel by channel to find one with LNB freq of 5150 but anyone will do as long as you don't want that channel anymore.

Go back to the menu and select "Program Setup"

Another menu will appear. Select "Parameter setup" Now the parameters for that station are displayed and you can scroll through them and change them to the ones above.

When you exit the menu, you should have ASN. If the audio is in Thai, change the speaker output. Thai is on the left speaker, English is on stereo and the right.

I know that it sounds difficult but if you futts around enough you can do it. I'm watching NHL hockey right now. Give me a shout if you need more help -0812819891

Good luck.

Yes, today I saw a promo ad on Channel 5 pointing me to this website:


I've got a C-Band satellite from the previous owner but don't know how to program it....can you give me a basic 101 crash course? I'd really appreciate it.



This page spreads a little more light,

you will need to ask google to translate it.

They talk about a fee, so this is probably a paid service.

There is a phone number you can call 02 841 8888


wayned, you ARE THE MAN!!!!

I tinkered around with my box and was able to add ASN! I was even able to switch the audio to "right" and got the game in English! Thank you SOOOOOOOOOOOOO much!!!!!!!!



Glad you were able to futts around and and get it. The full schedules are available on www.asn.tv/schedule.php. The schedule is in Hong Kong time so subtract 1 hour. The Thursday night game-Oakland-San Diego- is on at 0820 this morning.

wayned, you ARE THE MAN!!!!

I tinkered around with my box and was able to add ASN! I was even able to switch the audio to "right" and got the game in English! Thank you SOOOOOOOOOOOOO much!!!!!!!!



Now that we have it they'll probably either cancel or encrypt the Test Run

Glad you were able to futts around and and get it. The full schedules are available on www.asn.tv/schedule.php. The schedule is in Hong Kong time so subtract 1 hour. The Thursday night game-Oakland-San Diego- is on at 0820 this morning.

wayned, you ARE THE MAN!!!!

I tinkered around with my box and was able to add ASN! I was even able to switch the audio to "right" and got the game in English! Thank you SOOOOOOOOOOOOO much!!!!!!!!



If it makes anyone feel better to write an email to Truevisions, go ahead. You might as well send a copy to Elvis and Abraham Lincoln while you are at it, for all the good it will do.

True has absolutely no interest in airing NFL football, or American sports in general, they have proven this time and time again. This is the THIRD time that I remember they have dropped the NFL like a hot potato. Good riddance to True, I say, bring on the internet, 1 Sky, and any other competition - adapt or die.

FYI, for those of you tuning in the "Test Run" of ASN, there is a "Test Run" of Euro Sport in English now, all the settings are the same, use "218" and "318" instead of 206, 306.

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