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PM Yingluck Says No Cabinet Reshuffle Now

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PM: No cabinet reshuffle now


BANGKOK, Nov 6 - Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra on Sunday ruled out a cabinet reshuffle during this period following criticism of mishandling the country's worst flooding crisis in decades.

The premier stated the government needs to focus on urgently solving flood problem first but will keep evaluating the performance of ministers before considering what to do next.

Ms Yingluck added that a cabinet reshuffle has not yet been discussed but she will collect more information on that.

Regarding the possible relocation of the Flood Relief Operations Centre (FROC) headquarters from Energy Complex to Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Centre (BITEC) on Bangna-Trad Road, Ms Yingluck reaffirmed the government has no plan to move the centre although the compound is now being surrounding by floodwater.

FROC, the government’s flood response center, was earlier forced to move from Don Mueang Airport to the Energy Ministry, located inside the Energy Complex behind PTT headquarters at Ha Yak Lat Phrao intersection, which is now already submerged.

Meanwhile, a survey released by Suan Dusit Poll reported on Sunday that 41.53 per cent think that the government cannot solve flood problems due to lack of good preparations and limited flood relief operations which do not cover all victims.

The survey was conducted with 1,454 flood-hit Bangkokians and residents in adjacent provinces, both staying at home and in temporary shelters, between November 1-5.

Some 39.18% of evacuees said they left homes to stay at temporary shelters as their houses are under water and they have no other place to stay, while 30.42% moved because infrastructure has been cut off.

Of those who remained at flooded home, 51.16% said they did not move as they could still stay on the second floor and were afraid of looting.

Another poll agency, ABAC Poll, conducted during the same period among 1,478 poll respondents in Bangkok and surrounding provinces, said the army topped the poll on public satisfaction over the performance of all flood relief agencies, followed by volunteers and media workers.

The poll showed army operations received a score of 9.56 out of 10, while the volunteers 9.10, followed by media at 9.08.

Meanwhile, the government and the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration garnered similar scores at 8.34 and 8.3 respectively.

A majority 93.8% of respondents urged all parties to stop slandering each other, while 60% wanted concerned agencies to tell the truth to the public about the flood situation, 55.9% wanted to see improvements to the warning system and 54.9% said better means of communications for the public was needed. (MCOT online news)


-- TNA 2011-11-06

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With the likes of the Agriculture Minister announcing, three weeks ago, that the floodwaters had passed through Bangkok and the Science Minister announcing he was going to impact a flooded swollen river with boat propellers and an Energy Minister announcing a 800 Billion Baht plan to respond to the flooding (without the plan having even been studied) and a Culture Minister who thinks the best response to the flood is to create a new website on Thai culture that will help flood victims and a Transportation Minister's who seemingly qualified for his post by being an early classmate of Thaksin's and a Foreign Minister's whose sole focus upon assuming office was to secure a Japanese visa for his cousin, a convicted fugitive, there's no reason to believe any of them need to be replaced.


Edited by Buchholz
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To be fair to the poor girl, she can't even find the greater majority of them as they seem to have headed to the hills. Also they never seemed to take notice of her either whistling.gif

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No need to reshuffle now,it will be done in about a month time.


Thaksin to definitely return in December: Kwanchai

Kwanchai Priaphana, the chairman of Udon Thani Loving Club, said former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra would return to Thailand in December.

"He will 100-per cent return to Thailand in December 2011 because he misses Thailand a lot and he wants to come back home," Kwanchai was quoted by INN news agency as saying.


-- The Nation 2011-10-25

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Read my post then think about that which was said and also the ------ whistling.gif


Read my post then think that she'd lost ANY face in my own eyes.

Too much lies, Im sorry.

I no need such of liar as PM.

"Bkk is safe"..."Don Muang is safe"..."FROC will NOT ever relocate from DM"..."The flood will never come to inner Bkk"..."The flood in inner Bkk will be minor"..."The FROC will never relocate at their 2nd time"...."PLEASE BE PATIENT"....3RD WEEK of such "news", w/o any improvements!!!!!!...F-off!!!

Get lost (for her).I'm still paying my taxes, so I can say that : pls do NOT interfere while locals help each other. It is MUCH more efficient than all of your govt, froc-frac and so on. Just fly to DXB and stay away of this all for a while.

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Read my post then think about that which was said and also the ------ whistling.gif


Read my post then think that she'd lost ANY face in my own eyes.

Too much lies, Im sorry.

I no need such of liar as PM.

"Bkk is safe"..."Don Muang is safe"..."FROC will NOT ever relocate from DM"..."The flood will never come to inner Bkk"..."The flood in inner Bkk will be minor"..."The FROC will never relocate at their 2nd time"...."PLEASE BE PATIENT"....3RD WEEK of such "news", w/o any improvements!!!!!!...F-off!!!

Get lost (for her).I'm still paying my taxes, so I can say that : pls do NOT interfere while locals help each other. It is MUCH more efficient than all of your govt, froc-frac and so on. Just fly to DXB and stay away of this all for a while.

Alex...Siampolee was taking the piss..... deservedly so...!

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To be fair to the poor girl, she can't even find the greater majority of them as they seem to have headed to the hills. Also they never seemed to take notice of her either whistling.gif

That's it exactly! These guys are all in their "virtual offices" in Singapore, Hua Hin, Chiang Mai , London flats. No where to be found. Everything they own has been locked down, families are all out of Thailand. Off shore bank accounts are updated and secure. Last looting and plundering transactions have been deposited and they are all set to "phone in." They have staff in Thailand ready to followup on their "promises" and commitments. Of course the staff is being paid as are the "officials" while they are working remote.

After this is all over in a few months and the cleanup is in progress, these guys should all be rounded up and forced to surrender their plunder and tarred and feathered and paraded around Thailand in open wagons for all to see.

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It is a testament to the whole meltdown in progress that there is talk of a cabinet reshuffle before 3 months are in the jar.

I think you need to read the initial post again. She cleared up rumors that there would be a cabinet reshuffle, saying there won't be any. There was never a talk of a cabinet reshuffle except from maybe trolls who seem to get off on posting lies.

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It is a testament to the whole meltdown in progress that there is talk of a cabinet reshuffle before 3 months are in the jar.

I think you need to read the initial post again. She cleared up rumors that there would be a cabinet reshuffle, saying there won't be any. There was never a talk of a cabinet reshuffle except from maybe trolls who seem to get off on posting lies.

Totally agree, only trolls may ignore the 'during this period' in

"BANGKOK, Nov 6 - Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra on Sunday ruled out a cabinet reshuffle during this period following criticism of mishandling the country's worst flooding crisis in decades."

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It is a testament to the whole meltdown in progress that there is talk of a cabinet reshuffle before 3 months are in the jar.

I think you need to read the initial post again. She cleared up rumors that there would be a cabinet reshuffle, saying there won't be any. There was never a talk of a cabinet reshuffle except from maybe trolls who seem to get off on posting lies.

Yes, don't lie. Leave that to the government and Voice TV.

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It is a testament to the whole meltdown in progress that there is talk of a cabinet reshuffle before 3 months are in the jar.

I think you need to read the initial post again. She cleared up rumors that there would be a cabinet reshuffle, saying there won't be any. There was never a talk of a cabinet reshuffle except from maybe trolls who seem to get off on posting lies.

Totally agree, only trolls may ignore the 'during this period' in

"BANGKOK, Nov 6 - Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra on Sunday ruled out a cabinet reshuffle during this period following criticism of mishandling the country's worst flooding crisis in decades."

Rubl, happens all the time (not talking about trolls)... reporters ask a politician a question, the politician is obliged to respond, and the reporters turn it into news... making the reporters both the origin and the communicator of the news.

Sometimes they ask interesting questions, and sometimes not...

Edited by tlansford
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It is a testament to the whole meltdown in progress that there is talk of a cabinet reshuffle before 3 months are in the jar.

I think you need to read the initial post again. She cleared up rumors that there would be a cabinet reshuffle, saying there won't be any. There was never a talk of a cabinet reshuffle except from maybe trolls who seem to get off on posting lies.

Totally agree, only trolls may ignore the 'during this period' in

"BANGKOK, Nov 6 - Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra on Sunday ruled out a cabinet reshuffle during this period following criticism of mishandling the country's worst flooding crisis in decades."

Rubl, happens all the time (not talking about trolls)... reporters ask a politician a question, the politician is obliged to respond, and the reporters turn it into news... making the reporters both the origin and the communicator of the news.

Sometimes they ask interesting questions, and sometimes not...

We should really stop reporters from asking awkward questions, very annoying indeed. There should be a law against it, don't you think <_<

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We should really stop reporters from asking awkward questions, very annoying indeed. There should be a law against it, don't you think <_<

it's not an awkward question to ask if there there is going to be a cabinet reshuffle in the middle of a flood crisis, it's just pretty dim.

obviously she's not going to say "yes we are working on a reshuffle now"....cos then you'd have "she should be concentrating on the flood's"

if she say's "we're not working on a reshuffle now"....then you have the "oh so you think ye did a perfect job of it and it all went rosily"

and because the question was asked... you have the "she's talking about cabinet reshuffle's in the middle of all this"

it's as tiansford described ie the journalist creating the story out of their question... regardless of response

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We should really stop reporters from asking awkward questions, very annoying indeed. There should be a law against it, don't you think <_<

Give the government a little time... and they'll come up with a new law to cover that. ;)

Call it, The X Law



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We should really stop reporters from asking awkward questions, very annoying indeed. There should be a law against it, don't you think <_<

Give the government a little time... and they'll come up with a new law to cover that. ;)

Call it, The X Law



a poor attempt at humour, it has to be said

thaksin i mean.

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We should really stop reporters from asking awkward questions, very annoying indeed. There should be a law against it, don't you think <_<

Give the government a little time... and they'll come up with a new law to cover that. ;)

Call it, The X Law



Maybe they can enlist Gen Chan-Ocha for advice. He invented a new law on the fly during the last government to deal with market traders putting the photos of politicians on the soles of sandals.

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I am elated that there is no plan for a reshuffle as that indicates the same cards would go back into the deck. The present deck of minsters seems to include an unusually high number of jokers, thus a complete new deck should be brought into the game. Make sure it has a tamper proof seal on it.

The potential player list is probably few in number, but this is fairly common here. They will depend on new tourist/fish for their game. May be hard for the house cut to be split between the high number of shills.

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Too busy for Cabinet reshuffle: PM

The Nation


Democrats present list of priorities for govt

Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra yesterday ruled out a Cabinet reshuffle, saying the government was too busy tackling the flood crisis.

She said she would wait until the floodwater subsided before considering whether to improve her Cabinet lineup.

The performance of Cabinet members in handling the flood crisis would be taken into account if she changed the Cabinet lineup, she said.

Industry Minister Wannarat Charnnukul said yesterday he was surprised to see press speculation he might be removed from the Cabinet.

He said he had been working hard to support efforts to deal with the flood crisis but not seeking publicity - mostly providing building materials for use to prevent flooding.

"If I have to be removed because my work has not been reported by the media, I'll say I have been working hard all the time," Wannarat said.

Democrat Party leader and opposition leader Abhisit Vejjajiva agreed yesterday the government should not reshuffle the Cabinet now. It should focus on helping people affected by floods.

Abhisit said the government had caused a lot of confusion by changing the structure of the Flood Relief Operation Centre - and it would be more confused if the Cabinet lineup was changed now.

The Democrats have submitted eight proposals for the government to urgently carry out to help flood victims.

Democrat spokesman Chavanond Intharakomalsut said they were:

1) The government must provide facts about the runoff from the North yet to enter the capital. The people must be informed when their houses will be flooded and how long the floodwater would stay.

2) The government must provide clearcut evacuation plans and local administrations should play a leading role in evacuating people.

3) Police must work hard to protect public assets and property.

4) The government must announce adequate compensation measures for affected people so they will be assured of rehabilitation to resume their lives after the flood water recedes.

5) The government should provide measures to facilitate Bangkok commuters, such as free Skytrain and subway services.

6) The government must provide clearcut moves to control an adequate amount and the price of necessary goods. For example, the government must set up distribution centres in communities to sell consumer goods at cheap prices.

7) The government must set up centres to watch out against epidemics as flood water had started to become polluted.

8) The government should provide career training to evacuees to have jobs after the waters subsides. In particular, it must train people to restore infrastructure and homes, as this work would be much needed.


-- The Nation 2011-11-07

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Certainly the science minster who supposedly did certain mathematical calculations to justify not releasing the water from the dams, should be sacked to say the least if not imprisoned for criminal negligence!

Actually he should probably be promoted for supporting the idea of synchronised boat propellers whirring presumably in a counter-flow direction to reverse the threatened flooding process.

This has been far and away the government's champagne moment so far and more imaginative than might have been anticipated.

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To be fair to the poor girl, she can't even find the greater majority of them as they seem to have headed to the hills. Also they never seemed to take notice of her either whistling.gif

Example: Where's chalerm and where's her ex relative the new national police chief.

Strange that there has been zero mention of either person for about one month.

Chalerm and the police chief are supposedly focused seriously:

1. On drugs, has nothing happened for a month?

2. On looting of industrial and private premises, has nothing happened? CAnnot be true, so why are the public not being informed?

Strange that chalerm who loves the limelight is so quiet.

Strange that the new national police chief who surely knows that their is criticism about his appointment is not looking for some / any opportunity to show that he is doing something.

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Read my post then think about that which was said and also the ------ whistling.gif


Read my post then think that she'd lost ANY face in my own eyes.

Too much lies, Im sorry.

I no need such of liar as PM.

"Bkk is safe"..."Don Muang is safe"..."FROC will NOT ever relocate from DM"..."The flood will never come to inner Bkk"..."The flood in inner Bkk will be minor"..."The FROC will never relocate at their 2nd time"...."PLEASE BE PATIENT"....3RD WEEK of such "news", w/o any improvements!!!!!!...F-off!!!

Get lost (for her).I'm still paying my taxes, so I can say that : pls do NOT interfere while locals help each other. It is MUCH more efficient than all of your govt, froc-frac and so on. Just fly to DXB and stay away of this all for a while.

You ever been prime minister, there is a saying " the best captains stay on land" it is easy to be the critic, i would like to see how you do in this situation.

Another saying is all water run's to the sea, be glad by getting your feet wet nid noi you relief the people who are up country.

I think Yingluck did a very good job till now and i am not a politician. Just get your feet wet and help the people around you, talk and blabla or gossip will not help your Thai neighbor's remember we are still a guest in this country so act like it and be polite and helpful !!!

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