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Real Peanut Butter


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Get a food processor. Put your peanuts in it. Add nothing. Turn it on. Take your peanut butter out. about four jars of peanut butter later, it has paid for itself. That's for a relatively inexpensive one. Don't go cheap cheap... motor needs to no less than 750 watt and you should be able to grind about 3/4 cup of peanuts per cycle with no problems.

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Villa has some choices like that. The best brand from the US, organic peanuts, all peanuts is almost 400 baht though!

!2 bucks for a bowl of grinded peanuts :blink:

Must be a good demand or they wouldn't import it

And with the bad peanut crop in the US, expect PB prices to up about 40% until next year.

Making your own sounds much better.

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Never understood why Skippy (Made in OZ) is 180 baht and JIF is 139 baht (Made in the US of A) - each for 510g - in Tesco. Any peanut butter buffs explain? JIF tastes fine to my uneducated palette. Never thought that Ozzies would happily pay more than Yanks.

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Never understood why Skippy (Made in OZ) is 180 baht and JIF is 139 baht (Made in the US of A) - each for 510g - in Tesco. Any peanut butter buffs explain? JIF tastes fine to my uneducated palette. Never thought that Ozzies would happily pay more than Yanks.

OZ import peanut from US.

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Never understood why Skippy (Made in OZ) is 180 baht and JIF is 139 baht (Made in the US of A) - each for 510g - in Tesco. Any peanut butter buffs explain? JIF tastes fine to my uneducated palette. Never thought that Ozzies would happily pay more than Yanks.

OZ import peanut from US.

Oz grows enough of their own peanuts . If it is so, then perhaps it is one of the features of the free trade agreement between Oz and the US of A.

I have found as a general rule ,that the cheaper the peanut butter, the more oil it contains so you have to pay more for less oil .

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Villa has some choices like that. The best brand from the US, organic peanuts, all peanuts is almost 400 baht though!

!2 bucks for a bowl of grinded peanuts :blink:

Must be a good demand or they wouldn't import it

And with the bad peanut crop in the US, expect PB prices to up about 40% until next year.

Making your own sounds much better.

One of the mysteries of Thailand a country that has a zillion peanuts and puts peanuts in all kind of recipes but apparently there is no LOCAL brand of peanut butter. Paying 400 baht or so for a jar of peanut butter that you can buy in the USA for about 50 baht makes me lose my appetite for peanut butter. And good luck it you have kids that could go through that 400 baht jar in about ten minutes. I guess Thais don't eat peanut butter but my guess is they have never even tried it as not many Thais I know would pay that much for so simple a product. Sure wish some local company would come up with a semi generic locally priced peanut butter.

My other "rant" is about the cost of simple mouthwash in Thailand. Listerine must be laughing all the way to the bank as they charge at least twice as much in Thailand as in USA. And this IS a product that lots of thai people use. Do not understand why there is not a local generic brand of Listerine. It's basically just alcohol and water, both of which seem to be in abundant supply in Thailand.

Anyway....not likely to change but sure would be nice to buy a jar of peanut butter or bottle of mouthwash without feeling like you have had a hot poker shoved up the rear....

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Villa has some choices like that. The best brand from the US, organic peanuts, all peanuts is almost 400 baht though!

!2 bucks for a bowl of grinded peanuts :blink:

Must be a good demand or they wouldn't import it

And with the bad peanut crop in the US, expect PB prices to up about 40% until next year.

Making your own sounds much better.

Already up about 30% in the US and they are predicting a 40% rise .. http://abclocal.go.com/ktrk/story?section=news/consumer&id=8414845

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Never understood why Skippy (Made in OZ) is 180 baht and JIF is 139 baht (Made in the US of A) - each for 510g - in Tesco. Any peanut butter buffs explain? JIF tastes fine to my uneducated palette. Never thought that Ozzies would happily pay more than Yanks.

Australia does have a stronger currency than the US. With the exchange rate conversion and taxes, etc, I would not be surprised a product from Australia cost more than an American product here.

Edited by RedNIvar
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its called free trade. just another word for dumping products on overseas markets .all peanut butter in auss ,is made in auss .i have never seen a imported brand on the shelves .could be that the peanuts are importer from china, but there is a reaction to importer food stuffs from china now.and even from the us . there used to be alot of us oranges on the supermarket shelves but not anymore all the major supermarkets woolworths and coles .now mark all the imported vegetables and fruits .and there is very little imported fruit now. customers will not purchase imported fruit the supermarkets have been forces to but local produce . james hat yai :rolleyes:

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All the Skippy I have bought in Thailand is manufactured in China.

I need to start having myself and the wife read labels more on food. I am not comfortable eating products from China when there are other reasonable options.

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Listerene was originally marketed as a floor cleaner. Then it was used to treat STD's and now we swill our mouths out with it...true !!!

as for "REAL" Peanut butter - I cannot say I have seen fake Peanut butter on the shelves....but here is a question for those aficionados of this high protein rectal lubricant.

Standing straight upright, bend forward at the neck only and tell me if you can see your toes?

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Just got to any store. Most of them have brands from the U.S.

7/11, Tesco / Lotus, Villa, Foodland, etc.

Yes, but only Villa has the natural w/ no sugar, salt, etc.--as the OP requested.

They sell JIF at Big C

Works for me

Won't work for me or the OP. JIF's got sugar & salt added.

One of the mysteries of Thailand a country that has a zillion peanuts and puts peanuts in all kind of recipes but apparently there is no LOCAL brand of peanut butter.

Hardly a mystery. Thais don't really eat peanut butter. It's too bland to do much for the Thai palate. A "snack" comes in a bag, not a jar. If they do, they like sugar and salt w/ it, as they do everything: so Skippy & JIF will do just fine, good quality, relatively low cost, and appealing marketing.

A few years ago, there WAS a local brand of NATURAL peanut butter, sold at Foodland & Villa for a reasonable price. It didn't last long.

Best solution as given above is make your own. Of course, you could just eat the peanuts instead. :) Tesco sells bags of peeled peanuts (not "roasted") for about 35B/450g.

Edited by JSixpack
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Sorry off topic.

How do you multiquote 3 members post into 1 post i can't seem to do that.

I open a reply to each one and copy the quote from there. Then I open an Add Reply and paste them in. I use a clipboard manager, which helps.

However, it seems the board software only allows 4 quotations, for some reason. If I need more, I sometimes "paste as quotation" into an email editor to get brackets before each line of the quote. Unfortunately, again for reasons I can't fathom, the forum rules don't allow you to put replies within a quotation--even if you quote the original in full and use a different color for your replies. Still, you'll have to quote the original in full as well before you create an interlinear reply. At least, that's worked for me.

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Listerene was originally marketed as a floor cleaner. Then it was used to treat STD's and now we swill our mouths out with it...true !!!

as for "REAL" Peanut butter - I cannot say I have seen fake Peanut butter on the shelves....but here is a question for those aficionados of this high protein rectal lubricant.

Standing straight upright, bend forward at the neck only and tell me if you can see your toes?

Lubricant? I've not heard that one but have heard numerous ones about using it to attract the tongue of a dog.

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Listerene was originally marketed as a floor cleaner. Then it was used to treat STD's and now we swill our mouths out with it...true !!!

as for "REAL" Peanut butter - I cannot say I have seen fake Peanut butter on the shelves....but here is a question for those aficionados of this high protein rectal lubricant.

Standing straight upright, bend forward at the neck only and tell me if you can see your toes?

Lubricant? I've not heard that one but have heard numerous ones about using it to attract the tongue of a dog.

Aaah you picked me up wrongly there - I was not talking about deviant acts I was meaning that eating excessive amounts of PB eases excretion of movements / stools to put it politely.

Hope I haven't put you off your dinner ...more tea Vicar ?

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There is still a local brand of natural peanut butter other than Mission sold at Villa and Central I think, but I forget the name. It's sold in small jars. Not cheap but by weight certainly cheaper (and not as good) as the all natural imported American organic peanuts stuff.

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Just got to any store. Most of them have brands from the U.S.

7/11, Tesco / Lotus, Villa, Foodland, etc.

Yes, but only Villa has the natural w/ no sugar, salt, etc.--as the OP requested.

They sell JIF at Big C

Works for me

Won't work for me or the OP. JIF's got sugar & salt added.

One of the mysteries of Thailand a country that has a zillion peanuts and puts peanuts in all kind of recipes but apparently there is no LOCAL brand of peanut butter.

Hardly a mystery. Thais don't really eat peanut butter. It's too bland to do much for the Thai palate. A "snack" comes in a bag, not a jar. If they do, they like sugar and salt w/ it, as they do everything: so Skippy & JIF will do just fine, good quality, relatively low cost, and appealing marketing.

A few years ago, there WAS a local brand of NATURAL peanut butter, sold at Foodland & Villa for a reasonable price. It didn't last long.

Best solution as given above is make your own. Of course, you could just eat the peanuts instead. :) Tesco sells bags of peeled peanuts (not "roasted") for about 35B/450g.

Could you please give a recipe? I'm interested in making my own, but have no clue how.

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I know Thais aren't big on PB and often comment it looks like loose feces. However, I have a plan to change the Thai palate. Pizza places catering to Thais should offer a tub of PB along with the ketchup and mayo, perhaps mixed into the mayo. Brilliant, eh?

Edited by Jingthing
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I know Thais aren't big on PB and often comment it looks like loose feces. However, I have a plan to change the Thai palate. Pizza places catering to Thais should offer a tub of PB along with the ketchup and mayo, perhaps mixed into the mayo. Brilliant, eh?

I knew a kid who put tomato sauce on his banana sandwich......I know the Thais like mayo but on a Pizza ?

PB is too bland for them...they cannot eat a simple bit of fruit without dipping it in some spicy/sugary crap...

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