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Pardon For Thaksin: Thai Govt Takes Dangerous Path


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Yingluck doesn't give a shit about being a political figure. she was only put in to do one thing... pardon Thaksin.

But she wasn't at the cabinet meeting that discussed this. Seems if she had been the howls of rage would have been the same for her spending all her time working towards a pardon???

But that's predicated on the notion that she really didn't know what was discussed at the Cabinet meeting, which is... more than a bit difficult to buy into.

It would be along the lines of believing she really had no means of transportation to go from Singburi to Bangkok to attend the Cabinet meeting, which is..... even more than a bit difficult to buy into.


The conversation probably went something like this:

PM..Quick start the helicopter I need to get back to Bangkok immediately so I will be able to attend the cabinet meeting.

General Half Track: Uhhhh sorry Madam PM our helicpoter can't fly at night.

PM: Call to Dubai. Hello big brother I did exactly as you said and General Half Track said exactly what I told him to say. Now what do I do?

Big brother: You're the best little sister. Now deny knowing anything that went on in the secret cabinet meeting.

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I agree completely. Thailand's politics and society are hopelessly mired in a hateful cat-and-mouse game of "Gotha", a game that goes on round and round. There are no innocent parties here.

I don't see how amnesty could be "dangerous" unless, of course, Thais continue on their usual path of violent repression of those with whom they disagree. This is one way that people know Thailand's so-called "democracy" is a farce.


To be quite honest about it, I don't really care if Thaksin returns or not.

As far as I am concerned all Thai politicians are crooks and theives anyhow...whether one or another one is the biggest thief or crook is immaterial.

As a farang...it really doesn't matter to me who is the head crook.

All I really want to know is if we can look forward to the excitement of a military coup, street riots, or such events in the next three months or so.


I am not sure if it is a hopeless situation though I agree that political situation needs serious structural reform.

To do this Thailand needs to deal with the issues rather than ignoring them and hoping they go away - one of these issues is Thaksin but by no means the only one as there are still a myriad of dinosaurs in the background minipulating and controlling things to their own ends such as Chalerm, Barnharn, Newin, Kanman Poh and Suthep to name but a few.

One of the reasons why I beleive the situation is not hopeless is the recent politicization of the 'working' classes who have been pretty much disenfranchised from the political process for many years. Though the various groups collectively known as Red Shirts are currently very much on Thaksins side he will have to deliver for them if he comes back and this will be his downfall - if he can't deliver the reforms that are needed they will turn on him eventually and hopefully deliver Thailand into a new political era.

The problem with this of course is that the new era might not be to some peoples tastes as 'democracy' as we know it is on shaky ground worldwide at the moment and not the golden bullet it has always been thought to be - witness the massive corruption in the worlds largest democracy and the financial shennanigans going on in Europe and US, not to mention the embarrasement of the western nations having to take their begging bowls to China and the other bastions of democracy in the Middle East.

Edited by Orac
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Chuan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anand, appointed after Suchinda. These 2 had the Thai peoples took needs their heart while they were in office. I have been here 25 years and have seen the worst and the best. In my opinion Chuan was the best and Taksin stole the election with money and vacant promises. He is definitely the worst. And the Thai people love him. I will never understand this. Come on back Taksin and steal from us some more.

Thaksin also stole it by playing the anti-ferang card. Attacking Chuan for allowing foreign businesses & IMF into Thailand when they were down on their luck. He also played on the middle class worries about drugs and morality.

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Your personal opinion, and it is not an informed one. I have met the man, and been wronged by him. All politicians are corrupt, but I have never met any other government official as malevolent as Thaksin, nor anyone who is so impossible to negotiate with. Words and people mean nothing to him. He will tell you whatever you want to hear, and then commit whatever scandalous, hideous atrocity benefits him the most completely disregarding anything he said and even denying he said it. His public persona is simply an extension of who he really is. Nobody can effectively work with him except those who venerate him and defer to him completely. He is a dictator by virtue of his character because he defers to nobody. I am not a psychiatrist, but I would not be surprised if someone told me he was a sociopath.

And I am not a news-editor, but what you wrote there is so incredibly accurate, it's not funny.

I know, from a good friend of mine, who has worked with Taksin, some year ago. What he tells me about this sociopath (you are,again,correct !)is almost verbatim what you wrote.

Thanks for keeping things on an even keel !



"I am not a psychiatrist, but I would not be surprised if someone told me he was a sociopath."

But even as laymen, who have actually dealt with him, you can all still read and think as to what applies according to the criteria. *

Profile of the Sociopath

Some of the common features of descriptions of the behavior of sociopaths.

- Glibness and Superficial Charm

- Manipulative and Conning

They never recognize the rights of others and see their self-serving behaviors as permissible. They appear to be charming, yet are covertly hostile and domineering, seeing their victim as merely an instrument to be used. They may dominate and humiliate their victims.

- Grandiose Sense of Self

Feels entitled to certain things as "their right."

- Pathological Lying

Has no problem lying coolly and easily and it is almost impossible for them to be truthful on a consistent basis. Can create, and get caught up in, a complex belief about their own powers and abilities. Extremely convincing and even able to pass lie detector tests.

- Lack of Remorse, Shame or Guilt

A deep seated rage, which is split off and repressed, is at their core. Does not see others around them as people, but only as targets and opportunities. Instead of friends, they have victims and accomplices who end up as victims. The end always justifies the means and they let nothing stand in their way.

- Shallow Emotions

When they show what seems to be warmth, joy, love and compassion it is more feigned than experienced and serves an ulterior motive. Outraged by insignificant matters, yet remaining unmoved and cold by what would upset a normal person. Since they are not genuine, neither are their promises.

- Incapacity for Love

- Need for Stimulation

Living on the edge. Verbal outbursts and physical punishments are normal. Promiscuity and gambling are common.

- Callousness/Lack of Empathy

Unable to empathize with the pain of their victims, having only contempt for others' feelings of distress and readily taking advantage of them.

- Poor Behavioral Controls/Impulsive Nature

Rage and abuse, alternating with small expressions of love and approval produce an addictive cycle for abuser and abused, as well as creating hopelessness in the victim. Believe they are all-powerful, all-knowing, entitled to every wish, no sense of personal boundaries, no concern for their impact on others.

- Early Behavior Problems/Juvenile Delinquency

Usually has a history of behavioral and academic difficulties, yet "gets by" by conning others. Problems in making and keeping friends; aberrant behaviors such as cruelty to people or animals, stealing, etc.

- Irresponsibility/Unreliability

Not concerned about wrecking others' lives and dreams. Oblivious or indifferent to the devastation they cause. Does not accept blame themselves, but blames others, even for acts they obviously committed.

- Promiscuous Sexual Behavior/Infidelity

- Lack of Realistic Life Plan/Parasitic Lifestyle

Tends to move around a lot or makes all encompassing promises for the future, poor work ethic but exploits others effectively.

- Criminal or Entrepreneurial Versatility

Changes their image as needed to avoid prosecution. Changes life story readily.

(The above traits are based on the psychopathy checklists of H. Cleckley and R. Hare.)


* other similar terminology and history of their use is contained in the above link.

Edited by Buchholz
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I personally like Mr. Thaksin, it was under his leadership Thailand looked to be going forward with a lot of farangs ploughing money into Thailand, i know for a fact the tourism industry went through a 'Boom' time whilst he was in power and i was never short of work here (i work within the travel and tourism industry) but now for the past 3/4 years i have struggled to find any work, and tourism no matter which figures you read, is definitely down and i mean way down !

So Thaksin was slightly corrupt....erm excuse me, but which government is not? Someone on TV.com quoted 'he stole the Thai's money' isn't that what all governments do?

I for one look forward to his return to his beloved country, it wasn't so long ago he returned to an absolute heroes welcome with the media and the people cheering him as he walked out of the airport? it was live on most tv channels here as well.

Good luck Thailand **Comments removed**

Are all Shrewsbury fans as naive?:whistling:

Definitely not!! :yellowcard:

55555 don't get caught up in the fun that is Thaivisa.com ! Being a Town fan and watching them all my life, i tell you a sense of humour is needed ! Next up Rotherham and some rivalry with some Miller fans here in Chiang Mai.

Come on you Shrews !

Far from correct analysis, plus you focus totally and only on what's good for you. What about what's good for the future of all Thais?

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What is truly sad about this new "dangerous path" is that for the only time in recent memory there was actually hope of moving beyond the color divide. People in north of Bangkok were coming together, irrespective of political beliefs, to battle the big bag barrier and the threat to their homes. They were engaging one another and the government without looking at political affiliations, but instead concentrating on the issue of their houses being destroyed. Concentrating on the issues rather than the party is a very key point to a functional democracy.

Had the government not chosen this particular moment to inflame old wounds, there might have been some actual hope of a reconciliation of sorts. Abhisit was genuinely trying to work with Yingluck, and I saw some of my neighbors who really didn't like each other that much previously developing the shared bonds necessary to survive the political disagreements and find a new common enemy.

In less than 24 hours all of that has been destroyed. The government had a kind of reconciliation within its grasp, and chose to piss it all away for the benefit of Thaksin. It is truly a disgusting sight to behold. This "dangerous path" was also the worst path that could have been chosen. As horrific as the flooding has been, the government has just created a crisis that makes the floods pale in comparison.

Agreed. This would've been an opportunity for people of all colors to unite and help rebuild the country and had the PTP been smart enough, they could've use this opportunity to work with the opposition and achieve something, even if that something is ultimately nothing more than lip service but at least it will lessen the backlash from the floods.

Instead, they chose the absolutely worst time to divide the nation :(

And chalerm claims that this is all in the name of reconciliation!

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I rather let all others murderers and rapist in Thailand walk free than to see this man return to Thailand.

After all those money he stole from us Thais.

My people did not vote in the present Government to let Taskin back to Thailand

They voted for the promise that the new government would make them rich

when I tried to talk to my parents (Issan) I was told to go away, and I knew nothing, even though I hold a masters degree in University

In the same village I lived in all my young life, (Issan) today, the people have more faith in the Thai Army

Where where all the red shirts when we needed help. not one to be seen

But the army (Thai men) where there up to their waists in dirty water helping the people

Taskin is desperate to get back to Thailand, as the educated youth will be the ones running Issan

and his lies are well know to the now silent majority

So go ahead and say bad words about the Thai Army, but be careful what you say in public, because times are changing

ozzieman I also live in Issan (Udon Thani) and this is red country big time. You are correct in your statement. A lot of the reds here are wondering the same thing, where was all the help from our group? Hopefully many will see just to what extent they have been fooled into beliving the lies their leaders have told them.

My Thai wife does not take much interest in Thai problems

98% of the time she bury's her head in the sand

and what she can not see can not exist, But when I showed her this thread

4 buffalos could not keep her from having her say

Her pet had is even though she has spent years at Uni studying

In her village she is not allowed to have an opinion

Udon Thani in my favorite part of Thailand. her village is 1 hrs drive from the city

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I personally like Mr. Thaksin, it was under his leadership Thailand looked to be going forward with a lot of farangs ploughing money into Thailand, i know for a fact the tourism industry went through a 'Boom' time whilst he was in power and i was never short of work here (i work within the travel and tourism industry) but now for the past 3/4 years i have struggled to find any work, and tourism no matter which figures you read, is definitely down and i mean way down !

So Thaksin was slightly corrupt....erm excuse me, but which government is not? Someone on TV.com quoted 'he stole the Thai's money' isn't that what all governments do?

I for one look forward to his return to his beloved country, it wasn't so long ago he returned to an absolute heroes welcome with the media and the people cheering him as he walked out of the airport? it was live on most tv channels here as well.

Good luck Thailand **Comments removed**

Ahh..yes tourism is down, but not due to any government, do you know there is a little thing going on outside of Thailand called an economic crash, meaning nobody has money to go on holiday, has nothing to do with Taksin (that I know of, maybe he caused the crash). Do you even remember when Taskin was in rule, he was cracking down on visa's, he was making things harder for expats to stay and work here, he did not let the press report freely. The last government set up a program for free visa's to Thailand to help promote tourism, do you really think Taksin would have done that, no way. The only tourists he wants in Thailand is high dollar millionaires. Take some time and really think about how things were when is was running things and the state of the world not just Thailand before you decide if it was really him or just the economic good times of the world. The does not like expats.. If you could he would close Thailand to all expats and just take out money. His supporters talk about all the good he did, free health, money to farmers, rice scheme. None of these things really worked, the hospitals are broke, the rice scheme did not help the farmers only the mills and the govt lost allot of money. check into the things.

The elite sceme comes to mind. Now what happened to that? :whistling:


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Your personal opinion, and it is not an informed one. I have met the man, and been wronged by him. All politicians are corrupt, but I have never met any other government official as malevolent as Thaksin, nor anyone who is so impossible to negotiate with. Words and people mean nothing to him. He will tell you whatever you want to hear, and then commit whatever scandalous, hideous atrocity benefits him the most completely disregarding anything he said and even denying he said it. His public persona is simply an extension of who he really is. Nobody can effectively work with him except those who venerate him and defer to him completely. He is a dictator by virtue of his character because he defers to nobody. I am not a psychiatrist, but I would not be surprised if someone told me he was a sociopath.

And I am not a news-editor, but what you wrote there is so incredibly accurate, it's not funny.

I know, from a good friend of mine, who has worked with Taksin, some year ago. What he tells me about this sociopath (you are,again,correct !)is almost verbatim what you wrote.

Thanks for keeping things on an even keel !



"I am not a psychiatrist, but I would not be surprised if someone told me he was a sociopath."

But even as laymen, who have actually dealt with him, you can all still read and think as to what applies according to the criteria. *

Profile of the Sociopath

Some of the common features of descriptions of the behavior of sociopaths.

- Glibness and Superficial Charm

- Manipulative and Conning

They never recognize the rights of others and see their self-serving behaviors as permissible. They appear to be charming, yet are covertly hostile and domineering, seeing their victim as merely an instrument to be used. They may dominate and humiliate their victims.

- Grandiose Sense of Self

Feels entitled to certain things as "their right."

- Pathological Lying

Has no problem lying coolly and easily and it is almost impossible for them to be truthful on a consistent basis. Can create, and get caught up in, a complex belief about their own powers and abilities. Extremely convincing and even able to pass lie detector tests.

- Lack of Remorse, Shame or Guilt

A deep seated rage, which is split off and repressed, is at their core. Does not see others around them as people, but only as targets and opportunities. Instead of friends, they have victims and accomplices who end up as victims. The end always justifies the means and they let nothing stand in their way.

- Shallow Emotions

When they show what seems to be warmth, joy, love and compassion it is more feigned than experienced and serves an ulterior motive. Outraged by insignificant matters, yet remaining unmoved and cold by what would upset a normal person. Since they are not genuine, neither are their promises.

- Incapacity for Love

- Need for Stimulation

Living on the edge. Verbal outbursts and physical punishments are normal. Promiscuity and gambling are common.

- Callousness/Lack of Empathy

Unable to empathize with the pain of their victims, having only contempt for others' feelings of distress and readily taking advantage of them.

- Poor Behavioral Controls/Impulsive Nature

Rage and abuse, alternating with small expressions of love and approval produce an addictive cycle for abuser and abused, as well as creating hopelessness in the victim. Believe they are all-powerful, all-knowing, entitled to every wish, no sense of personal boundaries, no concern for their impact on others.

- Early Behavior Problems/Juvenile Delinquency

Usually has a history of behavioral and academic difficulties, yet "gets by" by conning others. Problems in making and keeping friends; aberrant behaviors such as cruelty to people or animals, stealing, etc.

- Irresponsibility/Unreliability

Not concerned about wrecking others' lives and dreams. Oblivious or indifferent to the devastation they cause. Does not accept blame themselves, but blames others, even for acts they obviously committed.

- Promiscuous Sexual Behavior/Infidelity

- Lack of Realistic Life Plan/Parasitic Lifestyle

Tends to move around a lot or makes all encompassing promises for the future, poor work ethic but exploits others effectively.

- Criminal or Entrepreneurial Versatility

Changes their image as needed to avoid prosecution. Changes life story readily.

(The above traits are based on the psychopathy checklists of H. Cleckley and R. Hare.)


* other similar terminology and history of their use is contained in the above link.

mmm a lot of that sums up a lot of politicians, bankers, lawers etc :lol:

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I rather let all others murderers and rapist in Thailand walk free than to see this man return to Thailand.

After all those money he stole from us Thais.

Murderers and rapists are running free..apparently you have a high value placed on money; rapists and murderers would have a field day having you in the seat that Thaksin did well sitting in.
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Funny for those who support this government. They're treating you like dummies who'd believe anything they say ie: Yingluck couldn't attend the secret meeting because the helicopter wasn't equipped to fly at night. I'm surprised people don't come into realization yet that it's not the Democrats or anyone on this site who's insulting their intelligence, but rather the very people they support.

Goooood morning. Since when Thailand is or ever was, a democratic country??? I guess I missed something here.....are you talking about a democratic country like the USA where it is forbidden to demonstrate against wall street bankers or a democracy like Israel where they build houses on neighbors land without permission? As far as I know Thailand is a constitutional monarchy!?!

Do you mean in the same way that places like Australia and the UK, which are constitutional monarchys, aren't democracies???

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Mr Cameron Times are hard in Thailand can Mama Papa and 6 brothers and sisters come to England to live ????? Imagine the answer !!

Seems only fair given the number of us Brits living in Thailand :rolleyes:

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I rather let all others murderers and rapist in Thailand walk free than to see this man return to Thailand.

After all those money he stole from us Thais.

Just when Thailand needed investment, tourism, and reconciliation we get the next colour protest handed on a plate.

I guess we can write off this year's Tourist season.... and probably next year's too.

I pity the workers who will be desperate for jobs: but Pheua Thai will do OK. Votes will be going for a song at the next election.

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The next item on Sonthi's agenda is where the Yellow Shirts will demonstrate, and which area of Bangkok they will occupy. I think they'll use the same area near Government House as before and tie yellow ribbons at Rachaprasong to intimidate the Red Shirts. We can expect Jatuporn, Natthawut, and Karun to unleash ferocious packs of Red Shirts ferried in from flooded areas with the promise of lots of money to maul them while blaming Aphisit for the injuries. Prompong will appear again with his brown envelopes to sue everyone. The Army won't intervene for sure. Thaksin's brother-in-law will be ordered to remove the demonstrators, which will worsen the situation. Have I missed anything?

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'kevbap' timestamp='1321494957' post='4852446'

I personally like Mr. Thaksin, it was under his leadership Thailand looked to be going forward with a lot of farangs ploughing money into Thailand, i know for a fact the tourism industry went through a 'Boom' time whilst he was in power and i was never short of work here (i work within the travel and tourism industry) but now for the past 3/4 years i have struggled to find any work, and tourism no matter which figures you read, is definitely down and i mean way down !

So Thaksin was slightly corrupt....erm excuse me, but which government is not? Someone on TV.com quoted 'he stole the Thai's money' isn't that what all governments do?

I for one look forward to his return to his beloved country, it wasn't so long ago he returned to an absolute heroes welcome with the media and the people cheering him as he walked out of the airport? it was live on most tv channels here as well.

Good luck Thailand & Long Live his majesty the King of THailand

people do seem to like the guy...i do wonder sometimes why the international community seem to look more positively on thaksin rather than negatively.

just going by nternational news coverage and articles and interviews, that's how it looks to me.

is there anything to that? who knows eh?

Thaksin and his allies are pretty much globalist free marketeers with a few exceptions (the kind foreign business dudes understand) while the other side go more to protectionism and more nationalism (the Abhisit Cambodia policy didnt help them internationally or within Thailand it seems). Thaksin has also shown his party wins elections and he and his allies seem to have built up contacts. I would also think foreign governments look to a longer term future in their analysis of strategic business relations with Thailand. All in all I dont know if they like him more, but he is a better bet and an easier one to work with and he is a lot easier to understand. The international community also know all Thai governments are corrupt so that is not an issue of one over another.

true and even with business interests aside, i also think that the coup actually did him somewhat of a backhanded favour in relation to how the international community view him.

Do you seriously think the international community would regard him at all if not for his hiring of a handful of western PR firms whose job it is to keep his name in the news and shine upon him the most favorable light?


He has tons of money and that is the only reason he gets any consideration in other countries...

well the ones he dares to even enter.

He benefited from the economic upturn in the region,

and used that positive regional movement as a PR hook that he has used every since the world and regional economies turned down again.

Bear in mind, he was a minister in the Chavalit Thai government that CRASHED the Thailand and regional economies in '97 too. And personal profited from the crash as his other competitors crashed and burned

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But she wasn't at the cabinet meeting that discussed this. Seems if she had been the howls of rage would have been the same for her spending all her time working towards a pardon???

But that's predicated on the notion that she really didn't know what was discussed at the Cabinet meeting, which is... more than a bit difficult to buy into.

It would be along the lines of believing she really had no means of transportation to go from Singburi to Bangkok to attend the Cabinet meeting, which is..... even more than a bit difficult to buy into.

I am not disputing that she could have been there if she really wanted to be though her schedule does seem to be a bit hectic at the moment!

My point is that, if she had been there, she would be accused of spending all her time concentrating on an amnesty by the same people who are also now saying that she is neglecting her responsibilities by not attending a meeting to discuss it though, strangely, it is not beyond some to argue both points at the same time.

I don't see many accusing her of neglecting her duties by not attending the meeting, it seems much more so that many are accusing her of neglecting her duties to work on the flood, instead of having her government focusing on getting Thaksin a pardon.

The difference is probably due to most people thinking that her attendance at the meeting was superfluous as she's already fully aware of what is going on.

If people were focusing on her not fulfilling her responsibilities by skipping out on the meeting, they'd probably be making more of the fact that she's not even in the country right now.


Edited by Buchholz
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I personally like Mr. Thaksin, it was under his leadership Thailand looked to be going forward with a lot of farangs ploughing money into Thailand, i know for a fact the tourism industry went through a 'Boom' time whilst he was in power and i was never short of work here (i work within the travel and tourism industry) but now for the past 3/4 years i have struggled to find any work, and tourism no matter which figures you read, is definitely down and i mean way down !

So Thaksin was slightly corrupt....erm excuse me, but which government is not? Someone on TV.com quoted 'he stole the Thai's money' isn't that what all governments do?

I for one look forward to his return to his beloved country, it wasn't so long ago he returned to an absolute heroes welcome with the media and the people cheering him as he walked out of the airport? it was live on most tv channels here as well.

Good luck Thailand **Comments removed**

Wow you must be right. Taksin must be a genius as he's going to solve the worldwide economic crisis. :blink:

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The next item on Sonthi's agenda is where the Yellow Shirts will demonstrate, and which area of Bangkok they will occupy. I think they'll use the same area near Government House as before and tie yellow ribbons at Rachaprasong to intimidate the Red Shirts. We can expect Jatuporn, Natthawut, and Karun to unleash ferocious packs of Red Shirts ferried in from flooded areas with the promise of lots of money to maul them while blaming Aphisit for the injuries. Prompong will appear again with his brown envelopes to sue everyone. The Army won't intervene for sure. Thaksin's brother-in-law will be ordered to remove the demonstrators, which will worsen the situation. Have I missed anything?

Sae Daeng's daughter/Pheu Thai Party MP Khattiya's role?

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Thaksin and his allies are pretty much globalist free marketeers with a few exceptions (the kind foreign business dudes understand) while the other side go more to protectionism and more nationalism (the Abhisit Cambodia policy didnt help them internationally or within Thailand it seems). Thaksin has also shown his party wins elections and he and his allies seem to have built up contacts. I would also think foreign governments look to a longer term future in their analysis of strategic business relations with Thailand. All in all I dont know if they like him more, but he is a better bet and an easier one to work with and he is a lot easier to understand. The international community also know all Thai governments are corrupt so that is not an issue of one over another.

No, they are not free marketeers. That is just a pure ignorant claim. They are corporatists and opportunists and absolutely hate a free and open market. Yes, Thaksin managed to get some oddly labeling by The Economist trying to put him in this box, but it boils down more to their ignorance and lack of followup of his failed promises - not for his actual performance. Any and all opening of any markets was merely side-effects in way to enrich himself and friends, sometimes by buying state enterprises in rigged auctions for under-market prices.

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As far as I know Thailand is a constitutional monarchy!?!

Do you mean in the same way that places like Australia and the UK, which are constitutional monarchys, aren't democracies???

I am sure with England but not sure about Australia....may be someone here will explain the political system in Thailand and the

difference to the 2 countries you mentioned, my English is just not good enough :jap:

...But I am pretty sure in England its not very different from Germany, France, USA or most of the western countries....they are ALL

owned by some Banksters, RatingAgencys and MONEY, not by the people or the elected parties...so why some members here suppose it is

different in Asia? The Chinese made business (=politics) when most of the western people were living on trees and happy to invented the fire :lol:

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It would appear, for better or worse, that the majority of people support him. I personally don't abide thieves, I never have.

What is perhaps a greater concern though is the mooted overthrow (again!) of a democratically elected government should they pave the way for his return. The only price the governemnt should pay for this act is to lose the next election. Otherwise there'll be blood on the streets again.

It has always been known there will be blood on the streets again over this. The only thing that remains a question is when that blood will start to flow.

well, we should get plenty notice of when the bloodshed will start. As soon as we see the Thaksin kids leaving the country at the airport, same as they did last time, then we will know the time has arrived

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Yingluck doesn't give a shit about being a political figure. she was only put in to do one thing... pardon Thaksin.

She has no power to do that. Thank God.

Thaksin (we can cut short on who is running the show) has however the power to force a no-win situation on whoever has the power to do that. Say no and Thaksin can whip up their Red Shirts over double standards, elites oppressing the wishes of the poor, undue political brinkmanship, etc, etc. Say yes and Thaksin is free to come in and cement his rule over the country.

He is very good at forcing this no-win situation, for that it comes handy to have no regard for what damage you cause for your own benefit.

For example forcing Abhisit into the no-win situation with the protests last year, give in to a mob or be called an oppressor?. The original assets concealing case, the judges sentence Thaksin on the clear cut evidence and get a mob at their doors or throw justice out the window and dismiss the charges? (remember the Red Shirt publications giving the judges addresses and phone numbers)

Over and over he manipulates the situation this way; damned if you do, damned if you don't but Thaksin reaps the benefits.

Now he has his Red Shirts, ready to unleash mayhem whenever things don't go his way, as last year protests were launched at the time the courts were deciding on confiscating his ill-gained assets. That is what "reconciliation" means for him and his team, if you give in to what they want nobody gets hurt, if you get on their way they can unleash the riots.

Edited by AleG
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.....are you talking about a democratic country like the USA where it is forbidden to demonstrate against wall street bankers...

What have people been doing in droves the past two months on Wall Street then?


you should check the news Tom, they are history since some days when strong police forces "removed" them

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