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Letter From Thaksin Shinawatra

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When he says "I have not received justice during the last five years", does he mean that he is sorry that he hasn't been able to face the court for the other 17 outstanding charges?

If so, then he really shouldn't have run away. Only got himself to blame.

NO.....he means that he is extremely sorry that neither he or his wife have been able to serve any jail time for corruption

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Thaksin speaks out after Thai royal pardon reports

BANGKOK, November 20, 2011 (AFP) - Thailand's fugitive ex-premier Thaksin Shinawatra Sunday played down suggestions that he would get special treatment from his government allies following reports he would be proposed for a pardon.

Thaksin lives abroad to escape a two-year jail term for corruption, but a cabinet meeting this week reportedly drafted a royal pardon that could allow him to come back without serving his sentence, prompting an angry response from the opposition.

In a letter to his fellow Thais, forwarded by email to AFP by his lawyer Noppadon Pattama, Thaksin spoke of the "rumour" that his name would be included in a list of those proposed for royal pardons next month.

"I trust in the principle that the government will not do anything that will benefit me or any individual specifically," said the 62-year-old in the letter from Dubai, where he lives.

Thaksin, who was ousted in a 2006 coup, said any action now taken should be "to bring national reconciliation to our country and to overcome the crisis" of Thailand's current floods, which have killed more than 600 people.

Reports of the pardon came at a delicate time for Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra, who is Thaksin's younger sister and widely considered his political proxy, as she faces criticism for her handling of the flooding disaster.

Royal pardons are granted each year on King Bhumibol Adulyadej's birthday on December 5.

This year's decree, which would need to be approved by the king, would apply to "convicts who are at least 60 years old and are sentenced to under three years in jail", the Bangkok Post English daily said on Wednesday.

Yingluck, who missed the cabinet meeting at which the draft was allegedly approved, did not deny the reports when asked at a news conference Wednesday.. Without mentioning her brother, she said such a decree was "a common process".

Thaksin remains a deeply divisive figure in Thailand and the reports have already sparked street action by both his opponents and allies.

His "Red Shirt" supporters said they were rallying this weekend in their northeastern strongholds in favour of the decree, while hundreds of nationalist "multi-coloured shirts" protested against the pardon in Bangkok on Friday.

Thailand's influential and anti-Thaksin "Yellow Shirt" movement is also planning to demonstrate in the capital on Monday.


-- (c) Copyright AFP 2011-11-20

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Sorry to interject but I have questions

1 Was it written in Thai and translated into English

2 Was it written in Thai and translated into English

3 Was it sent to the Thai news papers

RT@veen_NT: Thaksin sent a letter to Thai media both in Thai and English in which he calls all parties to learn "forgive and forget" for the sake of THL.

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37 posts and I cannot see one, not 1 reply in agreement with what this deluded character has said in his letter.

No doubt some will say he is correct, but I don't think he has any idea of just how much resentment will surface if he gets amnesty from crimes he claims he did not commit.

Which leads me to ask: If he is innocent why are his lackeys asking for forgiveness and an amnesty for him ? No crime no time.

Edited by ratcatcher
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"With Best Regards

Police Lt. Col. Thaksin Shinawatra"

Why does he use the title above for signing off his letter? Is it because he hopes that people will see this as a credible letter from a "credible" man.

I wonder if ex policemen have some other law's that apply to them when it comes to an amnesty or pardon.

Thailand needs serious politician going forward as we all know, not cronies who want to milk the cow dry for there own benefits. Where are the sensible people in Thailand that want to govern a country under the laws of that country.

Thailand wants people who care about the people and the country to take it forward.

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37 posts and I cannot see one, not 1 reply in agreement with what this deluded character has said in his letter.

No doubt some will say he is correct, but I don't think he has any idea of just how much resentment will surface if he gets amnesty from crimes he claims he did not commit.

Which leads me to ask: If he is innocent why are his lackeys asking for forgiveness and an amnesty for him ? No crime no time.

Who these farangs that attack him.

Are their elected leaders in their country and better.

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37 posts and I cannot see one, not 1 reply in agreement with what this deluded character has said in his letter.

No doubt some will say he is correct, but I don't think he has any idea of just how much resentment will surface if he gets amnesty from crimes he claims he did not commit.

Which leads me to ask: If he is innocent why are his lackeys asking for forgiveness and an amnesty for him ? No crime no time.

Who these farangs that attack him.

Are their elected leaders in their country and better.

Say what?:blink:

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37 posts and I cannot see one, not 1 reply in agreement with what this deluded character has said in his letter.

No doubt some will say he is correct, but I don't think he has any idea of just how much resentment will surface if he gets amnesty from crimes he claims he did not commit.

Which leads me to ask: If he is innocent why are his lackeys asking for forgiveness and an amnesty for him ? No crime no time.

Who these farangs that attack him.

Are their elected leaders in their country and better.

A little convoluted in your thinking there Harry. By this principle if my neighbor robs a bank don't condem me if I rob a bank. Or if I am from Nigeria just because Idi Amin practices cannibalism then it is OK for the leader of the country where I reside to practice cannibalsim. Commiting wrong doing is never justified just because someone commits the same or worse wrong doing.

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Someone forgot to mention

The Red Shirts today Sunday 207h November are all over Udon, getting ready to demand Thaskin is allowed to return

Friend over the phone told me cars are being stopped and asked if they support Thaskins return

Sad days for the driver if they say NO

Whatever happened to that silly and asinine little mantra the redshirts, their leaders, and supporters spewed to the public on a continuous basis. "This isn't about Thaksin." Their actions speak much louder, and it has been and still is about Thaksin. Again, we see red democracy at work, by illegally stopping cars and if the past say's anything about what's next, we will see much more infringement of people's rights.

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Someone forgot to mention

The Red Shirts today Sunday 20th November are all over Udon, getting ready to demand Thaskin is allowed to return

Friend over the phone told me cars are being stopped and asked if they support Thaskins return

Sad days for the driver if they say NO

Whatever happened to that silly and asinine little mantra the redshirts, their leaders, and supporters spewed to the public on a continuous basis. "This isn't about Thaksin." Their actions speak much louder, and it has been and still is about Thaksin. Again, we see red democracy at work, by illegally stopping cars and if the past say's anything about what's next, we will see much more infringement of people's rights.

It's always worrying when Udon Thani's infamous Kwanchai speaks of rallying his Red Shirts in the Northeast.

Historically, that's led to violence and arson there, particularly in the locations they mention of Udon Thani, Khon Kaen, and Mukdahan. The last time, all three had their provincial halls torched.


Edited by Buchholz
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If he had a single grain of integrity, he would ask the government *not* to include his name on the list.

How come:

When people put his name on banners on trucks handing out relief goods, he says that he didn't order it but never says 'please remove them'?

When people put stickers proclaiming that Thaksin will soon return and will be a President of the new Thailand, he says that he didn't order it but never says 'please remove them'?

When people seemingly make exceptions to the normal pardoning rules to allegedly include him, he says that he didn't order it but never says 'please exclude them'?

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P.S. I am shipping tons of medical supplies I purchased from my personal fortune that you kind people allowed me to amass whilst pretending to be acting for the benefit of Thailand. These supplies should be distributed free and I have instructed my people on the ground to forgo their usual commissions on donations and ensure that anyone in trouble gets the help and support they need.

I guess he forgot to add this.

PLus, sorry but the big pumps I ordered from Korea didn't come because the various intermediaries wouldn't agree on my kickback proposals.

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37 posts and I cannot see one, not 1 reply in agreement with what this deluded character has said in his letter.

No doubt some will say he is correct, but I don't think he has any idea of just how much resentment will surface if he gets amnesty from crimes he claims he did not commit.

Which leads me to ask: If he is innocent why are his lackeys asking for forgiveness and an amnesty for him ? No crime no time.

Who these farangs that attack him.

Are their elected leaders in their country and better.

I many instances, no they are not, and in some cases they are worse. There are endless forums on other sites dedicated to discussing these individuals. This one happens to be focused on Khun Thaksin.

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37 posts and I cannot see one, not 1 reply in agreement with what this deluded character has said in his letter.

No doubt some will say he is correct, but I don't think he has any idea of just how much resentment will surface if he gets amnesty from crimes he claims he did not commit.

Which leads me to ask: If he is innocent why are his lackeys asking for forgiveness and an amnesty for him ? No crime no time.

Who these farangs that attack him.

Are their elected leaders in their country and better.

the elected leaders in every country, the dictators in every country, are far better, since you asked, the words totally insane come to mind.

Edited by alstaxi
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37 posts and I cannot see one, not 1 reply in agreement with what this deluded character has said in his letter.

No doubt some will say he is correct, but I don't think he has any idea of just how much resentment will surface if he gets amnesty from crimes he claims he did not commit.

Which leads me to ask: If he is innocent why are his lackeys asking for forgiveness and an amnesty for him ? No crime no time.

Who these farangs that attack him.

Are their elected leaders in their country and better.

I many instances, no they are not, and in some cases they are worse. There are endless forums on other sites dedicated to discussing these individuals. This one happens to be focused on Khun Thaksin.

Is it fair to now request a CV from Harry?

Since I refuse to be judged by an non-accomplish individual, that I fear Harry might be.

In all fairness and to stay in line with his comment.

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If, as reported this letter was presented via Thaksin's mouthpiece ,mentioned, it may just be another method of keeping his name in the Thai limelight. If he is/were serious about not wanting any special treatment, he could tell his lackeys to drop the whole thing.

The flood water are subsiding somewhat, little sister is out meeting real politicians, and the snakes, scorpions, soi dogs, crocs, and other species who are a threat to society in general are rearing their ugly heads.

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37 posts and I cannot see one, not 1 reply in agreement with what this deluded character has said in his letter.

No doubt some will say he is correct, but I don't think he has any idea of just how much resentment will surface if he gets amnesty from crimes he claims he did not commit.

Which leads me to ask: If he is innocent why are his lackeys asking for forgiveness and an amnesty for him ? No crime no time.

Who these farangs that attack him.

Are their elected leaders in their country and better.

Yes, they are better. Much better, actually.

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Has the wedding been postponed until when the time is right? Come back and face the courts of law, like most other people regardless of how wealthy (in money) you might be.

I couldn't care less if you owned the World, you are not above the law of the land. As others have said, if you have anything in between those legs of yours come back and face the music, do your time and then people might be inclined to forgive.. But not until then!

Don't you mean that you are not above the law of the land unless you are a yellow shirt, in the military or an amart?

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