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Interest Bearing Euro Account In Thailand?

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Up until a year ago I had a Euro account with Kasikornbank - which I closed because it wasn't earning any interest (the employees told me Kbank doesn't / can't pay interest on foreign currencies... a bit strange not to mention unfair I thought).

I'll most probably be bringing back a couple of thousand Euros and was wondering if there are any banks in Thailand that pay interest on foreign denominated accounts? Has this changed in the past year? Do other banks offer interest bearing Euro accounts?

I'm also happy to deposit my Euros in an interest bearing account with a good bank anywhere in Asia if it isn't too much hassle to open an account with them. Again, any suggestions?

At the moment my Euros aren't earning anything. angry.gif

I want to hold on to my Euros as I earn a pretty decent salary here and can live quite comfortably on that (and stash a few grand away at the end of every month). I can afford to wait for the crisis to pass and the Euro to regain more value vs. the Baht (or whatever currency I'll be using by then).

Or can you suggest any other currency I should buy now with the possibility of making a bit more money in the future?

Edited by djayz
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