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The Security At My Complex Are Racist And Hate Me

DJ Pat

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Theres a difference between 'Bitching and moaning' and 'complaining' Trip. A well worded complaint can get you a long way in Thailand if done politely and calmly.

I bet the Thai residents wouldn't stand for any of this. In fact I bet the security wouldn't dare treat Thai residents like that. They'd be out of a job in seconds if they did.

If a Thai asked the security for a taxi I'd lay money that there would be one at the door in seconds. Is it racism? Yes. Is it the security guards taking the piss? Yes.

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It all comes down to this.... is it thier job to get you the taxis? If so, then get your GF to write a letter in Thai complaining about the service and take it to the apartment manager him/herself.

If not then its up to the guards discretion to get it for you and since they obviously don't like you they won't.


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I bet the Thai residents wouldn't stand for any of this. In fact I bet the security wouldn't dare treat Thai residents like that. They'd be out of a job in seconds if they did.

If a Thai asked the security for a taxi I'd lay money that there would be one at the door in seconds. Is it racism? Yes. Is it the security guards taking the piss? Yes.

my point exactly.

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My problem with this is that a lot of you automatically assume its DJpat's fault here just by going from the cocky nature of his post.

Get over it guys. Just because Pat can pull the nice University crumpet doesn't make him at fault here. Thats just down to your petty jealousy I'm afraid.

The bottom line is that even the most stroppy arsed Thai would still get the security man jumping through hoops for them whilst Pat as a non Thai gets grief from them. Tell me thats not racism and I'll show you a banana and call it a bucket of fish.

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But in Thailand nobody complains so it won't do much good.

You're wrong there. Complaining can help, you just need to do it the right way or find the right person to complain on your behalf.

If your cred with the apartment staff is lost already because of your habits or attitude, your complaints wont matter, but if you have a confident Thai who looks important and speaks the power lingo do the complaining for you, you'll be surprised how quickly things can start moving.

Yes, DJ ur wrong in two things. People do complain here and they make a difference. I did and it made a difference..... :o

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I've had very similiar experience.. living in a nice condo block for a year, never caused/had a problem, then i did something, which to this day i have no idea what. but that was it the little things started, wheel clamped my g/f car! 1000b to unlock and not illegally parked(the owner of my condo pad paid me back), 1000b to clean the lift from my mountain bike( have you seen a dirty mountain bike being ridden to tesco) i had been using the lift for a year with my bike.

i moved out, i think its the only thing to do otherwise small problems will always be happening to you.......

you may never know why this has happened, its something innocuous to you but massive to someone in charge!

move out !

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Something HAS been done by the looks of it, the girl in the office has said something because they are saying hello to me and offering me motorbike when I leave the house.

...a story.

when I first came to bangkok, I used to live in this apartment off of sukhumvit.

anyway, whenever I walked down the street, the motorcycle taxi guys at the corner of the street would say something to me in thai. since I didn't know what they were saying, I assumed that they saying hello to me. so, I returned the greeting.

shortly thereafter, I started going to school to learn how to speak thai. one day, I realized what the motorcycle taxi guys were saying to me.

...they were calling me fat.

"huan" "huan" "huan" everyday, I would hear them say "huan". they said it with a monotone with no emotion. reminded me of some frogs in a pond at night. "huan".

at first, I didn't know what to make of it. for a second, I got mad. but then, I said to myself that it wasn't worth the effort to confront them. so, for months, I heard these guys call me fat everytime I passed them.

then, one day, I decided to tell them something. and lo and behold with buddha as my witness - the "huan" stopped.

what did I say to them, you ask?

I told them in thai that "yes, I'm fat. I'm also old, poor, stupid, ugly, and broken hearted."

they all looked at me with this surprise look, and said nothing.

get this. the word got out about me. and soon, I never heard anybody for miles around calling me "huan" anymore.

moral of the story: bangkok is a big city with many small neighborhoods where everybody knows what everybody else is doing.

..or maybe the fat girl at your apartment complex reads thaivisa.com.

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..or maybe the fat girl at your apartment complex reads thaivisa.com.

Good point. Maybe they aren't racist. Maybe they just think you're a dick.


What an unpleasant response to a constructive and apposite post. Would you be wearing your moderator's hat or possibly just a condom?

I'm wearing my fishing hat right now to be honest. :o


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..or maybe the fat girl at your apartment complex reads thaivisa.com.

Good point. Maybe they aren't racist. Maybe they just think you're a dick.


What an unpleasant response to a constructive and apposite post. Would you be wearing your moderator's hat or possibly just a condom?

I'm wearing my fishing hat right now to be honest. :D


........ and reeling them in too, you naughty boy :o

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I have had numerous problems with security guards over the years as well in various locations. If you are thinking of settling down in a long term relationship, you can be sure that all your past philandering will be duely reported to your new acquaintance... :o. I think it might also be a little too late to backtrack and start greasing palms...you are going to look like a castrated pussy cat. Observe the ladder of hierarchy in the security personel, these guys move around a lot and get replaced often. One day they are a security guard, the next they are a bricklayer, then a professional electrician, taxi driver, etc....all done half assedly. The end of the year is coming up, christmas and New Year, if you really want to stay, go see the head of security, don't complain, and just give him a little token of appreciation....As mentioned before, get the phone numbers of the moto Taxi guys out front as well. That is if you really want to stay there!

I don't agree with your comment, that thais think being half thai= mother is a hooker, being look khreung is also a valuable asset, you just have not used it to your advantage....Do so immediately, because being look khreung is becoming more and more common and the novelty will fade real fast in the future.

You obviously like the place, to put up with all that crap, so don't be hotheaded, don't be a " na tua mia " either. Have your friend who owns the place, tell them that you are a VIP guest(#47 :D ) of his, that he pays the dues and expects better service etc....Show the security that you are independent and do not rely too much on them, if the same guys are still there...If you get a batch of new security personel, start from fresh....a couple of tokens of appreciation can get you far.

Thai Security guards= all dressed up and nowhere to go!

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You say here maybe one of the other residents complained.

Sure you may not have done anything wrong.  So on principle, you should not have to fix it.  But that is not how things work in a collective society where bitching and moaning are not as popular as other places;

But here you say that complaining usually doesn't get you anywhere.  So which is it?  I am not trying to pick a fight with you but actually curious in the duality of your statement.  I still believe it is not the guards responsibility to worry about what the residents are doing unless it is detrimental to the other residents.  What a resident does is their business and no one elses. 

Well, if bringing back lots of women to the point of making the place like a house of ill repute OR playing loud music, another resident might make the point to the management that a certain resident was affecting the quality of the development. The action that might be taken would not probably be direct, to avoid confrontation pressure would be applied in other ways; such as petty stuff like this.

Bitching and moaning (as seems to occur non stop on the internet) is very different to constructive complaints IMHO. Also, there is manner in which it is delivered, and it just seems some people (Thai included) cannot control themselves or how loud they talk and therefore they look like they are a spoilt kid yelling to get something. It hardly works in the west and it for the most part does not work here. Lastly, who to complain to; choosing only to talk to someone who can take action rather than just whining to people who might listen.

Hope that makes my view point somewhat more clear.

I totally believe that complaining and suggesting are ways to improve; however the way in which they get executed effectively is a whole different thing between different countries.

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Very interesting thread for all of us who live in this country where one can never live in a place where there are no "security" guards. So we have to deal with those guys. I am now living in a condo building. There are three security guys out front. I have never asked them to do anything for me or caused them any problem and have never brought any girl back. Christmas is coming soon. How much should I tip them? In the office are two nice women. I pay my rent to them and exchange brief pleasantries. Same question--what do you think is an appropriate end-of-year tip? I want to do the right thing and have them on my side so I can continue living here, but not get involved in any dramas.

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  • 1 year later...

interesting thread,

we have a few here at this building, now my wife will get them a feed from the market every now and then and the packet of smokes is a good one! I only tipped when they looked after my parents, like made sure there was a taxi at 5.30 am ect. this set a standard s little like thai, look after the elders but also dont expect me to walk around with ATM stamped on my forhead!

at times be Tight then give them some, leave them wondering if they are doing it right? NOT YOU! when you give give good! when you are tight be TIGHT! keeps them on there toes, by the way I have never had a problem with security guards in any country and I have to say I have been very drunk, no doubt a problem in a few countrys but its ok if you follow these simple rules they will get you out of the taxi, pay the taxi with your money,carry you to you room put you to bed where you will find you wallet next to the bed.

you may be in for a bit of a ribbing, but that is a moment to tip well! hey they know how much you had in your wallet last night! :o:D

you look after them and they will look after you, its a family thing, pay for a piza to be sent to them on a holiday they have to work and see what happens:-)

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The security at Baan Chao Praya = Baan Chao Phraya is a joke.

First thing I should have done was change my locks.

The head of security, Mr Chan, let my ex into my place, got attacked and robbed of 50,000bht.

When I asked for some asssistance, they would not come, would not even call the cops, make a report, NOTHING.

Somehow the security video got deleted. Imagine that.

I have to move before my lease is up and now lost another 56,000b in deposit.

With misc. legal fees, robbery and missing refund of deposit, I am out about 116,000bht for the year.

The manager of the place, Mr Watanit, is worthless too.

Yeah Skip, that whole thing is a major bummer. I've never had a problem with my bldg securities in 3 sukhumvit bldgs BUT I never had an ex try to enter. What happened to you reminds me of Ambassador Hotel security who always allowed my ex-gf upstairs no matter how many times I told them not too. Then I'd have to call down to them to get her out of the hallway. They couldn't even get that done!

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