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Man Accused Of Beating 2Y Old Thai Boy To Death After Prolonged Abuse


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I find this extraordinary. Thai people are so gentle and kind with their young kids (in fact over protective in many occasions) that to read of such a shocking event is unusual to say the least. Whatever the circumstances may the poor lad RIP and the perpetrator of this shocking crime get everything that he deserves.

Extraordinary? Really? I have always had the opinion that child abuse runs through many societies and the only thing that should surprise is how far the adult criminals go. As noted in the article, the first hospital she went to, with her battered child in her arms, sent her to another hospital. There is your gentleness to young kids. I guess money rules even for broken children.

It is also a fact, unfortunately, that domestic violence is rampant in this country.

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Why not "Thai Stepfather accused..."

Why just "Man accused..."?

Is it acceptable by these nationalistic reporters to say something like, " A Singaporean man has murdered his Thai wife's lover in Bangkok..." and not give a fair share to the local yokels?

Child abuse, whether it be physical beating, molesting or mental distress seems to be a way of life here when one considers the apathy demonstrated by the authority figures that logic dictates should take responsibility and correct the err.

Doesn't anyone see that small item being overlooked in the comments here and the stories that get published, and don't have to get published?

You cannot have it both ways.

Why should the man get all the blame when one considers 2000 bagged and rotting bodies in a Buddhist Wat crematorium, and other sordid details whereby the woman is directly to blame because of the skewed use of the term "it's her body". I am not picking an argument. I think abortion is sometimes the answer; but issues like these and stories like this sure do bring out the seemingly narrow minded comments and (conveniently?) leave out all the rest.

I am also surprised that Thaksin or Ying Luck aren't being bludgeoned over this as well due to the stupidity of the parties involved in the death of this pitiful little urchin.

No; the hospitals and police and all the other scumbags don't give a hoot because I suspect they see this every day to the point that they shirk from all the paperwork and lack of results that they face if they choose to care. That's right. I am saying I am certain that this goes on like a pandemic here and it is simply too big for any one person to pick a thread and begin pulling on it. The shame of it is that these creatures choose to retain their jobs because it is a job, and to hell with the responsibilities that the job requires. A bunch of phonies, in my view.

Yet once again, I see evidence of the population behavior overriding the government mandate and law (i.e do not murder, rape, steal, stab your ex girlfriend, cut off your husband's penis, ride without a helmet, or a license or while being under age, beat foreigners to death, poison them, push them off of balconies, or anything else). It's a monster that survives to perpetuate itself, just as all the other things Thais do without regard for the laws that they are supposed to abide by. And to the uninformed that have never pissed off a Thai, as compared to, say, your average foreigner, you certainly don't understand that the average Thai has no middle ground and the transition from a sweet $mile to a set of eviscerating fangs can take place abruptly and without logic or reason. That's because there is no self-discipline or conscientious, self-restraint taught to them from an early age on.

And then when the $hit hits the fan, what do they do? They put on their most sorrowful and mournful faces and plead their cause and insist upon their innocence. It's funny how that goes. Reminds me of some 9 year old children I had to counsel at a summer camp. Love or hate and no in-between.Generally speaking, of course, and without the exceptions... which aren't a whole lot.

Edited by cup-O-coffee
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Very ugly news indeed, on several points.

1. Where was everyone during the 'prolonged abuse' part? How much abuse is 'ok' before a mother decides... 'maybe I'm not going to keep my precious baby son around this psychotic asshol_e loser' anymore? The mother is definitely partly at fault here, and she will no doubt be stuck with guilt from the death (whether it is denied on the surface or not) for many years. Recommend sterilization to protect future potential children from her neglect.

2. I am very askance at Chula hospital's 'referral' to Sri Nakharin Wirot. It's not like they're right around the corner. Most likely, as a non-paying (or 'poor card' paying) customer, they simply turned her away for lack of funds. The delay possibly cost the life of the child. In a civilised country there would be an investigation to see if there was criminal liability, but good luck with that here.

You may remember a group in the '30s and '40s who sterilised thousands of people because they felt they should not have children.

This group I'm referring to were called the Nazis.

You should be very careful what you wish for.

I doubt that attempted ethnic genocide is equivalent to the criminal punishment of a single woman unfit to be a mother, already responsible for the death of one child. You should be very careful of your hyperbole.

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Even dogs don't have the heart to bite or hurt puppies. Sometimes they might growl to scare the little ones off, but never more.

And this is also untrue, its well known that male dogs will kill young puppies that are not their own. As do tomcats and many other animals. Even the mothers will sometimes kill their own if they are overly stressed and feel threatened.

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Even dogs don't have the heart to bite or hurt puppies. Sometimes they might growl to scare the little ones off, but never more.


That is clearly an erroneous suggestion which incidentally disgusts me, because one of the major problems of "civilized" society is its defective need to apply anthropomorphism in matters pertaining to animals and their behavior. It gets worse when applied to create religion in order to create excuses for simple human character defectiveness.

In most cases, what animals do have nothing to do with what humans do when one looks into the reasons that lead up to the event. Dogs kill puppies, and humans kill babies, yet to compare the twain is fraught with error. There is no prolonged abuse and premeditated intent to harm or kill when a dog acts. Only a diseased human mind has provided evidence of this throughout history. As has been revealed, only a diseased human mind takes joy in such acts.

When a dog kills, it is a kill. When a human kills, we ascribe adjectives to this event. Why? Because we naturally expect more from humans than from animals. We expect humans to demonstrate such a nature that lifts the term "human" to a high standard of living that makes us proud to be what we are. A dog does not commit a murder, or even a heinous murder. It simply kills. No courtroom dramas or soap operas in the making here. That is because we know deep down that dogs are not human, and as such we should not bludgeon other, more sensible people with such foolish anthropomorphisms. It minimizes and demeans that which we have a responsibility to be, in order to ensure our survival against what appears presently to be certain extinction if we do not abort the direction we are heading.

But I digress.

Still, we can anthropomorphically appoint more dignity to dogs than to these sub human beasts; the female that allowed the murderer access to her child over a prolonged period of time and he whom evidenced the behavior long before the event that ended the life of the child.

The brain matrix in these people must be single, hair-like strand of short circuiting wire that can only take a load of .00001 ohms at a time or they lose it.

At present, it is my strong view that this present society is going to have to prove to me (moreover to itself) that it has evolved to the point of having embracing the "better nature of human kind", and demonstrate it consistently for a period of time, before I will begin to take serious the words that utter from their pie-holes when they move their lips. Until then, every utterance to me is insincere because I understand that this culture thrives on ignoring the nobility of honoring what they utter.

For the time being, I see more of the "worst nature of human kind" being demonstrated to the point that my senses are assaulted with constant reminders on a daily basis. I see no good end to the future of mankind. It almost seems as if we are breeding ourselves to death when I consider how useless we are becoming towards achieving evolutionary efficiency in living a life of well being and bringing out the goodness that the Earth could potentially offer on a planetary scale.

These views and opinions are a reflection of my observations of behaviors and how I believe those behaviors will affect the writing on the wall.

Edited by cup-O-coffee
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"My friend said he often stomped on my son, bit him, banged his head against the wall and pushed his head into a toilet. He did all this when I was not in the room with them," Sirimongkhon Premprasai said.

Yet you continued to leave him alone with this monster; lady you are EQUALLY guilty as you boyfriend; shame on you and shame on anyone who knew of this abuse and did nothing to stop it, you can all proudly call yourselves murderers :angry:

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Very ugly news indeed, on several points.

1. Where was everyone during the 'prolonged abuse' part? How much abuse is 'ok' before a mother decides... 'maybe I'm not going to keep my precious baby son around this psychotic asshol_e loser' anymore? The mother is definitely partly at fault here, and she will no doubt be stuck with guilt from the death (whether it is denied on the surface or not) for many years. Recommend sterilization to protect future potential children from her neglect.

2. I am very askance at Chula hospital's 'referral' to Sri Nakharin Wirot. It's not like they're right around the corner. Most likely, as a non-paying (or 'poor card' paying) customer, they simply turned her away for lack of funds. The delay possibly cost the life of the child. In a civilised country there would be an investigation to see if there was criminal liability, but good luck with that here.

You may remember a group in the '30s and '40s who sterilised thousands of people because they felt they should not have children.

This group I'm referring to were called the Nazis.

You should be very careful what you wish for.

I doubt that attempted ethnic genocide is equivalent to the criminal punishment of a single woman unfit to be a mother, already responsible for the death of one child. You should be very careful of your hyperbole.

Excuse me but the mother may have been naive or neglectful, or might have been in an abusive situation with the man she was living with. Does anyone think about that? The criminal and the person that punishment should be brought against is this vile example of a man. I personally would have no problem seeing him executed for what he has done. Sterilizing the mother? what does that have to do with his crime commited upon a 2 year old child.? The man is the one that did it and the man is the only one that should pay for this. Im sure the woman did not ask for this to happen to her baby.

Edited by timberboy
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Very ugly news indeed, on several points.

1. Where was everyone during the 'prolonged abuse' part? How much abuse is 'ok' before a mother decides... 'maybe I'm not going to keep my precious baby son around this psychotic asshol_e loser' anymore? The mother is definitely partly at fault here, and she will no doubt be stuck with guilt from the death (whether it is denied on the surface or not) for many years. Recommend sterilization to protect future potential children from her neglect.

2. I am very askance at Chula hospital's 'referral' to Sri Nakharin Wirot. It's not like they're right around the corner. Most likely, as a non-paying (or 'poor card' paying) customer, they simply turned her away for lack of funds. The delay possibly cost the life of the child. In a civilised country there would be an investigation to see if there was criminal liability, but good luck with that here.

Sterilization program????

Wow seems like you would have been the type of army officer that would blame an entire village for one persons treason and burn the whole village with all the people in it.

How do you know that this woman was not in an emotionally abused state? perhaps she was being abused as well [its not unheard of unfortunately]. Stick to punishing the criminal. If the doctors/nurses in the hospital failed to see it and report it, blame them for their part too. Dont get me wrong, i have no mercy for this son of a bitch, i would have no problem seeing him beaten within an inch of his life!

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"My friend said he often stomped on my son, bit him, banged his head against the wall and pushed his head into a toilet. He did all this when I was not in the room with them," Sirimongkhon Premprasai said.

Yet you continued to leave him alone with this monster; lady you are EQUALLY guilty as you boyfriend; shame on you and shame on anyone who knew of this abuse and did nothing to stop it, you can all proudly call yourselves murderers :angry:

AGREED the womans friend should be charged as an accomplice.

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Very ugly news indeed, on several points.

1. Where was everyone during the 'prolonged abuse' part? How much abuse is 'ok' before a mother decides... 'maybe I'm not going to keep my precious baby son around this psychotic asshol_e loser' anymore? The mother is definitely partly at fault here, and she will no doubt be stuck with guilt from the death (whether it is denied on the surface or not) for many years. Recommend sterilization to protect future potential children from her neglect.

2. I am very askance at Chula hospital's 'referral' to Sri Nakharin Wirot. It's not like they're right around the corner. Most likely, as a non-paying (or 'poor card' paying) customer, they simply turned her away for lack of funds. The delay possibly cost the life of the child. In a civilised country there would be an investigation to see if there was criminal liability, but good luck with that here.

You may remember a group in the '30s and '40s who sterilised thousands of people because they felt they should not have children.

This group I'm referring to were called the Nazis.

You should be very careful what you wish for.

cant remember much detail, but the swedes also had a similar programme in the 50/60s; as a few have pointed out here, thais are not as loving with their kids as you would like to believe , i've seen quite a few being whacked with a bamboo , i also had a thai g/f in 90s that had a dozen plus scars on her back from having beatings from her mother , i have always said that "kids having kids" was a major factor in neglect , be it thailand or in the west , ..the difference here is that mothers get no support from the fathers , who seem to dissapear at the fist sign of a little bump in the belly, and that the'' kids having kids' in the west think that life will be a ' breeze' once they are housed and fed by the tax payer , .......... both can end up with sad results when reality hits them bang in the face, .....seems sex education is not having the desired results and its time for plan 'B' !..................................... so sad RIP


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Very ugly news indeed, on several points.

1. Where was everyone during the 'prolonged abuse' part? How much abuse is 'ok' before a mother decides... 'maybe I'm not going to keep my precious baby son around this psychotic asshol_e loser' anymore? The mother is definitely partly at fault here, and she will no doubt be stuck with guilt from the death (whether it is denied on the surface or not) for many years. Recommend sterilization to protect future potential children from her neglect.

2. I am very askance at Chula hospital's 'referral' to Sri Nakharin Wirot. It's not like they're right around the corner. Most likely, as a non-paying (or 'poor card' paying) customer, they simply turned her away for lack of funds. The delay possibly cost the life of the child. In a civilised country there would be an investigation to see if there was criminal liability, but good luck with that here.

Sterilization program????

Wow seems like you would have been the type of army officer that would blame an entire village for one persons treason and burn the whole village with all the people in it.

How do you know that this woman was not in an emotionally abused state? perhaps she was being abused as well [its not unheard of unfortunately]. Stick to punishing the criminal. If the doctors/nurses in the hospital failed to see it and report it, blame them for their part too. Dont get me wrong, i have no mercy for this son of a bitch, i would have no problem seeing him beaten within an inch of his life!

you would give him an inch? you big softy you, I wouldn't let him keep that much.

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Even dogs don't have the heart to bite or hurt puppies. Sometimes they might growl to scare the little ones off, but never more.

And this is also untrue, its well known that male dogs will kill young puppies that are not their own. As do tomcats and many other animals. Even the mothers will sometimes kill their own if they are overly stressed and feel threatened.

Absolutely true. I had experience of this when managing huskies in Antarctica. I could never allow pups to go near the adults when small, as they would have been killed. I also had a bitch that ate her own newborn pups.

I haven't seen any posters threatening GBH on the perpetrator. Never a shortage of such on a paedophile thread- wonder why?

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