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Briton Detained After Thai Girlfriend Jumps Off 7th Floor Of Pattaya Hotel


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i would say FAR more believable he threw her off. extremely egotistical peoples. thai suicide rates are very low...(1/3rd of the world rate) and just a guess that a lot of these deaths reported as suicides were actually murders

Who is/are "extremely egotisitcal peoples"? Did you know the guy? Or you mean Britons? Or foreigners?

he means that Thais are egotistical (hate to lose face) and he is quite right. Thailand has a very low suicide rate compared to western countries.

So a thai would be less likely to commit suicide for fear of losing face??! I don't buy that. Loss of face wouldn't be a concern if they plan to die.


A thai could contemplate suicide due to the "loss of face" from being dumped or left for another women.

The report said they were out for a drink and started arguing. Went back to the room and she jumped. No marks on the guy, or in the room to indicate a struggle.

I dont contest that thai suicide rates are lower. But they aren't zero.

I do contest that a hysterical drunk 22 year old thai girl is more likely to jump than be thrown off a balcony by her bf without any struggle.

you seem to like dwelling on, contemplating on and analysing suicide? ... move on mate. what ever is bugging you today will be history tomorrow :lol:

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A very lucky young lady indeed. A 7th floor jump by a farang is suicidal. I hope she makes it.

I also hope the truth comes out and this British guy is not stitched up by the police or her family.

Maybe not so lucky. A fall from that height usually is accompanied by massive bone fractures including the spine.

Im not surprised by the jump, Bg"s are very much into self harm you only need to see the scars all over the arms and body.

She was/is a bargirl?

I didn't see that anywhere in the article.

Can you provide your source please?


My apoligies. There is a very strong chance she is a university graduate with a high ranking corporate position who lives in Pattaya.


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A very lucky young lady indeed. A 7th floor jump by a farang is suicidal. I hope she makes it.

I also hope the truth comes out and this British guy is not stitched up by the police or her family.

Maybe not so lucky. A fall from that height usually is accompanied by massive bone fractures including the spine.

Im not surprised by the jump, Bg"s are very much into self harm you only need to see the scars all over the arms and body.

She was/is a bargirl?

I didn't see that anywhere in the article.

Can you provide your source please?


I was wondering when someone would highlight this...

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Why do these young blokes come here ? When I first arrived here in 1995 I was considered young at 42. You rarely saw a foreigner under 30 . However, now they come in hordes WHY ?? When I was in my 20's I could always get a bird back home. I can't get one anymore.... well.... one that I would want, so I come here......... But then I am faced with these young <deleted>, what are they doing here ? Go back home and wait until you are 50+ and then return.

That is what Pattaya is for, so the old sods can get a reasonable looking bird. You young <deleted> are spoiling Pattaya and the birds here. The good looking ones are no longer interested in 50+ men and why???? because of these young tossers coming here thinking they are something special and spoiling it.

THX JCB, you made my day AND you are so correct in everything you said here cheesy.gif

biggest prob is the young lads these days have only skills in front of their computers and not in talking to a REAL girl in REAL Life anymore :rolleyes:

Edited by moskito
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Very typical for the TV mob who already have come to a conclusion. I can't be bothered reading past the first page but nobody on page 1 has even bothered to read "The witnesses on the opposite side of the hotel saw the moment Ms. Ratchanu jumped off, hit a branch of a coconut tree before hitting ground. This probably saved her life."

So there were witnesses who saw her jump. Should be the end of the speculation.

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I have had personal experience of Thais threatening self harm in order to get their way in a perverse kind of emotional blackmail. Thais lack the ability to have rational discussions about problems, so any argument can quickly degenerate.

The ex's preferred cri de coeur was overdosing when it became apparent that the 10 day sulk was not yielding the required result.

My first gf here did the same thing trying to get leverage with her attempted suicides. I discovered she was just taking Valium and sleeping for a couple hours.

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Perhaps if posters read the accompanying article they would see a few extra facts:

There are witnesses who saw her jump, the boyfriend was examined physically for any signs he had been in a fight - nothing found.

The girl survived because her fall was broken by a coconut tree.

I was beginning to wonder if anyone else read the story. Almost 2 full pages of people running up post counts without considering "stated facts". They may prove to be false reports but they were in the story and 46 posts ignored them. I have noticed the same kind of thing in conversations with Westerners here. Everyone talks over you as if you were not there. I've never seen such a collective rush to be heard.

So much for ThaiVisa being any kind of source for reliable information. BTW, where IS the best hamburger in Thailand?

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You young <deleted> are spoiling Pattaya and the birds here. The good looking ones are no longer interested in 50+ men and why???? because of these young tossers coming here thinking they are something special and spoiling it.

Oh boohoo, "I can't get a nice looking bird", what kind of girl would want a guy who calls her a bird anyway? With such an attitude, even Brad Pitt would appear as a pathetic loser.

Birds have needs too, and the bird sanctuary of Pattaya didn't really impress me. You can still get good looking "birds" to your home, it's just that you have to put more efforts into it when you're not good looking yourself.


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Why do these young blokes come here ? When I first arrived here in 1995 I was considered young at 42. You rarely saw a foreigner under 30 . However, now they come in hordes WHY ?? When I was in my 20's I could always get a bird back home. I can't get one anymore.... well.... one that I would want, so I come here......... But then I am faced with these young <deleted>, what are they doing here ? Go back home and wait until you are 50+ and then return.

That is what Pattaya is for, so the old sods can get a reasonable looking bird. You young <deleted> are spoiling Pattaya and the birds here. The good looking ones are no longer interested in 50+ men and why???? because of these young tossers coming here thinking they are something special and spoiling it.

I agree with the age comment. These young guys are screwing up constantly and are easier marks for the experienced girls. They aren't apparently able to use the correct head to overcome the cons.

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Why do these young blokes come here ? When I first arrived here in 1995 I was considered young at 42. You rarely saw a foreigner under 30 . However, now they come in hordes WHY ?? When I was in my 20's I could always get a bird back home. I can't get one anymore.... well.... one that I would want, so I come here......... But then I am faced with these young <deleted>, what are they doing here ? Go back home and wait until you are 50+ and then return.

That is what Pattaya is for, so the old sods can get a reasonable looking bird. You young <deleted> are spoiling Pattaya and the birds here. The good looking ones are no longer interested in 50+ men and why???? because of these young tossers coming here thinking they are something special and spoiling it.

WOW the OAP's can't handle a bit of competition, certainly puts a new twist on if you dont like it why dont you just leave...:lol:

If you are 50+ and have plenty of money the good looking ones will be interested, same as everywhere else in the world

So maybe you should phrase it 50+ and a Balloon chaser..:rolleyes:

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Why do these young blokes come here ? When I first arrived here in 1995 I was considered young at 42. You rarely saw a foreigner under 30 . However, now they come in hordes WHY ?? When I was in my 20's I could always get a bird back home. I can't get one anymore.... well.... one that I would want, so I come here......... But then I am faced with these young <deleted>, what are they doing here ? Go back home and wait until you are 50+ and then return.

That is what Pattaya is for, so the old sods can get a reasonable looking bird. You young <deleted> are spoiling Pattaya and the birds here. The good looking ones are no longer interested in 50+ men and why???? because of these young tossers coming here thinking they are something special and spoiling it.

Post of the year!

<deleted> would you come here as you bloke unless you look like your head caught fire and was put out using a chain. You need to be seriously ugly under 30 to have to get your rocks off in Pattaya.

Up to the age of 40 I had several farang girl friends in the early 20's.

Go home young people and enjoy the young ladies with milky white skin and big tits

Dont you mean, these young chaps, as you once were, who can now travel the world with a lot more ease than you could during those times when you were their age, and who probably have about the same amount of credit available to them as you have in your pension fund, and who would also rather get their rocks off with young nubile girls rather than the slappers one sees on a uk high st on a saturday night. Personally, i can well understand them for wanting to be here doing what you obviously could do when you were 42 and now are to old, bald, ugly and probably incapable of doing anymore, that is why you ain't getting young pussy anymore, SO HIDE AWAY THE ENVY, COZ THE THAI GIRLS MIGHT NOT LIKE GREEN FARANGS EITHER, which will further reduce your chances of having your libidos and egos falsely soothed by dark dusky maidens for as long as your bank balances are bigger than your brains.

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Detained does not mean arrested or that he was put in a cell or handcuffed. You are also "detained" when you are pulled over for a traffic stop. They simply are questioning him and investigating the incident at this point.

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The self harm thing is true. The girls are very prone to it, and not just "bar girls". But they rarely suicide. They'll cut themselves or take too many pills and then tell someone that they've taken them. Classic attention seeking stuff.

Reading the article though, there seem to be witnesses who saw her jump. Can you imagine the screaming and yelling going on if he threw her? Plenty of people would have seen or heard it. You would also think she'd resist it fairly fiercely and he'd have some marks.

The only thing we know for sure is that we don't know for sure.

If it's true that she jumped then I feel sorry for them both. He looks pretty shaken up, and her, well ... let's hope she comes through it ok.

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In Thailand he must show proof that he did not push, else jail could be coming to him.

In Pattaya she must show proof that she isn't a bargirl, or she'll be automatically labeled on Thai visa.

A young woman. Living in Pattaya. With a young foreigner. That isn't a bargirl.

What a proposterous notion.

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Very typical for the TV mob who already have come to a conclusion. I can't be bothered reading past the first page but nobody on page 1 has even bothered to read "The witnesses on the opposite side of the hotel saw the moment Ms. Ratchanu jumped off, hit a branch of a coconut tree before hitting ground. This probably saved her life."

So there were witnesses who saw her jump. Should be the end of the speculation.

I bet you never watch Conan the detective.

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THX JCB, you made my day AND you are so correct in everything you said here cheesy.gif

biggest prob is the young lads these days have only skills in front of their computers and not in talking to a REAL girl in REAL Life anymore :rolleyes:

I bet my grandparents' generation said something like "young people of today only talk on the telephone instead of having a REAL conversation in REAL life. "

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I do think she jumped. Her life-investment plan was about to be destroyed. Her family would see her as a failure. Why not have a fight and then jump. Neighbors would have heard the fight and would thought that he did it. And the family gets money. Great plan right. I wouldn't be surprised if she wakes up and still would say he did it. But as I read there are eyewitnesses right, who saw that she jumped herself?

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Detained does not mean arrested or that he was put in a cell or handcuffed. You are also "detained" when you are pulled over for a traffic stop. They simply are questioning him and investigating the incident at this point.

I have read several of your comments before and your endless efforts to paint thai culture as something harmless is an absolute crock. And I know you like to debate endlessly about topics you have no experience with so don't expect anymore debate from me. The bib will intimidate this guy until they bleed a large sum of money from him while he is "detained".

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What a squalid, cesspool of a destination Pattaya is. The Brit is already dressed for prison by the looks of his pants....and nice tats! And 'luxury' boutique hotel? Jeesh....who writes this claptrap? One only need look at tripadvisor to see it's far from 'luxury'. Regardless, hope the lass recovers.

Of course things like this don't happen in other cities including BKK and of course no other nationalities are ever invovled?


Edited by davethailand
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I very much would like to see the police doing a reproduction of this, they need one to jump, one for accidental falling, one for thrown, one for pushed,

I think I have a new buisness idea, I will supply the police with actors / actresses for police reproduction of murders/accidents etc.

Amazing Thailand

the above scenario would make for a lot of good photos for thai visa calender too.........

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surviving a 7 floor fall is pretty impressive, The Buddha must have been looking out for her big time. wonder if she has any lottery numbers?

IF she awakes from the coma, then her lucky numbers have come up. If she awakens then at that time her story (true or not) could well net her a tidy sum. Hope she loves him still, otherwise she can just say anything at all as to what took place. She could get a nice pay day out of this.

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About ten years ago in Pattaya i had a girlfriend who i wanted to finish with,she came round to the condo ranting and raving and said she was going to kill herself .....at the time i lived opposite the beach at Jomtien and she stormed out and said she want to drown herself and never see another man again.I just stayed calm and watched as she ran into the sea and sat around for a while after about 15 minutes she came out of the sea and walked up to the condo again.

When she reached my room i asked her why she didn't go ahead with her threat and drown and she said in all seriousness that "she could not swim" blink.gif

A lot is lost in translation but i was laughing at the time,i got rid soon as i could.

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Detained does not mean arrested or that he was put in a cell or handcuffed. You are also "detained" when you are pulled over for a traffic stop. They simply are questioning him and investigating the incident at this point.

Definition of DETAIN

transitive verb


: to hold or keep in or as if in custody

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Can't jump (excuse the pun) to conclusions. The full story must be heard before judgements can be made.

Although I will be very surprised if she actually did jump by choice. I doubt it, unless she was out of her brain on drugs or something ..... but I wonder if he was/is "in shock" because she's survived !??

Do What????????????????????? How long have you been here. A thai girl that think she is losing her meal ticket will do ANYTHING. Attempted suicide is just one of the thing that can happen. It took me 15 years to learn, and now 10 years later I would trust anything that come out of a Thai BG head.

Basically agree although they maybe aren't all the same but saying that about 4 years my mates GF (just made ex gf) dove off of his 6th floor balcony, we took her to the hospital and she'd smashed hips, pelvis you name it and spent 4 months in hospital.

A completely selfish act IMO and as she laid there she was telling me how lovely the dream she was having was and that she felt happy, completely off her head, we were told that a few years before she'd tried to overdose with another ex.

I still see her now and she's extremely lucky as she can still walk although no longer has her legs on show due to the op scars etc


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Why do these young blokes come here ? When I first arrived here in 1995 I was considered young at 42. You rarely saw a foreigner under 30 . However, now they come in hordes WHY ?? When I was in my 20's I could always get a bird back home. I can't get one anymore.... well.... one that I would want, so I come here......... But then I am faced with these young <deleted>, what are they doing here ? Go back home and wait until you are 50+ and then return.

That is what Pattaya is for, so the old sods can get a reasonable looking bird. You young <deleted> are spoiling Pattaya and the birds here. The good looking ones are no longer interested in 50+ men and why???? because of these young tossers coming here thinking they are something special and spoiling it.

You want a good looking bird without being good looking yourself, and if you don't get one, it means the "birds" have been spoiled? Well, boohoo! With such an attitude, even Brad Pitt would look like a pathetic loser. laugh.gif

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Why do these young blokes come here ? When I first arrived here in 1995 I was considered young at 42. You rarely saw a foreigner under 30 . However, now they come in hordes WHY ?? When I was in my 20's I could always get a bird back home. I can't get one anymore.... well.... one that I would want, so I come here......... But then I am faced with these young <deleted>, what are they doing here ? Go back home and wait until you are 50+ and then return.

That is what Pattaya is for, so the old sods can get a reasonable looking bird. You young <deleted> are spoiling Pattaya and the birds here. The good looking ones are no longer interested in 50+ men and why???? because of these young tossers coming here thinking they are something special and spoiling it.

Post of the year!

<deleted> would you come here as you bloke unless you look like your head caught fire and was put out using a chain. You need to be seriously ugly under 30 to have to get your rocks off in Pattaya.

Up to the age of 40 I had several farang girl friends in the early 20's.

Go home young people and enjoy the young ladies with milky white skin and big tits

Dont you mean, these young chaps, as you once were, who can now travel the world with a lot more ease than you could during those times when you were their age, and who probably have about the same amount of credit available to them as you have in your pension fund, and who would also rather get their rocks off with young nubile girls rather than the slappers one sees on a uk high st on a saturday night. Personally, i can well understand them for wanting to be here doing what you obviously could do when you were 42 and now are to old, bald, ugly and probably incapable of doing anymore, that is why you ain't getting young pussy anymore, SO HIDE AWAY THE ENVY, COZ THE THAI GIRLS MIGHT NOT LIKE GREEN FARANGS EITHER, which will further reduce your chances of having your libidos and egos falsely soothed by dark dusky maidens for as long as your bank balances are bigger than your brains.

"who would also rather get their rocks off with young nubile girls rather than the slappers one sees on a uk high st on a saturday night"

My recent trip to serbia Via a london stop off I saw a lot of young goddess types out and about.

Of course the serb girls were totally stunning.

As a young bloke if all you could pull were slappers then i feel sorry for you ;)

Edited by Hooters
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