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Is Your Wife/Partner An X Bar Girl? My Hand Is Up.


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the op has an interesting topic posted from couple of months ago


yet now they are all loved up again and he wants to move all his furniture over to thailand to the house in his bar girlfriends name .....you my friend are lining yourself up to lose everything ......good luck you need it.

wake up and smell the coffee.....

hahaha i remember that topic. Guy is delusional. Hes from the UK, not surprised.

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Prostitution the oldest profession in the world,I don't understand the stigma behind it to be honest,it's not like it never happens in Europe or the US is it now,no one ever married a pro or admitted that their mother was one,times change country's move on,so what if your girlfriend,wife or boyfriend worked in the sex industry,is it accepted more in the Netherlands because it is government run and taxed,are you a better punter if you are like the rich and famous and pay maybe 500 quid a night,who knows and cares,it's rife amongst the rich and famous,politicians,presidents,footballers,policemen,doctors,lawyers,the milk man,what about those in the adult film industry,how does one feel knowing his or her wife,husband goes to work daily for sex,is this more accepted because it pays top dollar,why don't people look at the wider picture here,it's not just the Los that it happens.<br /><br />And for the record yes,my girlfriend of two years worked in a bar when I met her,I've introduced her to my parents,heard all the usual bullshit comments from friends,colleagues and others,Thai bride,ting tong,ladyboy,etc etc am I fazed no,I work hard provide for her and my family,yes at times it's awkward trying to explain that my girlfriend was in the sex industry,but this is the life I lead and I am happy,my congratulations go out to all those who havent chosen the path i have,but the world would be a very boring place if we were al the same straight laced conformists.

The difference is that in the past prostitution was a profession. The courtesan in most countries were educated to become good companions with knowledge and manners. Those girls had no other option to make a decent living as the societies didnt allow anyone with initiative to make it unless they were from a special class.

Nowadays prostitution is practiced by the lazy, party addict, sleazy or drug addicts in every single country, there is no pride in it. A high class escort is a little more acceptable but personally i still could not handle it. Any poor girl from issaan with some hardwork and initiative and willingness can set herself up to be making 15k+ per month by the age of 30 without having sex with a single man.

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Prostitution the oldest profession in the world,I don't understand the stigma behind it to be honest

The main thing I've seen is that many can't seem to adjust to a 'normal life' after they 'quit' the job. I'd imagine it'd be similar to try to live a mainstream life after being in prison for a few to several years (and sometimes the majority of one's life).


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For the purpose of scientific medical field research, i did test 10, out of which 5 gave me gonorrhea.

My studies for the greater of man kind is thereby over with.

I am done

Can you catch the same disease 5x, I think it unlikely.

Someone doesn't know the difference between a "disease" (and yes I know they are called STD's) and an infection, and yes, you can get gonorrhea as many times as you are exposed to it.

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To answer the OP - YES.

Well, "No" actually she only worked as a cashier.

Of course she was Cardholder, depending on the time of month when she has to take a week off. Say it often enough Cardholder and the more one believes it.

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The difference is that in the past prostitution was a profession. The courtesan in most countries were educated to become good companions with knowledge and manners. Those girls had no other option to make a decent living as the societies didnt allow anyone with initiative to make it unless they were from a special class.

Nowadays prostitution is practiced by the lazy, party addict, sleazy or drug addicts in every single country, there is no pride in it. A high class escort is a little more acceptable but personally i still could not handle it. Any poor girl from issaan with some hardwork and initiative and willingness can set herself up to be making 15k+ per month by the age of 30 without having sex with a single man.

'Thailand' gets my vote for president.

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....and what woman in the world isn't looking for someone to look after them. if you are standing in a bar or night club in your own country and i beautiful woman asks you " hey what you work at" and your reply is " oh i am unemployed" do you think she will go home with you?.

Gotta agree. Almost all women marry up. Sure, they might date the cool artist bum with the long hair and no money, but she'd rather marry the nerd who's earning £75K per year. I think the problem is we're all trying to pretend to be noble about things (both men and women)...."no, I absolutely do not care what she looks like", "no, no idea what he earns, not interested - he has such a great sense of humour" etc. Men and women have preconditions to be met. Sure you still have to factor in personality and character - nobody wants to marry a nutter - but you won't even bother with that if certain preconditions aren't ticked first of all.

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Oh my wife is a factory worker earning 9000 Baht per month and I never see her, she'll always be poor and I know I'll have to pay for everything eventually cos she will never have any money, I'm sure she is just waiting for me to come across with money !

Oh my Gf's a Dancer in a GoGo, she makes around 150,000 Baht per month including the money she is sent from overseas admirers, she has built her own house up country, she has improved the lives of her close family, she has a healthy bank account, her own motorcycle ( Paid for by some tourist ), has a new car she pays for every month, ( well, another guy pays for that ) she gave me an iPhone cos she already had 2 when she got some other tourist to pay for another, she also gave me a DSLR camera that some drunken tourist gave her when she told him a story about how poor she was, he said he would claim it back from his holiday insurance, she lives in a nice condo instead of sharing a room with 8 other people, she gives a great BJ and she invites her friends round for a special treat on my birthday and Christmas, if I'm broke she'll give me money, if I'm not broke she wont, my gf loves me !!

My wife doesn't know about her either biggrin.gif

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I am an overweight schmuck that lives in an Issarn village with a girl half my age that can only speak about 3 words of English. I can not speak Thai so we have absolutely nothing in common whatsover, we never laugh or joke it really sucks. The only comfort is this internet connection that connects me to the outside world so i can post on forums how i never met my wife in a bar as i met her through another foreginers wife so i caught her before she left for Bangkok or Pattaya.

She doesn't ask for money because i haven't got any, the villagers don't like me and i don't like them. My wife never looks happy when we first met she used to smile all the time, the only time she smiles is when

i point to the beaten up old chicken truck to let her know im heading off to the nearest village shack to drink myself into a coma on Lao Khao once my fortnightly pittance of a government pension gets paid into my account.

So there you have it, i never met my wife in a bar and for 10 minutes of my miserable life i feel better.

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I am an overweight schmuck that lives in an Issarn village with a girl half my age that can only speak about 3 words of English. I can not speak Thai so we have absolutely nothing in common whatsover, we never laugh or joke it really sucks. The only comfort is this internet connection that connects me to the outside world so i can post on forums how i never met my wife in a bar as i met her through another foreginers wife so i caught her before she left for Bangkok or Pattaya.

She doesn't ask for money because i haven't got any, the villagers don't like me and i don't like them. My wife never looks happy when we first met she used to smile all the time, the only time she smiles is when

i point to the beaten up old chicken truck to let her know im heading off to the nearest village shack to drink myself into a coma on Lao Khao once my fortnightly pittance of a government pension gets paid into my account.

So there you have it, i never met my wife in a bar and for 10 minutes of my miserable life i feel better.


Good for you Todd.

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So all bar girls are bad then and dirty and you shouldnt marry one ?? What about the girls that go to clubs everywekend in your country and get banged off a different guy everyweek? Id marry a Thai girl on the spot rather than marry a nagging, old, selfish farang lady any day

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So all bar girls are bad then and dirty and you shouldnt marry one ?? What about the girls that go to clubs everywekend in your country and get banged off a different guy everyweek? Id marry a Thai girl on the spot rather than marry a nagging, old, selfish farang lady any day

There is a difference between screwing for sport with someone your lusting after and a hooker.

A hooker will screw anything for money. Once she has sold her soul there is no shame left so a hooker is capable of doing ANYTHING. The web of lies she needs to spin to both clients and overseas real boyfriends (in their minds :lol:) is never ending. Why would any normal self respecting male want to get involved with an expert liar and a whore?

These things always end badly

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So all bar girls are bad then and dirty and you shouldnt marry one ?? What about the girls that go to clubs everywekend in your country and get banged off a different guy everyweek? Id marry a Thai girl on the spot rather than marry a nagging, old, selfish farang lady any day

Good point. In fact, if we can stop talking about less than 1% of Thai women (bar girls) for a second, it can certainly be generalised that Thai women are less "sluttish" than western women - purely a cultural difference here.

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So all bar girls are bad then and dirty and you shouldnt marry one ?? What about the girls that go to clubs everywekend in your country and get banged off a different guy everyweek? Id marry a Thai girl on the spot rather than marry a nagging, old, selfish farang lady any day

Good point. In fact, if we can stop talking about less than 1% of Thai women (bar girls) for a second, it can certainly be generalised that Thai women are less "sluttish" than western women - purely a cultural difference here.

The problem is that 80% of the Thai women that are with farangs at any given moment are from that 1%, hence the interest. (completely unscientific, by the way, just a personal observation)

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So all bar girls are bad then and dirty and you shouldnt marry one ?? What about the girls that go to clubs everywekend in your country and get banged off a different guy everyweek? Id marry a Thai girl on the spot rather than marry a nagging, old, selfish farang lady any day

Good point. In fact, if we can stop talking about less than 1% of Thai women (bar girls) for a second, it can certainly be generalised that Thai women are less "sluttish" than western women - purely a cultural difference here.

Bar girls are one thing, how about the mia noi - or the hairdressers etc? I have read some extraordinary statistics about the number of women in Bangkok who are, to one extent or another, exchanging money for sex.

My wife and I met a couple in their late thirties a few years ago (here in Australia). She told my wife initially that she had been working as a waitress when she met her husband. Then, a few years later, she confessed that she had actually been working as a prostitute.

Some prostitutes, I do not know what proportion but I would guess quite a substantial one, follow the "profession" because of family obligations, or because their Thai husband has left them in the lurch with a kid or two to look after, and therefore no prospects of remarriage.

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So all bar girls are bad then and dirty and you shouldnt marry one ?? What about the girls that go to clubs everywekend in your country and get banged off a different guy everyweek? Id marry a Thai girl on the spot rather than marry a nagging, old, selfish farang lady any day

Good point. In fact, if we can stop talking about less than 1% of Thai women (bar girls) for a second, it can certainly be generalised that Thai women are less "sluttish" than western women - purely a cultural difference here.

Thai women (fact, not generalisation and not all 30 million of them) have a somewhat unique attitude to sex and using their bodies to generate cash/reward.

This is far from exclusive to the Farang holiday spots - there are far more Thai ladies working in karaoke and other bars servicing the needs of the Thai males.

The economics are quite interesting. IF one could obtain the 300 Baht minimum wage it may not be attractive to turn a 'short time' trick for 500 Baht - or 1,000 Baht 'long time'. In Cambodia where the equation is less than $3 (90 Baht versus $30 (900 Baht) the economics may be more clear cut..

Edited by cardholder
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So all bar girls are bad then and dirty and you shouldnt marry one ?? What about the girls that go to clubs everywekend in your country and get banged off a different guy everyweek? Id marry a Thai girl on the spot rather than marry a nagging, old, selfish farang lady any day

I think you might find that the same guys who are married to bar girls might not be able to 'get' the girls who go to clubs every weekend in their country. And those who didn't marry bar girls also apply similar attitudes to keeping away from the sluts in their home country too.. They wouldn't marry them either !

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So all bar girls are bad then and dirty and you shouldnt marry one ?? What about the girls that go to clubs everywekend in your country and get banged off a different guy everyweek? Id marry a Thai girl on the spot rather than marry a nagging, old, selfish farang lady any day

I think you might find that the same guys who are married to bar girls might not be able to 'get' the girls who go to clubs every weekend in their country. And those who didn't marry bar girls also apply similar attitudes to keeping away from the sluts in their home country too.. They wouldn't marry them either !

Hang on - there is a logic failure here:

If the guys who marry bar girls could not 'get' the sluts in their home country

And the guys who don't marry bar girls keep away from sluts in their home countries...

The who is 'banging' the sluts in the home country??

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So all bar girls are bad then and dirty and you shouldnt marry one ?? What about the girls that go to clubs everywekend in your country and get banged off a different guy everyweek? Id marry a Thai girl on the spot rather than marry a nagging, old, selfish farang lady any day

I think you might find that the same guys who are married to bar girls might not be able to 'get' the girls who go to clubs every weekend in their country. And those who didn't marry bar girls also apply similar attitudes to keeping away from the sluts in their home country too.. They wouldn't marry them either !

The majority of girls who go to clubs in my country (United States) can barely cook. I mean, let's face it Fellas, Thai women, especially bar girls, know how to feed and care for a family. American (and British) women tend to be independent and upwardly mobile, boring, not interested in child rearing. Then there's the attractiveness issue. Yeah, sure, some American women are cute, but the majority are just too dam_n butt ugly! Woof Woof! No thank you. Bye bye. Thai women are works of art, figuratively speaking of course. I mean, who the Hell wants to wake up next to someone that looks like a man in the morning? My Wife's face is so gosh darn kissable.

A non-smoking, non-alcholoc tattoo-less bar girl makes for an absolutely perfect wife. Help take care of her aging parents, who worked their asses off choppin' rice for next to nothing, and she'll love you for life.

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As i say we all (western) and thai relationships we all have our problems, look at my previous thread, you will clearly see that my wife was willing to give me jand sign my house and car over to me. This period we were going through then was down to her mood swings, she had seen doctor and she has been diagnosed with post natal depression, we are both living with it now and getting on good, i am learning to live with it, she was not the same before baby was born, she was happy go lucky and still is and still loves a laugh but understand that post nat depression is a serious illness for all mothers who have it. My wife has never never asked me for money apart from when she really needs it to send our two kids in thailand and even at that it is not that much, bear in mind she also worked hard in uk for 4 years and all her money went into our bank. You cannot judge all bar girls the same, end of story where i am concerned. Btw the 60- 70 odd girls my wife knows in uk have all worked in bars apart from a couple, ( thats hear say between her and her friends) ive often heard their husbands deny this but everyone who knows them knows different.

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So all bar girls are bad then and dirty and you shouldnt marry one ?? What about the girls that go to clubs everywekend in your country and get banged off a different guy everyweek? Id marry a Thai girl on the spot rather than marry a nagging, old, selfish farang lady any day

I think you might find that the same guys who are married to bar girls might not be able to 'get' the girls who go to clubs every weekend in their country. And those who didn't marry bar girls also apply similar attitudes to keeping away from the sluts in their home country too.. They wouldn't marry them either !

Hang on - there is a logic failure here:

If the guys who marry bar girls could not 'get' the sluts in their home country

And the guys who don't marry bar girls keep away from sluts in their home countries...

Then who is 'banging' the sluts in the home country??

The difference lies somewhere between the 'banging and the marrying' !!!

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The majority of girls who go to clubs in my country (United States) can barely cook. I mean, let's face it Fellas, Thai women, especially bar girls, know how to feed and care for a family. American (and British) women tend to be independent and upwardly mobile, boring, not interested in child rearing. Then there's the attractiveness issue. Yeah, sure, some American women are cute, but the majority are just too dam_n butt ugly! Woof Woof! No thank you. Bye bye. Thai women are works of art, figuratively speaking of course. I mean, who the Hell wants to wake up next to someone that looks like a man in the morning? My Wife's face is so gosh darn kissable.

A non-smoking, non-alcholoc tattoo-less bar girl makes for an absolutely perfect wife. Help take care of her aging parents, who worked their asses off choppin' rice for next to nothing, and she'll love you for life.

:rolleyes: Some of your chicks look like a dude in the morning? You need to be more discriminating with your beer goggles or your "what will she look like in the morning radar" needs refinement.

Many Thai chicks do not seem to interested in child rearing with the kid punted off to grandma in the backwoods to get that cr@ppy countryside education, while the chick goes on about her business. I once tried to convince a bar girl that rather than sending toys to her kid, she should send books. Never happened and the following year when the kid scored 30% on an entrance test she could not understand why. :blink: Very, very few of the bar girls raise their kids and some of the girls already have plans for their daughters follow mommie's footsteps into the bar life. I know of just 2 bar girls who have their kids with them in Pattaya. One has her because the schools are a lot better than those in farming areas and the other is because her parents are not in the best health. Not to mention the number of ladies who have gone off to Europe/Americas etc who left their kids in Isan...

Just because you help take care of her aging parents is NOT a reason for her to love you for life. Plenty of guys have taken care of her parents, kids, cousins etc and then been treated like something found on the bottom of a shoe.

Additionally, there are many, many ladies (not just Thai) can barely cook. It amazes me how high the percentage is. Most can make a few meals, but after that they are pretty much lost in the kitchen.


Found this...

These men need to know the ground truth when they are away. We are trying to help guys from being scammed. Scamming men by relationships is a big business here, and many of the ladies are very professional about it.”
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Sorry cannot comply, mine has never been a bar girl. Good luck to you scorpio hope it works out for you and she looks at the big picture :jap:

Works for me. My ex always maintained his g/f wasn't a 'b/g' - she merely worked in a bar before becoming a masseuse....:lol:

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So all bar girls are bad then and dirty and you shouldnt marry one ?? What about the girls that go to clubs everywekend in your country and get banged off a different guy everyweek? Id marry a Thai girl on the spot rather than marry a nagging, old, selfish farang lady any day

Precisely how insecure are you?

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I don't have a problem with it. However, it's usually unlikely to work out. Keep us informed of how things go.

Your right it is unlikely to work out that's becasue from what I've seen why it doesn't work out is becasue the man has lied about what he is worth, given the woman false hope, treated her like dirt and generally just behaves like an complete and utter ar#hol#.

Those on the other hand that were honest from day one whether they have money or not (because that really doesn't matter) treats the woman with respect and doesn't continually ring her phone when hes at work "where are you? what are you doing? your no good etc etc" chances are it will work out.

Unfortunately those type of folk are far and few between over here all I see is plane load after plane load of insecure childish grown men that haven't got a chance in hell of ever having a proper relationship with any woman from any county and from any walk of life bg or not.

BIG + 1.

Also, I see how a lot of these girls are spoken to by their new found 'boyfrend'/sponsors who'd earn a sharp slap from a woman from their own culture and think 'by God, these tarts sure do earn their money' ...

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