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True Corp Backs Laws Restricting Foreign Firms


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True backs laws restricting foreign firms



True Corp supports the national broadcasting and telecom watchdog's regulations aimed at preventing foreign dominance of Thai firms in the sector, chief executive officer Supachai Chearavanont said yesterday.

He said the regulations were necessary to prevent foreign entities competing against local telecommunication operators in bidding for key spectrum licences, citing national security.

The National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC) will hold a public hearing on regulations regarding foreign participation in the industry today to consider whether they should be reviewed.

True is the only local telecom operator without a foreign strategic partner. Total Access Communication (DTAC) and Advanced Info Service (AIS) have Norway's Telenor and Singapore Telecom as strategic partners, respectively.

Last Friday, DTAC filed a complaint with the Central Administrative Court claiming foreign-dominance regulations issued by the now-defunct National Telecommunications Commission were illegal and unconstitutional. The regulations took effect in September. The NBTC has since replaced the NTC in overseeing the telecom and broadcasting industries.

According to CEO John Eddy Abdullah, DTAC believes the regulations restrict competition and do not allow a level playing field, which he said would have long-term negative effects for Thai consumers.

They also contradict Thailand's international trade commitments and do not support the Kingdom's ambitions and long-term strategy to attract more foreign investment, he said.

He added that the regulations should not be applicable to concessionaires and existing licensees as they obstruct competition on equal terms, and deny access to international best practices that benefit consumers.

An NBTC source said DTAC believed the regulations might adversely affect its plan to bid for a licence to use the 2.1-gigahertz spectrum to provide cellular broadband service.

The NBTC is expected to auction the new spectrum licences next year.

The regulations have been opposed by many parties on the grounds that they discourage foreign investment in Thailand and might contravene the country's free-trade commitments to global organisations. Supporters of the regulations believe they are needed to protect telecommunications spectra, which are a precious national resource, and the national interest.

The regulations define foreign dominance as direct and indirect control over a company's policies and the appointment of directors and high-ranking management.


-- The Nation 2011-12-02

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Is it any surprise a Thai company the likes of True would want to continue to restrict foreign firms doing business here....they would hate to have to compete on a more level playing field and provide value and service to their customers....

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Is it any surprise a Thai company the likes of True would want to continue to restrict foreign firms doing business here....they would hate to have to compete on a more level playing field and provide value and service to their customers....

Well stated.. These are my thoughts also. I have been thinking of cancelling my gold package for some time (1560thb) because of the terrible programming but have grown lazy and have accepted they are the only game in my part of town. Thanks True it's been nice knowing you. Now with the money l save I can by two bottles of over-taxed Aussie wine. Well I never, mindabenda.

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It is very sad for Thailand that this selective xenophobia exists both in regard to foreigners settling here and companies wishing to do business here.

Supachai Chearavanont's father, Dhanin, is the CEO of Charoen Pokphand Group, one of the biggest Agri businesses in Asia has branches in many countries.

True Visions has the monopoly on cable TV provision.

Foreign competition ought to bring out the best in them, but they are obviously scared of that.

A shame really.

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"Is it any surprise a Thai company the likes of True would want to continue to restrict foreign firms doing business here....they would hate to have to compete on a more level playing field and provide value and service to their customers...."

Totally agree!!!!

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"Is it any surprise a Thai company the likes of True would want to continue to restrict foreign firms doing business here....they would hate to have to compete on a more level playing field and provide value and service to their customers...."

Totally agree!!!!


I have often thought that as I bounce between phone/Internet providers seeking clarity and service... annoyed.gif

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Supporters of the regulations believe they are needed to protect telecommunications spectra, which are a precious national resource, and the national interest.

I love how this issue is constantly confused, and yet seems so amazingly logical when put into discussion in Thailand.

The airwaves are a precious national resource, (they say) but this is only if someone is going to pay to use them.

So is Thai money is more valuable than foreign? Nope.

So is the arguement that the only nationality qualified to exploit the Thai population is Thai? Would appear so.

So if placing foreign competition into the market drove down prices to customers this wouldn't be in the national interest because it wouldn't be in CP's interest? So by definition the bank balance of True Corp is the "nationa interest?

The argument is so completely contradictory and yet it continues.

Edited by Thai at Heart
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Is it any surprise a Thai company the likes of True would want to continue to restrict foreign firms doing business here....they would hate to have to compete on a more level playing field and provide value and service to their customers....

Well stated.. These are my thoughts also. I have been thinking of cancelling my gold package for some time (1560thb) because of the terrible programming but have grown lazy and have accepted they are the only game in my part of town. Thanks True it's been nice knowing you. Now with the money l save I can by two bottles of over-taxed Aussie wine. Well I never, mindabenda.

I had my True removed 8 months ago and don't regret it, everything via stream and download now. More competition is needed!

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Well, considering the fact, that True invented mobile phone technology they are absolutely right in claiming all those nasty alien foreign influences in this beautiful country. Why does anyone take such manure serious? If Thailand would only use Thai products and Thai inventions they would still run around like Agamemnon in Neanderthal.

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Thais have been conditioned to accept the social programming of 'the national interest' as it states in the national anthem , "every inch of Thailand is for Thais' Including in this instance the inches in the air. The national interest card is used whenever and where-ever it is felt the Thais might be upstaged on their own turf.

True, truly fear foreigners as they would be forced to lower their outragouesly expensive packages (50 dollars a month for gold package is a joke) considering the volume of repeats and the poor quality of the programming - Panda TV <deleted>!! and as for the true visionsThai channels (not Thai bashing) but they are cut price, intellectually deficient nonsense.

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Well, considering the fact, that True invented mobile phone technology they are absolutely right in claiming all those nasty alien foreign influences in this beautiful country. Why does anyone take such manure serious? If Thailand would only use Thai products and Thai inventions they would still run around like Agamemnon in Neanderthal.

Is The Dreambox a Thai invention? If so, kudos to them.

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Well, considering the fact, that True invented mobile phone technology they are absolutely right in claiming all those nasty alien foreign influences in this beautiful country. Why does anyone take such manure serious? If Thailand would only use Thai products and Thai inventions they would still run around like Agamemnon in Neanderthal.

Is The Dreambox a Thai invention? If so, kudos to them.

Where can i get one?jap.gif

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Well, considering the fact, that True invented mobile phone technology they are absolutely right in claiming all those nasty alien foreign influences in this beautiful country. Why does anyone take such manure serious? If Thailand would only use Thai products and Thai inventions they would still run around like Agamemnon in Neanderthal.

Is The Dreambox a Thai invention? If so, kudos to them.

I won't touch CP products.

They use practices outlawed in the west like injecting chicken, bacon etc with water/fat.

True TV overpriced and the HD now isn't true HD anymore.

As above I agree it's just pure greed.

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So if placing foreign competition into the market drove down prices to customers this wouldn't be in the national interest because it wouldn't be in CP's interest? So by definition the bank balance of True Corp is the "national interest?

You didn't need to ask that as a rhetorical question. Of course, it is in fact a matter of fact. B)

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Well, considering the fact, that True invented mobile phone technology they are absolutely right in claiming all those nasty alien foreign influences in this beautiful country. Why does anyone take such manure serious? If Thailand would only use Thai products and Thai inventions they would still run around like Agamemnon in Neanderthal.

Is The Dreambox a Thai invention? If so, kudos to them.

Where can i get one?:jap:

Why only one get one for all your relatives and friends.

They all deserve to own such a high quality item.:jap::cheesy:

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Is it any surprise a Thai company the likes of True would want to continue to restrict foreign firms doing business here....they would hate to have to compete on a more level playing field and provide value and service to their customers....

It's true (no pun intended) of most companies, whether Thai or not. The USA for example, is full of such restrictive practices.

Edited by w11guy
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Only Thais have the right to rip off other Thais. You'd be surprised how many people I've come across who are okay with this.

If foreigners rip off Thai, it's not acceptable. Imagine being ripped off by someone less intelligent than you. Plus, they'll take all their money out of the country, and there will be no money for the poor Thais.

As long as Thais are only allowed to rip off Thais, the money will stay in the country and everyone will benefit (everyone being maybe 20% of the population) Maybe that's an exaggeration.

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Why so much Thai bashing? The USA is just as guilty of these restrictive practices, as are most other countries. If Thailand should open up to foreign competition, then so should the USA. The USA is a prime example for where big business is put before national interests. Big business in USA owns the politicians and uses them to bring in restrictive laws. USA is much, much worse than Thailand in these respects.

Edited by w11guy
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Why so much Thai bashing? The USA is just as guilty of these restrictive practices, as are most other countries. If Thailand should open up to foreign competition, then so should the USA. The USA is a prime example for where big business is put before national interests. Big business in USA owns the politicians and use them to bring in restrictive laws. USA is much, much worse than Thailand in these respects.

I'm not from the USA.

If calling these 'rich' Thais greedy degenerates, you can call me a Thai basher.

If you wanna bash the US, go on to usavisa.com.

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Thais have been conditioned to accept the social programming of 'the national interest' as it states in the national anthem , "every inch of Thailand is for Thais' Including in this instance the inches in the air. The national interest card is used whenever and where-ever it is felt the Thais might be upstaged on their own turf.

True, truly fear foreigners as they would be forced to lower their outragouesly expensive packages (50 dollars a month for gold package is a joke) considering the volume of repeats and the poor quality of the programming - Panda TV <deleted>!! and as for the true visionsThai channels (not Thai bashing) but they are cut price, intellectually deficient nonsense.

But the strange issue is that they are willing to pay literally through the nose for this, whilst cutting their nose off to spite their face.

Sorry to mix metaphors, but they are willing to pay more just to keep the market apparently in Thai hands. All very bizarre really.

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Well, considering the fact, that True invented mobile phone technology they are absolutely right in claiming all those nasty alien foreign influences in this beautiful country. Why does anyone take such manure serious? If Thailand would only use Thai products and Thai inventions they would still run around like Agamemnon in Neanderthal.

Did True really invent mobile phone technology?

I am only asking as I used to build mobile phone networks internationally from way back in 1988 and it had been going well in Europe and the USA for a few years before that.

NMT (Nordisk MobilTelefoni or Nordiska MobilTelefoni-gruppen, Nordic Mobile Telephony in English) is the first fully automatic cellular phone system. It was specified by Nordic telecommunications administrations (PTTs) and opened for service in 1 October 1981 as a response to the increasing congestion and heavy requirements of the manual mobile phone networks: ARP (150 MHz) in Finland and MTD (450 MHz) in Sweden, Norway and Denmark. The Swedish electrical engineer Östen Mäkitalo is considered as the father of this system, and of the cell phone.

Which was actually long before True was born.

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Moan Moan Moan...... Eddy from DTAC played Mr. Smart trying to shut down 3G for Thailand, and now the <deleted> blew back in his face.

If Eddy had his way, no one would be able to use 3G in Thailand, and you DTAC afficinado's would be moaning again about a banana republic that has no 3G.

Som Nom Nah is all i have to say

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Moan Moan Moan...... Eddy from DTAC played Mr. Smart trying to shut down 3G for Thailand, and now the <deleted> blew back in his face.

If Eddy had his way, no one would be able to use 3G in Thailand, and you DTAC afficinado's would be moaning again about a banana republic that has no 3G.

Som Nom Nah is all i have to say

Eddy, bloody Eddy!

I'm with AIS, and I have a fairly new Blackberry. My Blackberry is not compatible with AIS' 3G service. I've travelled to around 9 different countries using this phone and the 3G has worked a dream.

Double som num nah for me I guess. Eddy - the bane of my 3G usage! If only I'd known.............

Edited by rkidlad
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I won't touch CP products.

They use practices outlawed in the west like injecting chicken, bacon etc with water/fat.

True TV overpriced and the HD now isn't true HD anymore.

As above I agree it's just pure greed.

What is happening to True HD ? I tried to sign up for it start of November to be told that the HD boxes were out of stock and wouldn't be available until early 2012.
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This has nothing to do with the 'national interest' & everything to do with the CP/True interest. What they want is another monopoly so they can rip off their mobile customers the same way as they do their cable subscribers.

This company acted the same way over the desire of the likes of Tesco & Big C to open large supermarkets up-country. They cited the damage to small shops, 'forgetting' that CP/7-11 has done more damage than any other company to those small traders.

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