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How does this 'registration' thing work in the US? If you're registered as a Democrat aren't you allowed to vote Republican?

Seems not. My understanding is that you need to be registered one way or the other, so its all about how many pitch up on voting day really. It is why gerrymandering is such a contagion in US politics.

I think you're confused. American voters need to be registered with any party, there are several, but the bigger ones are democrat, republican and much less so independent, libertarian, socialist, etc. Then on the general election day (as opposed to primaries) you vote anyway you like for any party candidate you like.

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How does this 'registration' thing work in the US? If you're registered as a Democrat aren't you allowed to vote Republican?

Seems not. My understanding is that you need to be registered one way or the other, so its all about how many pitch up on voting day really. It is why gerrymandering is such a contagion in US politics.

I think you're confused. American voters need to be registered with any party, there are several, but the bigger ones are democrat, republican and much less so independent, libertarian, socialist, etc. Then on the general election day (as opposed to primaries) you vote anyway you like for any party candidate you like.

Thanks for the correction.

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I doubt most democrats would agree with Ron Paul's dogma that sick people without health insurance should be allowed to just suffer and die, in keeping with his absurdly radical libertarian ideology. So forget your idea.

Oh, my G-d, we can't possibly have personal responsibility can we? After all, it is the State that is the 'End All, Be All' for amateur and professional Collectivists alike.

Oh, and just to set the record straight, there is only one certified Right Winger in the list of GOP candidates, and that is Ron Paul. He is a Right Winger because he is an Individualist. And Individualism is the exact opposite of Collectivism, which is universally recognized as Left Wing.

All the rest of the field of Dumbasses are really Center, or Center Right, NeoCons/NeoFederalists, and love Big Government like their Statist brothers on the Left. And that is why I hate both parties, and agree totally with Judge Napolitano, that both are nothing more than two wings of the same party: the Big Government Party. So Jackass(Democrat), or Dumbass(Republican), they are still part of the same group. One would just get you there faster than the other. They both Suck Big Time.

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Cain held himself up as a beacon of conservative family values oriented morals. The mud that stuck to him is well deserved.

This is the second time this has come up in this thread. Are you and the other guy saying that it's ok for a liberal to sexually harass women and have affairs because to do so wouldn't be considered hypocritical? I know a few liberals and some of them take family values seriously.

Back to Cain suspending his campaign. I wonder if the day will come when he annouces that he has actually quit the race? OR, he decides for some reason to start it again. It must be hard to raise campaign contributions. :)

It is not OK for anyone, liberal or conservative, to sexually harass women. I frankly don't give a hoot about mutually desired sexual affairs, but Cain went beyond that for at least some of the cases brought to light.

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So now this thread has devolved into Christian bashing. It is not the first time, but I find it particularly disgusting. Why are atheists and agnostics any more moral than Christians? What is the divorce rate of Christians as opposed to non-believers? It would seem this thread has degenerated into simply another TV forum display of out of control liberalism.

Flail away, but if the best proof you can offer that somebody is lying is because they are wearing dark glasses and claim to be Christian, I would not recommend you give up your day job to become a prosecuting attorney.

Perhaps there are Christians that find the conduct of Mr. Cain disturbing. Mr. Cain was quick to quote the bible and to refer to the need for moral values, He condemned those that did not meet his moral criteria. It is a shame that Mr. Cain did not pick up his bible and read John 8.2-11 It's the part where it states "let he who is without sin, cast the first stone" In this incident Jesus was the only person present that was free of sin,and the only one who had the right to "cast the first stone." Yet, Jesus did not stone the accused woman. Instead he forgave her and told her to "sin no more." Had Mr. Cain read his bible and paid heed to that passage and the parts about adultery, he would not be in the mess that he is now. It really is impossible to defend Mr. Cain. If there is a hell, I believe he's got a reservation in the aisle where everything is on fire and burning with a ferocity, a ferocity reserved for the hypocrites that claim the word of the Lord as their own and who twist it for their perverted means.

I always knew my Church of England education would come in handy one day. :lol:


Wow. Spot on! By the way that wasn't a Baptist education was it? :D

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Oh, my G-d, we can't possibly have personal responsibility can we? After all, it is the State that is the 'End All, Be All' for amateur and professional Collectivists alike.

Of course government has an important role. Such as providing universal health care to all citizens, providing free education to all citizens, providing roads, defense, environmental regulation, financial industry regulation, seed programs for strategic industries, entitlement programs for the aged and disabled, massive jobs programs for the army of unemployed. Just scratched the surface here of course. And who should pay for all this? Why it is you, JohnL, you must pay. Man up and stop whining about it.

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Good riddance to unqualified, simple minded (999!), uninformed, arrogant, hot headed, sexual harassing, lying to wife, Holy rolling, poor demonizing, gropinating (sic) RUBBISH.

His final speech. Total rubbish. He blamed the media when his demise was ALL his fault (including his obvious lack of fitness for the office).

Indeed Good Riddance to bad Rubbish.

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It's too bad he dropped out, he touched so many people.

Not sure why he gave up, he must have been used to people saying "No" to him?

Libya, Hummm.... What a doofus.

Seriously though, what's up with his repeated quote from the Donna Summer song used in the Pokemon movie? He used it so many times, even when he announced his campaign suspension.

I assume he will be in the Dec. 27 Debate? :whistling:

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Oh, my G-d, we can't possibly have personal responsibility can we? After all, it is the State that is the 'End All, Be All' for amateur and professional Collectivists alike.

Of course government has an important role. Such as providing universal health care to all citizens, providing free education to all citizens, providing roads, defense, environmental regulation, financial industry regulation, seed programs for strategic industries, entitlement programs for the aged and disabled, massive jobs programs for the army of unemployed. Just scratched the surface here of course. And who should pay for all this? Why it is you, JohnL, you must pay. Man up and stop whining about it.

Well that is certainly NOT what the founding fathers and the constitution paved the way for in the US. Your a real socialist on the side there Jingthing, I think you will be forever disappointed with US politics.

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You think any of the remaining candidates would want Cain's endorsement ?

Well, seriously, who do you think Cain will endorse ?


Newt Gingrich. Pleny of voters like Cain and respect his opinion on other candidates. They just do not want Cain to be POTUS.

Thanks, dear Ulysses.

You know, sometimes, when one thinks of someone/something, for some reason, some past thing immediately comes to one's mind. For me, when the word 'Newt Gingrich' comes up, I immediately think of one news article (of many many years ago) where it was written that a group was protesting againt Gingrich, and was using the slogan 'Newt Gingrich go away ; racist, sexist, anti-gay' ! This slogan always comes to my mind about Gingrich :)

Is Gingrich perceived by many people to be racist, sexist and anti-gay ?


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No need to post your resume. This thread is about HERMAN CAIN, not about JT.

I am relatively sure that JT would not have a bevy of women accusing him of sexual harassment.

And how well do you know him?

I remember a thread of bygone years about JT's imaginary prison activities. Be careful about what you assume! whistling.gif

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You think any of the remaining candidates would want Cain's endorsement ?

Well, seriously, who do you think Cain will endorse ?


Newt Gingrich. Pleny of voters like Cain and respect his opinion on other candidates. They just do not want Cain to be POTUS.

Thanks, dear Ulysses.

You know, sometimes, when one thinks of someone/something, for some reason, some past thing immediately comes to one's mind. For me, when the word 'Newt Gingrich' comes up, I immediately think of one news article (of many many years ago) where it was written that a group was protesting againt Gingrich, and was using the slogan 'Newt Gingrich go away ; racist, sexist, anti-gay' ! This slogan always comes to my mind about Gingrich :)

Is Gingrich perceived by many people to be racist, sexist and anti-gay ?


Par for the course for the extremist right wing republican party:

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Newt had more to do with balancing the budget a decade ago than Bill Clinton did.

So when he doesn't even get nominated, he'll get to brag about at the Palm Beach Croquet Club. He's the latest flavor. He's like the King of too much baggage. The main reason Romney can't seal the deal is shameful religious bigotry against him.

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Newt had more to do with balancing the budget a decade ago than Bill Clinton did.

So when he doesn't even get nominated, he'll get to brag about at the Palm Beach Croquet Club. He's the latest flavor. He's like the King of too much baggage. The main reason Romney can't seal the deal is shameful religious bigotry against him.

Cry me a river. To you everyone is a bigot unless they are a Democrat. Even if he were, that isn't an issue for over 90% of the people. REAL IMPORTANT things are going on nowadays that affect 99% of the people. What ruins the political process are people (guess who?) who put their own pet cause ahead of what's good for the country. That's why Congress wastes so much time on these side issues instead of doing something about the economy or the wars. These people are part of the problem.

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The main reason Romney can't seal the deal is shameful religious bigotry against him.

The main reason is actually because he is considered to be too liberal. The religion thing is only of minor significance. ;)

I don't agree with you and polls bear me out. The right wing non-Mormon Christians really do have a problem with a Mormon president. If he gets nominated, they'll hold their pious noses and vote for him, but they've been running around half mad looking for a viable alternative. I tell you democrats are thrilled at the chance it might be Gingrich! Gingrich is about the weakest most vulnerable choice the right wing party can put up. Bring it on!

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Par for the course for the extremist right wing republican party:

I'm a little confused. Was that an extreme right wing Republican party member playing "sprinkle the sparklers"?

His mommy must have been very proud.

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It was a gay man protesting at a meeting of haters of gays, featuring the Newt. I reckon his Mommy is proud. Its a proud thing to confront bigots.

I wonder if his daddy is also proud?

From the video, "It's dividing our country and it's not fixing our economy!"

LOL - tossing in that reference to the economy to make himself look less of 5%-er. Very transparent.

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Newt had more to do with balancing the budget a decade ago than Bill Clinton did.

So when he doesn't even get nominated, he'll get to brag about at the Palm Beach Croquet Club. He's the latest flavor. He's like the King of too much baggage. The main reason Romney can't seal the deal is shameful religious bigotry against him.

Any nation that votes in a man that believes that the message from God to Moses written in Granite was not good enough and it had to be given to an American polygamist pioneer written on Gold tablets, believes in the Planet Koleb and wears underwear with secret markings on to protect him from Satan deserves everything they get, equally so if they vote in a female Christian Fundamentalist that will gladly take the country to an entire WWIII starting in the ME so that she can be the President who brought on the rapture. Excuse the pun but for Gods sake there is only Newt which means no change and Paul which means the electorate having balls of steel for once.

I would stand bye and laugh at the circus if it did not have such a profound impact on me and my family as global citizens.

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The Mormon story on the face of it is ridiculous. But the older religions are really just as ridiculous, but they are so much older and established that they are simply accepted better. America stands for freedom of religion including freedom of no religion, and to me it seems un-American to consider religious creed as a factor in voting. Except in the case where you have good evidence the person will govern based on their religious dogma.

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The Mormon story on the face of it is ridiculous. But the older religions are really just as ridiculous, but they are so much older and established that they are simply accepted better. America stands for freedom of religion including freedom of no religion, and to me it seems un-American to consider religious creed as a factor in voting. Except in the case where you have good evidence the person will govern based on their religious dogma.

A fair point Jingthing, however in todays USA it is impossible to conceive that a non Cristian could be elected to the White House. Religious creed is a major issue in voting in the USA and a non religion candidate will never ever win in the foreseeable future.

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The Mormon story on the face of it is ridiculous. But the older religions are really just as ridiculous, but they are so much older and established that they are simply accepted better. America stands for freedom of religion including freedom of no religion, and to me it seems un-American to consider religious creed as a factor in voting. Except in the case where you have good evidence the person will govern based on their religious dogma.

A fair point Jingthing, however in todays USA it is impossible to conceive that a non Cristian could be elected to the White House. Religious creed is a major issue in voting in the USA and a non religion candidate will never ever win in the foreseeable future.

Agreed, but Mormons say they are Christians but many Christians don't accept that.

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The Mormon story on the face of it is ridiculous. But the older religions are really just as ridiculous, but they are so much older and established that they are simply accepted better. America stands for freedom of religion including freedom of no religion, and to me it seems un-American to consider religious creed as a factor in voting. Except in the case where you have good evidence the person will govern based on their religious dogma.

A fair point Jingthing, however in todays USA it is impossible to conceive that a non Cristian could be elected to the White House. Religious creed is a major issue in voting in the USA and a non religion candidate will never ever win in the foreseeable future.

Agreed, but Mormons say they are Christians but many Christians don't accept that.

My understanding is that many (bible belt Christians) think of it as a cult. you are correct though, if he is not chosen as a candidate it will be religious issues that undermine him.

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