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Why Does Fox `news` Operate In Thailand?

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Why do people get so uptight over news channels,all tv's come with a remote and power off switch do they not ?

Because mindless morons go out and vote after believing the rubbish they talk, which has an effect on everyone.

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Why do people get so uptight over news channels,all tv's come with a remote and power off switch do they not ?

You don't understand. Here at the forum we have an overwhelming proportion of highly intelligent, wealthy, highly sophisticated, and highly educated members for whom Fox is one of their favorite hot buttons. It's a term like bar girl or sinsot or songkran, gotta be regularly excoriated, the demons exorcised, superiority established.

They live for these topics/moments, our highly intelligent, wealthy, highly sophisticated, and highly educated members . Don't deny them the needed catharsis!


The same "highly sophisticated" pseudo-intellectuals who have to go on about how much they hate McDonalds every single time that someone brings it up - instead of just going out and eating greasy bangers and mash like they usually do. :D


Why do people get so uptight over news channels,all tv's come with a remote and power off switch do they not ?

Because mindless morons go out and vote after believing the rubbish they talk, which has an effect on everyone.

We're ALL the same. Few of us change our political opinions after the age of 25 or so.

Fox is the worst of the worst but, is unlikely to actually change anybody's point of view.


Why do people get so uptight over news channels,all tv's come with a remote and power off switch do they not ?

Because mindless morons go out and vote after believing the rubbish they talk, which has an effect on everyone.

We're ALL the same. Few of us change our political opinions after the age of 25 or so.

Fox is the worst of the worst but, is unlikely to actually change anybody's point of view.

"If you're not liberal when you're young, you have no heart. If you're not conservative when you're older, you have no brain."

-attributed to Sir Winston Chrchill


I find Fox so right wing as to actually be funny. What people need to ask is why did Americans feel a need for a right wing news channel in the first place. Answer - the liberal media were only espousing their own agenda on the other news channels and balance was wanted.

Much in the same way Married With Children was created to counter balance trendy left wing hows such as Roseanne.

Like I said I find fox news funny - after all the right havew every right to portray themselves as neing as stoopid as the loony left.

For a better news program Al Jazeera wins hands down and still has Sir David plus some good investagative documentaries.


You have to love the Left-Wing Sheeple! They scream and shout how terrible Fox News is, saying I have never watched it, and never will watch it; then in same breath recite an entire list of reasons explaining why.

Explain to me how, if you've never watched it, and never will watch it, you've come to this conclusion? It would seem to me that you are reciting the propaganda that your Left-Wing overlords have instructed you to say. Would you rather watch a Left-Wing biased channel where the news anchor says his "legs quiver when ever he hears Obama talk"?

Most of the the world media (including the press) is Left-Wing biased, but I suppose you find nothing wrong with that?

Did you crib that from Sarah Palin? She also used the term lame stream media. I note that many of the people who froth at the mouth against legitimate news organizations also have a predisposition to believe in 9-11 conspiracies, ghosts, goblins and the need for aliens to land in trailer parks to undertake anal probes.

The fact f the matter is that Fox News intentionally targets a demographic and strives to service that audience with stories and products that appeal to it. I am unable to watch the morning "talk" shows for more than a few minutes because the hosts are ignorant to the point that they are offensive with many of their comments and claims. I was left in shock one day when I tuned in to see the morning show highlighting some creationist theme park in Kansas that attempted to show that man walked with dinosaurs. Not once did a commentator point out that it didn't happen, not once did a commentator point out that the timelines presented were not supported by historical fact.

I do not dispute that Fox provides an important perspective, yet I also note that Fox is rarely out in front when there is a major news story requiring the investment of resources and intelligent news analysis. One will never see a BBC quality Panorama, or PBS Nova type show on Fox, because the audience would have a melt down if required to think. I do however, confess to enjoying Fox shows such as Cops or its sister channel National geographic's shows on prisons and jails. I thank Fox for giving me insight into the lives of Americans.


Why do people get so uptight over news channels,all tv's come with a remote and power off switch do they not ?

Because mindless morons go out and vote after believing the rubbish they talk, which has an effect on everyone.

We're ALL the same. Few of us change our political opinions after the age of 25 or so.

Fox is the worst of the worst but, is unlikely to actually change anybody's point of view.

"If you're not liberal when you're young, you have no heart. If you're not conservative when you're older, you have no brain."

-attributed to Sir Winston Chrchill

Yes, but Churchill was a tory MP.... What on earth else would he say??

One of those things. I agree that we generally become more intolerant as we get older, but as long as we actually try to 'think things through', I don't have a problem.

I DO have a problem though, with people that spout any old rubbish they have heard without actually looking into it.

Can't tell you the number of email 'forwarded' messages I have received that, having checked them, are complete fabrication!


For such a terrible program, why is it number ONE? Why is it such a target for the far left? No one HAS to watch it.


Can't tell you the number of email 'forwarded' messages I have received that, having checked them, are complete fabrication!

Me too, but from both liberals and conservatives.


I'm a Brit and I worked alongside the American forces in Germany for 5 years. I have watched Fox News recently and just like everybody else here it was easy to see how slanted and partisan it is.

I am very disappointed at how partisan the USA has become, you need to remember you are American first and Democratic or Republican second.

Now you are starting to see the problem of electing the Executive and the Legislature separately. what was supposed to a check and balance is now becoming a blood clot heading for the heart of your country.

What happened this year when the country was ran to the edge of insolvency was a national disgrace.


For such a terrible program, why is it number ONE? Why is it such a target for the far left? No one HAS to watch it.

Probably 'cos most Americans are v right-wing compared to everyone else and they form the largest population in the Western world.

I'm not far left but, can only look on in jaw-dropping amazement at the rubbish they spout as gospel. Or, to be fair, used to a few years back.

Somehow I doubt its changed.


Can't tell you the number of email 'forwarded' messages I have received that, having checked them, are complete fabrication!

Me too, but from both liberals and conservatives.

I agree and have found the same thing.


The fact f the matter is that Fox News intentionally targets a demographic and strives to service that audience with stories and products that appeal to it.

Which says a lot about the target demographic if they are naive enough to seek out and believe the tripe that airs on Faux News.

Let's face it, the American public, which is the target demographic for Faux News, are gullible enough to believe whatever is presented on the tube as fact. Their main concern is the status quo, keeping little Johnny in school, preventing Mary Sue from being yet another pregnant teen and to keep them in work so they can live their extravagant American lifestyle. I have had more than one heated debate on this very topic with many well-educated Americans who swear by the gospel according to Faux News. Truly sad when supposedly educated people lose the ability to think and reason for themselves.

I remember a time when a news organization's primary responsibility was to REPORT the news, not to FABRICATE news stories in order to further the agendas of their puppet masters.

On another note, I dislike Bill O'Reilly to the point that if I were to ever meet the man face-to-face, I'd kick him in the nutz and pray that it was caught on tape so it made the evening "news" cycle.


The fact f the matter is that Fox News intentionally targets a demographic and strives to service that audience with stories and products that appeal to it.

Which says a lot about the target demographic if they are naive enough to seek out and believe the tripe that airs on Faux News.

Let's face it, the American public, which is the target demographic for Faux News, are gullible enough to believe whatever is presented on the tube as fact. Their main concern is the status quo, keeping little Johnny in school, preventing Mary Sue from being yet another pregnant teen and to keep them in work so they can live their extravagant American lifestyle. I have had more than one heated debate on this very topic with many well-educated Americans who swear by the gospel according to Faux News. Truly sad when supposedly educated people lose the ability to think and reason for themselves.

I remember a time when a news organization's primary responsibility was to REPORT the news, not to FABRICATE news stories in order to further the agendas of their puppet masters.

On another note, I dislike Bill O'Reilly to the point that if I were to ever meet the man face-to-face, I'd kick him in the nutz and pray that it was caught on tape so it made the evening "news" cycle.

The Americans are FAR from alone in this respect.


I'm a Brit and I worked alongside the American forces in Germany for 5 years. I have watched Fox News recently and just like everybody else here it was easy to see how slanted and partisan it is.

I am very disappointed at how partisan the USA has become, you need to remember you are American first and Democratic or Republican second.

Now you are starting to see the problem of electing the Executive and the Legislature separately. what was supposed to a check and balance is now becoming a blood clot heading for the heart of your country.

What happened this year when the country was ran to the edge of insolvency was a national disgrace.

Typically they do their worst in the absence of a blood clot that prevents them from making yet another mess. Give me the blood clot any day. :)

You might be interested to read The New Road to Serfdom: A Letter of Warning to America. Wish more 'Mercuns would read it.


What happened this year when the country was ran to the edge of insolvency was a national disgrace.

And the country is edging further towards insolvency every year the Reps and Doms raise the debt level.

Such extremist socialist policies which have ruined America are only properly criticised on Fox.

Its the only news channel in the west that points out the bleedin obvious that you cant export most your manufacturing jobs and expect a better standard of living, that Asia has huge tariffs on western goods and markets which are very difficult if not impossible to enter.


What happened this year when the country was ran to the edge of insolvency was a national disgrace.

And the country is edging further towards insolvency every year the Reps and Doms raise the debt level.

Such extremist socialist policies which have ruined America are only properly criticised on Fox.

Its the only news channel in the west that points out the bleedin obvious that you cant export away all your jobs and expect a better standard of living, that Asia has huge tariffs on western goods and markets which are very difficult if not impossible to enter.

Yes, and that the welfare policies are destroying the country - what they really need are tax cuts for the top 1%.

The problem is that people are too silly to realise this.


What happened this year when the country was ran to the edge of insolvency was a national disgrace.

And the country is edging further towards insolvency every year the Reps and Doms raise the debt level.

Such extremist socialist policies which have ruined America are only properly criticised on Fox.

Its the only news channel in the west that points out the bleedin obvious that you cant export away all your jobs and expect a better standard of living, that Asia has huge tariffs on western goods and markets which are very difficult if not impossible to enter.

Yes, and that the welfare policies are destroying the country - what they really need are tax cuts for the top 1%.

The problem is that people are too silly to realise this.

Good to see a loony lefty using dimwitted sarcasm to back up ones argument, i suppose its all you have as your ideology has proved its bankrupted your country.

But i'll bite anyway, imo the wealthy who create jobs in America and keep these jobs in America should be given tax breaks, companies that profiteer from outsourcing to slave labour markets to the detriment of America should be taxed to the hilt.


this thread is full of left this and right that, but what I want to know is how is thinking that a person should stand on his/her own two feet and do as much as possible for himself/herself,family and country such a right wing radical idea. What has happened to America that it is ok to not be responsible or accountable? I love my country and I know that it will never be strong again if the weak, who demand hand outs over hard work become the majority. For christ sakes wake up! roll up your sleeves, put on your boots and go make something happen. put the same amount of energy in working that is put into complaining and blaming and see what good happens. I hate paying tax because so much of the money is wasted but i really hate paying taxes so that the money can be redistributed to people who are not willing to work as hard as me. Fox new trends to report about how America has lost it's way.


For some strange reason socialists refuse to admit that the system simply doesn't work. Europe is a real time example. All Obama and his loyal followers have to do is to take a look at what the massive entitlement programs do to a country. The best thing we could do would be to educate the politicians how to balance a checkbook.

Fox gives the socialists a pain because the far left hates to hear the truth. Unfortunately the good fairy is NOT going to make the overspending problems go away. Raising taxes just gives the politicians more money to throw away. Huge government bureaucracies must be downsized or totally eliminated along with the czars that are paid huge salaries to further enlarge these useless federal agencies.


this thread is full of left this and right that, but what I want to know is how is thinking that a person should stand on his/her own two feet and do as much as possible for himself/herself,family and country such a right wing radical idea. What has happened to America that it is ok to not be responsible or accountable? I love my country and I know that it will never be strong again if the weak, who demand hand outs over hard work become the majority. For christ sakes wake up! roll up your sleeves, put on your boots and go make something happen. put the same amount of energy in working that is put into complaining and blaming and see what good happens. I hate paying tax because so much of the money is wasted but i really hate paying taxes so that the money can be redistributed to people who are not willing to work as hard as me. Fox new trends to report about how America has lost it's way.

Agreed but for people to stand a chance we need some good old fashioned protectionism as they have in Asia, the one ideology of the left that Reagan used to great effect that is currently needed. Wont happen though as both the DEMs REPs are in it up to their necks with the corporations and banks who are profiting like never before from slave labour.


Why do people get so uptight over news channels,all tv's come with a remote and power off switch do they not ?

Because mindless morons go out and vote after believing the rubbish they talk, which has an effect on everyone.

We're ALL the same. Few of us change our political opinions after the age of 25 or so.

Fox is the worst of the worst but, is unlikely to actually change anybody's point of view.

"If you're not liberal when you're young, you have no heart. If you're not conservative when you're older, you have no brain."

-attributed to Sir Winston Chrchill

According to the Churchill Centre a false attribution. Churchill was a Conservative at 15 and a Liberal at 35. More likely to have been said by the French statesman Francois Guizot (1787-1874).

On another note, I dislike Bill O'Reilly to the point that if I were to ever meet the man face-to-face, I'd kick him in the nutz and pray that it was caught on tape so it made the evening "news" cycle.

He might go nuts on you...


I really enjoy O'Reilly, even though I do not agree with him on many things. He is pretty conservative, but not an ideologue and is fairly open-mined. He even defends Obama on a regular basis, (which takes a pretty strong stomach after what the president has done to the US).

I don't understand why the lefties are so obsessed with discrediting him instead of real zealots like Sean Hannity who seem totally brainwashed to me. Hannity is all about talking points instead of independent thinking.


On the day Obama was sworn in as President of the U.S. and there was the usual parade with many camera shots of him and the reviewing stand, Fox News broadcast live continuous coverage of George Bush's departure from the White House, his helicopter flight to Andrews Air Base, his flight to Texas, his landing there and his travels to his ranch and the balance of his day there, no coverage of the Inaugural of the new president or the festivities surrounding his big day, at least live. Fortunately, for those who think the inaugural and the festivities surrounding a new President's first day is news, NBC and ABC were broadcasting continuous coverage.

Fox News is reported to have a large share of viewers as clearly they target the conservative viewers of TV in the US and get most of them to watch it would appear.


I really enjoy O'Reilly, even though I do not agree with him on many things. He is pretty conservative, but not an ideologue and is fairly open-mined. He even defends Obama on a regular basis, (which takes a pretty strong stomach after what the president has done to the US).

I don't understand why the lefties are so obsessed with discrediting him instead of real zealots like Sean Hannity who seem totally brainwashed to me. Hannity is all about talking points instead of independent thinking.

Good God! I actually agree with you on this one!


Not picking on females for the sake of it, but I think the woman candidate is stupider and more dangerous than Palin.

She is far from stupid and either is Palin (even though I am not a fan of either one). Bachmann has three degrees, two law degrees, the latter of which is in tax law. She worked for the IRS for five years and went on to run for State Senator in a primary and won and then won the general election. Four years later in 2004 she became the Assistant Minority leader in the Minnesota State Senate. Two years after that, in 2006, she was elected to the US House of Representatives. You do not accomplish all of that by being stupid no matter how much those on the left would like to paint her that way.

Some of the stupidest people I have ever met have been granted the honorific "Doctor" by academia.

I often wonder about the characters of people who spend their 20's in various institutions collecting letters after their name. ;)

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