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Why Does Fox `news` Operate In Thailand?


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I watch it sometimes to watch what the American right wing propaganda machine is spinning at the moment. Its scary to know they are the most influential media organ in the US because they talk such total garbage. Watch for their classic tactic of saying SOME PEOPLE SAY constantly. Such as -- some people say Obama supports man-dog marriage. Never say who said it. Its always the Fox News fiction writers. You're right, they don't cover Thailand the way BBC and Al Jazeera English do. I wish my local cable had CNN US version, it doesn't even have CNN international but I think the US version is much better.

I have to say that the BBC you get in Thailand is absolute rubbish and not a patch on the 'proper' Beeb. You might want to go to http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio4/ or http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/ and click on 'Listen' to get the flavour of the real thing.

I agree. The international BBC is total rubbish with it's PC BS and playing sports all the time- British football IS NOT NEWS you plonkers- plus the amount of time they waste on self advertising and ad nauseam repeats is sickening. How the mighty has fallen!

However to get back to the OP, I love Fox as they rubbish the Annointed One ( to use Hannity's term ), and I could listen to their attacks on the people that bailed out the criminal bankers and destroyed my world all day. However, no sane person would call their programme "International News", and they don't claim to be that.

No, they claim to be 'fair and balanced' :lol:.

Obviously they're not close to that but, as I said in an earlier post, who cares?

Only those that agree with their views will continue watching. Everybody else will find their own news source.

Agreed that "fair and balanced" they are NOT. However, I regard Fox as entertainment, not a news source. For "news" I'll go to Al Jazeera and Asia Today.

I just like to see them bash the crony capitalist prez. and his corrupt party. No wonder a majority of Americans don't think most of the present incumbents in Congress should be re elected.

BTW, if you want to see blatant propaganda, watch a channel called Russia Today. It constantly broadcasts anti US programmes, often fronted by US citizens.

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Is it really that hard to figure out why FOX, US based news is aired in Thailand? Perhaps because there are American Expats that want to watch that particular news channel with a focus on US based news. Much like some Japanese channels, Russian channels, etc, etc.

I would say they show Fox News rather than CNN because it's cheaper.

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BTW, if you want to see blatant propaganda, watch a channel called Russia Today. It constantly broadcasts anti US programmes, often fronted by US citizens.

That is the one that many of the Fox-bashers have claimed is the hight of serious jouralism. :lol:

FOX (aka. f&K) "news" targets buffaloes, so it does not surprise me that they have an audience in Southeast Asia.

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I have to admit I watch it more than people would expect from me politics-wise because a close friend from college is a regular Fox News Contributor so it's fun to see him yapping on the tube. Plus there is certain pleasure in catching the blatant propaganda tricks that I'm pretty sure their base of fans are blind to.

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The context is that they were talking about the Daily Show - which is always bashing him. He did not bring it up as a general observation

He is right about his show presenting all different views. I am pretty sure that is his point.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Naw. The claim is, it's fair to have a biased newscast since a comedy show does it too.

More of a gray area than it might appear since for a large number of people Daley is their primary source of news. But either way, it says a lot about the US newsmedia.

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The no spin zone.

As a non-American who has watched this guy from the sideline (Australia and now Thailand) for many years I find this guy remarkably compelling to watch. Americans would find it difficult to comprehend how brilliant he is because they're becoming clouded with bias over his political views. His IQ would have to be in the genius category.

Just as people are asking why they would air such a program in Thailand you could say it's even more strange why they would have it showing in Australia considering there are very few US expats living there and Australians couldn't/shouldn't care less about the politics.

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FOX news is entertainment pure and simple....sometimes you can even see Oreilly and the others smirking as they enjoy their jobs so much....gotta love the free prizes like doormats, coffee mugs etc, gives it a bit of gameshow chutzpah

With the endless cycle of repeat news on the eurozone on the budget conscious BBC, CNN , FOX adds a bit of fresh air

Edited by tailspin
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Probably over 85% of the news media is pro left and often anti-US! What do some of you want - no other opinions at all - ever?

So what if Fox News is on the air in Thailand! It is a breath of fresh air! Don't like it don't watch it! You can always tune into another one of the numerous news programs that supports your ideology!

Only someone with a particular agenda would ever believe that BBC, Aljazeera, CNN (Communist News Network,) and MSNBC are "Fair and Balanced?"

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1323419043[/url]' post='4900923']
1323418911[/url]' post='4900918']

That window they have behind the presenters in one of the studios where people come and peer from the pavement....I've been dying for someone to chuck a hand grenade through it.

Interesting. Usually people who support terrorists are more discreet about it.

Not terrorism........think of it as mercy killing.

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I dont know maybe some of what is being said about who FN targets is true but I would like to say it is not only white people that they are speaking to. My father and mother were both people of color. my father was an immigrant from mexico and I hear a good amount of reporting about illegal immigration, I understand the over all negative opinion towards "wet backs", that image carries on to all mexicans, so should I be like my mother and be a blind democrat? foolishly thinking that being a Democart will make me stronger. I am republican, why because I saw how little my mother and father profited by working for other people. I made the choice to work for myself early in life and by doing that I have had to live on next to nothing many times, worked 90 hr weeks, and been broke more times then i can remember. I never asked the govt for a dime 1x, and never expected the govt to do anything for me and the govt never offered either. Having said this, as soon as I made some money it was the govt who was 1st in line for my money, why? because i had the opportunity to take a risk and make some cash in the American business system. Ok fair enough, but i am not the only person who has the opportunity to earn money, the blacks, gays, bi's, trans, muslims, asians, africans, big, tall, skinny, fat, everyone who wants to make a buck can in america, so why do I need to support any of them with my tax dollars? if the govt is taking my money why do i need to be happy about when they are supporting self proclaimed victims? I would much rather see the money go on military spending which creates jobs then to some pitty pot group of people who demand a "fair share". Yes I like fox news and I like having a news station that promotes the old school beliefs i was raised with i.e. if you want to eat, work.

I wonder on the Fox "news" did they mention that the Wallmart family heirs alone holds the same wealth as THIRTY percent of the ENTIRE American population? These same people have effectively lobbied the government to reduce THEIR taxes and also to change the estate tax laws (which impact the SUPER rich only) in their favor.

I suggest Fox change their name to the One Percent Network because that's the interest they work on 24/7, preserving massive economic equality and making it even worse.

Often Latino Americans vote republican because they can relate to the "family values" (translation: hate the gays) rhetoric of that party. But still it was a strong Latino showing that propelled Obama in 2008 and I trust that will happen again.

IMO some groups take themselves too seriously several members in my family think of sexual preference as a personal choice not a badge of honour or something that needs to be justified.

Personal choice?

I just think some get sucked into the lifestyle.biggrin.gif

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Probably over 85% of the news media is pro left and often anti-US! What do some of you want - no other opinions at all - ever?

So what if Fox News is on the air in Thailand! It is a breath of fresh air! Don't like it don't watch it! You can always tune into another one of the numerous news programs that supports your ideology!

Only someone with a particular agenda would ever believe that BBC, Aljazeera, CNN (Communist News Network,) and MSNBC are "Fair and Balanced?"

I disagree with your first statement about "pro left." Making people think there is a major distinction between left/radical/liberal/democrat and right/radical/conservative/republican is part of the myth that the mainstream media vomits. 99% of the mainstream media functions for one purpose: maintain the status quo for the 1% (and teach the 99% how to screw themselves). F&*K news is simply very blatant about it. In terms of mainstream options, Al Jazeera is not totally bad because they do present some views the 1% do not want the public to hear or think about. The good news is that growing numbers of people have become wise to what I just said and are using alternative means to obtain and disseminate information.

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Probably over 85% of the news media is pro left and often anti-US! What do some of you want - no other opinions at all - ever?

So what if Fox News is on the air in Thailand! It is a breath of fresh air! Don't like it don't watch it! You can always tune into another one of the numerous news programs that supports your ideology!

Only someone with a particular agenda would ever believe that BBC, Aljazeera, CNN (Communist News Network,) and MSNBC are "Fair and Balanced?"

I disagree with your first statement about "pro left." Making people think there is a major distinction between left/radical/liberal/democrat and right/radical/conservative/republican is part of the myth that the mainstream media vomits. 99% of the mainstream media functions for one purpose: maintain the status quo for the 1% (and teach the 99% how to screw themselves). F&*K news is simply very blatant about it. In terms of mainstream options, Al Jazeera is not totally bad because they do present some views the 1% do not want the public to hear or think about. The good news is that growing numbers of people have become wise to what I just said and are using alternative means to obtain and disseminate information.

What a bunch of absolute hogwash. I'm guessing your fav alternate is RT?

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The topic is Fox News in Thailand, not Americans in general. :jap:

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Probably over 85% of the news media is pro left and often anti-US! What do some of you want - no other opinions at all - ever?

So what if Fox News is on the air in Thailand! It is a breath of fresh air! Don't like it don't watch it! You can always tune into another one of the numerous news programs that supports your ideology!

Only someone with a particular agenda would ever believe that BBC, Aljazeera, CNN (Communist News Network,) and MSNBC are "Fair and Balanced?"

I disagree with your first statement about "pro left." Making people think there is a major distinction between left/radical/liberal/democrat and right/radical/conservative/republican is part of the myth that the mainstream media vomits. 99% of the mainstream media functions for one purpose: maintain the status quo for the 1% (and teach the 99% how to screw themselves). F&*K news is simply very blatant about it. In terms of mainstream options, Al Jazeera is not totally bad because they do present some views the 1% do not want the public to hear or think about. The good news is that growing numbers of people have become wise to what I just said and are using alternative means to obtain and disseminate information.

What a bunch of absolute hogwash. I'm guessing your fav alternate is RT?

I have no idea what RT means, but you did just prove my point :)

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I have to say that the BBC you get in Thailand is absolute rubbish and not a patch on the 'proper' Beeb. You might want to go to http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio4/ or http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/ and click on 'Listen' to get the flavour of the real thing.

I agree. The international BBC is total rubbish with it's PC BS and playing sports all the time- British football IS NOT NEWS you plonkers- plus the amount of time they waste on self advertising and ad nauseam repeats is sickening. How the mighty has fallen!

However to get back to the OP, I love Fox as they rubbish the Annointed One ( to use Hannity's term ), and I could listen to their attacks on the people that bailed out the criminal bankers and destroyed my world all day. However, no sane person would call their programme "International News", and they don't claim to be that.

No, they claim to be 'fair and balanced' :lol:.

Obviously they're not close to that but, as I said in an earlier post, who cares?

Only those that agree with their views will continue watching. Everybody else will find their own news source.

Agreed that "fair and balanced" they are NOT. However, I regard Fox as entertainment, not a news source. For "news" I'll go to Al Jazeera and Asia Today.

I just like to see them bash the crony capitalist prez. and his corrupt party. No wonder a majority of Americans don't think most of the present incumbents in Congress should be re elected.

BTW, if you want to see blatant propaganda, watch a channel called Russia Today. It constantly broadcasts anti US programmes, often fronted by US citizens.

Sorry, it's Asia channel news, not Asia today.

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