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Thai Govt Lawmakers Seek Abhisit, MP's Impeachment


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At the same time the constitution court also dismissed similar petitions filed by the Democrats against Justice Minister Pracha and 6 other PTP MP's.....

Just to complete the picture....rolleyes.gif

148 ministers seek to nullify 2554 years of utter stupidity - regarding the issue of flood control - by singling out one individual.

I think we should also Impeach god

None of the impeachment proceedings involve the rain, typhoons, or the flood itself (so God is not a plaintiff).

I would wager not one of the 148 ministers can go on record and claim that they have made any attempts at flood prevention BEFORE THE FLOOD got there!

None of the impeachment proceedings involve actions before the flood.

What the impeachments proceedings do involve:

Opposition chief whip Jurin Laksanavisit said on Thursday that opposition monitoring of the Pheu Thai administration found that seven MPs violated the Constitution, Articles 265 and 266, which bar lawmakers from holding positions in state agencies or exercising their power to intervene, regardless directly or indirectly, in the work of state officials for their own benefit or of others.

All 7 PTP MP's cleared of violating the constitution having been accused by the democrat party.

Yes indeed, Thank goodness humanitarianism has not been made illegal, even PTP humanitarianism.

"On the topic of this situation, these trumped up accusations were shown to be the tripe they always were and were justifiably and summarily tossed".

Edited by phiphidon
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Impeached for helping out in the flood? Is that the essence of this?

The essence is taking reliefs meant for everyone to help some "special individual". To me that is very wrong.

Where does the quoted italics "special individual" come from, as it's not in the OP?

500 bags went to one person?


It means not leaving all the relief to be controlled solely by PTP MPS

and going to Democratic leaning districts that were being ignored.

The USUAL BS for PTP idiots using out tax baht to further their own agendas.

And not ging a hoot about the people in the floods getting or not getting relief.

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Today, the Constitution Court dismissed the Pheu Thai Party's attempted case against Abhisit and Democrat MP Warong Dejkitvikrom.

They dismissed the accusations as groundless and said that their relief efforts were aimed at helping people.


As rightly could be expected.

Which goes to wht PTP and Thaksin hate the courts.

They actually follow and rule on the laws,

and not the politicans desires, too much of the time.

Edited by animatic
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Are there any reasonably intelligent TV members who prefer to sit back, gather evidence and form a non biased perspective on matters before jumping on the bandwagon and throwing in their 2 cents? Red shirts did this, Thaksin that, Dems did this, Abhisit did that.... get a grip! What a bunch of petty BS being spouted on both sides.

It would be tolerable if points were made in any form of intelligent debate but clearly most of the posters are a sandwich short of a picnic. To defend the actions of one side while attacking those of another when both are playing the exact same game is lunacy at best. Especially when these views are being spouted by people with no electoral rights in this country at all; you are casting severe doubts as to the already questionable sanity and intelligence of expats in Thailand as a whole!

It's fairly clear that helping flood victims wasn't top on the agenda for either party, far more important to use the situation as a PR stunt and opportunity for some forced photo ops. It's cringe worthy... line them up in blue chairs, hand out some leaflets and pose for the camera. The really needy were clinging to the roofs of their houses <deleted>, not lining up for politically motivated photo shoots.

Let's conveniently forget the fact that if either party really had the interests of the people at heart there wouldn't have been any floods or need for flood relief. The entire situation came about through greed and a total lack of thought for the people of Thailand.

What we see repeatedly is that the opposing political sides are far to busy trying to exonerate themselves from any blame and demonify their opponents to contemplate doing anything useful for their actual constituents. Every thread like this proves this alone and nothing else; Childish, playground tactics on display by the political parties of Thailand and their self appointed commentators on TV.

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If the dems tefforts were to direct the relief supplies to the more needy, then surely this is in line with "working together" but depending on the pheu thai definition of pressuring, however I suspect their definition of pressuring may be different to everyone else's

Yes. It would be interesting to see what "the pressure" was that forced the local government to hand over relief bags.

Pressure was used by the Democrat's

They said

Please help these people as well as Red shirts

How dare the Democrates treat all thais equal

off to the head chopper

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148 ministers seek to nullify 2554 years of utter stupidity - regarding the issue of flood control - by singling out one individual.

I think we should also Impeach god

None of the impeachment proceedings involve the rain, typhoons, or the flood itself (so God is not a plaintiff).

I would wager not one of the 148 ministers can go on record and claim that they have made any attempts at flood prevention BEFORE THE FLOOD got there!

None of the impeachment proceedings involve actions before the flood.

What the impeachments proceedings do involve:

Opposition chief whip Jurin Laksanavisit said on Thursday that opposition monitoring of the Pheu Thai administration found that seven MPs violated the Constitution, Articles 265 and 266, which bar lawmakers from holding positions in state agencies or exercising their power to intervene, regardless directly or indirectly, in the work of state officials for their own benefit or of others.

< off-topic comments snipped >

It's great you wish to provide an update to a thread... but it's beneficial to all if you do so in the appropriate thread:

That's especially true if you're going to go to that other thread linked above, copy my quoted post above from it, and re-post it in this thread with updated comments.


Edited by Buchholz
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At the same time the constitution court

< off-topic comments snipped >

It's great you wish to provide an update to a thread, but it's beneficial to all if you do so in the thread where it is on-topic:


It's great that you want to act like a mod, but I suggest you wait till you are appointed as one. ;)jerk.gif

Edited by Payboy
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Meanwhile, whilst the latest rounds of 'sue him, sue her, impeach him, impeach her'. the economy continues to head down the toilet, the implementation of pre election policies continues to be woefully inadequate, and the privilege and handsome monthly payments to those elected to represent the people of this country and its global interests...continues. If I caught one of my employees staring at porn on his phone during a board meeting, or lying through their teeth about a financial situation that had to be openly declared, they would be out on their ass quicker than you could define a nanosecond. This country does not need to change its constitution or to change the 'control room' in the house, it needs to change it's politicians and it's corrupt mechanisms that put them there. And I am not a guest!! My wife is Thai, my children hold Thai passports and as their father I have every right to ensure that this nation progresses in a democratic manner. When they are 18, I will 'stand-down' and let them take up the fight to protect their own interests. Until then I have an obligation to do so on their behalf. Rant over....breath in.....breath out........aaaaaaaahhhhh, now Gin and Tonic....ousssssaaaaa!

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None of the impeachment proceedings involve the rain, typhoons, or the flood itself (so God is not a plaintiff).

I would wager not one of the 148 ministers can go on record and claim that they have made any attempts at flood prevention BEFORE THE FLOOD got there!

None of the impeachment proceedings involve actions before the flood.

What the impeachments proceedings do involve:

Opposition chief whip Jurin Laksanavisit said on Thursday that opposition monitoring of the Pheu Thai administration found that seven MPs violated the Constitution, Articles 265 and 266, which bar lawmakers from holding positions in state agencies or exercising their power to intervene, regardless directly or indirectly, in the work of state officials for their own benefit or of others.

< off-topic comments snipped >

It's great you wish to provide an update to a thread... but it's beneficial to all if you do so in the appropriate thread:


That's especially true if you're going to go to that other thread linked above, copy my quoted post above from it, and re-post it in this thread with updated comments.


See that's the problem, you just don't understand irony do you?

I posted your comments detailing why the PTP MP's were being impeached for and then they are cleared , no case to answer. Just like Abhisit, same accusations - so there is the link and the reason why this is not off topic. If that's OK with you, of course...................

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At the same time the constitution court

< off-topic comments snipped >

It's great you wish to provide an update to a thread, but it's beneficial to all if you do so in the thread where it is on-topic:


It's great that you want to act like a mod, but I suggest you wait till you are appointed as one. ;)jerk.gif

No need to get snippy and inflammatory.

I'm just pointing out the obvious that you, as an advanced member, should already know.

It was just a friendly and helpful (by pointing out the appropriate thread) reminder.


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At the same time the constitution court

< off-topic comments snipped >

It's great you wish to provide an update to a thread, but it's beneficial to all if you do so in the thread where it is on-topic:


It's great that you want to act like a mod, but I suggest you wait till you are appointed as one. wink.pngjerk.gif

No need to get snippy and inflammatory.

I'm just pointing out the obvious that you, as an advanced member, should already know.

It was just a friendly and helpful (by pointing out the appropriate thread) reminder.


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See that's the problem

The problem is that you continue to post in the wrong thread.

They are 2 different situations involving different points, hence the 2 threads.

But at this point I'm finished with you and other off-topic poster.

I'll let the inevitable moderator intervention occur.

I was just trying to avoid their having to sweep up your messes as they must be tiring of it, but have it. Post on.


Edited by Buchholz
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Don't these jokers have something better to do, such as running the country for the betterment of the people, rather than petty bickering over a few bags of supplies that made their way to flood victims anyway? The AEC is coming in a few years and Thailand is completely unprepared for it - some big loss of face on the way.

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Ignoring more than half the country, and favoring the rich, and the military is no way to win an election.

The way to win the election is clearly to make outrageous promises and not care if you can ever keep them. The trick is getting the electorate to believe you of course. How did the Shinawatras achieve that feat? Well if you overlook how Thaksin became rich (being given monopolies) and overlook how during his tenure the country grew economically (the whole world was growing economically) then you could be forgiven for thinking that when he promises to make you rich in six months, or promises to give your kid a Galaxy tablet, or promises to massively increase the minimum wage, that he will in fact deliver. Of course he won't. Does that matter? Well if democracy was allowed to function without interference, possibly not as he would just be kicked out by the public at the end of his term. The question is, will democracy be allowed to function? His track record suggests not.

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See that's the problem

The problem is that you continue to post in the wrong thread.

They are 2 different situations involving different points, hence the 2 threads.

But at this point I'm finished with you and other off-topic poster.

I'll let the inevitable moderator intervention occur.

I was just trying to avoid their having to sweep up your messes as they must be tiring of it, but have it. Post on.


If you can't see a link between tit for tat impeachments well, I feel for you.

In the meantime your selfless dedication to the forum is admirable. How would they get by without you.

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Subsidies for school books and uniforms, and a B500 old age payment would be much appreciated by he needy IMHO. Of course the school necessities subsidy has been cancelled, the funding directed to the tablet computers which may, or may not, appear at some time, but not soon.

Meanwhile, those students with parents on or close to the poverty line and relying on that assistance, no longer attend school. Presumably they will grow up to be PTP voters as they are too uneducated to know better.

Have you considered that when PM Abhisit's person and home were being attacked in Phuket and Bangkok, that not visiting Isaan was a rather sensible arrangement? And just how close to the democratic ideal is this country when politicians are afraid to campaign in opposition areas?

Brains are not a requirement to be a red shirt. Just listen and do as you are told.

Common sense is defiantly a quality that is not wanted or needed.

Is there any possible way you could substantiate that, dolly ????

I doubt not, but I would be interested to hear your justification for a very general and insulting slur on about half the population.

By " defiantly " do you mean " definitely " ?

Half the population? Are you joking? I'm generally in sympathy with those who identify themselves as Red Shirts. None of the ones I know are violent in any way, nor did they participate in that Thaksin sponsored failed government overthrow at Ratchaphrasong. No way are they anywhere near half the population, or even a quarter of it.

Every revolution has to have it's pawns.

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