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Getting Colder These Days


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It's called 'Global Warming'

That is, until everything cooled off...

Then it became 'Climate Change'

Though nothing actually changed much...

Soon it'll be called...


It is called "Global warming", the affects it has on weather is called climate change. Most places experience what is to as small rise in temperature,but significant enough to affect f weather systems,That is called "weather. Though most places experience an overall temperature rise ,some will experience seasonal cooling, this is due to the increased amount of moisture in the atmosphere resulting from increased evaporation. and the disruption and or alteration of air and ocean currents.Any one who doubts global warming is simply in denial.

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Any one who doubts global warming is simply in denial.

Are people actually paid to post this nonsense? It's up there with:

Any one who doubts God is simply in denial.


The science is settled.

Are we going back to medieval times and the Inquisition now?


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Any one who doubts global warming is simply in denial.

Are people actually paid to post this nonsense? It's up there with:

Any one who doubts God is simply in denial.


The science is settled.

Are we going back to medieval times and the Inquisition now?


what is nonsensical, is your reply.

Edited by sirineou
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Bosh and balderdash to global warming and man's so called contribution to the problem.

I saw an ad on either Animal Planet or Nat Geo where they had this animated cow flying through the air powered by gasses emanating from his rear end. The ad said if people ate less meat, cows wouldn't fart so much and add so much CO2 to the climate change.

Now THAT'S nonsensical.

I live between Loei and Udorn and it has gotten noticeably colder today.

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It's called 'Global Warming'

That is, until everything cooled off...

Then it became 'Climate Change'

Though nothing actually changed much...

Soon it'll be called...


It is called "Global warming", the affects it has on weather is called climate change. Most places experience what is to as small rise in temperature,but significant enough to affect f weather systems,That is called "weather. Though most places experience an overall temperature rise ,some will experience seasonal cooling, this is due to the increased amount of moisture in the atmosphere resulting from increased evaporation. and the disruption and or alteration of air and ocean currents.Any one who doubts global warming is simply in denial.

And if you didn't believe in global cooling in the '70 you were also in denial. So which one is it?

Anyway, energy consumption is still increasing, so sooner or later we will see the result of this global experiment. Enjoy the ride, it will be interesting.

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Bosh and balderdash to global warming and man's so called contribution to the problem.

I saw an ad on either Animal Planet or Nat Geo where they had this animated cow flying through the air powered by gasses emanating from his rear end. The ad said if people ate less meat, cows wouldn't fart so much and add so much CO2 to the climate change.

Now THAT'S nonsensical.

I live between Loei and Udorn and it has gotten noticeably colder today.

Do cows fart more than dinosaurus? As far as I remember, weather was great back in the cretaceous periode, 65 million years ago.

Edited by ExpatOilWorker
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13C with a chill wind now 40kms north of Korat :annoyed:

I haven't got a thermometer, but it's been chilly here in Nongki every morning for a while now.

Just a thought. Why not download a free thermometer to place in your computer sidebar or desktop? The Windows gadget gallery one is okay and can be set to most major towns worldwide.

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It's called 'Global Warming'

That is, until everything cooled off...

Then it became 'Climate Change'

Though nothing actually changed much...

Soon it'll be called...


It is called "Global warming", the affects it has on weather is called climate change. Most places experience what is to as small rise in temperature,but significant enough to affect f weather systems,That is called "weather. Though most places experience an overall temperature rise ,some will experience seasonal cooling, this is due to the increased amount of moisture in the atmosphere resulting from increased evaporation. and the disruption and or alteration of air and ocean currents.Any one who doubts global warming is simply in denial.


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Bosh and balderdash to global warming and man's so called contribution to the problem.

I saw an ad on either Animal Planet or Nat Geo where they had this animated cow flying through the air powered by gasses emanating from his rear end. The ad said if people ate less meat, cows wouldn't fart so much and add so much CO2 to the climate change.

Now THAT'S nonsensical.

I live between Loei and Udorn and it has gotten noticeably colder today.

When I can get there, that is my location. Maybe we have something in common. I just hope not too much.

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It's called 'Global Warming'

That is, until everything cooled off...

Then it became 'Climate Change'

Though nothing actually changed much...

Soon it'll be called...


It is called "Global warming", the affects it has on weather is called climate change. Most places experience what is to as small rise in temperature,but significant enough to affect f weather systems,That is called "weather. Though most places experience an overall temperature rise ,some will experience seasonal cooling, this is due to the increased amount of moisture in the atmosphere resulting from increased evaporation. and the disruption and or alteration of air and ocean currents.Any one who doubts global warming is simply in denial.

And if you didn't believe in global cooling in the '70 you were also in denial. So which one is it?

Anyway, energy consumption is still increasing, so sooner or later we will see the result of this global experiment. Enjoy the ride, it will be interesting.


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Bosh and balderdash to global warming and man's so called contribution to the problem.

I saw an ad on either Animal Planet or Nat Geo where they had this animated cow flying through the air powered by gasses emanating from his rear end. The ad said if people ate less meat, cows wouldn't fart so much and add so much CO2 to the climate change.

Now THAT'S nonsensical.

I live between Loei and Udorn and it has gotten noticeably colder today.

When I can get there, that is my location. Maybe we have something in common. I just hope not too much.

You visited my home previously. Why do you hope we don't have much in common?

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It´s been down to 12-13 degrees C last two nights (early in the morning) here in Kalasin (about 20 kms east of the city). Yesterday the highest temp was 24. Evening cold and windy, 16 degrees at 9.30.

Edited by Isaanben
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8a.m. this morning it was 14*C outside, just went out for a look at the thermometer again and it is reading 21*C, the fairly strong wind makes it feel much much colder though, so I'm staying inside where it is 24*C, jacket on and a nice hot mug of chicken OXO.

(please don't let this little thread spiral down into a pro/anti climate change argument,as it is just a waste of hot air, thank you)

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Bosh and balderdash to global warming and man's so called contribution to the problem.

I saw an ad on either Animal Planet or Nat Geo where they had this animated cow flying through the air powered by gasses emanating from his rear end. The ad said if people ate less meat, cows wouldn't fart so much and add so much CO2 to the climate change.

Now THAT'S nonsensical.

I live between Loei and Udorn and it has gotten noticeably colder today.

Makes sense to me ... cows produce a lot of methane, which is 100% more effective as a global warming gas than carbon dioxide. Just imagine the number of cattle needed to keep all the McDonalds and steakhouses and hotels and homes in the world supplied with beef. This is just another way that man is impacting on the planet, and the science was proven years ago, and just because farting cows causes more global warming than aircraft, does not make either a good thing for the next generation.

But yes, even Bangkok is cooler this week, I like the way us farangs are still walking around in short sleeve shirts thinking it's quite pleasant, while Kon Thai is wearing a cardigan and a hat and saying it's too cold. Although I wouldn't like this weather if my home was flooded.

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Makes sense to me ... cows produce a lot of methane, which is 100% more effective as a global warming gas than carbon dioxide. Just imagine the number of cattle needed to keep all the McDonalds and steakhouses and hotels and homes in the world supplied with beef. This is just another way that man is impacting on the planet, and the science was proven years ago, and just because farting cows causes more global warming than aircraft, does not make either a good thing for the next generation.

It might make sense to you, but then a flat earth makes sense too.

In reality most greenhouse gases are produced by termites (over 97% of methane) and volcanoes.

Man accounts for the production of less than 3% of all greenhouse gases in existence.

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Bosh and balderdash to global warming and man's so called contribution to the problem.

I saw an ad on either Animal Planet or Nat Geo where they had this animated cow flying through the air powered by gasses emanating from his rear end. The ad said if people ate less meat, cows wouldn't fart so much and add so much CO2 to the climate change.

Now THAT'S nonsensical.

I live between Loei and Udorn and it has gotten noticeably colder today.

Makes sense to me ... cows produce a lot of methane, which is 100% more effective as a global warming gas than carbon dioxide. Just imagine the number of cattle needed to keep all the McDonalds and steakhouses and hotels and homes in the world supplied with beef. This is just another way that man is impacting on the planet, and the science was proven years ago, and just because farting cows causes more global warming than aircraft, does not make either a good thing for the next generation.

But yes, even Bangkok is cooler this week, I like the way us farangs are still walking around in short sleeve shirts thinking it's quite pleasant, while Kon Thai is wearing a cardigan and a hat and saying it's too cold. Although I wouldn't like this weather if my home was flooded.

...... and after seeing the eclipse at the weekend I'm also pretty sure that the Eath's not flat ....


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