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Change Flights Without Transit Visa


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Hi! My basic question is that if I arrive on Thai air and depart next flight on Air Asia/Tiger Airways to Malaysia/Singapore and I dont have any baggage to claim then do I have to go through immigration and customs?

Now a little background:

I am from Pakidtan which is not in visa exempt list so I have to get a single entry visa before departure. I plan to visit Thailand and Singapore or Malaysia next month. My Thai air flight arrives at 7am and then I want to take next flight either air Asia or tiger airways. To arrive in TG then depart on other airline (AK or TR) do I have to pass through immigration and customs? If this is true then I will have my single entry visa utilized so won't be able to enter Bangkok on return.

What would be the case if I visit the other country at the end i.e. after visiting Thailand, but then I will have baggage to claim.

There is a similar thread in the forum but that guy's case is slightly different so instead of hijacking his thread I decided to create my own.

Thanks in anticipation!

Edited by Haris66
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Would it be possible to check in on line and print your boarding pass before you take your first flight? If not there was a place on one of the lower levels airside with computers and printers but last time I used it was a few years ago.

Yes definitely I would be able to print boarding pass. You mean that I wont have to go through immigration?

I am not sure about your second solution as I have never been to swampy, my last visit to LOS was in early 2006.

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I am not sure if they will let you do that or not.

There is a transfer desk on arrival, but I have only khown it to handle transfers form an incoming Thai flight to an outgoing Thai flight...without going through immigration or customs.

I am not sure if they will handle a transfer from an incoming Thai flight to an outgoing flight of another airline.

I would ask that question specifically to Thai before you book a ticket. Make it clear you are not entering Thailand but merely TRANSIT to another country via Thailand...and that you don't intend to enter Thaialnd at that time.

If they do allow you, I'm sure they will want you to have a confirmed and booked ticket to show them...even it is an e-ticket and is merely in the computer. (that is it must be a confrmed and paid for reservation).

And of course, you will need photo I.D. to get your boarding pass issued (but that is required anyhow).

If they do let you enter transit, and not go through immigration, you realise that you will have to stay in the departure areas...and can not enter any other area...just as though you had already gone through immigration to depart Thailand.

First though, I would ask the airline in Pakistan (Thai I think you said) if what you want to do is indeed possible. Do that BEFORE you book your ticket(s) so you won't be caught unaware on arrival.


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thanks a lot for your such a detailed reply.

If they do allow you, I'm sure they will want you to have a confirmed and booked ticket to show them...even it is an e-ticket and is merely in the computer. (that is it must be a confrmed and paid for reservation).

I will have confirmed reservation of whole trip before departure.

And of course, you will need photo I.D. to get your boarding pass issued (but that is required anyhow).

that would be passport?

If they do let you enter transit, and not go through immigration, you realise that you will have to stay in the departure areas...and can not enter any other area...just as though you had already gone through immigration to depart Thailand.

Yes I understand this.

First though, I would ask the airline in Pakistan (Thai I think you said) if what you want to do is indeed possible. Do that BEFORE you book your ticket(s) so you won't be caught unaware on arrival.

This is a tricky part as I am not sure whether Thai Air staff is capable or care enough to find this out for me. I am quite sure people on help line would never have been to Swampy plus they would like to sell their tickets instead of helping me to board other airline.

There are so many ifs that I think it is better to pay extra to avoid risk or visit Singapore on return. This way they wont have any other option but to let me move to change the flights as I am going to my country.

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Thousands of people transit in Suvarnabumi every day from and to all kinds of airlines. If you have no checked baggage and already have your boarding passes it should not be a problem.

Give yourself enough time between flights as if you miss your connection to a budget airline you are in trouble. There are several companies such as loungepass (google them) that will sell you a pass for up to five hours in a business lounge to make your wait more pleasant. Don't buy a pass for a lounge in concourse A or B as this is the domestic area. I believe some of the lounges in Bangkok also have showers.

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Thousands of people transit in Suvarnabumi every day from and to all kinds of airlines. If you have no checked baggage and already have your boarding passes it should not be a problem.

I am not sure how the new terminal is designed so I am confused that International Arrival and Departure must be in separate areas of the building and to move from one to the other I might have to pass through immigration.

I read it in some thread here that if transit time is less than 12 hours then there is no need for a transit visa.

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Thousands of people transit in Suvarnabumi every day from and to all kinds of airlines. If you have no checked baggage and already have your boarding passes it should not be a problem.

I am not sure how the new terminal is designed so I am confused that International Arrival and Departure must be in separate areas of the building and to move from one to the other I might have to pass through immigration.

I read it in some thread here that if transit time is less than 12 hours then there is no need for a transit visa.

You will not have to pass through immigration.

I believe that is correct, transit visa are issued for 12 hours to one week. A transit visa will allow you to pass through immigration which you do not wish to do. What you are worried about is do you need an Airside Transit Visa.

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