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Obama says U.S. asked Iran to return captured drone


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Asking for the drone back is an acknowledgement that it is owned by the US. It lays claim, publicly, to the drone. If the Iranians want to 'share' it with another country, they are sharing property that is owned/claimed by another country. Not that it matters a lot, but other countries might be a little put off by potential problems with the US.

I can go along with that. Although Russia and China would be off the hook if they just sent people to Iran to examine it.

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You should probably wait until a Republican nominee is chosen before making predictions. I think that there is a very good chance that Romney can beat him.

After Newt Gingrich's recent comments and his plans to have Bolton as V.P I suspect the dems are in trouble.

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Asking for the drone back is an acknowledgement that it is owned by the US. It lays claim, publicly, to the drone. If the Iranians want to 'share' it with another country, they are sharing property that is owned/claimed by another country. Not that it matters a lot, but other countries might be a little put off by potential problems with the US.

This line of thinking is puzzling to me......

If a thief comes in your house at night but something goes wrong & he forgets one of his tools in your house....

Next day he calls you & asks if you would return it.....

Because as you say it is after all HIS TOOLS

That seems to be what you suggest....when you claim the Iranians are now sharing property owned by a thief.

Yet in any other country if the circumstance where reversed it would be said they were sharing evidence.

At the end of the day this was a SPY drone it was in fact stealing from Iran that which they did not give freely...

ie: their PRIVACY or Classified Info

That it was caught in the act/Captured/Malfunctioned is all secondary to that FACT

Edited by flying
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Well, I see the number 1 fan of Iran is here, but your analogy is incorrect. First the US is not stealing something. The Iranians hinted at having taken control of the drone. Is there evidence that the drone was in Iran? Did the Iranians, as they claim, take control of it while it was in another country? All the Satellites that are owned by all the countries around the world taking pictures of other countries are spies and they are stealing?

The Thief, as you like to refer to it, has admitted 'guilt' if it is indeed guilty of anything in this case. It has asked for its property to be returned. Iran can either return it or not. That decision is with them.

Edited by Credo
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Well, I see the number 1 fan of Iran is here, but your analogy is incorrect. First the US is not stealing something. The Iranians hinted at having taken control of the drone. Is there evidence that the drone was in Iran? Did the Iranians, as they claim, take control of it while it was in another country? All the Satellites that are owned by all the countries around the world taking pictures of other countries are spies and they are stealing?

The Thief, as you like to refer to it, has admitted 'guilt' if it is indeed guilty of anything in this case. It has asked for its property to be returned. Iran can either return it or not. That decision is with them.

+1 :thumbsup:

People are very naive to think any major country in today's world doesn't have spies. They all do in one way or another.

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A few words from the peanut gallery to multi-billion $$ defense contractors: Figure out a way to install a self-destruct provision in your contraptions.

Easy...... Loss of originating signal, self destruct, certainly not that hard to do, it seems to happen to many of my household appliances whenever the power is cut and we have to reprogram every one of them again :rolleyes: .

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Seems the drone was "hijacked" after all. Good reason for the US to ask for it back. It might not even have been in their territory? If this info is true. Who knows.



<h1 class="headline" id="yui_3_3_0_20_1324079142693359">Exclusive: Iran hijacked US drone, says Iranian engineer

In an exclusive interview, an engineer working to unlock the secrets of the captured RQ-170 Sentinel says they exploited a known vulnerability and tricked the US drone into landing in Iran.

<h2 id="yui_3_3_0_20_1324079142693365" class="subheadline"></h2>
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You should probably wait until a Republican nominee is chosen before making predictions. I think that there is a very good chance that Romney can beat him.

He's been on 22% forever, why is that?

I'm interested to see who Donald Trump endorses....let's remember he had a big following and was leading in the polls when he dropped out.

Edited by uptheos
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Well, I see the number 1 fan of Iran is here, but your analogy is incorrect. First the US is not stealing something. The Iranians hinted at having taken control of the drone. Is there evidence that the drone was in Iran? Did the Iranians, as they claim, take control of it while it was in another country? All the Satellites that are owned by all the countries around the world taking pictures of other countries are spies and they are stealing?

The Thief, as you like to refer to it, has admitted 'guilt' if it is indeed guilty of anything in this case. It has asked for its property to be returned. Iran can either return it or not. That decision is with them.

Actually I am no fan of Iran....nor many other countries & at times embarrassed by what the elected government of my own country does but.....quips aside....It is your blind cheer leading that is incorrect.

While I may not be a fan of many places I do not blindly hate them either... They deserve the same rights any other country does to protect themselves from intrusion..

Lastly I do not blindly cheer lead a chosen country as you seem to.....when the facts do not support it.

Edited by flying
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Well, I see the number 1 fan of Iran is here, but your analogy is incorrect. First the US is not stealing something. The Iranians hinted at having taken control of the drone. Is there evidence that the drone was in Iran? Did the Iranians, as they claim, take control of it while it was in another country? All the Satellites that are owned by all the countries around the world taking pictures of other countries are spies and they are stealing?

The Thief, as you like to refer to it, has admitted 'guilt' if it is indeed guilty of anything in this case. It has asked for its property to be returned. Iran can either return it or not. That decision is with them.

Actually I am no fan of Iran....nor many other countries & at times embarrassed by what the elected government of my own country does but.....quips aside....It is your blind cheer leading that is incorrect.

While I may not be a fan of many places I do not blindly hate them either... They deserve the same rights any other country does to protect themselves from intrusion..

Lastly I do not blindly cheer lead a chosen country as you seem to.....when the facts do not support it.

You are obviously not a fan of the US. Your continued bashing of that country is quite obvious. :(

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Well, I see the number 1 fan of Iran is here, but your analogy is incorrect. First the US is not stealing something. The Iranians hinted at having taken control of the drone. Is there evidence that the drone was in Iran? Did the Iranians, as they claim, take control of it while it was in another country? All the Satellites that are owned by all the countries around the world taking pictures of other countries are spies and they are stealing?

The Thief, as you like to refer to it, has admitted 'guilt' if it is indeed guilty of anything in this case. It has asked for its property to be returned. Iran can either return it or not. That decision is with them.

Actually I am no fan of Iran....nor many other countries & at times embarrassed by what the elected government of my own country does but.....quips aside....It is your blind cheer leading that is incorrect.

While I may not be a fan of many places I do not blindly hate them either... They deserve the same rights any other country does to protect themselves from intrusion..

Lastly I do not blindly cheer lead a chosen country as you seem to.....when the facts do not support it.

You are obviously not a fan of the US. Your continued bashing of that country is quite obvious. :(

No one can say that you are not perceptive. :wai:

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Asking for the drone back is useless. But they have far greater issues if there was a hijacking of the control-signal that brought the drone down. There could be severe design flaws with the software - something not unheard of with a lot of solutions in several defense-contracts (US and EU).

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I don't get why Obama saying they would request it's return is a sign of his failings. He knows full well the Iranians won't hand it over without something in return and is using diplomatic, unthreatening language. He knows the importance of keeping the Chinese and Russians away from it, and also knows that weakening sanctions against, say, the Iranian airlines is a safe compromise.

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You are obviously not a fan of the US. Your continued bashing of that country is quite obvious. :(

I agree with UG .....You are quite perceptive.... if only in the most basic sense.

Yet I have not abandoned the US as I live in the US not Thailand...because I am in fact a fan & patriot of a great nation.

Yes we have problems with a government that seems no longer in support of the people, by the people, for the people,

But....Just because a citizen does not agree with it's governments foreign policy in some cases does not

make one any less of a fan/patriot/citizen of ones country.

One thing I do notice here on TV is many who have abandoned the USA to live elsewhere

tend to feel a need to over compensate with some form or other of blind cheer leading.

This obvious case a glaring example.

To each their own but....if that is the case....you & others need not feel guilty ;)

Instead remember it is citizens who speak up against perceived injustice committed by their elected government that at one time made this country great.

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You are obviously not a fan of the US. Your continued bashing of that country is quite obvious. :(

I agree with UG .....You are quite perceptive.... if only in the most basic sense.

Yet I have not abandoned the US as I live in the US not Thailand...because I am in fact a fan & patriot of a great nation.

Yes we have problems with a government that seems no longer in support of the people, by the people, for the people,

But....Just because a citizen does not agree with it's governments foreign policy in some cases does not

make one any less of a fan/patriot/citizen of ones country.

One thing I do notice here on TV is many who have abandoned the USA to live elsewhere

tend to feel a need to over compensate with some form or other of blind cheer leading.

This obvious case a glaring example.

To each their own but....if that is the case....you & others need not feel guilty ;)

Instead remember it is citizens who speak up against perceived injustice committed by their elected government that at one time made this country great.

"passionate attachment of one nation for another produces a variety of evils. Sympathy for the favorite nation, facilitating the illusion of an imaginary common interest in cases where no real common interest exists, and infusing into one the enmities of the other, betrays the former into a participation in the quarrels and wars of the latter without adequate inducement or justification. It leads also to concessions to the favorite nation of privileges denied to others which is apt doubly to injure the nation making the concessions; by unnecessarily parting with what ought to have been retained, and by exciting jealousy, ill-will, and a disposition to retaliate, in the parties from whom equal privileges are withheld. And it gives to ambitious, corrupted, or deluded citizens (who devote themselves to the favorite nation), facility to betray or sacrifice the interests of their own country, without odium, sometimes even with popularity; gilding, with the appearances of a virtuous sense of obligation, a commendable deference for public opinion, or a laudable zeal for public good, the base or foolish compliances of ambition, corruption, or infatuation." George Washington, First US President

Sometimes we seem to forget how smart the guys who established that great nation actually were. We don't seem to be getting smarter and that is worrisome.

Edited by Pakboong
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This article is related to the fallout from Iran's nuclear program and point 5 towards the end postulates that the loss of the drone makes action against Iran now inevitable, I would tend to agree.

I cant see why anyone would agree with #5 you point to??

5. Iran's capture of the American RQ-170 stealth drone on Dec. 4 brought home to US military and intelligence planners that a military showdown between the US and Iran is no longer avoidable and if America does not take the initiative, Iran will keep on driving it into corners until there is no other option but to hit back.

How in the world can anyone conclude that Iran is driving the US into a corner?

Even more laughable the US needs to "hit back" ?

Are we all talking about the same original news story???

A spy drone that the US flew over Iran was lost to Iran due to faulty transmission....or what ever

Yes it is now in Iran & no longer in control of those who sought to use it as a spy vehicle....

So how is that Iran driving the US into a corner that the US feels ....what? Threatened???

Jeez it is as if the original news was encrypted & folks now try to guess what the actual facts were....

Yet the facts are are plain as day,

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This article is related to the fallout from Iran's nuclear program and point 5 towards the end postulates that the loss of the drone makes action against Iran now inevitable, I would tend to agree.

I cant see why anyone would agree with #5 you point to??

5. Iran's capture of the American RQ-170 stealth drone on Dec. 4 brought home to US military and intelligence planners that a military showdown between the US and Iran is no longer avoidable and if America does not take the initiative, Iran will keep on driving it into corners until there is no other option but to hit back.

How in the world can anyone conclude that Iran is driving the US into a corner?

Even more laughable the US needs to "hit back" ?

Are we all talking about the same original news story???

A spy drone that the US flew over Iran was lost to Iran due to faulty transmission....or what ever

Yes it is now in Iran & no longer in control of those who sought to use it as a spy vehicle....

So how is that Iran driving the US into a corner that the US feels ....what? Threatened???

Jeez it is as if the original news was encrypted & folks now try to guess what the actual facts were....

Yet the facts are are plain as day,

The Iranians are or have finished moving their supposedly peaceful nuclear program underground, the loss of the drone carries with it the possibility that Iran will quickly develop knowledge sufficient to take any military strike completely off the table. Iran has also threatened to block the straights of Hormuz, so yes the time window to act may be small and the U.S is indeed backed into a corner. So if the waterway carrying most of the world's oil was not threat enough you have Turkey and Saudi Arabia declaring their intention to obtain nuclear weapons if Iran does - If you don't see that as a threat you are beyond reasoning with.

The U.S would hardly of spent billions on a missile shield just to tick the Russians off - it is Iran which is clearly viewed as the major threat. Finally if the U.S feels the potential inability to fly drones over Iran impacts on intelligence gathering sufficiently then this again brings forward the likelyhood of military action.

P.S You know full well whats coming but insist on waving your constitutional flag in the face of a threat who would abolish it in a heartbeat.

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P.S You know full well whats coming but insist on waving your constitutional flag in the face of a threat who would abolish it in a heartbeat.

I am not religious per se'

But god have mercy on the chicken little's of the world that run around screaming such nonsense.

Anything coming will be preceded by those who insist on invasion/occupation/dictating to the world what they can & cannot do in their own country.

Instead of telling others how to clean their homes lets start with our own....

Remember we are also speaking f countries who not long ago declared any information hacking would be seen as an act of war....

Yet feel free to go gather what info they deem open to their technology in any country????

Ok lets go transparent then eh? Fair is fair eh?

Let all countries allow spy drones to check on their nukes??? Fair?? Yes....Allowed? NO

Imagine the US or Israel's reaction to a Iranian spy physical or drone checking on them as a nuclear threat....:)

Yeah that would be no problem at all....

Edited by flying
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P.S You know full well whats coming but insist on waving your constitutional flag in the face of a threat who would abolish it in a heartbeat.

I am not religious per se'

But god have mercy on the chicken little's of the world that run around screaming such nonsense.

Anything coming will be preceded by those who insist on invasion/occupation/dictating to the world what they can & cannot do in their own country.

Instead of telling others how to clean their homes lets start with our own....

Remember we are also speaking f countries who not long ago declared any information hacking would be seen as an act of war....

Yet feel free to go gather what info they deem open to their technology in any country????

Ok lets go transparent then eh? Fair is fair eh?

Let all countries allow spy drones to check on their nukes??? Fair?? Yes....Allowed? NO

Imagine the US or Israel's reaction to a Iranian spy physical or drone checking on them as a nuclear threat....:)

Yeah that would be no problem at all....


I suspect I can't elaborate or it would be ruled off topic, but I repeat, everything from here is just theater, you can repeat your failed moral equivalence arguments till doomsday but if Iran was a person applying for a gun license the application would be turned down, you know it but persist in pretending otherwise.

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