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Passport Renewal Glitch


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All is well.

I went into the United States Embassy in Bangkok, gave them the fee, required photos and forms and walked out with a slip of paper that read on one side "Your passport will be ready for collection Two weeks from date of application", and had the address and phone number of the embassy on the other. It was personally autographed by "Andrew".

So why am I worried.

Truth be known, in between the submission of the paperwork, and the collection of the slip of paper there was a bit of drama.

The number "115" (my number) came up on the monitor, I went to the window and Mr Andrew said something to the effect of

"there is an issue, and until we resolve this issue we cannot return your passport or give you any passport at all"

Ok, a bit of a shocker because I have no clue what he's talking about... issue?

It gets even better

Mr Andrew

"Where are you staying? Don't worry, we aren't going to break down your door or anything"

(a fresh issue? still, I have no idea)

I answer "Banglamphu"

Andrew "Where is banglamphu?"

He gives me the slip of paper, and says

"We have your phone number?"

I answer "yes, and email"

"We will call you today or tomorrow to resolve this"

End interview.

Almost two weeks go by, no word from Mr. Andrew. Where is my passport, in some embassy drawer, forgotten?

Given that "Andrew" didn't call or e-mail I can only assume it was a bad joke of some kind. Clearly not very much concern here for the security or safety of Americans abroad here, Mr Andrew appears to have the luxury of being able to take a passport (illegally?) and not worry very much about it, or think that he may be called into account for it.

Tomorrow (in theory) I should go into the embassy and pick up my new passport.

In the event that it is not there, and no call or response comes from the consulate by tomorrow what should I do?

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have you got any outstanding issues back home, I remember reading about a guy who had child maintenance payments that were outstanding, his passport was kept, thus making him illegal in Thailand, the only place to go being back home to the US, where he ended up in court.

Not saying it could be the same thing, but realise that if you do not get a passport then you will be illegal here.

Also there have been occurrences where people have had the same name as someone appearing on the list that the Embassy has, and the Embassy keeping that persons passport, but returning it upon finding out that the person whose passport it was, was not the person on the list.

Edited by beano2274
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In the event that it is not there, and no call or response comes from the consulate by tomorrow what should I do?

Give them the receipt slip and says "Where is my passport" is it so difficult?

easy to do, the only way to find out is to do it. If they won't give it back then they will issue you a temporary one so you can return to the USA if that is what is required.

Edited by beano2274
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Whenever someone says something like "I'll call you today or tomorrow to resolve this" about something as serious as a passport, I would make it a practice to get that persons complete name, phone number and email address and contact them on the third day if they haven't already contacted me. Also I would have asked for clarification as to the meaning of "this" as in I'll call you to resolve "this".

As it stands now, all the OP can do is show up at the Embassy on the appointed day and maybe start from ground zero on the whole process of getting a passport. I look forward to a full report from the OP after his visit to the Embassy tomorrow.

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For a normal passport renewal, the “2-weeks” is an average time, it is not your follow-up appointment time. They will call or e-mail you when your passport is ready for pick-up and you don’t need an appointment for it once it’s ready, you just go in and pick it up during operating hours. You are supposed to have your old passport, however, which they cancel when you pick up your new one. In theory, you will need your old passport to enter the embassy. You should call them to resolve this.

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For a normal passport renewal, the "2-weeks" is an average time, it is not your follow-up appointment time. They will call or e-mail you when your passport is ready for pick-up and you don't need an appointment for it once it's ready, you just go in and pick it up during operating hours. You are supposed to have your old passport, however, which they cancel when you pick up your new one. In theory, you will need your old passport to enter the embassy. You should call them to resolve this.

Wasn't the OP's passport missing?

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For a normal passport renewal, the "2-weeks" is an average time, it is not your follow-up appointment time. They will call or e-mail you when your passport is ready for pick-up and you don't need an appointment for it once it's ready, you just go in and pick it up during operating hours. You are supposed to have your old passport, however, which they cancel when you pick up your new one. In theory, you will need your old passport to enter the embassy. You should call them to resolve this.

Wasn't the OP's passport missing?

the way I read it, They kept his old passport. This happen to a freind of mine. It turned out he had a oustanding arrest warrent for an old DWI in Florida and soon afterward he was deported back to the States.

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For a normal passport renewal, the "2-weeks" is an average time, it is not your follow-up appointment time. They will call or e-mail you when your passport is ready for pick-up and you don't need an appointment for it once it's ready, you just go in and pick it up during operating hours. You are supposed to have your old passport, however, which they cancel when you pick up your new one. In theory, you will need your old passport to enter the embassy. You should call them to resolve this.

Wasn't the OP's passport missing?

the way I read it, They kept his old passport. This happen to a freind of mine. It turned out he had a oustanding arrest warrent for an old DWI in Florida and soon afterward he was deported back to the States.

(you have friends?)

Actually I (probably) have a bunch of warrents from a bunch of states, all over 13 years old, not the least of which is a "Birth Warrent" and a "Bachelors Degree" Warrent. None of them have ever been problems.

I haven't gotten a traffic ticket in 10 years.

The thing in florida was about a $20 flare launcher which I pointed at some police in an unmarked car (I thought they were hoods) 13 years ago.

Why now, and why are they acting so dodgy?

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The above (outstanding child support payments of $2,500 or more) from five years ago seems to be what it catching a few people now. Until paid/removed from list passport will not be issued except for direct travel to the US. Once taken care of and name removed from list a new passport can be issued. But this may not have anything to do with poster.

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Whenever someone says something like "I'll call you today or tomorrow to resolve this" about something as serious as a passport, I would make it a practice to get that persons complete name, phone number and email address and contact them on the third day if they haven't already contacted me. Also I would have asked for clarification as to the meaning of "this" as in I'll call you to resolve "this".

As it stands now, all the OP can do is show up at the Embassy on the appointed day and maybe start from ground zero on the whole process of getting a passport. I look forward to a full report from the OP after his visit to the Embassy tomorrow.

Well, I broke down and called the Embassy, and was connected to Mr. Andrew who confirmed that it was that warrent from Florida which was holding things up.

(so is it just an excuse, not the real issue?)

Expressed my mystification; I thought bygones were bygones, I heard not a wisper from Florida for ten long years, during which time I had no problems having my passport re-issued (2002) and then (2009, I think) pages added in Chiang Mai.

I expressed to Mr. Andrew a need to confirm the legality of the warrent, as I think it may not have existed until I enquired about the case (and got the all clear) in 2008, 3 years after the "statute of limitations" if that means anything.

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