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Amending Article 309 Aimed At Pardoning Thaksin: Democrats


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Amending Article 309 aimed at pardoning Thaksin: Democrats


The opposition Democrat Party said yesterday that Pheu Thai's proposal to amend Article 309 of the Constitution was aimed at granting amnesty to fugitive ex-premier Thaksin Shinawatra.

Wirat Kanlayasiri, a Democrat MP from Songkhla, said if the government really wanted to achieve reconciliation, they should follow the independent Truth for Reconciliation Commission's suggestion stating that the Constitution Court's verdict on Thaksin's asset-concealment case was the root cause of the conflicts.

"Thaksin should have come back to face justice, but instead, the government is trying to blame the 2006 coup as the root cause. All they have done is try to help Thaksin," he said.

Article 309 says: "Any act that, in its legality and constitutionality, has been recognised by the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand (Interim), B.E. 2549, including all acts related therewith committed whether before or after the date of promulgation of this Constitution shall be deemed constitutionally under this Constitution."

Since the interim charter granted amnesty to coup makers, Article 309, which sanctions the interim charter, is also seen as a double guarantee that the coup makers against Thaksin remain absolved.

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra said yesterday that her Pheu Thai Party has never discussed the amendment of Article 309.

"We have not yet discussed it in detail," Yingluck replied when asked to confirm reports that the Pheu Thai planned to amend Article 309, which sanctions the actions of the 2006 coup makers and investigations led by the Assets Examination Committee.


-- The Nation 2011-12-20

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Meanwhile, Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra said yesterday that her Pheu Thai Party has never discussed the amendment of Article 309.

Probably true as a whole, as in the "whole" PTP has not discussed it officially like in a party meeting. However, executives of the PTP, the PM, other Mr T. high level supporters, and Mr T. himself have most likely discussed it to the Nth power in private.

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Meanwhile, Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra said yesterday that her Pheu Thai Party has never discussed the amendment of Article 309."We have not yet discussed it in detail," Yingluck replied

So they discussed it or they havent discussed it ?

You expect accurate reporting from The Nation????

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Does the current government have anything on the agenda apart from Mr T? Like running the country for the benefit of all citizens of Thailand or is that in the next parliamnet?

Based on the now clear facts that they chose to arrange a new passport for Thaksin during the same period that they could have been doing something other than strutting around in Burberry boots and taking photos of flooding while they completely mismanaged a crisis, you would have to say no, they don't really have any sort of an idea on anything other than

1. giveaways so people will keep liking them and not protest

2. sweeping all political stuff under the rug so that Thaksin can come back*

3. * well except the stuff that the people did against the red shirts...for some reason that's valid and worth persuing...for reconciliation. But the stuff the red shirts did, THaksin's rampant theft, etc etc - that is the bit that needs to be forgotten. For 'reconciliation'

They are as useless as TRT 2 and PPP. Mind you, was anyone expecting anything different?

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And as usual the PM 'knows nothing'. Haven't discussed that. Hadn't heard that before. Anyone still think she's (and I quote) "very talented"?

I think that. It is working well for the government. With the floods a lot money is flowing in the own pockets, the PAD is still not on the streets. Still no military coup.

Most probably the break even (money you can get in the pocket-minus the investment in vote buying=0) is already reached.

You can't seriously say this isn't successful.

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Does the current government have anything on the agenda apart from Mr T? Like running the country for the benefit of all citizens of Thailand or is that in the next parliamnet?

Based on the now clear facts that they chose to arrange a new passport for Thaksin during the same period that they could have been doing something other than strutting around in Burberry boots and taking photos of flooding while they completely mismanaged a crisis, you would have to say no, they don't really have any sort of an idea on anything other than

1. giveaways so people will keep liking them and not protest

2. sweeping all political stuff under the rug so that Thaksin can come back*

3. * well except the stuff that the people did against the red shirts...for some reason that's valid and worth persuing...for reconciliation. But the stuff the red shirts did, THaksin's rampant theft, etc etc - that is the bit that needs to be forgotten. For 'reconciliation'

They are as useless as TRT 2 and PPP. Mind you, was anyone expecting anything different?

What stuff did the people do against the redshirts? Didn't they shoot themselves and in any case aren't they all buffaloes in the pay of Thaksin, as the Salims on their social media pages remind us so often (forgetting that most of their quite recent ancestors were sweating it out in Klong Toey or some benighted Swatow rice paddy).

Do I detect a note of frustration (the childish Burberry gag, and they were Chinese knock offs anyway unlike Korn's wife's real Chanel boots) that things aren't quite playing out in the "right' way, and there's some frustration this government is doing rather well, certainly well enough to improve on the last election? Yingluck in particular - hated though she is by many in the Sino Thai middle class - is doing particularly well.I bet the old elite is somewhat pissed off and is thinking hard about timing of a suitable judicial intervention.A coup looks too problematic even for the chimps who organised the last fiasco.

Of course they could cock it up on the Thaksin return issue.Lying by Surapong doesn't help and the amart enemy is still rabid (e.g Prayuth/LM).

By the way Steve what happened to the intelligence and wit? Your last post could have been from one of thev knuckle dragging usual suspects?

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If TS sets one foot in this country without going straight to the Monkey house it will be a disaster the likes of which have never been seen here, surely he must know this - what an evil man

Going in the Monkey house, at a room which looks like Marriott with his personal cook, staff and office. Than keeping there 1 week, playing drama queen and playing a soap opera at the courts. Than going out on jail, because some court decides something against all laws+common sense or because there was a constitution change.

Something like that or a variation of it.

And it will give the PAD a huge injection of anabolics.

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Meanwhile, Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra said yesterday that her Pheu Thai Party has never discussed the amendment of Article 309."We have not yet discussed it in detail," Yingluck replied

So they discussed it or they havent discussed it ?

You expect accurate reporting from The Nation????

Or better still

you expect the truth from this so called bunch of clowns who call themselves a Government

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Why don't all the above just say "I dislike Thaksin and his sister" :jap:

Do you like criminals?

Only a crook would like another crook. And Thaksin has been found to be a CROOK by a legitimate court in Thailand.

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And as usual the PM 'knows nothing'. Haven't discussed that. Hadn't heard that before. Anyone still think she's (and I quote) "very talented"?

They are just giving the Democrats small things to catch and waste time on, while they are pettying over this little stuff, the big fish will arrive by surprise through the back door, very talented in deed.

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Why don't all the above just say "I dislike Thaksin and his sister" :jap:

Because people would then ask "Why?" "All the above" would seem to have beaten that question to the punch.

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If TS sets one foot in this country without going straight to the Monkey house it will be a disaster the likes of which have never been seen here, surely he must know this - what an evil man

Over reacting there a bit aren't you?

Floods? Tsunami?...........

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Not a day goes by that Thaksin doesn't make at least one or more headlines. They just keep enabling his visibility. They won't stop until he is back in. They just don't get it.


if you are talking about the nation and the democrats, surely you are right.

The Nation has been beating the Thaksin drum since forever and a day. Don't expect it to stop...

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If Thaksin were clever, he would wait until early December 2012, just before the solar storm. People will be so busy moving out of Bangkok that he'll be able to sneak back unopposed. ... I hope I haven't just thought up his game plan.

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PTP won a landslide election, and a part of the campaign was (wiki)  

Yingluck also proposed a general amnesty for all major politically-motivated incidents that had taken place since the 2006 coup, which could include the coup itself, court rulings banning Thai Rak Thai and People's Power Party leaders from seeking office, the People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) seizures of Government House and Don Muang and Suvarnabhumi Airports, the military crackdowns of 2009 and 2010, and the conviction of Thaksin Shinawatra for abuse of power.

The democrats didn't like this before the election, and as this article points out, they still don't like it.

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PTP won a landslide election, and a part of the campaign was (wiki)

Yingluck also proposed a general amnesty for all major politically-motivated incidents that had taken place since the 2006 coup, which could include the coup itself, court rulings banning Thai Rak Thai and People's Power Party leaders from seeking office, the People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) seizures of Government House and Don Muang and Suvarnabhumi Airports, the military crackdowns of 2009 and 2010, and the conviction of Thaksin Shinawatra for abuse of power.

The democrats didn't like this before the election, and as this article points out, they still don't like it.

Which is completely understandable.

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