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New True Visions Hd Box


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pib, Iomatopo,

I'm always interested in new receivers.

And, Googling about the ALLSAT 810 CHD (in Thai) reveals that the receiver may have a feature banned on the forum. Although, I understand it is a cable installation and not satellite.

But, please, anyone correct me on this.


No you are right and when Truevisions changes encryption in a few months time, they will make good door stops.

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Several ThaiVisa members were kind enough to take the time to send me PMs explaining what they believe the LAN connection is used for, and have explained that any discussion of these types of applications may be against the ToS here. Mods should feel free to delete any of my posts which may come close to, or go over, the accepted limits, including this one.

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Several ThaiVisa members were kind enough to take the time to send me PMs explaining what they believe the LAN connection is used for, and have explained that any discussion of these types of applications may be against the ToS here. Mods should feel free to delete any of my posts which may come close to, or go over, the accepted limits, including this one.

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Could someone also PM me and explain what I'm not allowed to know? I've read this thread looking for why my analogue box joined to a cable connection has stopped working (again). I've seen one previous post on this issue explaining that the signal went down in the Sukhumvit area for a couple of days last month (which I witnessed). Does anyone know why this signal has gone or why my boxes have stopped working? By PM would be great if this is not a topic for general consumption... (Why is this the case?)

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  • 1 month later...

Well my box is up and running ,and the further it runs the better as far as i am concerned ,where with my old box i could put my favourite channels in order it seems that with this box you cannot ,all you can do is put a star next to your favourites (20 max) though what use this is i cannot for the life of me think as you still have to scroll through dozens of channels you do not want to watch ,you can of course put the number of the channel you want in ,but then you have to write a list of your channels you watch . if this is what i have to go through to watch a channel then true have just lost a customer.

From my latest conversation with True, I understood that HD must be (for them?) transmitted in mpeg4. Was informed that old sat. digital boxes were/are mpeg2 compatible only.

As a result true are intending to transmit both SD / HD in mpeg4 so old dig. sat. boxes will refuse all signals.

Only exception is some packages below Silver, eg Knowledge, where apparently mpeg2 signal is to be maintained (seems illogical ?) so no need to change sat.box (assuming Knowledge package is available on satellite system, no idea).

It's always a bit of a mystery of what TrueVisions is really doing and why...

But as for your comment above, I believe their Knowledge Package is available via satellite as well as cable service...

And most of the channels available via the KP are also part of the higher level, more expensive packages... apart from the extra "premium" channels that get added on.

So not sure how the older model satellite boxes could be blocked from receiving those MPeg2 signals for KP channels....

I too had my new HD box installed today, after being advised a week or so ago that an upgrade was necessary. I rang them this morning to confirm the facts of the upgrade, as I had received the previous call whilst I was in a taxi, and forgot about it until their technician rang to confirm the appointment this morning.

The technician did the installation and as he didn't speak English I checked the manual about listing favourites, and as you both state, this is only for 20 channels, and neither the technician, or the customer service techincal support could explain to me how to list favourites. Indeed when I followed the instruction by phone it did not work. (I could make BBC World my no 1 channel by clicking on it - 93 and then pressing the red button. But when I tried to do the same for CNN, making it my no 2 channel, it did not do so. Then clicking on the blue button to get the favourites didn't work at all.) The idea of clicking the blue button 20 times to get my favourite no 20 seems plain bonkers, but this is what the technical support told me.

So I asked my maid to find out from the technician how it worked, but he could not set up for me. I said it was not an upgrade, as I had no interest in the new HD channels for the reasons mentioned by others - repeat programmes etc, and I would prefer to have my old box, so that I could list my favourites. I noted that it was a pity that we "had" to take the new box, because the old one "would make the service obsolete by June", which I believed was the point of the new box. Not so, the technician said. He could adjust the old box to take the new system, and return it to me in a couple of days. Never one to take anything said at face value, I will wait to see whether the adjusted new box is returned.

The suggestion that this might be a True marketing plan may hold some water.

Before the technician arrived today I spoke to customer service, who said that the new box would provide new HD channels (120-131), which would be available free from today until end of July. If I did not wish to subscribe to the new channels after end of July then True would stop the availability. The onus is on me to say I want the channels, or they will be removed. Again, whether this is true, (no pun intended), remains to be seen.

I finf myself watching TV less and less, including the news and financial channels, and have been considering cancelling the whole caboodle, so we are perhaps moving one step closer to that.

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I find myself watching TV less and less, including the news and financial channels, and have been considering cancelling the whole caboodle, so we are perhaps moving one step closer to that.

I have to agree with that

I only watch news channels, in the early morning and lunchtime

The rest of my viewing is from torrents on a hard disk.

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I find myself watching TV less and less, including the news and financial channels, and have been considering cancelling the whole caboodle, so we are perhaps moving one step closer to that.

I have to agree with that

I only watch news channels, in the early morning and lunchtime

The rest of my viewing is from torrents on a hard disk.

Add to that the sport on a weekend and I do not watch the rest.

Torrents for me and they are so easy to watch using a USB stick on my DVD player. Now I download, copy and watch. No burning nowadays.

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I find myself watching TV less and less, including the news and financial channels, and have been considering cancelling the whole caboodle, so we are perhaps moving one step closer to that.

I have to agree with that

I only watch news channels, in the early morning and lunchtime

The rest of my viewing is from torrents on a hard disk.

Same. I need to move on to the USB into my DVD player, to eliminate the DVD burning.

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Told today I will get the new box next week-ish. I have also been told that my Infrasender box will no longer work with the new box which would mean I have to go back to the TV room to change the channel I'm watching in the second room.

Anyone got any news or experience of this ?

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can someone tell me what box i have

its an ALLSAT 2009a - says HD digital cable receiver

my question is do i plug a satellite dish into it or the RF from the wall

I live in Jomtien and our condo has Jomtien cable - I thought if i plugged the RF into this box i could get the channels and maybe more - but it scans and then produces nothing

It also has a Lan cable and when i connect this it has an IP address - but wont connect or download or nothing.

I looked at the manual and it just says plug it into the wall socket - referring to the RF

anyideas please

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Just for general info. When I started reading this thread months ago, people were worried that they could only have true on one TV due to the one output. This is not true as I know that it is possible to watch 2 TVs through the box. As for splitting the HD into 2 TV's? That I haven't had a go at yet because I can't find a splitter any where near me yet. My misses said that the guy who installed our box told her that part of the reason for the box exchange (even if not wanted) was to stop people splitting the signal to another TV. This is my 4th month on HD, but though I love HD I will not be paying for the couple of channels I receive through satellite. I will miss the HD football, but being a Liverpool fan it will just mean me seeing rubbish results not so clearly

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, I got my boxes last week.

What a disappointment. Many years ago I started to use Dreambox. Just the idea that it can be customized is for me a big plus. When I moved to Thailand 2 years ago I got not get the True Vision card working, but after searching the Internet I discovered a post which suggested to add some extra lines in the cfg file. After that I could use the card.

Anyway, now I am stuck worth the HD box of Truevision. Only 20 favorites and you have to scroll through the whole list.

I will see how it goes, because I do not see anyone getting the new card to work in the Dreambox anytime soon. Another option would be to aim my dish to another satellite and say goodbye to True.

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Told today I will get the new box next week-ish. I have also been told that my Infrasender box will no longer work with the new box which would mean I have to go back to the TV room to change the channel I'm watching in the second room.

Anyone got any news or experience of this ?

It is possible to run a "slave" 2nd TV (where one can change the channel from the 2nd room), but it depends on the Technician.

Got new HD boxes installed at 2 residences.

1st residence - Technician said that the old room extension to 2nd "slave" TV in another room is not possible, and lobbied to install 2nd HD box for 500 Bht/month, to which I reluctantly agreed

2nd residence (a few weeks later) - (different) Technician happy to install, unofficially, lines & small box to 2nd "slave" TV for once-off fee - both TVs display the same channel, but channel can be changed from either room

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Told today I will get the new box next week-ish. I have also been told that my Infrasender box will no longer work with the new box which would mean I have to go back to the TV room to change the channel I'm watching in the second room.

Anyone got any news or experience of this ?

my old set up still works but had to buy a 2nd remote..

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  • 2 weeks later...

A few days ago we got a call from TrueVisions saying they needed to upgrade our two standard cable boxes to HD boxes. Today they showed up and replaced our boxes with the HD boxes. We get one month free HD viewing before we would have to start paying to continue seeing the HD channels.

I wanted to know what that magic date was when the old boxes (the boxes I had were issued Jun 11 when we switched from DSTV to CATV) would stop working supposedly due to TrueVisions switching off the older encryption and only transmitting on the newer encryption. Although the two techs spoke little English and my Thai wife understands little technology-wise we did appear to reach a clear communications link. The techs said the old date was Oct 12 but the new date is now Feb 13. And IMHO that Feb 13 date will probably slip further.

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Here’s somethng that may be of interest to some of you on "cable" TrueVisions service. Saturday night when doing some googling I came across an English language listing of current True promotions for 1 Apr 12 onwards. And on page 38 there was a cable TrueVisions HD promotion for folks on the Platinum and Gold packages. I'm on the Platinum package and when the dust settles each month I pay 2,592.78 which includes all taxes/fees for two settop boxes…my current monthly bill matched the promotion info to the stang.

Basically, the promotion says for folks on the Platinum package there is no additional monthly charge (no monthly package fee or equipment rental fee) for a 3rd outlet point/box, a B2,000 box deposit fee (you get that back when you turn in the box) and no installation fee was listed...total monthly cost for 3 boxes would be B2,592.78 (just like the total cost for 2 boxes). And if a person wants a 4th outlet/box then there was a 50% monthly package/equipment rental fee reduction and the total cost per month for 4 boxes would be B2,811.60. Kinda like only paying for 2.5 boxes but having 4 boxes. For folks on the Gold package the 3d box is not free but it is at half price and so is the 4th box. See the attachment below for the promotion/exact pricing by package/number of oulets/boxes...and this particular promotion says it's for 1 Mar 12 onwards so it's been around almost two months now (maybe longer).

The Thai wife and I swung by the True Service Center in Pinklao (Bangkok) on Sunday and they confirmed above info and gave us a brochure in Thai which restated the same thing. The Thai wife did her best to confirm with the True Customer Service Rep that there were no hidden charges and the rep said no hidden charges…the rep even rung-up the True Call Center for the wife to ask the same questions about the 3d outlet/box promotion. The Call Center did say there would be an installation charge of B25 per meter for any cable use over 20 meters. So, during that call the wife said we wanted the 3d outlet/box and the Call Center said a guy would call her back to schedule an install date. By mid day Monday there was no call so the wife called the Call Center and setup an install date for Thursday morning. TrueVisions technicians did arrive this Thursday morning with an HD box, the setup didn’t require any additional cable just a power splitter since I already had cable running to the room, we only paid the B2000 deposit fee, and we now have a 3d HD outlet & box.

I figure if I can have 3 HD boxes for the same monthly price as 2 HD boxes then I'll go for it…now another bedroom is outfitted with TrueVisions. And as mentioned in my above post, although we are getting HD channels free for month with the swap-out of our non-HD digital boxes I don't plan to sign-up for monthly HD service which is some where in the ballpark of B490/month but varies a little based on package...not enough HD channels yet which interest me. I will also have to say I get a better standard definition (SD) picture with these HD boxes than I got with my TrueVisions digital SD boxes which were only 11 months old. Very clear & sharp SD channels ..and of course the dozen or so HD channels on cable are super-duper clear and sharp.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Just as FYI/an update to my above post, I got my first TrueVisions bill yesterday after getting the 3d box installed. Total bill for three HD boxes was the same as for two HD boxes. On the bill they did charge rental & maintenance fees for the 3d box just like for the other two boxes but there was also a credit given for rental & maintenance fees on the 3d box. End result: same price for 3 HD boxes as for 2 HD boxes.

Will continue to watch the monthly bill closely to ensure the 3d box all of a sudden don't start costing me because everything we read on the promotion advertisements and the questions we asked the TrueVisions folks before signing up for th 3d box is this wasn't one of those deals where you get a certain number of months fee (e.g., 1 month, 3 months, etc) on the rental/maintenance fees although access to the HD channels was free for only one month in my case. But with that being said, any monthly bill for any service could change in the future as companies do adjust their pricing up or down (usually up).

Also, as mentioned earlier, the picture is much better in Standard Definition (SD) with these HD boxes...and of course the dozen or so cable HD channels look great although the programming on those dozen channels don't entice me to pay the extra per month HD charge of around 500 baht (varies by package) to continue to be able to view HD channels. In fact, sometimes when the HBO SD channel and HBO HD channel have the same movie running at the same time and a person can do an apples-to-apples comparison of SD and HD looking at the same broadcast, well, it's obvious HD is the better picture but IMHO it's not that much greater than the SD channel...but a lot can still depend on other factors like was the show originally filmed in HD, whether you are on satellite or cable, etc.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Not paid any attention to TV for a long while.. Hardly watch it with torrents etc..

But just to say nothings been switched off yet.. My dreamboxes work with my cards split round the house just fine..

You can get a true media package without renting true equipment.. So how about those people ??

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Last week True cut my signal without any warning. After a call, they sent a "technician" to install two Humax HD STB, no recording capabilities. The technician did not know how to attach an external HD, but the manual said, an eSATA hard disk must be attached. They even recommend 3 different HD, fom WD, Seagate and Hitachi. None of these 3 models are available, neither in Panthip Plaza nor on the respective websites.

So I bought an external Green Caviar HD from WD, a box and a eSATA cable and connected it to the Humax box. But all I got is an error message. Repeated calls to Truevisions have yielded to strictly nothing, they promise to send a technician but when this technician calls and gets explained (again!) what is my problem, all he says is that he has no clue and will call again. Of course he doesn't.

Did anyone out there make this Humax box from Truevision work with an external hard disk? What disk did you use?

I have tried an external HD with a USB port, but no success.

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We had a new box put in about 3 months ago I live on Koh Samui they called us up told us they were replacing the box to take HD and that it was free, she then told us that if we took it we would have a discount of 200 bht for 3 months and then go back to the normal rate . I said yes please 2 weeks later they installed it and all the past 3 bills have been discounted by 200 bht , never the less still pissed with true for not showing the Euro's if they lose the rights to show EPL then I will move over to astra !!!

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Last week True cut my signal without any warning. After a call, they sent a "technician" to install two Humax HD STB, no recording capabilities. The technician did not know how to attach an external HD, but the manual said, an eSATA hard disk must be attached. They even recommend 3 different HD, fom WD, Seagate and Hitachi. None of these 3 models are available, neither in Panthip Plaza nor on the respective websites.

So I bought an external Green Caviar HD from WD, a box and a eSATA cable and connected it to the Humax box. But all I got is an error message. Repeated calls to Truevisions have yielded to strictly nothing, they promise to send a technician but when this technician calls and gets explained (again!) what is my problem, all he says is that he has no clue and will call again. Of course he doesn't.

Did anyone out there make this Humax box from Truevision work with an external hard disk? What disk did you use?

I have tried an external HD with a USB port, but no success.

Dumb sugestion but what filesystem is the drive formatted to.. I assume you have formatted the drive ??

FAT32 might be needed.. Something basic..

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We had a new box put in about 3 months ago I live on Koh Samui they called us up told us they were replacing the box to take HD and that it was free, she then told us that if we took it we would have a discount of 200 bht for 3 months and then go back to the normal rate . I said yes please 2 weeks later they installed it and all the past 3 bills have been discounted by 200 bht , never the less still pissed with true for not showing the Euro's if they lose the rights to show EPL then I will move over to astra !!!

Just been looking at my paper work as stated our box was replaced 3 months ago to HD+ we are gold and our bill was 1,858.12 however for the last 3 months it was reduced on promotion to 1,568.12 ( 290 x 3 = 870 bht saving ) we are on satellite only get 3 HD channels we get HD in HBO,121 SPORTS,122 REALITY 120 ( THAI ) . After the 3 month trial our new pricing would be 1,957.12 an increase of 99 baht from our original 1,858.12 and taking into consideration that our bill was reduced for 3 months saving us 870 bht I am not complaing over a 99 bht increase per month as the HD+ is much better . I have just phoned True to get verification and am awaiting a return call from them.

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We had a new box put in about 3 months ago I live on Koh Samui they called us up told us they were replacing the box to take HD and that it was free, she then told us that if we took it we would have a discount of 200 bht for 3 months and then go back to the normal rate . I said yes please 2 weeks later they installed it and all the past 3 bills have been discounted by 200 bht , never the less still pissed with true for not showing the Euro's if they lose the rights to show EPL then I will move over to astra !!!

Just been looking at my paper work as stated our box was replaced 3 months ago to HD+ we are gold and our bill was 1,858.12 however for the last 3 months it was reduced on promotion to 1,568.12 ( 290 x 3 = 870 bht saving ) we are on satellite only get 3 HD channels we get HD in HBO,121 SPORTS,122 REALITY 120 ( THAI ) . After the 3 month trial our new pricing would be 1,957.12 an increase of 99 baht from our original 1,858.12 and taking into consideration that our bill was reduced for 3 months saving us 870 bht I am not complaing over a 99 bht increase per month as the HD+ is much better . I have just phoned True to get verification and am awaiting a return call from them.

True have just called me back and the good news is that I revert back to my original 1,858.12 so no 99 baht increase !! suits me !!!!!

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Last week True cut my signal without any warning. After a call, they sent a "technician" to install two Humax HD STB, no recording capabilities. The technician did not know how to attach an external HD, but the manual said, an eSATA hard disk must be attached. They even recommend 3 different HD, fom WD, Seagate and Hitachi. None of these 3 models are available, neither in Panthip Plaza nor on the respective websites.

So I bought an external Green Caviar HD from WD, a box and a eSATA cable and connected it to the Humax box. But all I got is an error message. Repeated calls to Truevisions have yielded to strictly nothing, they promise to send a technician but when this technician calls and gets explained (again!) what is my problem, all he says is that he has no clue and will call again. Of course he doesn't.

Did anyone out there make this Humax box from Truevision work with an external hard disk? What disk did you use?

I have tried an external HD with a USB port, but no success.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Not paid any attention to TV for a long while.. Hardly watch it with torrents etc..

But just to say nothings been switched off yet.. My dreamboxes work with my cards split round the house just fine..

You can get a true media package without renting true equipment.. So how about those people ??

My dreamboxes with legit true card inside stopped working just passed midnight last night.. Cant see to get them to function now with a reboot and cleaning the card etc..

UFC starts in a couple of hours.. Best card of the year


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Just as FYI/an update to my above post, I got my first TrueVisions bill yesterday after getting the 3d box installed. Total bill for three HD boxes was the same as for two HD boxes. On the bill they did charge rental & maintenance fees for the 3d box just like for the other two boxes but there was also a credit given for rental & maintenance fees on the 3d box. End result: same price for 3 HD boxes as for 2 HD boxes.

Will continue to watch the monthly bill closely to ensure the 3d box all of a sudden don't start costing me because everything we read on the promotion advertisements and the questions we asked the TrueVisions folks before signing up for th 3d box is this wasn't one of those deals where you get a certain number of months fee (e.g., 1 month, 3 months, etc) on the rental/maintenance fees although access to the HD channels was free for only one month in my case. But with that being said, any monthly bill for any service could change in the future as companies do adjust their pricing up or down (usually up).

Just FYI...got my second monthly bill after getting the 3d HD box....still no additional charge for the 3d box.

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Does that apply to Satellite ??

I just tried to work out a install with them on the phone.. 2000b extra for a box.. 2000b to 'move' my address because they have had it screwed up for years and wouldnt fix it then.. Plus if I take the offer I cannot change from play + extra box + all the a la cartes for 6 months.. Very inflexible etc

I just put it on a 3 month suspension.. My sat guy came round and all 4 boxes running for 300b a month.. Will it last ?? No.. But at least I am watching UFC now, ubc said maybe someone could come next thursday.

I dont mind paying, I have had platinum for years even tho I hardly watch TV, but they just pushed me to use the dark side.

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It may not apply to satellite because unless something has changed because I just remember that on cable you can have up to 4 boxes/outlets per account, but on satellite you can only have up to 2 boxes/outlets per account...going to a 3d and/or 4th box/outlet would require a second account/dish....unless something has changed from a couple of years ago.

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Guest StephenB

Anybody buy and not rent this box? I currently have a ABS-8976 box that I bought 10 years ago, along with the iredito card. Overpaid for it by alot, but prefer to subscribe and unsubscribe at will.

Seems everybody on the forums rent by the month. I guess time is running out for the old reliable box I have. I need to buy some new equipment or aim the dish somewhere else. Anybody else in the same situation as me? I like the cartoon channels, bloomberg and movie channels mostly.

Can't find anywhere on the subject of outright purchase of the TrueVision box and its dedicated card that is tied to it anywhere.

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