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Thai Floods Death Toll Tops 800


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Thai floods death toll tops 800

BANGKOK, December 31, 2011 (AFP) - The death toll from months of flooding in Thailand has risen above 800, although the waters have receded in many parts of the country, the government said Saturday.

Late reporting of deaths from the inundations in central and northern provinces, along with heavy November monsoon rains in the south of the kingdom have seen fatality numbers continue to rise, the interior ministry said.

A total of 823 flood-related deaths have now been recorded, including 10 in the south, since the crisis began in July. Three people are still missing.

At their height Thailand's worst floods in half a century affected 65 of 77 provinces in the low-lying nation, deluged hundreds of thousands of homes and forced the closure of large industrial parks, disrupting global supply chains.

The waters have since receded significantly, but more than two million people in five provinces continue to be affected and many areas still face a major clean-up operation.


-- (c) Copyright AFP 2011-12-31

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You could make this paragraph extracted from above say many things?

At their height Thailand's worst floods in half a century affected 65 of 77 provinces in the low-lying nation, deluged hundreds of thousands of homes and forced the closure of large industrial parks, disrupting global supply chains.

I do agree there have been some good things done by the government but no one can deny there has been gross mis-management of the "FLOOD" capitals here to emphasise/ yell the mismanagement ranges from the rise in costs, the ridiculous 1000/10000 boats facing north in the ChaoPraYa, distribution of aid (supplies & money), I would even include the 100km two tier tunnel which for all we know may be a live project, - lies, lies and more lies has been the order of the day by the authorities.

Now read the extracted paragraph again and it may ring a bell or two.

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The legacy of Yingluck's administration's first half year in office. dry.png

800+ dead.


I did not realise that Yingluck controlled the weather.

She also doesn't control the government who, as mijan24 amongst dozens of others, highlights above, grossly mismanaged the response to flood that 800+ died.

Would the number be that many if a proper response had been made?

That seems very doubtful.

Particularly when, her defenders continue to attempt to imply that the disaster was wholly unavoidable due to the weather. The obfuscation confirms the doubt.


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The legacy of Yingluck's administration's first half year in office. dry.png

800+ dead.


I did not realise that Yingluck controlled the weather.

She also doesn't control the government who, as mijan24 amongst dozens of others, highlights above, grossly mismanaged the response to flood that 800+ died.

Would the number be that many if a proper response had been made?

That seems very doubtful.

Particularly when, her defenders continue to attempt to imply that the disaster was wholly unavoidable due to the weather. The obfuscation confirms the doubt.


And in your view, what should the proper response have been.
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The legacy of Yingluck's administration's first half year in office. dry.png

800+ dead.


I did not realise that Yingluck controlled the weather.

A remark like this causes problems here on TVF . I would imagine the poster was referring to the total lack of safety for the people, evacuation earlier, reading of the out of real situation that was about to occur and the initial delay and inaction. Thats not just bashing Yinglucks government, Anterian would bash any government that was lacking judgement. You seem to be all one sided, I would bash and attack Abhisit if he was very corrupt, or lacked judgement, He called an election, LOST, gracefully stepped aside, and the mob and family you back most of the time, in these times of crisis the said government, were more interested in RED-Brother, than having the floods better managed, or lessened earlier.

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The legacy of Yingluck's administration's first half year in office. dry.png

800+ dead.


Another childish post. As the numbers include fatalities from the recent annual southern floods, does this mean that you will include the fatalities from last year's floods as Abhisit's legacy? Seriously, you need to get another routine than blaming the PM for the flooding fatalities. She barely had time to unpack her boxes at the PM's office when the crisis started.

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You could make this paragraph extracted from above say many things?

At their height Thailand's worst floods in half a century affected 65 of 77 provinces in the low-lying nation, deluged hundreds of thousands of homes and forced the closure of large industrial parks, disrupting global supply chains.

I do agree there have been some good things done by the government but no one can deny there has been gross mis-management of the "FLOOD" capitals here to emphasise/ yell the mismanagement ranges from the rise in costs, the ridiculous 1000/10000 boats facing north in the ChaoPraYa, distribution of aid (supplies & money), I would even include the 100km two tier tunnel which for all we know may be a live project, - lies, lies and more lies has been the order of the day by the authorities.

Now read the extracted paragraph again and it may ring a bell or two.

The use of the boats was the Democrat Governor of Bangkok's idea. Please give credit where credit is due.

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The use of the boats was the Democrat Governor of Bangkok's idea. Please give credit where credit is due.



On October 11, a fleet of some 1,000 boats would help push water from the Chao Phraya River into the sea fast, Science and Technology Minister Plodprasop Suraswadi said Saturday.

At the boat project launch held at Nonthaburi's Pakkred Pier with 40 boats attending, Plodprasop said that this voluntarybase project would help drain water three times faster, from two knots to six knots, and prevent floodwater from pouring into Bangkok City.

He said the 1,000boat fleet would push water down to the sea on October 11, as to help lower flood in the Chao Phraya Riverside provinces such as Sing Buri, Angthong and Ayutthaya.

If it had worked (and defied all basic rules in hydrodynamics), Plodprasop would have claimed that it was his idea. After the enormous stupidity of it became evident, it is apparently now your job to blame someone else.

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The legacy of Yingluck's administration's first half year in office. dry.png

800+ dead.


Another childish post. As the numbers include fatalities from the recent annual southern floods, does this mean that you will include the fatalities from last year's floods as Abhisit's legacy? Seriously, you need to get another routine than blaming the PM for the flooding fatalities. She barely had time to unpack her boxes at the PM's office when the crisis started.

A total of 823 flood-related deaths have now been recorded, including 10 in the south

823 - 10 = 813 = 800+

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A flash flood catches people unawares, people get swept away, but this was not such a flood. In my area of Nonthaburi the waters rose gradually, a few centimetres every day until they peaked. For people to die in such circumstances is not the fault of any government but the stupidity of the victims.

In my village at the height of the flood I can say, without exaggeration, that many residents were permanently drunk and drunks have been known to drown face down in a puddle of water.

As with road deaths alcohol is the underlying cause of most fatalities in Thailand. If you want to blame the government then blame all governments for ever allowing the sale of cheap Thai whisky (Lao).

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Well, this year 12,000 Thais died in road accidents (probably more, their counting system is flawed)

So 800 casualties is not that high (around 23 days of road kills).

The damage was mostly economic:

Hundreds of thousands lost their jobs or livelihood (at least temporarily).

And these are poor people, they usually don't have savings.

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The legacy of Yingluck's administration's first half year in office. dry.png

800+ dead.


Another childish post. As the numbers include fatalities from the recent annual southern floods, does this mean that you will include the fatalities from last year's floods as Abhisit's legacy? Seriously, you need to get another routine than blaming the PM for the flooding fatalities. She barely had time to unpack her boxes at the PM's office when the crisis started.

A total of 823 flood-related deaths have now been recorded, including 10 in the south

823 - 10 = 813 = 800+

I don't recall Buchholz giving a running commentary (by way of news posts) during the floods of 2010 - maybe these floods were unique after all and he just thought he'd bring attention to the number of deaths - but to attribute them to one woman must be a new low in political point making on this forum.

Edited by phiphidon
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The legacy of Yingluck's administration's first half year in office. dry.png

800+ dead.


Another childish post. As the numbers include fatalities from the recent annual southern floods, does this mean that you will include the fatalities from last year's floods as Abhisit's legacy? Seriously, you need to get another routine than blaming the PM for the flooding fatalities. She barely had time to unpack her boxes at the PM's office when the crisis started.


A total of 823 flood-related deaths have now been recorded, including 10 in the south


823 - 10 = 813 = 800+

I don't recall Buchholz giving a running commentary (by way of news posts) during the floods of 2010 - maybe these floods were unique after all and he just thought he'd bring attention to the number of deaths - but to attribute them to one woman must be a new low in political point making on this forum.

For the benefit of the uneducated, the term "administration" refers to more than one person.


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Apologies, Buchholz, I normally speed read your offerings and I wasn't paying attention. I see that you don't disagree that your post had hit a new low in political point making on this forum. Blame an individual, blame an administration, the pointed accusation remains.

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Apologies, Buchholz, I normally speed read your offerings and I wasn't paying attention. I see that you don't disagree that your post had hit a new low in political point making on this forum. Blame an individual, blame an administration, the pointed accusation remains.

Very difficut to attain new lows as Buchholz continues in his persistent compulsive scraping at the bottom of the barrel, quite an achievement......he will be proud

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Very difficut to attain new lows as Buchholz continues

Even lower are those excuse the administration's mismanagement and bumbling as completely blameless.

That any and all death and destruction was wholly unavoidable and that delays and horrendous decisions had no role whatsoever.

Nice whitewash, boys.



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Very difficut to attain new lows as Buchholz continues

Even lower are those excuse the administration's mismanagement and bumbling as completely blameless.

That any and all death and destruction was wholly unavoidable and that delays and horrendous decisions had no role whatsoever.

Nice whitewash, boys.



Has it yet been established why so much water was held in the dams in the spring of the year, I understand one man has already accepted he made a mistake.......the aftermath of rather inconsistent support and decisions could be attributed to how may deaths exactly?

While I'm sure Tvisa posters are concerned and saddened by the deaths, they are aware enough to identify the liberal spread of blame used by some to pursue relentless campaigns to discredit the government

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The legacy of Yingluck's administration's first half year in office. dry.png

800+ dead.


I did not realise that Yingluck controlled the weather.

She also doesn't control the government who, as mijan24 amongst dozens of others, highlights above, grossly mismanaged the response to flood that 800+ died.

Would the number be that many if a proper response had been made?

That seems very doubtful.

Particularly when, her defenders continue to attempt to imply that the disaster was wholly unavoidable due to the weather. The obfuscation confirms the doubt.


And in your view, what should the proper response have been.

There are at least two things that should have been done differently. Firstly, do not operate those three major reservoirs as if one is playing "poker". Always ensure that they have predetermined reserves for flood control. Secondly, be prepared to release water from those major reservoirs long before there were be beaten even though loss of opportunity to make money can run to a few billions THB. The later point is very difficult to do but it is the right thing to do.

If the authority of the major dams has learned from the last year's flood event these are a few things that you can expect to see. (1) Bhumibol, Sirkit and Chao Pharaya dam shall be made to have flood reserve volumes between 7-10 billion cubic meter by the first November 2012. (2) Other small flood control dams have to have additional flood reserve volumes too. If these two things do not happen this year I feel sorry for Thailand. That indicates Thailand has not learned from the past.

Edited by ResX
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