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Are Thais Unfit?


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I live in Chiang Mai also and am also a keen walker, but one of the first things that struck me about the city when I arrived was that it just isn't designed for pedestrians. Unnecessarily high kerbs, potholes, poorly maintained infrastructure, ignorant parking of cars and motorcycles and in many cases, no pavement whatsoever all led me to believe that Thai people simply don't walk anywhere. When was the last time you ever saw a Thai with a pram or a pushchair in Chiang Mai? They'd be carrying it more often than they'd be pushing it. And as for disabled Thai's in wheelchairs...? Oh wait, they don't exist. Phew.

I have a favorite restaurant about 25-30 minutes walking distance from where I live which I took a Thai friend to the other day. I always walk there and back and think nothing of it but my Thai friend was having none of it. I lied and said it was only 10 minutes walk (assuming we'd get into a good conversation and he'd not even notice how long we'd be walking) but he walked at such an exasperated speed, always several steps behind me that I had no choice in the end but to flag down a tuk tuk. Just last night I was with another Thai friend and we left Airport Plaza quite late after the cinema and I suggested we take a slow stroll home. He asked how long it would take and I said about 30 minutes but I might as well have said 30 years.

I don't like generalisations about people. You can say Thai's are lazy, or you can say Thai's are fit. Neither would be true. As with all generalisations, some are one, some are the other, most fit somewhere inbetween. In my experience, a lot of Thai people I've met don't like walking, but as I pointed out, is that because they're lazy, or is it because the public spaces are not designed for walking? And even if someone doesn't like walking, does that make them unfit? Both the people I mentioned in my post are slim and appear to be extremely healthy...

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Yes definately. Thais are unfit to drive, look after young kids in a responsible manner, to make any laws that benefit the whole country or to put people in power who care about anybody. Sorry about that i am just being a bit cynical tonight

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So what is it? Is it just the people I know? Or do Thais hate doing exercise?

It's called laziness. You obviously don't know me. But I'm a very unfit Farang, although I wouldn't mind a 15 minute walk. smile.png

IMO. The thing with gyms,fitness centers,weight lifting institutions etc. is, they are only available because men (mostly men) have been brainwashed to believe that this is the hip thing to do. Same as the "Twiggy Look" for women before. Any normal activity should be sufficient for a normal healthy person.

Some would call it staying healthy and in reasonable shape. Yes, some do it for vanity, but I would wager that overall people workout and strive to stay in shape is because they feel better. Something that is difficult to do when you live a sedentary lifestyle.

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Maybe most are unfit these days, but at least they're not also fifty pounds overwieght like most westerners

Have you looked round recently? I see fat Thais everywhere and even some of the thin ones have bellies on them.

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Maybe most are unfit these days, but at least they're not also fifty pounds overwieght like most westerners

Have you looked round recently? I see fat Thais everywhere and even some of the thin ones have bellies on them.

IMO the change in diet is showing in the children, far too many fat/obese children today compared to 15 yrs ago

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Yes definately. Thais are unfit to drive, look after young kids in a responsible manner, to make any laws that benefit the whole country or to put people in power who care about anybody. Sorry about that i am just being a bit cynical tonight

Don't agree with all of it, but certainly raised a smile, thanks! Much better than your stuff on the Liverpool page anywaywai.gifwai.gif

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Maybe most are unfit these days, but at least they're not also fifty pounds overwieght like most westerners

Have you looked round recently? I see fat Thais everywhere and even some of the thin ones have bellies on them.

Yeah, there are more chubby and fat ones around now, but it's still not remotely close to the obesity you see in the US or UK. Just walk in to a single US Walmart one afternoon and you'll see more hugely obese than you'd see in months in Bangkok.

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Maybe most are unfit these days, but at least they're not also fifty pounds overwieght like most westerners

Have you looked round recently? I see fat Thais everywhere and even some of the thin ones have bellies on them.

Yeah, there are more chubby and fat ones around now, but it's still not remotely close to the obesity you see in the US or UK. Just walk in to a single US Walmart one afternoon and you'll see more hugely obese than you'd see in months in Bangkok.

Seems other countries are catching up to the US and the UK:


It's not exactly good news, but the United States is no longer the world's fattest nation. It turns out that the rest of the world is gaining on us, putting on more weight at a faster pace. This is especially true in Pacific island nations and in the Middle East, where the United Arab EmiratesKuwait now represents the world's fattest industrialized nation. Bothregions seem to be struggling to adapt to modern, sedentary lifestyles over a rather short period of time.

But yes, a trip to a Walmart in the US is an....interesting...experience. huh.png

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In general foreigners are older then the Thais they associate with. So if you take that into consideration too the thais are even more unfit (in general)

Though i am sure there are enough really unfit foreigners around too. With fit i dont mean top athlete fit but just some basic walking / running / bicycling fitness.

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Maybe most are unfit these days, but at least they're not also fifty pounds overwieght like most westerners

Have you looked round recently? I see fat Thais everywhere and even some of the thin ones have bellies on them.

Yeah, there are more chubby and fat ones around now, but it's still not remotely close to the obesity you see in the US or UK. Just walk in to a single US Walmart one afternoon and you'll see more hugely obese than you'd see in months in Bangkok.

While there may not be as many obese Thais as in some Western countries, they are getting fatter. There was a report which came out in 2010 or so which revealed that over the previous 10 years, the average weight of a Thai woman had gone up by something like 5 kg. The weight of Thai men had also gone up, and I think it was by about 3 kg, but I might be remembering that one wrong.

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Maybe most are unfit these days, but at least they're not also fifty pounds overwieght like most westerners

Have you looked round recently? I see fat Thais everywhere and even some of the thin ones have bellies on them.

Yeah, there are more chubby and fat ones around now, but it's still not remotely close to the obesity you see in the US or UK. Just walk in to a single US Walmart one afternoon and you'll see more hugely obese than you'd see in months in Bangkok.

Its a coming, its a coming, its a coming down the road guitar.gif

I lay you odds that there will be an obesity epedemic here within 20 years, the diet is changing, my god, they actually think McDonalds is high society. Walk into 7/11 and see the calorie bombs everywhere, the unnatural foodstuffs which caused the obesity epedemic in the West are getting a firm grip on Thailand.

It would be interesting to hear from some old timers if they have noticed a difference in the amount of overweight Thais over the last 30 years. You cant eat crap Western food, not exercise, and expect to stay slim.

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I have noticed that many Thais have a distinct dislike for walking even the shortest of distances. Also, those that spend their time in the park for jogging and aerobics, etc, or at the local gym are the minority, not the majority.

I understand that the latest figures on the incidence of diabetes, often associated with excess weight, put Thailand near the top for Asia and the figures continue to rise. Is there a link with fitness?

I can't compare to the west as I have not been there for any length of time in more than 25 years, but the number of overweight Thais does seem to have increased. Despite those increasing numbers, the average Thai is quite slim. However, being slim cannot be equated with being fit. I have always been quite slim, but I was far from fit until I took up regular exercise a couple of years ago. If anything, my weight increased after I started exercising but I am now relatively fit.

In response to some posters on their methods of beating the monotony of exercise, I do not know how you can read or concentrate on TV after the initial warm up, unless you are not really exerting yourselves which would seem to defeat the purpose of a good aerobic workout and appears to be simply a matter of going through the motions.

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I live in Chiang Mai also and am also a keen walker, but one of the first things that struck me about the city when I arrived was that it just isn't designed for pedestrians. Unnecessarily high kerbs, potholes, poorly maintained infrastructure, ignorant parking of cars and motorcycles and in many cases, no pavement whatsoever all led me to believe that Thai people simply don't walk anywhere. When was the last time you ever saw a Thai with a pram or a pushchair in Chiang Mai? They'd be carrying it more often than they'd be pushing it. And as for disabled Thai's in wheelchairs...? Oh wait, they don't exist. Phew.

I have a favorite restaurant about 25-30 minutes walking distance from where I live which I took a Thai friend to the other day. I always walk there and back and think nothing of it but my Thai friend was having none of it. I lied and said it was only 10 minutes walk (assuming we'd get into a good conversation and he'd not even notice how long we'd be walking) but he walked at such an exasperated speed, always several steps behind me that I had no choice in the end but to flag down a tuk tuk. Just last night I was with another Thai friend and we left Airport Plaza quite late after the cinema and I suggested we take a slow stroll home. He asked how long it would take and I said about 30 minutes but I might as well have said 30 years.

I don't like generalisations about people. You can say Thai's are lazy, or you can say Thai's are fit. Neither would be true. As with all generalisations, some are one, some are the other, most fit somewhere inbetween. In my experience, a lot of Thai people I've met don't like walking, but as I pointed out, is that because they're lazy, or is it because the public spaces are not designed for walking? And even if someone doesn't like walking, does that make them unfit? Both the people I mentioned in my post are slim and appear to be extremely healthy...

I am also in Chiang Mai and I agree with you, the term going for a walk should be replaced with going for a steeplechase, because there are so many hurdles. The only place I feel I can walk for any distance without risking breaking my ankles is at the moat, but then I need to risk my life every few hundred metres dodging high velocity tuk tuks and suicidal motorcyclists when I try to cross the road.

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I have noticed that many Thais have a distinct dislike for walking even the shortest of distances. Also, those that spend their time in the park for jogging and aerobics, etc, or at the local gym are the minority, not the majority.

I understand that the latest figures on the incidence of diabetes, often associated with excess weight, put Thailand near the top for Asia and the figures continue to rise. Is there a link with fitness?

I can't compare to the west as I have not been there for any length of time in more than 25 years, but the number of overweight Thais does seem to have increased. Despite those increasing numbers, the average Thai is quite slim. However, being slim cannot be equated with being fit. I have always been quite slim, but I was far from fit until I took up regular exercise a couple of years ago. If anything, my weight increased after I started exercising but I am now relatively fit.

In response to some posters on their methods of beating the monotony of exercise, I do not know how you can read or concentrate on TV after the initial warm up, unless you are not really exerting yourselves which would seem to defeat the purpose of a good aerobic workout and appears to be simply a matter of going through the motions.

For cardio its quite possible to do. I can keep a decent pace and still keep up the reading. Just tried it yesterday. I just need something to keep the boredom away. Steady pace cardio will go on for 30-60 minutes or so. So its not high intensity. Once i start doing HITT (sprints on the spinning bike) then of course i cant use a ipad for reading. Actually reading an ipad is quite easy because i just have to tip the screen to go to the next page. Holding a book would be impossible.

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It would be interesting to hear from some old timers if they have noticed a difference in the amount of overweight Thais over the last 30 years. You cant eat crap Western food, not exercise, and expect to stay slim.

I first came to Thailand in 1982, and between now and then, yes, I do see a difference in the mean weight of Thais. Demographics stats will back this up, but Thais are not a slim as they used to be.

I see the same thing in the Philippines, but perhaps there the culprit is more evident. When I was first there, also in 1982, you could take a dugout and paddle underneath the many homes built on stilts over the water in many countryside communities. The palces were pretty picturesque. Nowadays, you can't get close to beneath the homes because of two or three feet of floating, empty snack packages from Korea, Japan, and now China.

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In response to some posters on their methods of beating the monotony of exercise, I do not know how you can read or concentrate on TV after the initial warm up, unless you are not really exerting yourselves which would seem to defeat the purpose of a good aerobic workout and appears to be simply a matter of going through the motions.

I find it quite easy. I use a recumbent bike due to a knee problem, and that fits well with sitting back while putting a Kindle on the read-out ledge. I can put the resistance quite high, then keep up a steady 75-80 RPMs for a good 30-40 minutes before I start losing concentration. I stop to check my pulse rate periodically to make sure I am putting out.

I am not sure I could do this on some of the other machines, but on a recumbent bike, it is easy.

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Maybe most are unfit these days, but at least they're not also fifty pounds overwieght like most westerners

Agree. This thread is comical. By far, the most unfit people in Thailand are westerners. It's not even close. Thais can certainly be more fit, but seeing the high percentage of farang lardasses--regardless of age--and I'm amazed that farangs would have the audacity to criticize Thais about fitness. You people crack me up.

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Maybe most are unfit these days, but at least they're not also fifty pounds overwieght like most westerners

Have you looked round recently? I see fat Thais everywhere and even some of the thin ones have bellies on them.

Yeah, there are more chubby and fat ones around now, but it's still not remotely close to the obesity you see in the US or UK. Just walk in to a single US Walmart one afternoon and you'll see more hugely obese than you'd see in months in Bangkok.

While there may not be as many obese Thais as in some Western countries, they are getting fatter. There was a report which came out in 2010 or so which revealed that over the previous 10 years, the average weight of a Thai woman had gone up by something like 5 kg. The weight of Thai men had also gone up, and I think it was by about 3 kg, but I might be remembering that one wrong.

Thais are certainly getting bigger especially the middle class kids. I'm wondering though how much of the weight gain is down to the size of a lot of Thais actually getting bigger through more food when young. I men not just fat, but skelatal size being bigger. Sorry I can't think of the right words.

Whether fat or not, chlestoral and blood sugar levels seem to be very high amongst people I know. Even stick thin girls. I have to bite my tongue as they eat a deep fried pork product dish and wash it down with coke.

Edited by arthurwait
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Maybe most are unfit these days, but at least they're not also fifty pounds overwieght like most westerners

Agree. This thread is comical. By far, the most unfit people in Thailand are westerners. It's not even close. Thais can certainly be more fit, but seeing the high percentage of farang lardasses--regardless of age--and I'm amazed that farangs would have the audacity to criticize Thais about fitness. You people crack me up.

You crack me up too not knowing the difference between fit and overweight. My dad 64 grossly overweight does around 10.000 km on his bike every year with many trips over 80 km at a brisk pace. He is quite fit but overweight, he got stamina that unbelievable. Compare him to the average 64 yo.

Also please compare people in the same age group not young Thais with old guys. I am willing to bet my overall fitness is a lot better as most Thais in my age group.

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Maybe most are unfit these days, but at least they're not also fifty pounds overwieght like most westerners

Agree. This thread is comical. By far, the most unfit people in Thailand are westerners. It's not even close. Thais can certainly be more fit, but seeing the high percentage of farang lardasses--regardless of age--and I'm amazed that farangs would have the audacity to criticize Thais about fitness. You people crack me up.

Your input is cynical and unwarranted, the question I asked was Are Thais unfit?.............Not Are Thais Unfit Compared to Westerners.....if that is a question you would like to ask feel free to start another thread.

In my OP I alluded to the fact that Thais I know are reluctant to walk the length of themselves, and my gf was so rapidly out of breath it was unbelievable. These are valid observations and it is a valid question.

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Thais? The usual wild generalisation! True of some and not of others; you could say the same about any nationality.


Of all the inept, worthless comments on TV and any other fora, this type has to be the most lame, most cringeworthy of the lot. Anyone makes an observation about Thais or Thailand, the same tripe gets shot back. If you hadn't noticed, we're in Thailand, commenting on Thais and Thailand; why is there an issue with that? I'm sure you've seen the general laziness compared with Western places; most people not wanting to walk anywhere, parking cars as close as possible to shops, kids getting out of puff too easily, and a general lack of stamina/exertion all-round. Yes, there are fit people, yes you will see Thai people exercising in parks (duh!), and some of the muay Thai boxers are incredibly tough/fit, but, GENERALLY, they ain't. The op's question is valid; though I'd lean more towards slightly indolent than unfit... GENERALLY.

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Maybe most are unfit these days, but at least they're not also fifty pounds overwieght like most westerners

Agree. This thread is comical. By far, the most unfit people in Thailand are westerners. It's not even close. Thais can certainly be more fit, but seeing the high percentage of farang lardasses--regardless of age--and I'm amazed that farangs would have the audacity to criticize Thais about fitness. You people crack me up.

Your input is cynical and unwarranted, the question I asked was Are Thais unfit?.............Not Are Thais Unfit Compared to Westerners.....if that is a question you would like to ask feel free to start another thread.

In my OP I alluded to the fact that Thais I know are reluctant to walk the length of themselves, and my gf was so rapidly out of breath it was unbelievable. These are valid observations and it is a valid question.

I used to have the same idea as many posters about the laziness etc etc until my GF at the time was found to have Thalasemia( not sure about the spelling ) sometimes known as sickle cell blood. Problems can arise from the red blood cells being mal-formed and not capable of carrying oxygen. Seems to be common out here and around the Med' so if your GF does get really and completely tired after a small amount of exercise get her blood checked before calling her lazy.

Happy New Year

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Maybe most are unfit these days, but at least they're not also fifty pounds overwieght like most westerners

Agree. This thread is comical. By far, the most unfit people in Thailand are westerners. It's not even close. Thais can certainly be more fit, but seeing the high percentage of farang lardasses--regardless of age--and I'm amazed that farangs would have the audacity to criticize Thais about fitness. You people crack me up.

Your input is cynical and unwarranted, the question I asked was Are Thais unfit?.............Not Are Thais Unfit Compared to Westerners.....if that is a question you would like to ask feel free to start another thread.

In my OP I alluded to the fact that Thais I know are reluctant to walk the length of themselves, and my gf was so rapidly out of breath it was unbelievable. These are valid observations and it is a valid question.

I used to have the same idea as many posters about the laziness etc etc until my GF at the time was found to have Thalasemia( not sure about the spelling ) sometimes known as sickle cell blood. Problems can arise from the red blood cells being mal-formed and not capable of carrying oxygen. Seems to be common out here and around the Med' so if your GF does get really and completely tired after a small amount of exercise get her blood checked before calling her lazy.

Happy New Year

You may have missed it earlier but I did refer her to a Doctor who prescribed......exercise.

Happy New Year to you too

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Are Thais unfit? My answer would have to be one should walk through any big box store in the States and ask the same question. If obesity is a measure of fitness, then Thais as a general rule are very fit. Perhaps many may not like to do a lot of walking or running, but if obesity is used as a measure Thais, as a general rule are much more fit than many. My wife (a Thai) enjoys vigorous exercise, walking, and running every day. Most of her friends are the same way. I will confess that it's sometimes a little disconcerting, however, to see some people at work during the daytime sprawled on a bench or a table sound asleep.

Edited by Gandalf8353
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In response to those who like reading while exercising, I just tried reading on a vertical stationary exercise bike and had to give up (reading that is). I just don't know how you do it. You must be really fit. I am bent over after 10 minutes making reading impossible. I cycled at an average speed of 24.4 km/hr for 30 minutes on a program that steadily increase the stiffness to the midway mark and then eases off. For those interested the rpm were between 85 and 100. And this is my normal rate as I have set myself a target of covering between 11.5 and 12.5 kms per 30 minute session. I even lose track trying to watch TV at the same time as I keep having to bend down.

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