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I had a choice of faster speeds but at 3BB I chose a 6mb speed, the lady said it was more than 6 but at times nearer 7 and she no lie, everytime I check it it's 6.3 or 6.5.smile.png

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Download Speed: 19558 kbps (2444.8 KB/sec transfer rate)

Upload Speed: 2205 kbps (275.6 KB/sec transfer rate)

Latency: 16 ms

Mon Feb 13 2012 14:51:51 GMT+0700 (SE Asia Standard Time)

against singapore thaivisa speed test


After I changed to 3GG 6 mb line , I have really nothing to complain about. I live in central Bangkok.

Only 599 baht and most of the time I get 5-6 mb/s . Upload is a bit slow up to 256 kb.


From Kabul Afghanistan

Download Speed: 516 kbps (64.5 KB/sec transfer rate)

Upload Speed: 150 kbps (18.8 KB/sec transfer rate)

Latency: 688 ms

Thursday, February 16, 2012 11:22:20 AM



And now serious:

On my True 16MB:

DL: About 13-14mbs (around 1.7-1.8MBs) from around the world with several connections

DL: Usenet: 9-11mbs with 20 connections

D: Torrent: around 13mbs on well seeded torrents.

UL: Max. 101KBs.

  • 2 weeks later...

Yay! Finally got my 11MB 3BB Line. Works a charm.

Server: Washington, 8800 miles.

Ping: 25ms

Down: 9.45MB/s (sustained)

Up: 1.02MB/s (sustained)

Note: I downgraded from a 3MB 3BB Premier package to a 9MB 3BB Standard package. But in fact this is much faster. Also, even though I'm paying for a 9MB advertised package, my actual ADSL line speed is measured at 11MB, (attainable at 23MB). Very kind of them I must say.

Server: Washington, 8800 miles.

Ping: 25ms

Down: 9.45MB/s (sustained)

Up: 1.02MB/s (sustained)

Fake results check your PING - impossible to USA. Speed result is from cached server or proxy in Thailand.


Yay! Finally got my 11MB 3BB Line. Works a charm.

Server: Washington, 8800 miles.

Ping: 25ms

Down: 9.45MB/s (sustained)

Up: 1.02MB/s (sustained)

Note: I downgraded from a 3MB 3BB Premier package to a 9MB 3BB Standard package. But in fact this is much faster. Also, even though I'm paying for a 9MB advertised package, my actual ADSL line speed is measured at 11MB, (attainable at 23MB). Very kind of them I must say.

Server: Washington, 8800 miles.

Ping: 25ms

Down: 9.45MB/s (sustained)

Up: 1.02MB/s (sustained)

Fake results check your PING - impossible to USA. Speed result is from cached server or proxy in Thailand.


Here, this is the ADSL data from my router. It shows my current rate at 11770 kb/s, attainable rate at 24396 kb/s. Plenty of bandwidth left if they came up with more expensive promotion packages.



Run it on the US McAfee and post, please. http://us.mcafee.com/root/speedometer/


Well here is the test result from McAfee server., The download speed is 1MB/s alright, however negreanu might have a point. The PING test must not be 20-25ms, its physically too far! Result of PING test from pingtest net is below (down).


PING test result, 297ms Jitter 1ms (Tampa, FL 9550 miles)


PING test result, 288ms Jitter 1ms (Brooklyn, NY 8650 miles)


PING test result, 246ms Jitter 1ms (Vienna, 5250 miles)


PING test result, 52ms Jitter 1ms (Singapore, 900 miles)



Your download speed is shown as 1Mbps ( 1 Megabit/second). Not 1MBs (1 Megabyte/ second) .

At 1MBps a 600 KB file would be downloaded in well under a second not 3.752 sec as indicated.

Ping at 250-300 ms is normal to US.


Your download speed is shown as 1Mbps ( 1 Megabit/second). Not 1MBs (1 Megabyte/ second) .

At 1MBps a 600 KB file would be downloaded in well under a second not 3.752 sec as indicated.

Ping at 250-300 ms is normal to US.

dam_n u're right! i'm a geek and supposed to know this stuff fluently! sorry, schoolboy error. :)


No problem but what is McAfees excuse their "speedometer" labelling. Uses KBPS and MBPS when should be Kbps and Mbps.!!

The don't need any excuse. If you read the page in their results they explain how they did the test and there are links to show people how to figure out the speed in bits or bytes.

I don't think there is any thing that says they, or anyone else, has to put the capital B or not. This has been discussed all over the internet.

Anyway, if a person reads the results from McAfee and if they want to use some calculations they can find their approximate speed with a file download.



Fake results check your PING - impossible to USA. Speed result is from cached server or proxy in Thailand.

No I tried again, and even tried a streaming connection. It is legit. Here are my results from Bangkok - New Orleans LA (9350 miles)



Sorry, you are getting faster-than-the-speed-of-light (a.k.a., bogus) speedtest results caused by hidden cache servers which causes a download of the test file from the nearby cache server....a faster-than-light ping time is the dead giveaway of the bogus results. The results are from a Bangkok cache server....that's why the ping time is so low...like the server is just across the soi (and maybe it is since you live in Bangkok).

I'm on a True cable/DOCSIS 20Mb/2Mb plan here in Bangkok and can get 20Mb download speeds and 15ms ping times to just about any speedtest.net server on Earth. Why? Becasue the way speedtest.net is programmed it's easily fooled by cache servers. However, on True a person can keep speedtest.net and other similar speedtest programs from being fooled by using one of their proxy server setting in their browser setup.

For example, here are my speedtest.net results (bogus) to New Orleans at 3pm today with the proxy server setting turned "OFF" which allows speedtest.net result to be skewed/provided from a local/Bangkok True hidden cache server.


And here are the results to New Orleans a minute or so later with the proxy server setting turned "ON" which prevents the bogus results. Ping time is high but that just a New Orleans routing thing. Ping time to the U.S. are mostly in the 200 to 300ms ballpark depending on location.


One more result with proxy server setting still turned ON, but this test is to San Francisco which gives a more representative ping time of a little over 200ms


Now the test run to SF again but with the proxy server setting turned OFF. Please note the results are bogus...notice the faster-than-light ping time.


In closing, take a look at this Wikepedia article on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Optical_fiber and below cut and paste from the article regarding how fast fiber optics can carry telecommunications signals.

The index of refraction is a way of measuring the speed of light in a material. Light travels fastest in a vacuum, such as outer space. The speed of light in a vacuum is about 300 thousand kilometres (186 thousand miles) per second. Index of refraction is calculated by dividing the speed of light in a vacuum by the speed of light in some other medium. The index of refraction of a vacuum is therefore 1, by definition. The typical value for the cladding of an optical fiber is 1.52.[29] The core value is typically 1.62.[29] The larger the index of refraction, the slower light travels in that medium. From this information, a good rule of thumb is that signal using optical fiber for communication will travel at around 200 million meters per second. Or to put it another way, to travel 1000 kilometers in fiber, the signal will take 5 milliseconds to propagate. Thus a phone call carried by fiber between Sydney and New York, a 12000 kilometer distance, means that there is an absolute minimum delay of 60 milliseconds (or around 1/16 of a second) between when one caller speaks to when the other hears. (Of course the fiber in this case will probably travel a longer route, and there will be additional delays due to communication equipment switching and the process of encoding and decoding the voice onto the fiber).

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right i got it. when i later tried pingtest net i got nowhere under 250-300 ms. thanks.

but still, i highly recommend (for Bangkok) the 9MB 3BB standard package, much better than the 3MB 3BB premier package had been using for 3 years. though it advertises 9MB, but actually sends out 11MB, and the line itself has a capacity of 23MB (for future packages they have in mind).

i've also used the 8MB true (neighbor's) and 5MB tot (neighbor's). their speeds vary a lot by the hour. and also not quite so responsive when you are watching live streaming video (sports casts, or web events, not youtube, etc).


just upgraded to trues Docsis 30/3 mbps and am getting the full 30 on multi-threaded, multi-section downloads. Very pleased.


just upgraded to trues Docsis 30/3 mbps and am getting the full 30 on multi-threaded, multi-section downloads. Very pleased.

Yeap, using multi-threaded/download manager downloads a person can pull max speed to many sites. Would be interested in what you get to international sites, like San Francisco, when using speedtest.net "with one of the True proxy servers" set into your browser/TCP setup. Without the proxy settup Speedtest.net and similar speedtest programs are fooled by the local cache servers into giving results which are max speed and faster-than-light ping times....like 30Mb download speed and 15ms ping times between Bangkok and SF. But with the proxy settings turned on somehow the speedtest results are no longer fooled/skewed. I expect your download speed to SF would be in the 3 to 6Mb ballpark (single-threaded results since speedtest programs use single threads in their testing) depending on the time of day and ping time around 225ms.

True proxy settings are:

proxy.trueinternet.co.th port 8080


proxy.asianet.co.th port 8080

If you get the time how about posting a couple of results using the proxy settings; I know what the results probably are without using the proxy settings...that is skewed results of 30Mb download speed and very low ping times around 10-35ms depending on where you are located in Thailand. I now only use the proxy settings when doing international speed tests or having a problem accessing a certain web site; but mid to late last year I would leave the proxy settings turned on the great majority of the time as it gave me noticeably faster browsing....but around Dec 11 use of the proxy didn't seem to provide any speed advantage and the access problems I had to a few particular U.S. govt web sites went away. But just last night I had to turn in on the proxy setting to access a particular U.S. govt web site....proxy setting on I could reach the site (could have used VPN also to reach it)...proxy setting off I couldn't reach it. So, although the proxy don't seem to provide any download speed advantage anymore in my testing, it still comes in handy for getting some real speedtest-type results and reaching a few web sites. Cheers.


against san francisco

ping 224

down: 3.88

up: 1.3

ping 223

down 3.45

up 2.71

but as i want speed primarily to connect to a dedi box in netherlands, I am more interested in what kind of ftp speeds i can wring from the connection and i am pleased with my previously posted results.

We know that all traffic out of thailand is controlled by the international gateway speeds, that wont change for the forseeable future.


Thanks. With your 30Mb input above and numerous inputs on the 20Mb and 10Mb cable plans...and even a couple I've seen on the 50Mb and 100Mb plans in other blogs it continues to confirm that regardless of the True speed plan (ie., 10, 20, 30...100Mb) a person's international speed/bandwidth is limited to the 3-6Mb ballpark to US/European/most international sites for single-thread operations like used in browsing, streaming video, etc. I will note that I can get 15-20Mb speedtest results many times to Singapore which seems to be on more of a directline...more bandwidth allowed....with more and more sites mirroring/maintaining their content on Singapore servers for Southeast Asia this is a very good thing.

Now for multi-thread/download manager/torrent operations where the multiple threads add-up a person can get max speed downloads....I too have many times gotten 20Mb(2.5MB) download speeds on my 20Mb plan when downloading files using a download manager program...it can really suck download megabytes of files fast!!!!


Just a thought, I called TOT some time ago about my slow speeds, their engineer arrived within an hour and quickly spotted my phone cable & splitter were black, sounded strange to me but once changed the speed picked up a lot! worth checking.

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