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Notorious Homophobe Wins Iowa U.S.A. Republican Presidential Primary


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One would hope that for most voters, gay or not, gay rights is of rather less importance than the US economy, foreign policy, health care, etc.

Unfortunately what one hopes for and what one gets are seldom the same thing in American politics.

Would you say that about African American voters before they won basic civil rights?

Gay Americans are second class citizens. You can't blame us for prioritizing those issues. Now in my case the party that is more pro gay rights happens to gel with most of my other views, as they do for about 90 percent of gay American voters.

Republicans have morality upside down. Santorum, Gingrich, and even Romney are barnstorming across the land condemning gay marriage, abortion, out-of-wedlock births, access to contraception, and the wall separating church and state.

Edited by Jingthing
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