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Caught My Maid Stealing From Me In Bangkok


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I get the impression jack bristol is an attention seeker and probably failed to get into the special constabulary. Nothing wrong with stopping someone stealing from you but no need to broadcast it in this unfair way. Shows poor judgment and if what is alleged is true, that shows even worse judgment in employing the thief in the first place.

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I sympathise with your predicament but In many other countries you would risk being prosecuted for accusing someone of stealing and identifying them publicly like this without a proper conviction through the proper channels. I have no reason to doubt what you say but in the absence of a proper conviction, I only have your word as to what's really going on. For all I know, she could be an ex girlfriend/mother of ex girlfriend who you've fallen out with and you could have fabricated the video to make her look like a thief as some kind of public revenge. You would have obtained the same reactions from the video if you'd have blurred or pixelated her face.

Personally I would never employ a maid. Perhaps I have very low faith in humanity, but I wouldn't trust a complete stranger to be alone surrounded by all my personal and private possessions. And I'd certainly never leave large sums of money lying around.

My understanding is that truth is not sufficient defence in defamation cases in Thailand. I would have thought that any Thai lawyer worth his salt could probably sting the OP for another ten thousand with a defamation case on behalf of the alleged maid.


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I get the impression jack bristol is an attention seeker and probably failed to get into the special constabulary. Nothing wrong with stopping someone stealing from you but no need to broadcast it in this unfair way. Shows poor judgment and if what is alleged is true, that shows even worse judgment in employing the thief in the first place.

Most long-term Westerners have had problems with their maids thieving. But once they realise, they sack the staff - why on earth plant hidden cameras??

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I actually found it funny, thai media including thaivisa, is regular basis publishing photos together with passport copies of suspected criminals and posters here hang them high without second thought.

Now when someone posts a vid of his maid stealing they are out in force to rescue the poor innocent lady...

Edited by MJo
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You got her. She admitted it. But I agree with others on the U Tube video in that you should not have posted it, especially as it does not show her actually stealing, even though she went to the drawer fist.

I do wonder how many other people she stole from. Why? Because she gave you the 20,000 back in a couple of hours. You do not expect a maid to have that amount of money to spare.

I would not employ a maid to clean for me. How much mess and dirt can one person make? Can you not wield a mop, a brush, wash your own pots or make a bed?

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I get the impression jack bristol is an attention seeker and probably failed to get into the special constabulary. Nothing wrong with stopping someone stealing from you but no need to broadcast it in this unfair way. Shows poor judgment and if what is alleged is true, that shows even worse judgment in employing the thief in the first place.

Most long-term Westerners have had problems with their maids thieving. But once they realise, they sack the staff - why on earth plant hidden cameras??

got his money back, instead of just sacking the maid who would have kept the money taken

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I actually found it funny, thai media including thaivisa, is regular basis publishing photos together with passport copies of suspected criminals and posters here hang them high without second thought.

Now when someone posts a vid of his maid stealing they are out in force to rescue the poor innocent lady...

"Suspected" is the operative word here. When Thai media, and any media around the world for that matter show suspected criminals, they always make it clear that they are "suspects" who are "alleged" to have committed the crime in question. The OP has acted as judge, jury and executioner in this case, and there are good reasons why that is illegal.

Edited by xandreu
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To put it terms that you will understand, "your video is a crock of shit". no where does it show that she took,the money, She didn't put it in her shirt, or anywhere else. Maybe the drawer was open an she was just curious. If your post is not just a bunch of BS that you staged and you actually think that tjis is evidence of her stealing money from you, you should be be prepared for a rebuttal in the form of a lawsuit. A sting operation requires unrefutable evidence, in this case you got stung. If you had thought that she was stealing from you, just let her go, why all the drama and BS?

Edited by wayned
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For a local who cleans other people's houses that is a lot of money, like 2 months salary.

Myself, in such a position, probably would have done the same thing, then you'd never see me again, your word against mine, etc. Damned farang!

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I am quite disgusted Thai Visa allows this video. Does it mean anyone can post a picture of someone here and say in effect "this is a thief who stole from me"

Because that is what is being allowed here. As another poster mentions the poor woman ain't been convicted of anything and is being publicly ridiculed and humiliated without any chance of a fair trial or rebuttal.

we only have the anonymous rant of the poster giving his accusations as the video in itself is inconclusive.

Some years ago a similar vigilanty activity was done by a major Us TV company called 'To catch a Predator' and at least in that instance the police were part of the sting; but the series was discontinued for legal reasons.

Perhaps some enterprising business should secretly film some westerners in bars aiding and abetting prostitution and we can all see the films of it on this forum and have a laugh about it .

What do you say moderators????

chill buddy

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"could not stand a maid in my home, my place of privacy.

I would end up cleaning up so the maid did not think I was dirty and that would defeat the whole purpose of having one.

' not is she is a live in maid...clap2.gif careful what she polishes also...

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Yeah posting a youtube of this was unwise. She might even have grounds to sue you for slander because it doesn't show her clearly stealing anything. You're lucky she admitted guilt and coughed up the cash.


The OP has openly and publicly named and shamed this lady of committing a criminal act without first having her been found guilty in a court of law.

This is illegal pal, and this lady certainly has grounds to sue you for defamation of character and slander.

If I were you, I would delete your UTube video and perhaps save yourself a load of hassle in the future.

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You just broke the law. It's illegal to record something like that without informing the person first, unless you are an official ie police

She can actually take you to court too now smile.png

Apparently not. It seems that these days you can record people doing anything and broadcast it without their permission. If simply broadcasting video of someone without their permission was illegal, then a very high proportion of YouTube videos would be illegal. Personally, I'm surprised that people don't make more of a fuss about it. A lot more of a fuss.. but that's for another thread.

But as for this particular video, it's accompanied by someone making very profound accusations, which is a whole different ball game...

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Some of you may be pleased to hear that her lawyer has contacted me and she has started proceedings to sue me for defamation of character. Her team of lawyers is headed by a chap called Robert Amsterdam.

After she'd taken the money I looked on here for similar stories and advice on how do deal with this situation. There wasn't much on here, just a couple of threads, so I thought this might serve as a bit of a 'how-to' guide. I placed 20,000, more than I usually have in there, because I wanted to make sure that this time she took the money so I'd catch her.

Anyway, I'm not here for discussion on the matter. Take it as you will. I'm just happy that I could recover the cash.

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The video is not in anyway illegal

Depends which country - if took it in Thailand, and you don't have a signed document at commencement of work that you have the right to surveil her - it sure is illegal.

Check the constitution where it is enshrined. I know cause worked w layers in this

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